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1、2023年浙江省宁波市北仑区中考一模英语试题一、完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One day, a boy was walking past a pet shop when he saw a sign saying Puppies For Sale. To no surprise, he got into the shop immediately- 1 like this always attract young children.“How much are the puppies?” the boy a

2、sked.“Anywhere 2 30 to 50 dollars.” the shop owner smiled.Reaching deep into his pocket, the boy pulled out all he had-thirty-nine cents. It was too much for him to 3 one: “Could I just take a look at the puppies?” the boy asked.“Sure,” replied the shop owner.Then, out of the room came five tiny pup

3、pies. One was left a little bit far behind. The boy quickly 4 that limping (瘸的) puppy and asked, “Whats wrong with that little dog?” The shop owner explained it was born with a 5 and would always limp.However, hearing what the shop owner said, the little boy became 6 . “That is the puppy I want to b

4、uy!”“Well, if you really want him, Ill just 7 him to you,” said the shop owner.To his great 8 , the little boy suddenly got angry, 9 at the shop owners eyes straightly, he said, “I dont want you to give him to me. Ill pay the 10 price because that dog is worth every, cent as much as all the other do

5、gs. Ill give you thirty-nine cents now, and 50 cents a month until I paid every cent for him 11 .”“But he is 12 going to be able to run and jump and play with you like the other puppies,” said the shop owner.The boy slowly reached down and 13 one of his trouser legs: there was a limping leg supporte

6、d by a metal brace (支架). He softly said, “Well, I dont run so well 14 , and the little puppy will need someone who understands him.”It is always important for us to learn 15 to accept our weakness and learn to respect and treat the weak as the same.1. A. gamesB. booksC. signsD. chances2. A. atB. for

7、C. betweenD. from3. A. findB. affordC. catchD. lend4. A. dressedB. greetedC. noticedD. bought5. A. secretB. shockC. talentD. disease6. A. excitedB. proudC. angryD. shy7. A. throwB. giveC. sellD. bring8. A. surpriseB. satisfactionC. reliefD. joy9. A. LaughingB. LookingC. ShoutingD. Throwing10. A. hal

8、fB. lowestC. fullD. basic11. A. by accidentB. in the endC. at firstD. in fact12. A. neverB. alwaysC. usuallyD. often13. A. dressed upB. cut upC. made upD. pulled up14. A. myselfB. herselfC. itselfD. himself15. A. whenB. whereC. howD. why二、阅读理解(本题有15小题;每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(A)

9、2023 “Ningbo in my Eyes” Photo CompetitionAre you interested in taking photos? Yes! Do you want to show your best photo of Ningbo and win a big prize? Yes! Then join us and follow these steps NOW!Snap it!Take a photo about “New Era (时代), New Ningbo”.Photos should show the achievements of Ningbos dev

10、elopment in recent years, wonderful life or special sights in Ningbo.Single photo or photo series (no more than 4 photos), black-and-white or color photos are welcome.Upload it!Upload the photo at Describe it!Try to describe the photo with words and catch peoples attention.Share it!Share the post wi

11、th your friends and invite your friends to “Like” your photo. The more “Like” s you get, the more possibly you will win.PrizesFirst Prize1 winner3000RMBSecond PrizeThird Prize3 winners6 winners2,000 RMB1,000RMBAward of Excellence30 winnersNice giftsThe competition is open to ALL! Dont forget to uplo

12、ad your photos before May 30th, 2023!16. If you want to join the photo competition, you must follow _ steps.A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six17. According to the passage, we know that _.A. photos of changes in Ningbo will not be acceptedB. each person can only upload one color photoC. you may win when yo

13、u get lots of “Like” sD. over 40 people can get prizes in the end18. The passage may come from the column (栏目) named _ of a newspaper.A. PeopleB. BusinessC. SportsD. Life(B)How do you feel when you hear leaves crunching (嘎吱响) under your feet or see a spider spinning (织) its web? It is believed that

14、building a closer connection with nature can take your. mind off your worries and make you feel calm.What is nature?Nature means the world around us that is not created by people. Its also a power that controls things like weather and the growth of animals and plants. You can find nature wherever yo

15、u are: beaches, gardens, mountains and other places.Why does nature make us feel good?Spending time in nature brings calm and joy to our lives. It also takes us outdoors, gets us active and inspires us to care more about the environment. Ralphie, aged 10, likes exploring nature on bike rides with hi

16、s family. He says, “It makes me feel happy and takes my mind off things, because you have to pay attention.”How can I feel closer to nature?Feeling closer to nature is straightforward, which means you can simply build a connection with nature by using your senses. Try listening closely to bird songs

17、, touching the trees or following insects. Smelling flowers and feeling earth between your fingers will also help you feel closer to the natural world. Writing a poem, painting a picture and taking photos of your favorite natural places can help, too. “The important thing is to try and connect with

18、nature and notice its beauty and how it makes you feel,” says the Mental Health Organization.19. Which of the following statements about nature is right according to the passage?A. Nature helps us to feel happy and calm.B. People have difficulties finding nature.C. Nature controls everything in our

19、life.D. People have the power to create nature.20. To prove (证明) that nature makes people feel good, the writer _ in Paragraph3.A. gives an exampleB. lists numbersC. asks questionsD. makes comparisons21. What does the underlined word “straightforward” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. helpfulB. valuab

20、leC. simpleD. necessary22. The writer writes this passage to _.A. call on people to protect natureB. give a brief introduction of natureC. ask people to take photos of natureD. encourage people to enjoy nature(C)It was a pretty road, and the air was sweet with the smell of apple flowers. When Matthe

21、w arrived at the station, there was no train, and he thought he was early. How he wished he could notice the boy somewhere! However, he only saw a girl sitting at the end.“The five-thirty train has gone, but there was a passenger for you, a little girl,” said the stationmaster.“Im not expecting a gi

22、rl,” said Matthew, surprised. “Its a boy Ive come for.”The stationmaster raised his voice, “Well, I guess theres some mistake. But Mrs. Spencer came off the train with that girl. She said you and your sister, Marilla, were adopting (收养) the girl from an orphanage (孤儿院).”The girl watched Matthew. She

23、 was eleven years old and dressed in a very old and very ugly dress. “I suppose you are Mr. Matthew Cuthbert of Green Gables?” she said in a clear, sweet voice. “Im very glad to see you. I was afraid you werent coming for me.”Matthew could not say there was a mistake; he would take her home and let

24、Marilla explain everything. “Im sorry I was late,” he said shyly. “Come along. The horse is over in the yard.”“Oh, Im very glad you came,” the girl said, “Its wonderful Im going to live with you and belong to you. Ive never belonged to anybody-not really.”The girl kept talking as they drove down the

25、 main road. “Isnt it beautiful?” she said. “I used to imagine living here, but I never expected I actually would. Am I talking too much?” she went on. “People always tell me what I should do. If you say so, Ill stop. I can stop, though it is a little bit difficult.Surprisingly, Matthew was enjoying

26、himself. Hed never expected that he would enjoy staying with a young girl. He said shyly, “Oh, you can talk as much as you like, I dont mind.”“Im so glad. You and I will get along just fine.”“Were near home now,” Matthew said in a weak voice, looking away from the girls eyes. He did not think about

27、Marilla or himself or the mistake. He thought only about Annes disappointment after discovering the truth.Adapted (改编) from Anne of Green Gables23. Matthew went to the train station to _.A. take a trainB. pick up a boyC. see a little girlD. meet his sister24. How did Matthew felt at the end of the s

28、tory?A. happyB. nervousC. surprisedD. hopeful25、 From the story, we can infer that the little girl _.A. was really angry to see Matthew at firstB. had a wonderful time in the orphanageC. never imagined living in Green GablesD. felt excited to be adopted by Matthew26. The best title of the passage ma

29、y be “_”.A. A Warm WelcomeB. A Poor GirlC. A Great SurpriseD. A Shy Man(D)With the development of technology over the years, people have more ways to get the news around the world. Newspaper, TV and radio news are popular among the older age groups, but many young people prefer social media (社交媒体) a

30、pps such as Instagram; TikTok or YouTube to get the latest news.A recent report shows that the number of people in the UK watching news on TikTok in 2022 is 3.9 million, up from 800,000 in 2020. And 29% of UK teenagers use Instagram to get the news. But are social media apps a proper news source (来源

31、)?For some, especially youngsters, social media apps are a great way to get news. Many people use social media apps every day, so they can quickly get the latest news on Instagram or TikTok.The news is also shown in a user-friendly way, such as a short and lively post of video, which makes it easier

32、 to understand. This means people are more likely to take in more news than just reading about it.Social media apps can also bring you news stories that you cant find on TV or newspaper. They provide a platform for different voices, such as peoples experiences during big events._ In a recent report

33、by Ofcom, a media regulator (监管机构) from the UK, 63% of TikTok users say they often get news that is clearly false. News from local newspaper or TV station is carefully checked before it comes out, but other people who post news online might not do this.Besides, smart phones make it much easier to ge

34、t more news and stories online, So it seems there is no stop of reading on social media apps. Research shows that people in the UK spent 108 minutes a day on social media apps. If people get their news from a newspaper or the TV, they will get a much-needed social media break.News on social media ma

35、y bring people an easy way to receive news. However, it still has a long way to go before it can finally become a suitable news source. Until then, people, especially youngsters, should think twice before believing any news.27. News on social media is _.A. welcome by the oldB. hard to understandC. q

36、uite fast to receiveD. the same as news on TV28. Which of the following sentences can be put in the _?A. People think news online is important.B. News online can also be untrue.C. People always believe news online.D. We cant spend much time online.29. The writer is _ about getting news on social med

37、ia.A. supportiveB. agreeableC. thankfulD. careful30. The structure of the passage may be _.A. B. C. D. 三、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)花草不仅美化环境也能陶冶情操,受到越来越多人的喜爱。你了解花草的养护知识吗?请根据图片内容将其与相关描述(A-F)进行匹配。选项中有一项为多余选项。31. _32. _33. _34. _35. _A. It is not easy to make the plant look special and beautifulfor example,

38、 make it like a ball because you have to cut the extra (额外的) branches (枝条) very patiently. So be sure to do it slowly and carefully.B. If you want your plants to have more flowers in the following years, remember to cut off the faded (凋谢的) flowers in time. Be careful not to hurt the other part of th

39、e branches.C. Cut 10-20% of the plants leaves at a time. Do not cut off all the leaves, as this can make it difficult for it to grow properly. Wait a few weeks to one month to cut the plants again.D. When one branch of the plant is too long, it is harmful for the other branches to get enough space t

40、o grow. So you need to cut it much shorter.E. For some flowers, you need to check the root (根部) every year. If you find anything weak or badly hurt, the only thing to do is to cut them off. The earlier, the better.F. In order to help some of the plants grow much faster, youd better cut almost all th

41、e upper branches of the plant before winter. Be sure you dont leave any leaves.四、词汇运用(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共计15分)A.根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。36. Keeping a _ (日记) is a great way to learn a language.37. He is not cleverer than _ (任何人) else, but he succeeded because of his strong will.38. If this sore

42、 throat gets any_ (更糟的), Ill have to go to a doctor.39. You must _ (提醒) Sally to prepare some food for the picnic, or shell surely forget it.40. Last month, nearly one _ (千) teachers helped teach students in the remote mountains.41. While football player Messi _ (失败) many times, he finally led his t

43、eam to victory in the World Cup 2022.42. _ (无论何时)I hear that song, I remember my unforgettable school time.43. Nowadays _ (兔子) are a popular choice as pets for many families in the UK, as they are highly intelligent animals.44. To have a deeper understanding of a topic, wed better read more _ (广泛地).

44、45. Whether to go camping or not is _ (决定) by the weather. So we must check the weather before we hit the road.B.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。easy use about either centurySugar painting is a kind of traditional Chinese art. Instead of 46 a brush or a pen, artists patiently pour melted (融化的) sugar to

45、 create their artwork. In fact, many of the tools used today are almost the same as those used 47 ago.It is no easy job to do sugar painting at all. Drawing has to be done quickly as the sugar cools and hardens quite quickly. The artists have to practice a lot before doing it 48 .The most popular pi

46、ctures of sugar painting are 49 nature or wildlife like a dragon, monkey or flower basket. They are considered as symbols of good luck in Chinese culture.After the artwork is finished, people can 50 admire the sugar painting with eyes or enjoy its sweet sugar taste.五、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Our teacher, Mrs Miller came into the classroom and handed out a questionnaire (问卷调查) with “get to know you” questions:I thought she would read them just by 51 (her), so I felt safe to share who I was.However, after co


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