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1、2024-2025学年八年级上册英语单元测试卷Unit 8 Natural disasters(基础卷)一、根据首字母提示填写单词(10分)1The policemen are working hard to make the city a s_ place2His sister has a great f_ of the dark, so she often goes to sleep with the light(s) on3He was still a_ after he experienced the terrible earthquake4The baby is a_ You can

2、t talk loudly here5My father was watching TV in the living room w_ my mother was cooking in the kitchen6They have lived here s_ their father began to work in this city7The young girl sitting next to me on the plane is very n_ She hasnt flown before8Men have been making music for t_ of years9Our team

3、 b_ other teams in the football game yesterday10Do you m_ if I open the window, Mike? No, just open it二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10分)11When I came in, he was _ (pack) his clothes12Kelly _ (play) computer games when a little cat came into her room13You _ (near) miss the bus You should get up early this morning14H

4、is mother _ (read) when he came back15You must obey the traffic rules when _ (ride)16We often greet each other by _ (shake) hands17We felt strange about his _ (silent) at the party as he used to be very outgoing18When you visit some great places, you should know some _ (rule)19Daniel _ (do) his home

5、work when his mother came home work yesterday evening20It is exciting to see a huge shining star falling through the _ (dark)三、单项选择(10分)21_ I was going home, it began to rainAUntilBAsCBecauseDLater22Linda _ plays with us after school This is just the first time that we have played with herAhardBhard

6、lyCalmostDnearly23I know _ I promised to take you on vacation, but I have to continue working until next monthAthatBifCwhatDwhy24Sorry, I was late because of the heavy trafficThats a(n) _ You will be on time if you want toAexcuseBreasonCpromiseDrule25We should not depend _ our parents all the timeAo

7、fBonCafterDat26I completed the report well _ your helpAbecause ofBasCsinceDbecause27He _ in Italy when he _ the accidentAtravelled; hadBwas travelling; hadCwas travelling; was havingDtravelled; was having28While we _ the picnic, it _ to rainAare having; startedBhave; is startingCwere having; started

8、Dwere having; was starting29_ it was raining, _ they stayed at homeABecause; soBBecause; /CSince; soDAs; so30Can I swim in the river? No, you cant Its too deep Its not _ to swim in itAcoolBdifficultCsafeDimportant四、完形填空(10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Perhaps you have learned a lot 31 the

9、Internet, but what is it, do you know? The Internet is a network It uses the telephone 32 millions of computers together around the worldMaybe that doesnt 33 interesting But when youve joined to the Internet, there are lots and lots of things you can do You can 34 e-mails to your friends, and they c

10、an get them in a few seconds You can also do with all kinds of information on the WWW 35 There are many different kinds of computers now They all can be joined to the Internet Most of them are small machines 36 on peoples desks at home, but there are still many 37 in schools, offices or large compan

11、iesThere are lots of places for you to 38 the Internet For example, your school may have the Internet You can use it during lessons Thanks to the Internet, the world is becoming 39 It is 40 for you to work at home with a computer in front, getting and sending the information you need You can buy or

12、sell whatever you want by the Internet But do you know 98% of the information on the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?31AofBaboutC/Dat32Ato joinBjoinCjoiningDjoined33AhearBlistenCsoundDlisten to34AgetBreceiveCgiveDsend35AWide World Web BWorld Wide Web CWide Word WorldDWi

13、de Window World36AsitBsatCsittingDto sit37AotherBthe otherCanotherDothers38Ago intoBgo toCgoDenter into39Alarger and larger Bsmaller and smaller Cstronger and strongerDolder and older40AimportantBuselessCimpossibleDpossible五、阅读理解(20分)AIm sure you all know how important recycling is Recycling is when

14、 you take old things and turn them into new things It sounds like magic But its actually very scientificMaterialsThe first thing you have to do is collect items that can be recycled Only certain materials can be recycled These include things made out of paper, metal, glass and plasticDaily thingsCan

15、 you think of everyday items made of these materials? Soda cans are a good example They are made out of metal Magazines and newspapers are made out of paper So are cereal boxes Some bottles of juice are made out of glass Bags and yogurt containers are made out of plastic There are many things that c

16、an be recycledLoopThese things are usually stamped with the recycling loop It has 3 arrows that go in a triangular (三角形的) circle This shows that the cycle (循环) continues Items are thrown away but continue their lives as something elseProcessLets go back to the process of recyclingThe items are put i

17、n a recycling binA truck carries the items to a recycling plantThe materials are separated and squashed into square cubesCompanies buy and turn them into new products41What is “recycling” according to the passage?AIts a magic performanceBIts a way of burning old thingsCIts a way to make old things u

18、sefulDIts scientific research42Which material is not mentioned in the passage?ARubberBMetalCGlassDPlastic43You can put your old things into a recycling bin EXCEPT _Asoda cansBmagazinesCcereal boxesDall bottles44The “3 arrows” shows that the items _Ahave some valuable stampsBare in a triangular circl

19、eCare recycled and reusedDare thrown away45The passage is mainly about _Arecyclable materialsBrecyclable daily thingsCthe recycling processDrecycling in a scientific wayBMany animals do strange things before an earthquake This news may be important Earthquakes can kill people and knock down homes Th

20、e animals may help to save livesSome animals make a lot of noise before an earthquake Farmers have told about this Dogs that are usually quiet have started to bark(吠) Horses on farms have run around in circles Mice have left their holes and run away Cows have given less milkIn a town in Italy, cats

21、raced down the street in a group That happened only a few hours before an earthquake In San Francisco, a man kept tiny pet frogs One Sunday, the frogs jumped around more than ever They made loud noises, like bigger frogs That night, an earthquake struck the cityPeople want to know when an earthquake

22、 is coming Then they could get away safely Right now, there is no sure way to know ahead of time Maybe the best idea is watching the animals46This passage is mainly about _Ahow animals act before an earthquakeBhow an earthquake startsChow mice leave their homesDhow animals live every day47Before the

23、 earthquake in Italy, quiet dogs _Aran awayBstarted to barkCclimbed treesDjump into the water48Before the earthquake in Italy, the frogs _AsangBjumped into the waterCdiedDjumped around a lot49There have been earthquakes in _Amost countriesBEngland, FranceCItaly and San FranciscoDChicago and Spain50P

24、eople want to _Abe in earthquakeBfind out early about an earthquakeCrun around in circlesDfollow the animals to run quickly六、短文首字母填空(10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词。Do you know how rice first came to China? There is an old Chinese story It is about a little girl who went out to fish There was a famine(饥荒) a

25、nd everybody was very h 51 The little girl felt her net g 52 heavy and was very happy However, it was the King of Frogs that she caught When the frog knew the girl wanted something to eat, the frog p 53 to help her The frog let her hold out her fishing net to the sunshine and he would sing a magic s

26、ong The little girl followed his i 54 She was greatly surprised to see the sunshine falling t 55 the net And it was changed into golden grains of rice The f 56 rice was thought to arrive in this wayWe do not know w 57 this story is true or not, but it tells us that rice has the same value as gold to

27、 the Chinese Rice is a 58 the main food for the Chinese For centuries, much land has been devoted to rice-planting and many Chinese people are f 59 They work very hard for each grainWaste can bring lots of problems Although China is r 60 in some resources(资源), we are short of others In some other pa

28、rts of the world, people even dont have enough food to eat Its important to save food and say no to waste Waste can be stopped if we do our best七、阅读填表(10分)根据短文内容,完成下列表格。每空一词You must hear about earthquakes(地震), but do you know what to do before, during and after an earthquake? Here are some ideas for

29、 you:Before an earthquake It is important to prepare yourself and your family All family members should know how to turn off gas(煤气), water and electricity and know some useful telephone numbers(doctor, hospital, police, 119, etc) Never put heavy things over bedsDuring an earthquake It is important

30、for each of you to stay calm(平静) If you are indoors, quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a strong desk or a strong table It can protect yourself from falling things Stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy things and so on If you are cooking, turn off the gasIf you are outdoor

31、s, move to an open area like a playground Move away from buildings, bridges and trees If you are driving, stop the car as soon as possible and stay in your carAfter an earthquake Once the shaking(摇动) stops, do not run out of the building at once Its better to wait and leave when it is safeCheck arou

32、nd you and help the people in trouble If your building is badly broken, you should leave it If you smell or hear a gas, get everyone outside and open windows and doors If you can do it safely, turn off the gas Report it to the gas station 61 To Do In Time of EarthquakeBefore an earthquakeGet 62 for

33、yourself and your familyDont 63 to turn off gas, water and electricityRemember some useful telephone numbers and not to 64 heavy things over beds 65 an earthquake 66 calm is important for each of youMoving to a safe place in the room can protect yourself from falling things if youre 67 Moving to an

34、open area and 68 from buildings is right if you are outdoorsAfter an earthquakeRun out of the building when its safeCheck around you and help the people in trouble 69 your body away from badly broken buildingBefore you turn off the gas 70 , get everyone outside and windows and doors open八、书面表达(20分)假

35、设你们班级要组织去观鸟,请你用英语写一篇相关的通知。内容要点:1集中时间和地点:本周六早上七点,在教室;2目的地:世界上最主要的湿地之一盐城自然保护区;3目的是观鸟,所以请大家带好有助观鸟的东西,如望远镜、笔记本、饮用水等;4行程中的其它注意点:注意事项:1通知须包括所给内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2第4要点须用2-3句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;3词数在80个左右,通知的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear classmates,_Thank you参考答案1(s)afe【详解】句意:警察们正在努力工作,使这个城市成为一个安全的地方。根据“The policemen are wor

36、king hard”及首字母提示可知,应该是“安全的”,这里修饰名词place,用形容词“safe”。故填(s)afe。2(f)ear【详解】句意:他的妹妹非常害怕黑暗,所以她经常开着灯睡觉。根据“so she often goes to sleep with the light(s) on(所以她经常开着灯睡觉。)”可知,他的妹妹害怕黑暗,fear“害怕”,可数名词,“a”是不定冠词,后面加名词单数,符合题意。故填(f)ear。3(a)live【详解】句意:经历了那场可怕的地震后,他还活着。根据“after he experienced the terrible earthquake”可知是

37、在地震后还活着,作be动词的表语用形容词alive“活着的”。故填(a)live。4(a)sleep【详解】句意:婴儿睡着了。你不能在这里大声说话。 asleep“睡着的”,形容词作表语。故填(a)sleep。5(w)hile【详解】句意:当我妈妈正在厨房做饭的时候,我爸爸正在客厅看电视。My father was watching TV与my mother was cooking是两个并列的同时发生的动作,while“当的时候,表示两个动作同时进行”符合题意。故填(w)hile。6(s)ince【详解】句意:自从他们的父亲开始在这个城市工作以来,他们就一直住在这里。根据“They have

38、lived here sheir father began to work in this city”可知,本句是“现在完成时+since+一般过去时”结构,since表示“自从”。故填(s)ince。7(n)ervous【详解】句意:飞机上坐在我邻座的那个年轻女孩非常紧张。她之前没有乘坐过飞机。be动词is后接形容词作表语。根据“She hasnt flown before”可知,她没有坐过飞机,所以非常紧张。“紧张的”用形容词nervous,首字母为n。故填(n)ervous。8(t)housands【详解】句意:人类创造音乐已经有成千上万年了。根据语意,空缺处表达成千上万。可以用短语 t

39、housands of。thousand的用法有两种:有具体数字修饰的时候,不加s,不加of,后面直接接名词;如果表示泛指,必须加s和of。根据横线后的“of”可知,故填(t)housands。9(b)eat【详解】句意:我们队在昨天的足球赛中击败了其他队。根据“Our team other teams in the football game”和首字母可知,此处指打败了其他队;beat“击败”,动词;由“yesterday”可知,时态为一般过去时,动词要用过去式,beat的过去式为beat。故填(b)eat。10(m)ind【详解】句意:你介意我打开窗户吗,迈克?不,打开它。根据答语“No,

40、 just open it”及首字母提示可知,应用动词mind表示“介意”。故填(m)ind。11packing【详解】句意:我进来的时候,他正在收拾衣服。根据was可知,此空应填现在分词与其构成过去进行时结构,故填packing。12was playing【详解】句意:凯莉正在玩电脑游戏,这时一只小猫走进了她的房间。此处是when引导的时间状语从句,强调从句动作发生时,主句动作正在进行,从句是一般过去时,所以主句用过去进行时(was/were doing);Kelly作主语,be动词用was,play变成playing,故填was playing。13nearly【详解】句意:你差点错过公共

41、汽车。你今天早上应该早起。near“接近的”,是形容词。根据题干可知此处是指差点错过公共汽车,应用副词nearly“几乎,差点”。故填nearly。14was reading【详解】句意:当他回来的时候,他妈妈正在读书。根据“when he came back”可知是他回来的时候,妈妈正在读书,用过去进行时was/were doing,主语是His mother,be动词用was。故填was reading。15riding【详解】句意:你骑车时必须遵守交通规则。ride“骑”,动词。when引导的时间状语从句用现在进行时,当主从句主语一致,且从句含有be动词,此时可以把从句主语和be动词省略

42、,只留下现在分词,ride的现在分词为riding。故填riding。16shaking【详解】句意:我们经常握手问候。shake hands“握手”,介词by后加动名词。故填shaking。17silence【详解】句意:在聚会上关于他的沉默我们感觉奇怪因为他曾经是非常外向的。根据“his”为形容词性物主代词可知此处应填名词,silent“沉默的”,形容词,其名词silence“沉默”符合语境,故填silence。18rules【详解】句意:当你访问一些很棒的地方,你应该知道一些规则。rule“规则”,可数名词。some修饰可数名词复数,故填rules。19was doing【详解】句意:当

43、他妈妈昨天晚上下班回家时,丹尼尔正在做他的家庭作业。根据“Danielhis homework when his mother came home work yesterday evening”可知,这里要用过去进行时was/were doing,主语是Daniel,故be动词用was。故填was doing。20darkness【详解】句意:看见一颗巨大的耀眼的星星从黑暗中滑落是令人兴奋的。此处应填名词,dark“黑暗的”,其形容词darkness“黑暗”符合语境,故填darkness。21B【详解】句意:我正要回家的时候,天开始下雨了。考查连词辨析。until直到;as当;because因为;later之后。根据“I was going home, it began to rain”可知是当要回家时,开始下雨,用as引导时间状语从句。故选B。22B【详解】句意:放学后琳达几乎不和我们一起玩。这只是我们第一次和她一起玩。考查副词辨析。hard努力地;hardly几乎不;almost几乎;nearly几乎。根据“This is just t


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