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1、外研社三年级起点五年级下册 Module 3 Unit 2 Sam ate four hambergers. What did you have for ? I had.for. breakfast lunch dinner What did the cat have? He had fish and meat. eat ate He has got no food now. He ate all the fish and he ate all the meat Who wrote this letter to Daming? Amy. listen and watch Amy wrote t

2、his letter to Daming. Who can you find in the letter? Sam, Lingling, Amy, Ms Smart. 1, Who ate four hamburgers at school today? 2, Who had a sandwich? Sam ate four hamburgers at school today. Lingling had a sandwich. read and answer the questions. a,原文中找到答案并勾画 b,尽量用完整的句子回答 3,Does Amy miss Chinese fo

3、od? Yes, she does. 4, What is Ms Smart going to cook tonight? Ms Smart is going to cook Chinese food tonight. Read and answer the questions. a,原文中找到答案并勾画 b,尽量用完整的句子回答 Retell the letter! 复述课文 Make a survey Name Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner 调查表:小组活动,互相询问完成表格。 Name Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Dear _, How are you?

4、 _ _ _ _ Love _ Dear _, How are you?Yesterday _ had _ for _. _ate _at school. _likes_very much. _ _ _ Love _ Lets chant ! Where is fish and where is meat? Can you see? Cat likes fish and cat likes meat. So he ate all! No, no , no. Teachers like bread. Pupils like pear. Sam likes hamburgers very much. So he ate four! Hear! Ouch, ouch. Sam had a stomache. No,no ,no. Please keep balance and youll be healthy. Homework: 1. Ask your father and mother: what did you have for lunch today? 2. 网上查询,做一个Healthy Menu(健康饮食表)。


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