冀教版英语七年级上Lesson 34课件

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1、Lesson 34 On the Farm,New words,Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm. His friend Jack with him. Jack:Wow,Li Ming! This farm is beautiful! And its so far from the city. Li Ming: I love the farm! The countryside is so nice and quiet. Jack:What do you like to do here? Li Ming: I like to feed the animals

2、 and pick vegetables and fruits. Come on. Lets feed the animals!,Jack: Im afraid. Are the animals friendly? Li Ming:Dont worry! The animals are very nice. Come on! We can feed the cows. Jack:OK.,(Li Ming and Jack are feeding the cows.) Li Ming:You are doing a good job, Jack! The cows like you. Jack:

3、Thanks! They are eating very quickly. Li Ming:This is my favourite cow. Her name is Niuniu. Jack:Hello,Niuniu. Are you hungry? Niuniu:Moo Jack:She is answering me. This is fun!,1.Listen to the passage and match the people with the actions.,2.What animals does Li Ming see on his uncles farm? Complete

4、 the words.,i,e,o,e,e,u,k,w,p,3.Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.,Li Ming is visiting his uncles farm with Jack. This farm is beautiful and its so _ from the city. Li Ming _the farm. The_is so nice and quiet. He likes to_the animals and _vegetables and fruit.The animals are very_. His favourit

5、e cow is Niuniu.,far,love,countryside,feed,pick,nice,1.favourite adj. 最喜欢的 Maths is my favourite subject. 数学是我最喜欢的科目。,Love like enjoy 和 favourite 的区别 1.like 表示对事物的一般爱好与喜欢。Do you like this pineapple?你喜欢这个菠萝吗? 2.love的用法和like一样,只是它表示的喜爱成都比like强烈,多数情况下表示的是对异性的喜欢。,3.enjoy 也表示“喜欢”,他主要表示喜爱活动 的过程,寓含“享受”的意思,

6、后面必须接动名词。Jack enjoys making snowman.杰克喜欢堆雪人。 4.Favourite 表示“最喜欢” 相当于“like best”主要用于多类事物的倾向性。My favourite colour is green.我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。,favourite n. 最喜欢的人或物 My favourite is oranges. 橘子是我最爱吃的。 favourite 可以和 likebest相互转换 His favourite sport is running. =Of all the sports, he likes running best. 他最喜欢的运动是跑

7、步。,2.far from far away:远离地方 far from:离远 away from:离开地方 far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词 Far from reading his letter,she didnt openit. 别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开,2.far from far away:远离地方 far from:离远 away from:离开地方 far from除了表示距离的”远离”之外,还有”远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词,动名词或形容词 Far from reading his letter

8、,she didnt openit. 别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开,3.The countryside is so nice and quiet.countryside, 名词, 意为“郊外;乡村”。 该词是由country和side组合成的复合词。 My grandfather and mother live in the countryside. 我的爷爷奶奶生活在乡下。 【延伸】country, 名词,意为“国家”。如:China is a big country. 中国是一个大国。,4.Lets feed the animals!feed 动词,意为“喂;喂养”。如:The moth

9、er feeds meal to her child. 那位母亲给她的孩子喂饭。 常见的固定搭配有: feed on “以为食” feed sth. to sb./sth. “给某人/某物喂某物” feed sb./sth. on +食物 “用食物喂某人/某物”,Tigers feed on meat. 老虎吃肉。 You can feed the food to the baby in small pieces. 你可以用小块食品喂婴儿。 Father feeds the dog on bones. 爸爸用骨头喂小狗。,5.I like to feed animals and pick ve

10、getables and fruit. pick, 动词,意为“采摘;选择”。如: They are going to pick apples. 他们要去摘苹果。 Dont pick the flowers in the park. 不要摘花园里的花。,【拓展】pick up 意为“从地上(把某物)捡起;拾起”。注意:它属于“动词+副词”构成的短语,后接代词做宾语时必须放在二者之间。例如: He sees a book on the floor and picks it up. 他看见地上有一本书,就把它捡起来了。 pick up还可以表示“用车来接”。例如: My aunt will pic

11、k me up at six oclock. 我姑姑将要在6:00时开车接我。,6.Are the animals friendly? friendly 形容词,意为“友好的;友爱的”。friendly是名词friend(朋友)的形容词形式,其反义词是unfriendly. The cat is friendly. 这只小猫很友好。 常见的固定搭配是:be friendly to sb.意为“对某人友好”。例如: Miss Liu is friendly to us. 刘老师对我们很友好。,7.Come on! We can feed the cows. come on 意为“来吧”。在不同的

12、场合,有不同的意义。例如,运动场上,come on意为“加油;努力”。还可意为“快点”。 Come on! or well be late. 快点!否则的话我要迟到了。 Come on! Lets do our homework. 来吧!让我们一起做作业。,1.Mr. King has a lot of _(绵羊) on his farm. 2.Lets _(摘)some flowers for her. 3.Are they _ (友好的)to you, Li Hong? 4.Dont _(投喂)animals in the zoo! 5.His farm is in the_ (郊外).,sheep,pick,friendly,根据括号中所给汉语用适当的词语填空。,feed,countryside,


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