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1、2023年浙江省温州市鹿城区中考一模英语试卷一、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。“Do you have your costume for the Harvestfest competition?” Meg asked.“I have oneMagnifico, _1_ favourite hero,” said Jordan, sitting in his wheelchair. “But its boring.”Meg shrugged. “You love Magnifico. Whats the matter

2、?”“Danny and Alex are going as Magnifico, too.” Jordan shook his head. “Its _2_ for me to win.”Meg said, “Maybe you should go as _3_ different.”“The competition is Friday night. Its too late to change costumes,” Jordan sighed.Back at home, Jordan was quiet, thinking about Megs words _4_. When he pul

3、led into Moms home office, he saw papers and books everywhere. “What are all these?” he asked.“Im cleaning out my old desk. The new one is arriving tomorrow.” She smiled at Jordan. “Whats on your mind?”Jordan explained the costume situation. “I really want to be the _5_.”“We have lots of old clothes

4、 and costumes. Why not take a look?” Mom _6_.“OK”Jordan found giant sunglasses and a long black wig, _7_ nothing was useful.The next day, Meg found him. “Any new idea?”“I _8_ some old clothes.” He shrugged. “Nothing.”“Jordan, you have to think outside the box,” said Meg. “See what you have _9_ your

5、house. Theres hidden potential* in everyday items. My candy-bar costume is made from recycled aluminum foil.”When Jordan got home, he found Mom putting her new desk together. On top of the desk was a giant box. Suddenly, he _10_ what Meg saidthink outside the box.“What do you think?” Mom asked, poin

6、ting to her desk. Jordans eyes fell on the _11_. He grinned. “Its perfect!”On Friday night. Jordan was fully prepared for the competition. When Danny and Alex saw Jordan, they _12_ believe his costume.“The Magnifico Mobile?” Dannys eyes lit up. “The wheels of your wheelchair are perfect for its back

7、 wheels.” He wondered _13_ Jordan made it.Jordan beamed. “Thanks! I got the idea from a box.”It was time to announce, the _14_. “The winner is. Jordan Eastman!” Everyone clapped.“See?” Meg said. “You just needed to be _15_!”“Yeah, think outside the box!” Jordan smiled.1. A. myB. hisC. herD. your2. A

8、. possibleB. difficultC. importantD. dangerous3. A. nothingB. anythingC. somethingD. everything4. A. secretlyB. angrilyC. proudlyD. carefully5 A. judgeB. winnerC. officerD. player6. A. orderedB. guessedC. suggestedD. promised7. A. orB. soC. ifD. but8. A. took offB. paid forC. threw awayD. looked thr

9、ough9. A. forB. aroundC. outsideD. beside10. A. recordedB. doubtedC. discoveredD. remembered11. A. boxB. deskC. clothesD. sunglasses12. A. mustntB. needntC. couldntD. shouldnt13. A. whyB. howC. whenD. where14. A. goalB. ruleC. resultD. subject15. A. politeB. helpfulC. creativeD. humorous二、阅读理解(本题有15

10、小题,第16-18小题每小题1分;第19-29小题每小题2分;第30小题5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,第16-29小题请从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,第30题请在答题纸规定区域作答。ACome to Family Science Night and enjoy some interesting experiments in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math with your family. Learn together and have fun at the same time!Sunday, February 5th, 2

11、0236 pm8 pmSchool Sports Center7th9th GradeAdventuresReasons to Join inMr WindHow can we produce electricity with wind?Find science and technology in real-world activities.Amazing WaterHow can we make the dirty water clean and safe to drink?Gain a new understanding through exciting science adventure

12、s.The Big SunHow can we see the sun clearly with a DIY solar viewing camera?Develop problem solving, questioning and communication skills.Flying PaperHow can we make paper flying machines?Be partners in learning with your parents.RSVP. If you are interested to take part in the activity, please compl

13、ete the form below and give it to your headteacher. Dont forget!All school age students must come with at least one parent.For more information, visit www.fsn.edu or call 343-787-2536.Yes! Sign up for Family Science Night?Students Name _Class _Number of Adults _16. To learn the way to produce electr

14、icity, you can take the adventure _.A. Mr WindB. Flying PaperC. The Big SunD. Amazing Water17. If you want to take part in the activity, you need to _.A. call your headteacherB. fill out a form and hand it inC. check the official websiteD. ask parents to book on the phone18. Family Science Night mai

15、nly helps students _.A. join in real-world activitiesB. learn science in an exciting wayC. develop communication skillsD. have a close relationship with familiesBA tiny forest is a small area of closely planted, fast growing local trees. It is created to copy a natural forest, bringing all its benef

16、its, but for a small space in cities. The first tiny forest was planted by a Japanese plant expert. Dr. Akira Miyawaki in the 1970s. It was so great that it grew quickly in countries such as Denmark, Britain, Germany, Ireland and Spain.As the name suggests, the place doesnt have to be big. An area t

17、he size of about 200 is perfect. 600 trees, with as many as 40 different kinds, can be planted in the place. With 2 to 7 trees every square metre, the trees are planted much more closely than the ones in normal forests. But theres still room for the trees to grow naturally without the use of fertili

18、zers.To plant a tiny forest, one starts with testing the soil and choosing right kinds of trees. In cities, the soil is often in poor condition. It is important to create loose and rich soil. When the soil is prepared, the community will invite school children on a planting day. The forests need 2 t

19、o 3 years of care from children. Then the trees can become self-growing. Its believed if children plant their own forest and spend a lot of time caring for it, they will grow up to be healthy adults with a sense of responsibility for the society.Trees and forests arent special pieces of nature that

20、should only exist in the countryside. They need to be a part of life in cities too.19. The idea of a tiny forest came from a scientist in _.A. BritainB. JapanC. GermanyD. Spain20. Whats special about a tiny forest?A. There are usually about 7 kinds of trees.B. It usually covers an area of about 600.

21、C. It grows quickly with the help of fertilizers.D. Trees are planted closely in small places in cities.21. Planting tiny forests can _.A. help children grow into responsible adultsB. tell children the way to test the soil conditionC. teach children knowledge about the communityD. let children exper

22、ience the life in the countryside22. What is the best title for the passage?A. Save the World with a Tiny ForestB. Tiny Forest: Great Hope far ChildrenC. Learn to Grow Your Own Tiny ForestD. Tiny Forest: Super Tiny, Super PowerfulCIts well-known that sunshine influences peoples health. And new resea

23、rch shows it may also make people eat morebut only if theyre male*.The finding is from Carmit Levy, a researcher who had been studying how sunlight affects the risk of skin diseases. She exposed* a group of mice to sunlight for a few weeks, and unexpectedly found that sunlight made male mice get hea

24、vier, but not females*. The males also worked harder to get food that was difficult to reach.That interested her, so Levy and her team did further studies. They invited volunteers for two tests. Both showed that men and women were affected differently by sunlight. Then, they got data from almost 3,0

25、00 people. These data told that 1,330 men required about 2,188 daily calories* in summer months and only needed 1,875 calories in other months. The 1.661 women needed about 1,500 calories each day all year long.Encouraged by this, the team ran more mouse experiments to test what might explain such f

26、indings. And the reason may be connected with these three things. The first is p53. Its levels will rise when the body is under stress. For animals that are usually active at night, such as mice, sunlight can be a cause of stress. The second key player is ghrelin. When the stomach is empty, it trave

27、ls to the brain to send the message that the body needs food. The last is estrogen*. Its levels are much higher in females than males.Heres what may happen in male mice exposed to sunlight. First, the stress of sunlight makes p53 in the skin start to work. This p53 then tells the skin to create ghre

28、lin. Therefore, the mice eat more. But in female mice, the estrogen seems to interfere the production of ghrelin. As a result,the female mice may not feel so hungry. Thats to say, estrogen provides females with a greater protection against various forms of stress.The idea that sunlight may affect th

29、e need for food is interesting. But being sure the key players and how they work with each other will require much more research.23. After exposing the male mice to sunlight for weeks. Levy found they _.A. gained some weightB. got food more easilyC. ate in a healthy wayD. suffered from skin diseases

30、24. Levys team did further studies on humans to _.A. encourage more people to form new eating habitsB. compare the eating habit of people with that of the miceC. see how many calories men and women need through a yearD. check if people are affected by sunlight in the same way as mice25. What docs th

31、e underlined word “interfere” probably mean?A. Waste.B. Reduce.C. Develop.D. Complete.26. What can we infer from the passage?A. The p53 in the skin of mice will rise when night falls.B. The ghrelin could make mices stomachs empty more quickly.C. The scientists have been able to control peoples need

32、for food.D. The estrogen may protect female mice from the stress of sunlight.DI had always wanted to be a bicyclist. It changed when I met Lizzie and her horse at twelve.One afternoon, I saw Lizzie looking up at a life-sized sculpture horse.“It needs a rider,” she turned to me. “Would you be the rid

33、er, Bonny?”“I cant.”“You can ride bikes. Its not that different. Youd just sit there. Id sketch you, sculpt you.” Later, I tried to sit on the horse. It felt strange up theremuch higher than on bikes.I came every day after that. I looked forward to mixing up the plaster and holding it for Lizzie. I

34、liked that. She was sculpting me up, little by little.After a few days, work, I became the rider on the horse. It was me inside that skeleton.When it was finished, I could hardly take my eyes off the magnificent horse and rider.“Well,” said Lizzie. “What do you thin, Bonny?”“I just wish I could make

35、 a sculpture,” I whispered, touching the neck of the horse.“You did, Bonny,” she said. “Without your help, I couldnt have done it. Do you want to make a sculpture yourself?”“I cant”“Of course you can. But you have to look around, really look. Draw what you see. Make what youve sketched. You can have

36、 a comer of my studio. Hows that?”I followed her words and set to make my small sculpture, layer on layer. The more I did, the more I felt I belonged to this new world. With growing interest, I kept sculpting. _.Lizzie was working in the studio too. For minutes, a neck or leg would suddenly come to

37、life. “When you do it, its like magic,” I said.She replied, “No, Bonny. Not magic. Its a given thing, a talent from who knows where, who knows who. But once you discover you have it, whatever it is, its not to be wasted. Lifes too short to waste it.”Then came my summer holiday. I drew every day, boa

38、ts, gulls and fishermen. I made sculptures with wet sand. My parents seemed surprised at my new interest. I never had such a perfect holiday.Months later, a cardboard arrived to me in a post. It was of me sitting on the horse.So here I am, twenty years on, working as a sculptor. As I look out from m

39、y sculpture studio window, I see Lizzies Horse and Rider and all around my sculptures are gathered.Magic life, I think.27. What did Lizzie ask Bonny to do?A. To mix up her plaster.B. To be her sculptures rider.C. To ride bikes with her.D. To have a look at her horse.28. Which of the following senten

40、ces can be put into the _ in the passage?A. I felt afraid to show Lizzie my workB. I also started to have my own studioC. I was able to sculpt better than LizzieD. I was never happier with what Id done29. Why did Bonny keep Lizzies Horse and Rider for twenty years?A. Because it reminded Bonny of her

41、 childhood.B. Because it started Bonnys career as a sculptor.C. Because it encouraged Bonny to solve problems.D. Because it taught Bonny the importance of practice.30. Why did Bonny say she had a magic life? What did she learn from it?(请用约40词回答)_三、词汇运用(本题有15小题,等小题1分,共15分)A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次.

42、since hardly famous Canada receive31. Yao Ming is considered as one of _ basketball players in China.32. _ Ma Yun founded Taobao, shopping online has been more popular.33. Norman Bethune the great _ doctor, saved hundreds of lives in the war.34. Yuan Longping _ thought for himself and spent every mi

43、nute on research.35. Hemingway _ the Nobel Prize because of his great book The Old Man and the Sea.B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词正确形式。When people all over the world cheered for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, the idea of “Made in China” also succeeded in _36_(抓住) the worlds attention. From football stadiums

44、 to public transport and _37_(甚至) cultural products, China-made products can be found both on and off the field.Lusail Stadium, the main stadium, _38_(建造) by China Railway Construction Corporation in 2021. Its quite _39_(现代的) with 80,000 seats. It was the stadium for 10 important matches, _40_(包括) t

45、he final match. When fans travelled from one stadium to _41_(另一个), 1,500 Yutong buses from China were ready to help. These new energy buses provided comfortable and green services for _42_(百万) of fans from all over the world. Whats more, Yiwu, a town in Zhejiang Province also made it to the World Cu

46、p by supplying national _43_(旗帜), soccer balls and sports clothes. The small products were popular in the world for their higher quality and _44_(低的) price.All of these help to develop the _45_(友谊) between people of China and Qatar and also increase the global trust in China.四、语法填空(本题有10小题,与小题1分,共10

47、分)阅读短文,根据上下文或括号内所给英文单词,写出空白处的英文单词以及它们的正确形式,补全文本。For years I have been asked why I help as a volunteer, and my answer remains the same: It allows me to connect to my community and make it _46_ better place.Growing up in Hawaii, my dad would take me to the city centre _47_(offer) food to the poor. We did it every month _48_ I left


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