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1、 Module7 Unit2 I will be home at seven oclock. He gets up at half past seven. He watches TV at seven oclock. Its a quarter to eight now. Its a quarter to eleven. Its a quarter to seven. What time will Mr Smart be home? He will be home at . seven oclock Listen, repeat and try to imitate. 1.What time

2、does Sam call(打电话)打电话)Mr Smart? 2.What time does Amy call Mr Smart? 3.What time does Ms Smart call Mr Smart? At six oclock. At half past six. At a quarter to seven. Listen, repeat and try to imitate. Read silently and number. (默读并排序默读并排序) B A C 3 2 1 D 4 Then read the text in roles (分角色朗读课文)(分角色朗读课文

3、) Listen, repeat and try to imitate. Listen and match(连线)(连线) Dont worry! Ill be home at seven oclock. Ill be home at seven oclock. Yes, I will. Will you be home at seven oclock? Are you going to be late, Dad? What time will you be home? Our plan Childrens Day is coming. Well go to _. Well go there

4、by_ . Well go there at _ in the_. We can _ and_ there. And well have lunch at _there. Well _(在家) at _ in the_. We will have a good time. Thank you! We should have a strong sense of time, to develop a good habit of punctuality, and discipline. 我们要有严格的时间观念我们要有严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的养成守时、守纪的好习惯。好习惯。 Homework 1.Read the text and try to recite. 2.Write your plan and share with your friends.


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