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1、 Unit3 单元综合测评单元综合测评 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A When traveling on a budget, every dollar counts. Unfortunately, the cost of tickets alone can make a serious hole in your savings. Dont let that stop you from taking your dream vacation, t

2、hough. According to Jeff Klee, CEO of CheapAir. com, there is a “sweet spot” to get the biggest bang for your buck. “The most important rule is fairly obvious: dont wait until the last minute, as that rarely works out,” he said in a statement. “But beyond that, you also want to be careful not to buy

3、 too early.” Still, thats easier said than done. Finding the most cost- efficient time to book is tough. Luckily, somebody did the math so you dont have to. Data crunchers from the online travel agency CheapAir. com surveyed over 917 million fares to determine the day with the cheapest rates. Heres

4、what they found: while prices tend to stay the same between 320 and 106 days before a trip, they start dropping at the 105- day mark. That said, you might be tempted to book the moment prices drop. But hold on! Youll save even more money by booking precisely 70 days before your trip. According to Ch

5、eapAir. com, you can save 48 percent of the tickets total cost by using this trick. After that date, airfares will begin to increase again. And dont even think about booking any later than 20 days ahead of time, as prices will be soaring. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your next dream

6、vacation, and book accordingly. Your wallet will thank you guaranteed. 21When can we book our plane tickets to save the most money? AThe later, the better. BAs early as possible. C105 days before our trip. D70 days before our trip. 22How much can the trick help us save if the ticket costs $ 400 tota

7、lly? A$ 48. B$ 192. C$ 208. D$ 352. 23Whats the purpose of the author in writing this text? ATo explain what a “sweet spot” is. BTo attract people to traveling by plane. CTo show the ways of booking plane tickets. DTo tell people how to buy cheap plane tickets. B The slogan for the Cultural Heritage

8、 and Sustainable Development Fund is “In Love With China”and this special message has been shown in its own logo. The logo uses the characters for “wind” and “phoenix” (凤凰) in ancient oracle bone script (甲骨文) on a circular Chinese fan. Kang Jiaqi, the executive director of CHSDF, explains the many l

9、ayers of meaning behind the logo: The logo adopts the writing style of oracle bone scriptdating back over 3,000 yearscarved onto either turtle shells or ox bones. “The Chinese character for wind and the character for phoenix are almost the same, with just one stroke difference. In Chinas ancient pas

10、t, the phoenix was widely considered to bring peace and happiness and represent good fortune. The character for wind has a long history and is also known as a name representing culture and spiritual power.” “Both the characters for wind and phoenix share the same component, which is also used in the

11、 logo. This extraordinary combination represents how experts lead fashion, which in turn leads cultureand that culture is the basis of creativity. Therefore, it represents the importance of traditional Chinese culture in global creativity.” “Taking the Chinese oracle bone characters for wind and pho

12、enix as our logo represents the beginning of Chinese civilization, which suggests that it can pass on Chinese culture through the cooperation between the CHSDF and the cooperative platform of global designers,” explains Jiaqi. Logo artist Sam Chung similarly explains her design process: The decision

13、 of the oracle bone script for “wind”comes from the root of the character itself. Originated from the character shape of “phoenix”, “winds” oracle bone script still presents the ethereal beauty, despite its more circular shape. The three tassels (流苏) at the end of the moon- shaped fan further give a

14、 feeling of lightness while hinting at both the Eastern and Western flavor. 24What do we know about the logo? AIts carved on turtle shells. BIts drawn on a circular Chinese fan. CIts designed in a new writing style. DIts a combination of two similar characters. 25Why are the characters for “wind” an

15、d “phoenix” chosen? AThey are easily written. BThey symbolize good fortune. CThey represent Chinese cultural and spiritual power. DThey promote global creativity based on Chinese culture. 26What can we learn from the last Paragraph? ASam Chung is the designer of the logo. BThe idea for the logo come

16、s from abroad. CThe director has little say in the decision. DTassels are symbol of western culture. 27Whats the passage mainly about? AChinese influence on the world. BThe making of the logo for CHSDF. CChinese culture and civilization. DChinese characters for “wind” and “phoenix” C Alice is a seni

17、or at Sunset High School (SHS) in America. The kids in her school are looking forward to senior graduation and summer vacation. And they still desire to live a significant life: doing something worthwhile and making a difference. Alice, senior class president, decides to take action by organizing a

18、food drive. She also decides to reach out to the community in the neighborhood for support. She wrote, “Hi! My name is Alice and Im a senior at Sunset! The SHS student government is hosting a drive and collecting the canned and boxed food for needy families. I know many students in the slum (贫民窟) ar

19、e not able to access regular meals without school. One hundred percent of everything donated will go to families in need. So it would be amazing if anybody could donate any extra food and lay it around the house. I would be so happy to come by and pick up any extra food that anyone has and just let

20、me know!” So far, the community has made some 400 donations, and Alice has picked up each one. Theyre left in brown paper bags around their houses, and she handles them with the latest gloves. Its all packaged food, and the packaging is cleaned with disinfected wipes. Along with the rest of the stud

21、ent union, which brainstormed the idea last week, Alice is setting up distribution centers to dispense the food in the city so families can get what they need. “In the community, Ive seen so many people offering their help, and Ive picked up so many donations from community residents,” Alice said. “

22、Its nice to see people supporting each other. I think its really good that were being more cautious, especially within the community.” Every individual is aware of how to take care of themselves, their family and others around them. They join hands to make a big difference indeed. With everyones eff

23、orts, the donation work goes on easily and smoothly and many poor families have got help. 28What do we know about the students at SHS in the text? ATheyre eager for a meaningful life. BTheyve helped to build a community. CTheyve graduated from senior high school. DTheyre forced to do something worth

24、while. 29Why did Alice organize the food drive? ATo gain greater popularity. BTo get food for families in need. CTo set up the SHS student union. DTo donate food to the students in her school. 30What does the underlined word “dispense” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? ARecycle. BHand out. CGain. DChew

25、up. 31What can be concluded from the last Paragraph? AEast or west, home is best. BIts good to learn at another mans cost. CActions speak louder than words. DMany hands make light work. D Have you ever heard of agritourism where you can experience the farm life? If not, Dr. Cindy Ayers- Elliott will

26、 tell you the real story of Foot Print Farms. The original concept of building Foot Print Farms was simple. When Ayers- Elliott returned to her hometown after graduation, she didnt have to look any further than her states alarming health statistics to find a mission. Everywhere she turned, there wer

27、e reports of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. “The problem was already identified,” explains AyersElliott. “Too many Mississippians were seriously unhealthy and it didnt take research to see that. And many of the states greatest health challenges could directly result from p

28、oor diet.” These days, Foot Print Farms, which started with a few raised beds of herbs and vegetables, is making fresh, naturally grown food. “When speaking of the key to my success, the coop model works because we share the work and rewards,” notes AyersElliott.“A perfect example is the Wing field

29、High School football team. To earn the money for equipment and other items, players committed to working five hours a week on the farm, and by the end of the summer they produced 1,000 melons and the profits from their sales helped to buy weights, T- shirts, sweat suits and pregame meals. But the le

30、ssons they learned about the rewards of hard work and working together to accomplish something were even more valuable products of their efforts.” “Its a model that can easily be learned in other places and Im looking forward to seeing some of our current partners do just that to take what they have

31、 learned here and spin it off in other communities,” AyersElliott remarks. She is now looking forward to developing an agritourism area to the farm, where visitors can experience the farm life, learn new skills and take with them seeds of inspiration they can sow in their own communities when they r

32、eturn home. 32What made Ayers- Elliott set up Foot Print Farms? AThe problems faced by local farmers. BHer further research into heart disease. CThe failure of her career after graduation. DThe health state of people in her hometown. 33Why does the author take the football team as an example? ATo ad

33、vocate the concept of independence. BTo stress the importance of teamwork. CTo support the idea of co- op model. DTo explore the key to success. 34What is Ayers- Elliotts attitude towards the future of Foot Print Farms? AOptimistic. BSkeptical. CCautious. DAmbiguous. 35What is the main idea of the t

34、ext? ANaturally grown food benefits peoples health. BFood Print Farms is making a difference in Mississippi. CAyers- Elliott encourages people to experience the farm life. DAgritourism is becoming increasingly popular in America. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

35、How to study for 10 hours a day without getting tired Get yourself some good coffee and great green tea.Have a cup of coffee and a cup of green tea beside you while you are studying.The coffee has caffeine(咖啡因), which keeps you refreshed(有精神的),and the green tea has theanine(茶氨酸),which keeps you rela

36、xed and happy. 36 It helps refresh you and makes you concentrate on your study. 37 This is important.You need to have a period of relaxation time at the end of the day.Relaxation time is important because it is the time that your mind consolidates(巩固)all the information you receive during the day. T

37、ell yourself that youre training for becoming better and better.Keep yourself healthy and happy.Regard this as your purpose. 38 Be sure that you can do this!This is your task.And you have to complete it. Learn to keep the mind quiet. 39 When you are studying,you will sit down for long periods of tim

38、e.So make sure you have a good yoga(瑜伽)exercise,which can help quiet your mind. 40 Every Sunday,write out what you will do over the week.And every day before bed,write out what you will do the next day.Then mark everything as you do it.This will give you happiness because you will feel a sense of ac

39、hievement every day. A.Keep a to- do list. B.Relax yourself at the end of the day. C.This combination(组合)is very fantastic. D.Theres nothing tiring about living your purpose. E.Taking 20 minutes exercise a day is good enough. F.This will also make sure that you pay attention to what you study. G.The

40、 best way to make your mind calm is to listen to light music or do yoga. 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My dad also taught me, by example, that a healthy lifestyle is important.He was 41 ever sick.I dont think my dad ever even h

41、ad a cup of coffee.He seldom 42 alcohol. He would say,“Bonnie,your 43 is a reflection of your overall physical well- being.So 44 you want to sing well,take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse (嘶哑)or caught a cold, he didnt 45 me directly, “Well, Bonnie, you know, if you get to sleep a littl

42、e earlier,that would probably be a good 46 .” When I decided to get silent about 18 years ago,he told me,“See,Bonnie,its so great to see you in such strong voice 47 .” He just did not complain (抱怨),even when he was uncomfortable towards the end, 48 the cancer that eventually 49 his life.He simply ma

43、de a 50 to be positive. I am so glad that we had the 51 to perform together.I was touched that he tried singing my music, 52 the bluesy style didnt come 53 to him.Then,when I had so much Grammy (格莱美奖) 54 with my album Nick of Time in 1990,I 55 , hey,I had one of the greatest 56 of all time in my fam

44、ily.I was very 57 about doing The Boston Pops Show on TV with my dad.To 58 me,he said,“Bonnie,a beautiful song is a beautiful song.Just 59 it.” I looked in my dads 60 , and there we were singing the Irving Berlin Song.Of all the duets (二重唱)Ive done,that one will always be a highlight. 41.A.possibly

45、B.hardly C.nearly D.almost 42.A.avoided B.banned C.served D.touched 43.A.voice B.beauty C.habit D.health 44.A.whether B.when C.if D.though 45.A.punish B.scold C.blame D.order 46.A.idea B.question C.decision D.deed 47.A.all in all B.all over C.all the time D.all right 48.A.from B.by C.in D.at 49.A.ca

46、rried B.took C.changed D.lost 50.A.plan B.living C.choice D.promise 51.A.time B.luck C.energy D.chance 52.A.if only B.even though C.whenever D.unless 53.A.happily B.fortunately C.truly D.naturally 54.A.difficulty B.success C.process D.effort 55.A.said B.guessed C.meant D.realised 56.A.dancers B.edit

47、ors C.listeners D.singers 57.A.nervous B.shy C.scared D.upset 58.A.teach B.train C.calm D.praise 59.A.forget B.believe C.make D.see 60.A.mind B.thought C.heart D.eyes 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 How to achieve a healthy lifestyle We all know that it is good t

48、o live a healthy life.61._(live)a healthy life means we should eat healthy food.Yet for many of us keeping a healthy lifestyle is very difficult.Part of this is because we are creatures of habit. So if you want 62._(live)a healthy life,you have to change your habits that are not so healthy.In order

49、to feel less tired,you have to replace your habit of sleeping only 4 hours a day with sleeping at least 6 hours a day. Now when most people decide to live a more healthy life, they try to deal with all of their habits all at once.Take losing weight 63._ example.They go on 64._ quite strict diet, and

50、 yes,they do lose weight,sometimes a lot of weight in a short period.But they do not really change their eating habits.So these people often notice they will gain the weight 65._and more even,once they stop the diet. And the same holds true for these people.They start exercising in order to lose wei


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