外研版高中英语必修一Module1 Section Ⅳ同步练习(含答案)

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1、Section Cultural Corner姓名:_ 测试时间:45 分钟 本卷总分:50 分 自评或老师评分:_基础训练.用方框内所给词的适当形式填空encourage, enjoy, disappear, explain, pronounce, shut, misunderstand, fluency1. There is a story about the mysterious _ of a Chinese treasure so many people are searching for it. 2His success was a great _ to all of us. 3Sh

2、e was _ in English, French and German.4I wonder if you mind me _ the window.5There is some _ between them so they need to communicate with each other more. 6I suppose there are physical _ for these strange happenings to make people understand them. 7Please pay much attention to your English _ if you

3、 want to express yourself well. 8I like living in Kunming because the climate in Kunming is very _ all the year round. 答案:1. disappearance 2. encouragement 3.fluent 4.shutting 5.misunderstanding 6.explanations7pronunciation 8. enjoyable .翻译句子1夏天在海里游泳是多么令人开心的事啊!(fun)_2它看起来一点也不像马。(nothing like)_3这场雨对比

4、赛没有太大影响。(make much difference)_4换句话说,我们输了比赛。(in other words)_答案:1What fun it is to swim in the sea in summer!2It looks nothing like a horse.3The rain didnt make much difference to the match.4In other words,we lost the game.单句改错1I was just about to come into the room while someone called me._2. Stude

5、nts need a high school diploma if they want to go to the college._3. I am going to take a trip to Europe in the end of this month._答案:1whilewhen 2.the 去掉3inat语篇提能.完形填空Deep in the heart of every good book lies the wisdom of centuries. To read it is to become wiser.Books are written for the benefit an

6、d _1_of all those who like to read them. But they are of _2_ types. There are books for children, _3_ for adults. Some are for students, some are for specialists, and many are just for the satisfaction of the _4_.Indeed, the variety of books is _5_.One of the reasons for the _6_ of such a wide varie

7、ty of books is that the field of knowledge is very broad. Even to _7_ a small part of it, one has to read several books. Another reason is that different people have different likes. To _8_ these broad and varying needs of people for information and knowledge, more and more books are being written e

8、very year. Those who specialize (专攻) in a certain branch of knowledge _9_ more on the books that provide information on their particular field of study. But those who have no _10_ interest in any subject read and buy all types of books.Almost every book _11_ the knowledge of the reader and develops

9、his intellect as well._12_ the reader does not learn any new facts from the book, he may _13_ learn a few new words, expressions or ideas. Books have also helped to _14_ better understanding among the people of the world. _15_ reading books, people of one country come to know about the huge _16_ oth

10、er countries have made.Thus, books could be _17_ one of the channels of communication among men. Indeed, without books man would not have made so much _18_ as he has made today. By putting the knowledge that he has _19_ from books into practice, he has made the world a _20_ place to live in.1. A. he

11、alth B. pleasureC. praise D. feeling2. A. common B. rareC. different D. few3. A. other than B. up to nowC. instead of D. as well as4. A. mind B. healthC. job D. body5. A. poor B. wideC. weak D. obvious6. A. existence B. lossC. performance D. action7. A. receive B. completeC. understand D. find8. A.

12、feel B. getC. win D. meet9. A. test B. focusC. report D. turn10. A particular B. ordinaryC. future D. suitable11. A. shares B. increasesC. keeps D. locks12. A. As if B. BecauseC. Even if D. Unless13. A. in all B. at onceC. in general D. at least14. A. encourage B. changeC. connect D. become15. A. Wi

13、th B. OnC. By D. For16. A. machines B. achievementsC. gifts D. secrets17. A. related to B. connected withC. taken in D. regarded as18. A. progress B. moneyC. noise D. benefit19. A. controlled B. separatedC. gained D. ignored20. A. pleasant B. quietC. busy D. terrible答案:书是我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,它种类繁多,作用巨大。书能帮

14、人们获取各种知识,是人们沟通的桥梁。人类通过将书中的知识付诸实践,使生活越来越好。1解析:该空要填一个与 benefit 对应的词,比较四个选项, pleasure 符合题意。此处指人们是为了那些喜欢读书的人的利益和“乐趣”而写书的。答案:B2解析:文中说有为孩子们写的书,也有为成年人写的书等,因此书的种类是“不同的” 。答案:C3解析:本句和下一句都是在说书的种类很多,此处意为既有为儿童写的书, “也”有为成年人写的书。答案:D4解析:空前的 satisfaction 一词告诉我们:有的书只是 为了给人带来“思想”上的满足。答案:A5解析:由第 6 空后的 such a wide varie

15、ty of books 可知,书的种类是非常多的,故wide 符合文意。答案:B6解析:此句承上启下,说明存在多种书的原因。答案:A7解析:由句中的 one has to read several books 可推知,这里表示即使想“理解”一小部分知识,也需要读多本书。答案:C8解析:由句中的 more and more books are being written 可知,写越来越多的书的目的是“满足”人们的各种不同的需要。答案:D9解析:由句中的 specialize(专攻)in 可推知,这一类人把注意力更多地“集中在”与他们的研究领域相关的书上。答案:B10解析:由本句中的 all ty

16、pes of books 可知,这类人没有“特别的”兴趣,所以阅读范围很广。答案:A11解析:由句中的 develops his intellect as well 可知,所选词要和 develop 并列,因此选择 increase,表示书可以“增加”读者的知识。答案:B12解析:由句中 does not learn 和 learn a few 可推知,本句逗号前后两部分是让步关系。even if 意为“即使” ,符合句意。答案:C13解析:与 new facts 相比, words,expressions or ideas 显得不那么重要,故用 at least(至少 )。答案:D14解析:

17、由句中 better understanding 可知,此处讲述书的好处:读书可以“促进”全世界人们之间的了解。答案:A15解析:读书是人们了解世界,了解别的国家的人民的途径,因此此处用 by,表示通过某种途径。答案:C16解析:huge 和 other countries have made 都是修饰该空的。比较四个选项可推知,这里指别国取得的显著“成就” 。答案:B17解析:此处表达人们对读书的看法:书可以被“看作”是人与人沟通的一个渠道。答案:D18解析:由全文可知,书籍是人类进步的阶梯,没有书,人类不可能取得“进步” 。答案:A19解析:人类把从书本中“获得”的知识付诸实践。答案:C2

18、0解析:这里讲的是读书给人带来的益处:人类通过把从书本中获得的知识付诸实践,将世界变成了一个“宜人的”居住地。答案:A.语法填空In the United States, middle school is the period between elementary(初级) school and the eighth grade. Often this is a difficult period of change for children. _1_ all goes well, four years later, they are high school graduates.Graduatio

19、n is a term _2_ (traditional) connected with high school or college. Yet there are even kindergartens and preschools that hold “graduations”. These might be mostly for fun. But some people are concerned _3_ the popularity of eighthgrade graduations. Some families may have trouble _4_ (pay) for costl

20、y celebrations organized by parents or schools. And _5_ may feel social pressures to take part. The same criticism has been made for years about high school graduations and senior proms(班级舞会) But critics say that, more _6_ (importance), eighthgrade graduations may send the wrong messagethat an eight

21、hgrade education is enough. They especially care about poor communities _7_ many people never finish high school. _8_ growing number of middle school administrators seem to agree. They _9_ (make) changes. For example, instead of graduation, some schools now call it a promotion ceremony. Some are urg

22、ing to hold “moving up” ceremonies _10_ the end of the eighth grade. Families would celebrate for students who are moving up to the next level of their education.1_ 2._ 3._4_ 5._ 6._7_ 8._ 9._10_答案:1解析:所填词引导条件状语从句,表示“如果” ,故用 if。答案:If2解析:所填词修饰动词 connect,故用其副词形式。答案:traditionally3解析:be concerned about

23、sth.“关注某事” ,为固定搭配。答案:about4解析:have trouble in doing sth.“做某事遇到了麻烦” ,故用 pay 的动名词形式。答案:paying5解析:所填词在句中作主语,指代上文的 some families,故用 they。答案:they6解析:修饰句子,作状语用副词形式。答案:importantly7解析:此处引导定语从句,在从句中作地点状语,故用 where。答案:where8解析:growing 作定语修饰 number, a number of“很多,许多” ,为固定搭配。答案:A9解析:由下文的举例可知,make changes 是正在进行的

24、,故填 are making。答案:are making10解析:at the end of“在结束的时候” ,为固定搭配。答案:at.短文改错I was frightened at my first day of classes at an American university. It was my first time to sit with so many Americans in a classroom. Unlike many other classmate, I sat quietly by myself. My teacher spoke fast and I had a ha

25、rd time understand him. English, without a doubt, is the hardest thing I experienced so far. Though Im a Chinese student, communicating fluently with Americans can be really difficulty. Therefore, I have to struggle to understand that is being said in class. Reading and writing is equally as importa

26、nt as listening and speaking. When my classes started to get busy, the readings got longer. The papers also got harder, and thats when real disaster struck.答案:I was frightened my first day of classes at an American university. It was my first time to atonsit with so many Americans in a classroom. Un

27、like many other , I sat quietly by classmateclassmatesmyself. My teacher spoke fast and I had a hard time him. English, without a understandunderstandingdoubt, is the hardest thing I experienced so far. Im a Chinese student, have Though As/Because/Sincecommunicating fluently with Americans can be re

28、ally . Therefore, I have to struggle difficultydifficultto understand is being said in class. Reading and writing equally as important as listening thatwhat is areand speaking. When my classes started to get , the readings got longer. The papers also busybusiergot harder, and thats when real disaster struck.


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