人教PEP版(2024新版)三年级上册英语Unit3 Amazing animals教学设计

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1、(2024新版)三年级上册英语Unit 3 Amazing animals教学设计教学目标:一、知识和技能1.能听懂、会说、认读动物单词pig, bear, cat, duck, dog。2.能听懂、会说句子:Its a .并能在真实语境中运用。3.能听懂并吟唱Lets chant的内容。二、过程和方法1.以活动为途径,渗透任务型教学,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,寓教于乐。2.通过小组竞赛和激励性评价,让学生学会与人沟通合作形成良好的语言表达能力。三、情感态度和价值观培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的意识。教学重点:能听、说、认读动物单词pig, bear, cat, duck, dog.以及简单交流信

2、息Its a教学难点:感受Lets chant中相同字母的发音规律,能正确读出fat,big,log,truck,pear教学准备:1.单词卡片2.PPT教学过程:Step1 Warm up1.GreetingT:Good afternoon,boys and girls.Ss:Good afternoon.T:Whats your name?S:My names .2.Lets enjoy asong:“Old MacDonald”, and answer the question:What animals do you hear from the song?Ss:duck dog pigS

3、tep2 PresentationT:Yes,OldMacDonald had a big farm.There are many animals on the farm.He says:Do you want to help me?T:Do you want to help Old MacDonald?Yes or No?Ss:Yes!T:Look here,he will choose the best helper who can finish the three tasks.Do you want to try?Are you ready?Ss:Go!Task1:认识动物。1.听音猜动

4、物(Listen and guess)T:Listen,whats this?(播放猫的叫声,鼓励学生进行猜测。)Ss:Cat.T:Yes,its a cat.Cat cat its a catSs:Cat cat its a catT:Look at the cat.It is .做动作,引导学生说出It is fat.T:Fat fat it is fatS:Fat fat it is fat比较cat和fat,正确读出fat2.遮住图片一部分,学生猜一猜T:Look at the picture.Can you guess whats this?Bingo!Its a pig.Pig p

5、ig its a pigS:Pig pig its a pigT:Look at the pig,it is big边说边做动作Big big it is bigS:Big big it is big比较pig和big,正确读出big3.手影猜动物(hand shadow)T:Look at the hand shadow.Whats this?Yes,its a dog.Dog dog its a dogS:dog dog its a dogT:Whats the sound of the dog?Ss:woof woofT:Look at the dog.Where is it?Its o

6、n the log.Log log its on the logS:Log log its on the log4.RiddleT:Its yellow.It has a big mouth.Whats this?S:Duck.T:Yes,its a duck.Duck duck its a duck.S:Duck duck its a duckT:Look at the duck.Amazing!Its in the truck.Truck truckIts in the truck.S:Truck truckIts in the truck.5.出示Zoom的图片T:Whois this?

7、S:Zoom.T:Yes,Zoom is a bear.Bear bear its a bearS:Bear bear its a bearT:Whats this?S:Its a bear.T:Look at the bear.oh,he sits on the pear.Pear pearits on the pearwhat colour is the pear?S:Yellow。6.Lets listen,watch and follow7.Lets chantCat cat its a catPig pig its a pigDog dog its a dogDuck duck it

8、s a duckBear bear its a bearStep3 PracticeTask2 Managing the animals1.You should read loudly to help them find their house.2.Game: Whats missing? PPT出示5个动物手影,然后让学生看一看少了哪一个动物,并迅速的用Its a说出来。Step4 ProductionTask3 designing your farmColour your favourite animals.Then introduce your farm to your partners using“Its a .I like it.”(将喜欢的小动物涂上颜色。)Its a cat. like it.Step 5 Homework1.Read P39 for three times.2.Introduce your farm to your classmates.板书设计:Unit3 Amazing animals cat pigIts a . dog duck bear第 8 页 共 8 页


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