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1、Unit 3 易混淆词语练习I. 选词填空。A. happen, take place, break out1. The opening of the play will _ tomorrow night.2. A fire _ in the hospital in the mid-night.3. A bad accident _ to that family.B. put out, put up, put off, put away1. We can _ a tent in the forest. 2. Can you help me _ the old clothes?3. Never

2、_ till tomorrow what you can do today.4. The old house was on fire. The men tried to r _ the fire.II. 单项选择。( ) 1. _ in the future? People will have vacation on the moon.A. What happens B. What will happen C. Whats happening D. What happened( ) 2. What happened _ the boy? He hurt himself.A. to B. wit

3、h C. at D. in ( ) 3. Can you help me _ the fire on the cooker?A. put up B. set out C. put away D. put out III. 根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. 交通事故发生在上星期。The car accident _ last week.2. 去年,他们在这里盖了一栋新房子。 They _ _ a new house here. 3. 由于大雨,会议将被推迟。The meeting will be _ _ because of the heavy rain.4. 洪水过后,疾病到处爆发。After the flood, diseases _ _ here and there.Unit 3 易混淆词语练习:I. A. 1. take place 2. broke out 3. happened B. 1. put up 2. put away 3. put off 4. put outII. 13 BADIII. 1. happened 2. put up 3. put off 4. broke out


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