人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit3 Section B(第2课时)课件

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1、,Is this your pencil?,Unit 3,Section B,at in library ask ask for find lost,在 (某处;某时间;某时刻) 在里面 图书馆 询问;问 请求;要求 ;寻找 (found/found)找到;发现 遗失;丢失,Words and expressions,someclassroome-mail call must set a set of,def.一些;某些; pron. 有些;有的 教室 电子邮件(= email) 给()打电话 必须 一套;一副;一组 一套;一副;一组,2a.Write the things you lose

2、easily,2b.Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things,Lin Hai, A computer game is in the school library. Is it yours? Ask the teacher for it.,Found: Some keys are in Classroom 7E. Are they yours? E-mail me at ,Is this your watch? My phone number is 495-3539. call me.John,Read the notice

3、s again and write down the items. Then check () Lost and Found.,Item _ _ _ _,Lost,Found,2c,computer game,some keys,watch,school ID card,3a.Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.,_: My notebook My _ is David. Please _ me at 679-8871.,name yours found 284-5486 lost call,Lost,c

4、all,name,_: a set of keys Are these _? Call Jenny at _.,Found,284-5486,yours,解析: 1.call + sb + at +telephone number: 用这个号码打电话给某人。,Lost 寻物启事,当你丢失东西的时候, 你需要写Lost,共四部分: 1.标题 2.丢失的东西 3.失者的姓名 4.联系电话,根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启事和寻物启事。,Found:,Is this,Please,Bob.,Phone,捡到一个笔记本,丢失者可拨打电话425-6801找Bob。,?,今丢失双肩背包一个,有拾到者可打电话

5、 695-3059 与 David 联系。,Lost My My Please,is David.,695-3059.,Found 失物招领,如果你拾到别人的东西,你该怎样归还给失主呢? 你需要写Found, 分五部分: 1.标题 2.拾到的东西 3.询问某物是不是失者的 4.联系人 5.联系电话,Found: A backpack.My name is Jack.Phone number 63017047.,FOUND,Lost:My notebook.Please call Cindyat 63752148.,LOST,Write your own lost or found notice

6、 with your name and phone number.,Name: JayNationality: AmericanTelephone number: 684-6553,3b,Helen,Is that your new watch in the lost and found case?Kim,Kim,Yes, it is. Helen,Is this/Is that?,Yes, it is./No, it isnt.,how adv.(表示方法、手段、状态)怎样;如何。例如:How did you make it?你怎么办到的?How do you like our school

7、?你觉得我们学校怎么样? 2.call v. 打电话 n. 电话call sb. 给某人打电话give sb. a call 给某人打电话,Explanation,3.at prep. 在(里面或附近); 在(时间)at school 在学校, 上课, 在求学at home 在家 e.g.Shall we meet at 3 oclock?咱们3点钟见好吗? 4.school n. 学校 go to school 上学,这是你的铅笔吗? 是的,它是。2.那是他的尺子吗?不,不是。那是我的尺子。3.这个东西用英语怎么说? 这是字典。,Translate and write them down.,

8、Is this your pencil? Yes, it is.,Is that his ruler? No, it isnt. Its mine.,Whats this in English? Its a dictionary.,4.你怎么拼写棒球?5.这是我的字典。6.那是Bob 的手表。,How do you spell baseball?,This is my dictionary.,That is Bobs watch.,1. - _.Whats this in English?- Its car.A.Sorry B.Hello C.Excuse me D.Hi,Choose the

9、 best answer.,解析:当你想和别人说话, 或想向别人 提问题时, 最好先用Excuse me (劳驾 打扰一下)。Sorry 是做错了事情向别 人道歉时的用语。答案为C。,2._are good friends.A.I and Amy B.Amy and I C.Amy D.I,解析:当 “我”与别人并列时,通常 是将别人放在前,自己放在后,表示对 别人的尊重。答案为B。,3.- Can you spell it, please?- _,R-U-L-E-R, ruler.A.Yes B.No C.No, I cant,解析:Can you spell it, please? 是一般疑问句,通常要先回答Yes 或No。与How do you spell it, please? 直接拼读 不同。答案为A.,Byebye!,


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