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1、Unit 5 Music,词句基础过关,课文经典回顾,重点词汇讲练,写作句型仿写,1. _ a judgment形成一种看法 2. _ 50,000 pounds a year一年赚5万英镑 3. _ an opera/his duties表演歌剧/履行他的职责 4. _ label to the present在礼物上贴上标签 5. _ down the hill滚下山,roll,form,earn,perform,attach,6. _ not to know the facts假装不知实情 7. _ his finger in the water把手指浸在水里 8. _ music/ar

2、t/song民间音乐/艺术/歌曲 9. play to _ in the street给街上行人表演 10. work in the _在酒吧工作,pub,pretend,dip,folk,passers-by,1. beard n. 爵士音乐 2. studio n. 胡须 3. jazz n. 工作室;演播室 4. instrument adv. 然后;后来 5. broadcast n. 工具;器械;乐器 6. afterwards adj. 额外的;外加的 7. extra n. 广播; 播放 v. 广播; 播放,8. sensitive vt. 再统一;再联合;重聚 9. excit

3、ement adj. 敏感的;灵敏的 10. reunite n. 兴奋;刺激 11. overnight n. 摇滚乐 12. rock n roll adj. 古典的;古典文艺的 13. classical adv. 在晚上;在夜里;一夜之间,1. He makes a living as an _ (act). 在冠词后用名词,由句意可知填表示“男演员”,用actor。2. As we all know, Beethoven was a great _ (music). 在“冠词+形容词”后用名词,由句意可知填表示“音乐家”,用musician。,actor,musician,3. Th

4、e Internet has created thousands of _ (million). 在介词后用名词,由句意可知填表示“百万富翁,富豪”的millionaire,由thousands of可知应用复数形式。4. Her _ (perform) in the play was very good. 在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示“表演”。,performance,millionaires,5. We were all entertained by his _ (humor) stories. 在名词前作定语用形容词,表示“幽默的”。句意:他的幽默故事使我们大家都很开心。6. We

5、should try to make our school more _ (attract). 作宾语补足语用形容词,表示“吸引人的,有吸引力的”。,humorous,attractive,7. Im _(confidence) of his skills as a manager. 作表语用形容词,表示“自信的,确信的”,be confident of意为“确信”。I am happy to accept your _(invite). 在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示“邀请”。9. It was _(pain) to admit that I was wrong. 作表语用形容词,表示“痛

6、苦的,疼痛的”。,invitation,confident,painful,10. She responded _(brief) to the questions. 修饰谓语动词用副词,表示“简要地”。11. His _ (devote) to his wife and family is touching. 在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示“热爱,忠诚”。句意:他对妻子和家人的忠诚令人感动。,devotion,briefly,1. _ 另外;也 2. _ 最重要;首先 3. _, I love him. 实话说,我爱他。 4. _ public transport依赖公共交通 5. _ th

7、ese papers分类/整理这些文件 6. _ becoming a scientist梦想成为科学家,dream of,in addition,above all,To be honest,rely on,sort out,7. Dont _ others. 别戏弄他人。 8. Their marriage _. 他们的婚姻破裂了。 9. pay by cheque or _ 用支票或现金付款 10. twenty people _大约20个人 11. be highly sensitive _ light对光十分敏感,to,play jokes on,broke up,in cash,o

8、r so,12. be familiar _ the software对这个软件很熟悉 13. be familiar _ the local people为当地人所熟悉 14. earn ones living _ a journalist做记者谋生 15. earn ones living _ writing靠写作谋生 16. attach great importance _ success认为成功很重要,to,with,to,as,by,1. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for _ they are paid i

9、n cash.后来,他们可能在酒吧或者俱乐部里演出,为此他们可以赚得现金。2. They may start as a group of high-school students, for _ practising music in someones house is the first step to fame.开始的时候他们往往是中学生组合,对于他们来说,在某个同学家练习音乐是走向成功的第一步。,whom,which,3. Anyhow their performances were humorous enough _(copy) by other groups. 他们的表演那么幽默,足以

10、被其他乐队所仿照。4. Not long _Freddy and the band became famous, they visited Britain on a brief tour. 佛 尼迪和他的乐队成名后不久,就去英国做短暂 的巡回演出。,after,to be copied,5.At last _ (feel) very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too _ (pain) for them. 最终由于深感苦恼,

11、神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和他的乐队意识到必须在自己还没感到太痛苦之前就离开这个国家。,painful,feeling,Have you ever wanted to be part of a band as a famous singer or musician? Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people 1 _ a concert? To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to 2 _ (become) rich and famous. Bu

12、t just how do people form a band?Many musicians meet and form a band 3 _ they like to write and play their own music. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom 4 _(practice) their music in someones house is the first step to fame.,practising,at,becoming,because,Sometimes they may p

13、lay to 5 _ (passer-by) in the street or subway so that they 6 _ earn some extra money for 7_ (they) or to pay for their instruments. Later they may give 8 _(perform) in pubs or clubs, for which they 9 _(pay) in cash. Of course they hope to make records in a studio and sell millions of copies to beco

14、me 10 _ (million)!,millionaires,passers-by,can,themselves,performances,are paid,Then things did wrong. Freddy and his band could not go out everywhere without being followed. Even when they wore sunglass or beards people recognized them. Fans found out them even when they went into the toilet. They

15、tried to hide in the reading rooms of libraries, where it was useless. Someone was always here!,Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as they were close friends. At last felt very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave

16、the country until it became too painful for them. So they left Britain, in which they were never to return, and went back to the lake.,1. did wrong went wrong 因go wrong意为 “弄错”,do wrong则意为“作恶,做错事”。 2. everywhere anywhere 在否定句中用anywhere指不能去任何地方。 3. sunglass sunglasses 太阳镜要用复数形式。 4. 删除found out 中的out 作

17、“找到,发现”解不用out。 5. where but 不是引导定语从句,是表示转折。,6. always here always there 表示“在那里”。 7. 在talked as后加if / though。 8. felt feeling 现在分词作伴随状语。 9. until before 表示“在之前”,until前的主句谓语动词常为延续性动词或非延续性动词的否定式。因此,此处不用until。 10. in which to which 定语从句,相当于and they were never to return to Britain。,pretend to do sth 假装做某

18、事 pretend to be doing 假装正在干 pretend to have done 假装干了 pretend that 假装,1. pretend vt. 假装;假扮;扮演,He pretended not _(see) me when he passed by me and I didnt know why.(2) The boy pretended _(do) hishomework when his father came in.(3) Tom pretended _(finish) his homework and went out playing.,to have fi

19、nished,to see,to be doing,To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. 说实在的,很多人把名利看得很重。,2. attach vt. & vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接,attach A to B 将A系在缚在附在B上attach to sb sth 与某人相关联;归于某人attach great importance to (doing) sth 认为(做)某事很重要;重视, It is necessary to attach the label _

20、 your luggage. 如今,大部分家长都认为教育很重要。 Nowadays,most parents _ _.,attach great,to,importance to education,form the habit of 养成习惯 in the form of 以的方式/形状 take the form of 采取形式 fill inout this form 填这张表格 in form 在形式上,3. form v. (使)组成,形成;构成 n.形状,表格, A plan began to _(在他脑 子里形成). The training _ (以讲座的形式).,took/t

21、akes the form of lectures,form in his mind, What we wear helps _ (形成第一印象). He _ (已经养成了早起的习惯).,has formed the habit of getting up early,form a first impression,earn ones living 谋生(= make a living) earn money 赚钱 earn praiserespect 赢得表扬尊敬,4. earn vt. 赚,挣得,获得, She _(靠写 作赚钱). She _ (靠唱歌为生)in a nightclub.

22、,earned her living by singing,earned money by writing, perform ones _做本职工作 perform ones _履行职责 perform ones _履行诺言 perform a _创造奇迹 perform a _执行任务 perform an _ 做手术 perform an _做实验,5. perform v. 表演(act or show);履行;实行(carry out),experiment,job,duty,promise,wonder,task,operation,put on a performance 上演 g

23、ive a performance 演出,performance n. 表演;演奏;表现 performer n. 表演者, I begin to _ (执行计划). You must _ _ (履行你的承诺).,perform your promise /what,perform the plan,you promise,与in brief 同义的还有in a word,in short,to make a long story short等。,6. brief adj. 短暂的;简洁的;简明的 n. 概要;摘要,in brief 简言之;简明扼要地说 to be brief 简单地说;一句

24、话, 简言之,无论发生什么事我们都会成功。 _,no matter what happens,we will succeed. 简单地说,我们不会雇用不诚实的人到 公司来。 _ ,we will not employ someone who is dishonest to our company.,To be brief,In brief,(1) Sometimes we can rely on others _(get) success.(2) The weather here is so changeable that you shouldnt rely _ it to make your

25、 decision.,7. rely onupon sb/ sth (to do sth) 指望或依赖某人某事物(做某事),on,to get, When learning a foreign language, we should get familiar _the culture of the country. I major in English,so the British and American culture is familiar _ me.,8. sb get/be familiar with 某人对熟悉sth be familiar to sb 某事物为某人所熟悉,down

26、,up, We decided to break _ the partnership with that company because of their dishonesty. My car broke _when I was on my way to my company this morning.,9. break up 打碎;分裂;解体break down 出故障;分解;累垮;(汽车)抛锚,to,with, I keep a diary every day so that I can learn by writing. _,I often refer to others article

27、s from which I can learn something I need. _(除了努 力工作外),she had a secret for success.,10. in addition(=besides) 此外,另外in addition to 除了之外,还,In addition to working hard,In addition,他强壮,勇敢,最重要的是他诚实。,11. above all 最重要的是,after all 毕竟 in all 合计,He is strong, brave, and above all, honest.,_ (说实话,我不会买那所房子的),

28、for its too far away from the downtown.,12. to be honest(=to tell you the truth) 老实说;说实话to be exact 准确地说,To be honest, I would not buy that house, 这就是他拒绝我们的邀请的理由吗? Is this the reason _ _? 你是否还记得你加入我们俱乐部的日子? Do you still remember the day _ _?,1. 定语从句:先行词+介词+which,for which he refused our,on which you

29、,invitation,joined our club, 真正的朋友就是我们可以完全信赖的人。 A real friend is a person _ _ . 他是一个热心肠的人,从他身上我们学到了很多东西。 He is a kind-hearted person,_ _ .,2. 定语从句:先行词+介词+whom,on whom we can,completely rely,from whom we,have learned a lot, 他已经足够大了,可以自己做决定了。 He _decisions by himself. 这个报告厅足够大能容纳超过2000名学生。 This lectur

30、e hall _ more than 2,000 students.,3. adj./ adv. +enough +to do 足够做某事,is big enough to admit,is old enough to make,他一到火车站,火车就离开了。,4. as soon as 一就the moment/minuteno soonerthanhardlyscarcelywhenimmediately/directly,As soon as he arrived at the train station, the train had left.=The moment/minute he arrived=No sooner had he arrived at the train station than the train left.,Thank you !,


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