外研版(一起)二年级上Module 1《Unit 1 I like the ABC song》课件3

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外研版(一起)二年级上Module 1《Unit 1 I like the ABC song》课件3_第1页
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1、,Unit 1 洛表三小 龚定勇,Its the ABC Song.,Free talk.,Good morning.Good morning.,Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you, too!,How do you do?How do you do?,song,歌曲,New words,TV,电视台,colour,颜色,favourite,最喜欢的,Here you are!,给你。,Listen the tape carefully,Thank you to my school.,Thank you to my teachers.,Thank you to s

2、chool TV.,Whats your favourite song, Ms Smart? Its the ABC song.,Ill give you 3 minutes to read by yourself,Lets sing a song.,CCTV,TV,USA,CD,NBA的全名: National Basketball Association 美国职业篮球联盟,首字母缩略词,CCTV的全名:China Central Television 中国中央电视台,RMB的全名:Ren ming bi 人民币,KFC的全名:Kentucky Fried Chicken 肯德基,Practice(练习),把下列字母对应的大写或小写字母正确书写在四线格上。F G j i q,Practice(练习),将下列字母的左邻右舍找出来,正确书写在四线格上 Aa Ff h Ll o Vv,按英文字母表的顺序给姓名排序,姓名 李红(Li hong) 王伟 (Wang wei) 孙坚 (Sun jian) 张雪 (Zhang xue),姓名 李红(Li hong) 孙坚 (Sun jian) 王伟 (Wang wei) 张雪 (Zhang xue),Goodbye!,


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