人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit6 Section A(第1课时)课件

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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,New words,Section A,a banana,bananas,a hamburger,hamburgers,a tomato,tomatoes,French fries,an orange,oranges,a strawberry,strawberries,a pear,pears,ice cream,broccoli,salad,1.hamburgers_ 2.tomatoes _ 3.oranges _ 4.ice-cream _ 5.salad _ 6.bananas _ 7.strawberries _ 8.pears

2、 _ 9.milk _ 10.bread _,d,i,b,c,f,j,h,a,e,g,1a,Match the words with the things in the picture.,1b,Listen and number the conversations 1-3.,A: Do you like salad? B: No, I dont.,A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do.,A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do.,2,1,3,1c,Practice the conversations above with yo

3、ur partner. Then make your own conversations.,Practice 1 A:Do you like pears? B:No, I dont.,Practice 2 A:Do you like tomatoes? B:Yes, I do.,2a,Listen and circle the food you hear.,2b,Listen again. Fill in the blanks.,Answers: 3.tomatoes 4.tomatoes 5.ice cream 6.ice cream,2c,Practice the conversation

4、 above. Give answers that are true for you,A:I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? B:Yes, I do.,2d,Role-play conversation.,Jack:Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets think about the food. Tom:Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? Bill: Sounds good.John likes hamhurge

5、rs.,Jack:Oh,I dont like salad. Bill: But John likes salad, and its his birthday. Jack:Yes.youre right. What about the fruit? Tom:I think John likes strawberries and apples. Bill: OK. Lets have strawberries and apples then.,Countable nouns hamburgers, tomatoes, oranges, vegetables, bananas, strawberries, eggs, apples, carrots, pears Uncountable nouns milk, bread, rice Countable & uncountable nouns food, fruit, ice cream, salad, chicken,Translate and write them down.,1.- 你喜欢沙拉吗?- 我不喜欢。2.我喜欢花椰菜,但我不喜欢炸薯条。,Do you like salad?No, I dont.,I like broccoli, but I dont like French fries.,Thank you!,


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