2019届高考英语(译林版)一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)

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2019届高考英语(译林版)一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第1页
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2019届高考英语(译林版)一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第2页
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2019届高考英语(译林版)一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第3页
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2019届高考英语(译林版)一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第4页
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2019届高考英语(译林版)一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit1知能演练轻松闯关(含答案解析)_第5页
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1、课时练 1 阅读理解提速练阅读理解A(2018湖北部分重点中学联考)Jon Hoffman was sitting at a red light when he saw a man run out of a store carrying a plastic donation jar full of cash.Dressed in plain clothes,Jon Hoffman caught the man and pressed him against the hood(引擎盖) of his car. But Hoffman had trouble controlling the thi

2、ef,and they got into a struggle.“The detective has a military background,and he said he thought the suspect must have a military background,too,because he was able to break away so easily, ” a local police spokesperson said.The detective called out for help as a crowd gathered. Among those watching

3、were Harvey and Kirby,two day laborers.Harvey did what has become common these dayshe took out his phone to shoot the video. “I hate to say it,but I thought that this policeman was doing something stupid, ”Harvey said. “But when he asked for help, I thought,well,there wouldnt be shooting if I got ov

4、er there in time.” Harvey jumped into action,while he was still recording the video. So did Kirby.“Harvey caught hold of the suspects arms,while Kirby seized his legs,and they were able to get the suspect to the ground to help Detective Hoffman put the handcuffs(手铐) on, ”said the police spokesperson

5、. The 27yearold suspect was charged with resisting arrest and other offenses. The charity jar he stole held less than $50.“Ive been on the wrong side of the law several times in my life, ”Harvey said. “It feels good to be on the right side and do something positive.”After the arrest,the three men go

6、t to know each other at a local steak houseHoffmans treat,as a thank you.【解题导语】 本文是一篇新闻故事,讲述了一位侦探在两位临时工的协助下制服一名嫌疑人的过程。1What made Hoffman call for help when arresting the suspect?AHe was not on duty.BHe couldnt control the suspect.CHe needed witnesses to support him.DHe wanted to push the thief into

7、the car.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,Hoffman 控制住那个嫌疑人有困难,并且他们扭打在一起。故选项 B 正确。2What can be inferred about Harvey?AHe was ready to break the law.BHe was out of work at that time.CHe had a good military background.DHe might have had some illegal deeds.D 解析:推理判断题。根据第六段中的 “Ive been on the wrong side of the law

8、 several times in my life”可知,Harvey 曾经违反过法律,所以选项 D “他可能有过一些违法行为”是正确的。3What is Hoffmans attitude towards Harvey and Kirby?AGrateful. BPrejudiced.CSkeptical. DAdmirable.A 解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的 “Hoffmans treat,as a thank you”可知,嫌疑人被捕后,Hoffman 请 Harvey 和 Kirby 吃饭,作为对他们的感谢。所以选项 A 正确。B(2018湖北八校高三联考)We do not

9、usually think about how our language works.Talking is such a natural, everyday activity that we do not often stop to consider how it actually works.When we do study our language, though, we are often surprised that we are able to understand our conversations.Words can mean so many different things.H

10、owever, it turns out that the speaking situation helps a lot in making language work.First, the speaking situation helps make words more particular.For example, the word “dog” can describe a dog that a speaker saw in a dream.It can also be used to discuss a neighbors dog.No language has a separate w

11、ord for the idea “dog that I saw yesterday” and another word for the idea “dog that I saw in a dream”This is because the speaking situation makes it clear what speakers mean when they use words.So, when you have a conversation with your neighbor, the knowledge that you have a dog tells your neighbor

12、 what the word “dog” probably means in that situation.The speaking situation also helps make language clearer.For example, the word “bank” has two possible meanings.It can mean “a place where people keep money”,but it can also mean “the side of a river”So the sentence “I went to the bank” is not cle

13、ar.It could mean I went to the side of the river or it could mean I went to the place where my money is kept.However, if the speaker is talking about fishing or going to the mountains, others probably know that “bank” means “the side of a river”The things that speakers say may not always be clear.So

14、metimes the words are not very particular, but the speaking situation can provide the meaning.Other times words may have many meanings.Then the speaking situation limits the right meaning.This extra knowledge from the situation is very important to understand language.【解题导语】 本文讲述了语境对语言的理解起着很大作用。4The

15、 passage is mainly about _Athe best time and place to talk to others Bhow the speaking situation helps language work Cwhat to say in difficult situationsDhow our language worksB 解析:主旨大意题。本文讲述了语境对语言的理解起着很大作用,故选 B。5According to the passage, we can safely say that _Athe speaking situation does not affe

16、ct the meaning of words Bspeaking is not very natural for most people Cthe speaking situation is not important Dpeople often do not consider how talking works D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “We do not usually think about how our language works.Talking is such a natural, everyday activity that we do not often st

17、op to consider how it actually works.”可知,故选 D。6By using the example of the word “dog” , the writer wants to show that _Aa word may need to be explained in a conversationBa word may have different meaningsCthe speaking situation helps people understand the particular meaning of a wordDthe meaning of

18、words is not particularC 解析:推理判断题。根据第二段的第一句话 “First, the speaking situation helps make words more particular.”和下文的“For example”可知,下文正是用 dog 一词举例来论证第二段的第一句话,故选 C。7According to the passage, we can know the meaning of the word “bank” by referring to _Athe time and the place where the conversation happe

19、nsBthe occupation of the person who uses the wordCearlier or later parts of the conversationDa reliable dictionaryC 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段所讲,作者用 bank 一词举例说明对话中这个词之前或之后的部分决定了这个词的含义,故选 C。C(2018济南模拟)A European Union program is letting blind people experience famous paintings for the first time. It uses threeim

20、ensional(3D) printing to recreate famous paintings so they can be touched.One painting printed with the new technology is Gustav Klimts “The Kiss”. It is a popular attraction at the Belvedere Museum in Vienna, Austria. The painting shows a man and a woman standing in a field filled with flowers. The

21、y are wearing gold robes and have their arms around each other. The man leans down to kiss the woman.Klimt finished the painting in 1908. Until now, people who had trouble seeing could not appreciate the artwork. But thanks to the reproduction they can touch the piece and feel the ridges and depress

22、ions. Andreas Reichinger started making 3D versions of artwork in 2010. He said this reproduction was his most difficult project because the couples robes are so detailed.Dominika Raditsch is a blind museum visitor. She touched the reproduction. As she moved her hands around it she said, “Exactly, c

23、an you see these? There are so many details.”Raditsch said she could imagine what the original painting looks like when she touched the reproduction. “Its somehow round. You can feel it. You can feel it. It comes with it. And in many places its so smooth. And then I think to myself: it probably shin

24、es too!” Raditsch said.The Belvedere is not the only museum to have 3D versions of its artwork. Some of the pieces at the Prado Museum, in Madrid, Spain have reproductions that can be touched. But the piece in Vienna has one special part: it is made with widely available 3D printing technology. That

25、 means one day, blind art fans anywhere in the world could download the source files and print the reproductions themselves.【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了欧盟的一个项目使用 3D 打印技术重现名画,让它们可以被视障人士触摸到。8What is “The Kiss”?AA European Union project. BA popular painting.CA 3D technology. DA famous museum.B 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中

26、的“One painting printed with the new technology is Gustav Klimts The Kiss. It is a popular attraction.” 可知, 吻是一幅深受大家欢迎的画作。故选 B 项。9Why did Reichinger say this reproduction was difficult to finish?AThe painting was reproduced detailedly.BThe original artwork was made in 1908.CBlind art fans cant downlo

27、ad the source.DThe 3D technology is not available.A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的最后一句可知,Andreas Reichinger 说吻是最难完成的作品,因为那对恋人的长袍细节很多。故选 A 项。10How did Raditsch feel when she first touched the reproduction?AAwkward. BPuzzled.CExcited. DNervous.C 解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中的 “You can feel it. You can feel it.”可以推测出Raditsch“激动的

28、”心情。故选 C 项。11What is the best title for the text?AA European Union Program for Museum VisitorsB3D Printing Lets the Blind Experience Famous PaintingsCHow to Reproduce the Worldfamous PaintingsDA Special Museum for Art Fans in Vienna, AustriaB 解析:标题归纳题。根据第一段中的内容可以看出,用 3D 打印技术让视障人士体验名画是文章的中心,下文是围绕该话题展

29、开介绍的。故选 B 项。D(2018湖北七市高三联考)Modern humans have a hard time controlling their desire to eat.Often you eat not because you are hungry, but because you are affected by many other things.How much you eat is strongly affected by how much those around you eat.People eating alone eat least.People eating wit

30、h one other person eat 35 percent more than they do at home.People dining in a party of four eat 75 percent more.Eating with overweight friends? Youll eat more.Is your waitress overweight? Youll eat more.A wide variety of food? Youll eat more.Plates can decide how sweet dessert tastes.If people ate

31、it off a paper plate, theyd say, “This is good.” If they ate it off a fancy silver plate, they would say, “This is the greatest cake Ive eaten in my entire life.”Your knowledge about what makes food good or bad also affects how much you eat. You tend to eat more when you think the food is good, and

32、less when you think it is bad.So Grandmas cookies always taste better than other cookies.“Good food” even has a “health halo(光环 ) effect”If were eating something healthy, we feel that everything in that meal is healthy.Due to this, people often believe that a cheese cake with a salad has fewer calor

33、ies(卡路里) than the cheese cake alone.Thats perhaps also why eating organic(有机的) food might turn you into an annoying guy. Your brain may use anything that makes you feel good about your own morality to excuse your immoral behaviour.Food and hunger affect your judgment too.Hungry judges give more seri

34、ous sentences. Kids who dont eat breakfast behave worse than kids who eat their breakfast.People who have low blood sugar are more likely than the average person to have trouble concentrating and controlling their unpleasant emotions.【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了哪些因素会导致人们吃得更多。12What is mentioned as a cause of over

35、eating?ASuffering from great loneliness.BBeing served by a helpful waitress.CBeing treated to high quality food.DEating with many friends.D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的 “People eating with one other person eat 35 percent more than they do at home.” 可知,和许多朋友一起吃饭是吃得多的一个原因,故 D 项正确。13According to the passage, an ann

36、oying person may be one who_Afinds any excuse for eating moreBis crazy about the quality of platesCcompetes with others in making cookiesDteaches people to stick to moralityA 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的内容和第三段中的“Thats perhaps also.your immoral behaviour.” 可知,一个让人讨厌的人可能总会找到多吃的借口,故 A 项正确。14According to the passage

37、, people are more likely to make a bad judgment when _Athey don t feel hungryBthey aren t overweightCthey have low blood sugarDthey know little about foodC 解析: 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的“People who have low blood sugar are more likely than the average person to have trouble concentrating and controlling their

38、unpleasant emotions.” 可知,低血糖的人比常人更难以集中注意力和控制自己的情绪,判断力会更差,故 C 项正确。15What would be the best title for the passage?AWhen Cant We Go on a Diet?BWhat Affects Eating?CHow to Make Good FoodDWhere to Find Safe FoodB 解析: 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文的主题句是第一段的第二句“Often you eat not because you are hungry, but because you ar

39、e affected by many other things.”, 结合下文内容可知,本文主要介绍影响吃饭的因素,故 B 项最能概括文章大意。七选五(2018云南三校高考适应性考试)Unless you think youre the smartest, who doesnt want to be smarter? Of course I want to be smarter too.So I try to find out whos the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from.1._They probably do social media

40、.Not always, but probably.2._ They also use this to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise wouldnt have come across.3_ They never bother their head about the problem of “worklife balance” and somehow manage to seem 100% engaged in what theyre doing, on all fronts simultaneously

41、(同时), even though you know theyre taking appropriate steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are well balanced.They know they are the smartest in the room, but they dont spend much time talking about that.4._ That is, they challenge themselves to make everyone else in the room the smartest

42、person too.They never, ever, under any circumstances, make you look stupid, even though it would be easy to do so.Theyve learnt through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is that you look bad yourself.If they are managers, they will make every effort to

43、 get people more connected and more popular than them in their teams.5._ Theyre not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic (相互促进的)AIts not only a chance to listen.BThey know it is an advantage to them.CThey take it as a personal challenge instead.DThey will be smiling even when t

44、hings go wrong.ENow I ve got an answer about whether someones smart.FThey also ensure their smart people look smarter than them.GThey deal with home, work and personal interests perfectly.【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文, 主要介绍了聪明人的特征。1. E 解析:本空承接上文, 并引出下文内容, 空前提到 “So I try to find out whos the real smart guy that ma

45、ybe I can learn from.”, 下文罗列了一些聪明人的特征, 故本空填 E项 “现在我对一个人是否聪明已经有答案了” 。2A 解析:根据语境可知, 下句中的 “this” 指代的是 “a chance to listen”, 而且 A 项中的 “not only” 与下句中的 “also” 呼应, 故 A 项符合语境。本空易错选 B 项, 但如果对他们来说是有利的, 空前就不会说 “Not always, but probably.”了。3G 解析:本空总结本段的内容, 是本段的主旨句。根据下文中的 “worklife balance” “make sure their liv

46、es are well balanced” 可知, 本段讲的聪明人的特征就是 “他们能完美地处理家庭、工作和个人爱好(之间的关系) ”, G 项符合语境。4C 解析:下文中的 “they challenge themselves” 与 C 项中的 “as a personal challenge” 相呼应。5F 解析:根据上文中的“they are managers”及 “they will make every effort to.than them in their teams” 与 F 项的“ensure their smart people look smarter than them

47、”相呼应。课时练 2 知识运用板块练完形填空(2018西宁检测)Many students often say that they dont have “enough time” to do all their schoolwork. My _1_is often brief, “You have as much time as the president.” I usually carry on a bit about _2_twenty four hours in the day for everyone, and suggest that “not enough time” is not

48、 a(n)_3_explanation of _4_something done._5_in graduate school, I tried to prove to one of my professors _6_saying that I was working hard. His answer to me was, “Thats irrelevant. _7_is important is the _8_of your work.”Since then I have had time to think carefully about the trick of “_9_”, and I have come to some _10_all relevant to the problem of how much time we have.If you analyze the matter, you can identify two parts of the problem: There is, _11_,the matter of “time”, which we can think of _12_. Then there is the problem of “work” duri


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