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1、盐城市2023-2024学年七下英语期末试卷笔试部分(共100分)一、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案. 1Yancheng is _ city full of history, wonderful places and nice food.AaBanCtheD/2Look! The traffic light is green. We can go _ the road now.AaboveBacrossCbelowDthrough3Your school library looks as modern as

2、 _. Can you show me around?AweBusCourDours4Look at the picture on the right. How long is Yancheng Sea-salt Museum open on Friday afternoon?A3 hours.B3.5 hours.C4 hours.D5 hours.5Amy is _ about what she eats. She never has junk food.AcarefulBangryCworriedDexcited6Last weekend, David _ a visit to his

3、grandparents on the farm.ApayBpaysCpaidDwill pay7Sunshine Park is a good place to have fun and _ people go cycling there.AthousandBthousandsCtwo thousand ofDthousands of8Its such a long way!Dont worry. You _ share a ride with me.AcanBmustCneedDshould9Boys and girls, believe in yourselves and never l

4、et _ take away your dreams.AsomebodyBanybodyCnobodyDeverybody10How was your camping last weekend?Great. We _ our tents at the foot of a hill and had great fun.Aput upBput outCput downDput on11Is Mrs Green _ mother?Yes, and she is also our English teacher.AJan and JillBJans and JillCJan and JillsDJan

5、s and Jills12_ beautiful day! Why not take a walk along the beach?AWhatBWhat aCWhat anDHow13Millie wants to find information about keeping an e-pet on the Internet. Which keyword(s) should she use?ABirds.BE-pet.CPet care.DPet problems.14After this exam, you _ a wonderful holiday next month. Take it

6、easy!AhaveBhasChadDwill have15Dad, can I go swimming this weekend?_. Its dangerous to swim alone in the lake.AGood luckBOf courseCNo, Im afraid notDNo problem二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。My name is Rebeca and Im from beautiful Brazil. But my family live in a poor area a

7、nd life wasnt _. My parents work hard, so my brother and I can go to school. We _ come straight home after school to help with housework. But I have a deep love for football. And I want to tell you _ football changes my life. I loved football. When I played, I felt happy and I forgot about _ around

8、me. My mum said, “Football isnt for girls.” The boys at school didnt want to _ with a girl, either. But when they found I was good, they picked me for their team. One day a teacher told me about a football team just for girls. The team were preparing for a competition (竞赛) in March. I wanted to be p

9、art of the team. So I _ to try my best. For six months I practised _ every day. Finally, in February the teacher told us which players were in the team. When I heard my name, I got really _.In March our team won the competitionit was amazing! From then on, we win a lot more matches. I become more co

10、nfident (自信的). I also get to know some football stars. Among them, my _ can both play well and speak English well. So in the near _, I will study hard so that I can travel around the world and talk to people from different countries. Thats my biggest dream in life.16AeasyBbusyCfunnyDdifferent17Asome


12、读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案. AThe More I KnowThe more I know, The more I grow. Its an easy equation (等式) to work out if I try, Asking and learning help me understand _.The more I know, The more I want to know. Its an easy equation without a doubt (怀疑),Wondering and learning help me find thing

13、s out. George Samos26What kind of writing is this?AA poem.BA storyCA diary.DA letter.27Which of the following can you put in “_”?AwhatBwhoCwhenDwhy28What can you learn from the text?A学问勤中得,萤窗万卷书。B纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。C学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。D少年易老学难成,一寸光阴不可轻。BWATER WORLDCome and learn about the amazing world under

14、 the sea! Did you know there are over 29,000 kinds of fish in the world? At Water World you can walk in our underwater tunnels (隧道) and see fish swim past your nose!You can see sharks, jellyfish and a lot more.jellyfishIn the three outdoor pools, you can watch dolphins jumping and playing. Visit the

15、 big pool at 11 a.m.2 p.m., and you can help feed the animals. There is also a Water World beach with real sand (沙), where children can swim and play with sand. Dont forget to bring your dolphin swimming clothes!At the cafe theres plenty of nice food. Try our special meals: fish and chocolate ice cr

16、eam! Water WorldA great day out for all the family!29What is Water World?AA place above water.BA place to see fish.CA place without pools.DA place to watch birds.30When can you feed the animals?AAt 9 a.m.BAt 10:40 a.m.CAt 1 p.m. DAt 4:30 p.m. 31What can children do on the Water World beach?AThey can

17、 buy their favourite gifts.BThey can enjoy lots of special food.CThey can swim and play with sand.DThey can watch different sea animals.CLong long ago, in a big hot desert (沙漠), there was a lonely tree. It wasnt like other trees with lots of leaves. This one was having a hard life. With little rain

18、and long hours of hot sun, its leaves dried up from heat. One sunny day, a hawk flew over the desert. He was very tired, hungry and thirsty, so he landed (降落) on the trees tallest branch to take a rest. Looking around, the hawk asked the tree, “Hey, why do you keep on living here in this empty (空的),

19、 hot place? Why dont you stay with your family and friends? Who needs you here?”The tree answered, “You do.”“Me?” the hawk was surprised. “I dont need you. I can fly everywhere, any place is OK.”The tree said, “You can fly away anytime, and thats true. But think about it. If not for me, you would ha

20、ve to sit on the hot sand instead of (而不是) my branches. Without me, someone might see you alone and wonder why youre here. When you are sitting on my branches, you think that I need you.”The hawk thought for a moment and agreed. Yes, without the tree, the hawk wouldnt have anyone to talk to, either.

21、32Why did the tree have few leaves?ABecause it felt sad and tired.BBecause of the heavy rain.CBecause it got sick suddenly.DBecause of the hot weather.33Which of the following can show the branch of a tree?ABCD34What does Paragraph 5 mainly tell us?AWhere the hawk could stand.BWhy the hawk needed th

22、e tree.CWhen the hawk could fly away.DWhat the hawk did in the desert.35What did the hawk understand after talking to the tree?AThe tree was important to him.BThe tree needed nobody to talk to.CHe needed another tree to rest on.DHe needed to bring water to the tree.DThe phone rings. The phone never

23、rings in our house. I have a bad feeling. I open my bedroom door and listen. Mum (on the phone): Hello?.Yes, speaking.How are you?.Yes?.Oh, really?.No, I dontI understandYes, of courseNo, I dont understandProblems at home?.NoYes TonightLeave it with meThank you for telling meGoodbyeAnd then theres s

24、ilence (寂静). I can see Mum downstairs. Now shes looking up at my bedroom door. Now shes thinking. And now shes walking into the kitchen. Two minutes later the three of us are sitting at the table. Tonight were having potatoes, a fried egg and a fried tomato. I dont like fried tomatoes but I dont tel

25、l Mum. She thinks I like them. Dad speaks first. Dad: So.Eoin.How are things at school?Me: Good, Dad. Mum: Really? Mr Stirling doesnt agree. Mr Stirling is our History teacher. Now I understand. The phone call+Mr Stirling = Dad: Do you know the result (结果) of your History test?Me: Oh. Dad: 2 out of

26、100!Mum: Dont get angry, Dad. Dad: Im not angry!I never understand why Mum calls Dad “Dad”. He isnt her dad. Her dad lives in a flat in London. My dads name is Martin. And Martin is angry. Mum: Youre usually good at History, Eoin. Me: Im sorry, Mum. Dad: Mr Stirling says youre not doing well in any

27、school subject. Mum: Except (除了) sport. Dad: You hate sport, Eoin. Whats going on?Me: I like sport now. Dad: Do you know what I think?Me: I cant read your mind (思想), Dad. But this time I can read minds. I know clearly what Dad thinks. Dad: I think your new friendsthe twins next door are the problem.

28、 They are strange. Me: They are special. Mum: Maybe its good if you dont see the twins for a while. I cant believe shes saying this. Mum: Only if things get better at school. I look at Mum and shout:Me: I hate fried tomatoes!I walk out of the door and run upstairs. Im foolish.36Who is calling Mum?AD

29、ad.BMr StirlingCThe twins parent.DThe twins.37Which of the following can you put in “ ”?AGreat fun.BGreat dream.CBig smile. DBig trouble.38Why are Dad and Mum angry with Eoin?ABecause he hates sport very much.BBecause he knows what they think.CBecause he hates eating fried tomatoes.DBecause he fails

30、 most of his lessons.39Why does Eoin run upstairs at last?ABecause he is going to do sport outside.BBecause he will call his grandfather in London.CBecause his parents dont understand him at all.DBecause he has problems with his favourite subject.40Which is the best title of the passage?AA Bad Histo

31、ry TestBThe Ability to Read MindsCA Surprising Phone CallDThe Strange Twins Next Door阅读下面短文,从所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺,结构完整,其中有一项是多余选项。Amazing Facts about BonesBones are really amazing. When you grow, they grow, too. When some of your bones are broken, they can grow again. 41 Not everyone has 206 bon

32、es. Most books say people have 206 bones, but this is not always true. 42 As they grow, some of their bones join together into one bone later. Some bones make you tall or short. There are some soft bones in your body. 43 After enough sleep, you will go back as usual in the morning. 44 The ear bones

33、are three small bones. They are the smallest bones in your body. They help sound go into your ears fast. How amazing bones are! 45 Why not read more and share what you know with us?AThe smallest bones are in the ear.BBabies have more than 300 bones at birth.CHere are some interesting facts about bon

34、es.DExercise is important to keep our bones strong.EYou are shorter after a days study or work at night.FBut there is more about bones waiting for you to learn.四、词汇(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)(一)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子. 46Could you tell me the way to the nearest cinema?Well, Im going there. Just _ me. (跟随)47When m

35、y cat gets tired, she sleeps _ (任何地方).48In these _, each plant has its own story to tell. (花园)49When the man walked past our classroom, he _ to us. (点头)50My hometown changes a lot. It doesnt look the _ as it did before. (相同的)(二)根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空. 51There were doors all round, but they were all _ (loc

36、k).52Stop _ that mountain, Daniel. Its too dangerous. (climb)53Every year many _ come here to see the milu deer. (visit)54I have no time to wait. If you want to come with me, get dressed _. (quick)55We can watch the wonderful _ Olympics (奥运会) on TV this summer. (thirty-one)五、读写综合(一)阅读并回答问题. (共5小题,每小

37、题2分,计10分)60 years ago, China built diplomatic ties (外交关系) with France. Over the years, people from the two countries have close exchange ( 交流 ) in different areas. Two students are telling their cultural (文化的) exchange stories. I visited lots of cities in France. The most famous one is Paris. Among

38、so many of its world-famous places, one museum is special because of some great painters paintings. I love the great artwork Water Lilies (睡莲) by Claude Monet best! In the Song dynasty, Shi Yannian wrote a poem about water lilies. The painting and the poem were from different periods, but they both

39、shared something beautiful. Im also interested in its language (语言). Like Chinese, the French language is also beautiful. To me, language is a window into a new world. Jin Yu, 13, ChinaIm from France and I love painting. Something cool happened when I put my paintings on a famous app. Lots of Chines

40、e people liked my paintings. They also wrote nice words about them. Now I have over 15,000 friends on the app. Chinese friends often bring me new ideas for my pictures. We come from different countries,but sharing my art is more like having a talk with different people. Paul, 20, France回答下面5个问题,每题答案

41、不超过6个词。56When did China build diplomatic ties with France?_57Why is the museum so special to Jin Yu?_58What is language to Jin Yu?_59How many friends does Paul have on the app?_60What will you do fort he cultural exchange?_(二)书面表达(共1题,计15分)61暑期临近,为对外宣传家乡之美,某英文网站正在举行“最佳小导游”招募活动。假如你是Simon,你准备推荐自己,请根据以

42、下提示,写一篇英文自荐信。What are you like?friendly,. What can you do?speak English well, tell Chinese stories in English,What will you do?注意事项:1. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;2. 文章必须包含所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3. 词数:80词左右(文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Sir/Madam,I would like to recommend myself to be the Best Travel Guide._Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfullySimon


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