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1、 2020 年浙江省嘉兴市小升初英语试卷年浙江省嘉兴市小升初英语试卷 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将其序号填在题前括号内一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将其序号填在题前括号内 1听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语 (1)A potato Bplant C phone (2)Agloves B glasses C grass (3) Asmarter B smaller C shorter (4)A postman Bbusinessman C fisherman (5)A June 1st BOctober 1 st CJanuary 1st (6)A this Sunday B

2、 next Saturday Clast Tuesday 二、听录音,判断图片信息是否与录音内容一致,一致的打“” ,不一致的打“”二、听录音,判断图片信息是否与录音内容一致,一致的打“” ,不一致的打“”. 2听录音,判断图片信息是否与录音内容一致,一致的打,不一致的打 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 三、听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题选择合适的答句,将其相应的字母标号填在题前括号内三、听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题选择合适的答句,将其相应的字母标号填在题前括号内 3听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题选择合适的答句 (1)How was Amys last weekend? A

3、It was good B It was bad C It was fun (2)Which season does Jim like best? A Winter B Autumn C Summer (3)Was there a gym in the school thirty years ago? A Yes, there was B No, there wasnt C No,there were two (4)How did Sarah go to Lhasa? A By bus B By train C By plane (5)What would Chen Jie like for

4、dinner? ASome beef and fish BSome beef and tomatoes CSome fish and tomatoes (6)How many people will go on the picnic tomorrow? ATwo BThree CFour 四、听对话,判断句子与录音内容是否一致一致的在括号中打“” ,不一致的画“” 四、听对话,判断句子与录音内容是否一致一致的在括号中打“” ,不一致的画“” 4听对话,判断句子与录音内容是否一致一致的在括号中打,不一致的画 (1)Dan is Lindas classmate (2)Dan is taller

5、and stronger than Linda (3)Dan lives in Hangzhou now (4)Linda played basketball with Dan in Hangzhou last summer holiday (5)Linda is going to visit Dan this summer holiday 五、按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确五、按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确 5 (3 分)按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确 did ,amy ,go, to, turpan, la

6、st, year 6 (3 分)按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确 before ,i ,was ,quiet 六、选出与所给的两个单词意义范畴同类的那个选项,将其字母标号写在题前括号内六、选出与所给的两个单词意义范畴同类的那个选项,将其字母标号写在题前括号内 7 (3 分)选出同类词的一项rainy windy( ) Apretty Bsnowy Cshy 8 (3 分)选出同类词的一项dress sweater( ) Ajacket Bcarrot Chotel 9 (3 分)选出同类词的一项fifth third( ) Aeleven Beighth Cbirth

7、 10 (3 分)选出同类词的一项write read( ) Athirsty Bspeak Csandwich 11 (3 分)选出同类词的一项Canada Australia( ) ASydney BToronto CChina 七、从七、从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项将字母标号写在题前括号内三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项将字母标号写在题前括号内 12 (3 分)Look at the sign_It meansKeep your desk clean ( ) A B C 13 (3 分) We will go hiking this weekend Wou

8、ld you like to come with us? Yes,_( ) ALet me have a try BId like to CGoodbye 14 (3 分)Would you like some noodles? _Id like some rice, please ( ) AYes, please BHere you are CNo, thanks 15 (3 分)Mr Ma, I cant do Chinese kung fu well_I can help you ( ) ANo problem BHurry up CIts wonderful 16 (3 分)Miss

9、White, Im so sorry My chair is broken _The school worker can help you fix it ( ) ADont worry BGood idea CTake a deep breath 八、看图片,读句子,根据图片语境填入正确的单词 (每空一词)八、看图片,读句子,根据图片语境填入正确的单词 (每空一词) 17What did you do yesterday,Sarah? I went to the cinema and a 18Does Amy often play sports on the weekend? No,she d

10、oesnt She often at home 19The girl a picture now Its beautiful That is her hobby 20The short man is fat,so he is than the tall man Yes The tall man is 4 years than the short man 21Do you like doing word puzzles? No ,I like to 九、阅读短文,用方框中所给词填在横线上,使短文正确、通顺连贯,每个单词限用一次九、阅读短文,用方框中所给词填在横线上,使短文正确、通顺连贯,每个单词

11、限用一次 22阅读短文,用方框中所给词填在横线上,使短文正确、通顺连贯,每个单词限用一次 river; run; woke;was;were;afraid; faster; happy; forest;eat I had a dream last night I was in a big(1) There (2) so many tall trees and beautiful flowers I could (3) like a horse I had many horse friends there We played together and ran everywhere It (4)

12、fun! Then we had a race I could run (5) than all the other horses I was so(6) I was thirsty after the race I came to a (7) and drank some water But suddenly a big tiger found me and it wanted to (8) me I was very (9) Help! Help! I shouted Then I (10) up It was all a dream! 十、读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填

13、在横线上十、读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填在横线上 23读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填在横线上 A What did you do in Beijing? B A special bike? C Yes It was twenty years ago D Did you visit any parks? E Is he the thin man next to you? Tim: Look at this photo, Dad You were on the Great Wall Dad: (1) I went to Beijing with your un

14、cle, Peter Tim: (2) Dad: Sure His hair was so long at that timeBut now he is fat and has no hair Tim: Haha! (3) Dad: We climbed mountains, ate good food Tim: (4) Dad: Yes, we rode a special bike in one park Tim: (5) Dad: Yes It looked like a boat Tim: Thats funny! 十一、看连环画,根据故事发展顺序,给各段文字排序将其序号填入空格中序号

15、十一、看连环画,根据故事发展顺序,给各段文字排序将其序号填入空格中序号 1 已给已给 24看连环画,根据故事发展顺序,给各段文字排序将其序号填入横线上序号已给 A little girl came into the shop with her mother She liked Chubby very much Not today, dear, her mother said He doesn t look new and he lost his one button(纽扣) Im so happy, said Chubby I always wanted a friend Me too! sa

16、id Lisa, and she gave him a big hug(拥抱) Every day, many people came to the shop and bought toys But no one wanted the small bear Chubby was sad He jumped down and looked for his lost button everywhere on the floor But he couldnt find it Chubby is a small bear He lived in a shop with other toys The n

17、ext day, the girl came to the shop again I have a button for you, she said to Chubby, And you can be my friend I can take you home 十二、阅读短文,按要求完成任务十二、阅读短文,按要求完成任务 25阅读短文,按要求完成任务 An old blind man had a newspaper stand (报刊摊) His newspaper stand was just outside a shop On the other side of the street, t

18、here was a school One day the shop was closed Some men went in and stole (偷) money from the shop Then they came out of the shop and ran away They turned right at the second crossing and went into a building on the left The next morning, a police officer came, but no one could tell him anything Then

19、the old man came and said, I heard (听到) the sound There were three men One man had red hair and he couldnt run fast The police officer was surprised You cant see anything How can you know that? he said The other two men asked him to run faster They called him Red Hair Two days later, the thieves (小偷

20、) were caught (被抓) One had red hair and one of his legs was hurt a阅读理解根据短文内容,选择合适的选项 (1)What was the old mans job? A He worked in a school B He sold newspapers C He worked in a shop (2)What does the underlined word blindmean? A眼瞎的 B耳聋的 C腿瘸的 (3)Why couldnt the man with red hair run fast? ABecause he

21、was tired BBecause he was worried CBecause his leg was hurt (4)What can we know about the thieves? A They had a car B There were three thieves C They stole many thing b根据上下文内容,画出小偷逃跑的路线 2020 年浙江省嘉兴市小升初英语试卷年浙江省嘉兴市小升初英语试卷 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将其序号填在题前括号内一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语,将其序号填在题前括号内

22、1听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语 (1)A potato Bplant C phone (2)Agloves B glasses C grass (3) Asmarter B smaller C shorter (4)A postman Bbusinessman C fisherman (5)A June 1st BOctober 1 st CJanuary 1st (6)A this Sunday B next Saturday Clast Tuesday 【解答】略 二、听录音,判断图片信息是否与录音内容一致,一致的打“” ,不一致的打“二、听录音,判断图片信息是否与录音内容一致,一致的

23、打“” ,不一致的打“”. 2听录音,判断图片信息是否与录音内容一致,一致的打,不一致的打 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 【解答】略 三、听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题选择合适的答句,将其相应的字母标号填在题前括号内三、听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题选择合适的答句,将其相应的字母标号填在题前括号内 3听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题选择合适的答句 (1)How was Amys last weekend? A It was good B It was bad C It was fun (2)Which season does Jim like best? A Winter B

24、Autumn C Summer (3)Was there a gym in the school thirty years ago? A Yes, there was B No, there wasnt C No,there were two (4)How did Sarah go to Lhasa? A By bus B By train C By plane (5)What would Chen Jie like for dinner? ASome beef and fish BSome beef and tomatoes CSome fish and tomatoes (6)How ma

25、ny people will go on the picnic tomorrow? ATwo BThree CFour 【解答】略 四、听对话,判断句子与录音内容是否一致一致的在括号中打“” ,不一致的画“四、听对话,判断句子与录音内容是否一致一致的在括号中打“” ,不一致的画“” ” 4听对话,判断句子与录音内容是否一致一致的在括号中打,不一致的画 (1)Dan is Lindas classmate (2)Dan is taller and stronger than Linda (3)Dan lives in Hangzhou now (4)Linda played basketball

26、 with Dan in Hangzhou last summer holiday (5)Linda is going to visit Dan this summer holiday 【解答】略 五、按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确五、按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确 5 (3 分)按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确 did ,amy ,go, to, turpan, last, year Did Amy go to Turpan last year? 【解答】考查连词成句首先根据所给词汇组合的句意:艾米去年去吐鲁番

27、了吗?Did 助动词,引导一 般过去时的一般疑问句,放于句首; Amy 艾米,做主语,放于助动词后,主谓倒置; go 去,是谓语动 词,放于主语后;go to Turpan 去吐鲁番;last year 去年,放于句末,结合整句及英语表达的习惯作答 故答案为:Did Amy go to Turpan last year? 6 (3 分)按照正确的格式抄写句子,注意书写美观、大小写和标点符号正确 before ,i ,was ,quiet I was quiet before 【解答】考查连词成句,首先根据所给词汇及标点,可确定组合的句子为一般过去时的陈述句,组合的 句意:我以前很安静I 我,做

28、主语,放于句首;was 是,系动词,放于主语后;quiet 安静,做表语, 放于系动词后;before 以前,时间副词,位于句末结合整句及英语表达的习惯作答 故答案为:I was quiet before 六、选出与所给的两个单词意义范畴同类的那个选项,将其字母标号写在题前括号内六、选出与所给的两个单词意义范畴同类的那个选项,将其字母标号写在题前括号内 7 (3 分)选出同类词的一项rainy windy( ) Apretty Bsnowy Cshy 【解答】本题考查类别分类Apretty 漂亮的,描述人物;Bsnowy 下雪的,描述天气;Cshy 害羞 的,描述人物rainy 下雨的,win

29、dy 有风的,二者都是描述天气的形容词,只有 snowy 与之同类 故选:B 8 (3 分)选出同类词的一项dress sweater( ) Ajacket Bcarrot Chotel 【解答】 本题考查类别分类 A jacket 夹克衫, 服装; B carrot 胡萝卜, 蔬菜; C hotel 旅馆, 地点 dress 连衣裙,sweater 毛衣,二者都是服装,只有 jacket 与之同类 故选:A 9 (3 分)选出同类词的一项fifth third( ) Aeleven Beighth Cbirth 【解答】 本题考查类别分类 A eleven 十一, 基数词; B eighth

30、 第八, 序数词; C birth 出生, 名词 fifth 第五,third 第三,二者都是序数词,只有 eighth 与之同类 故选:B 10 (3 分)选出同类词的一项write read( ) Athirsty Bspeak Csandwich 【解答】本题考查类别分类Athirsty 口渴的,形容词;Bspeak 讲,动词原形;Csandwich 三明治, 食物名词write 写,read 读,二者都是动词原形,只有 speak 与之同类 故选:B 11 (3 分)选出同类词的一项Canada Australia( ) ASydney BToronto CChina 【解答】本题考查

31、类别分类ASydney 悉尼,城市名;BToronto 多伦多,城市名;CChina 中国, 国家名Canada 加拿大,Australia 澳大利亚,二者都是国家名,只有 China 与之同类 故选:C 七、从七、从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项将字母标号写在题前括号内三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项将字母标号写在题前括号内 12 (3 分)Look at the sign_It meansKeep your desk clean ( ) A B C 【解答】考查看图完成句子句意:看那个标志,意思是保持你的桌面整洁图 A:禁止说话图 B: 保持整洁图 C:直走据此

32、可判断图片 B 与句子相符 故选:B 13 (3 分) We will go hiking this weekend Would you like to come with us? Yes,_( ) ALet me have a try BId like to CGoodbye 【解答】 本题考查情景交际 A Let me have a try 让我试一试; B Id like to 我愿意去; C Goodbye 再 见因此,当别人和你说我们这周将会去远足你愿意和我们一起吗?,你表示想去可以说:Yes,Id like to 故选:B 14 (3 分)Would you like some n

33、oodles? _Id like some rice, please ( ) AYes, please BHere you are CNo, thanks 【解答】考查情景交际选项 A是的,请;选项 B给你;选项 C不,谢谢你所以根据句意: 你想要一些面条吗?_ 我想要一些米饭 可知想要米饭, 不要面条, 应该是否定回答: No, thanks 故选:C 15 (3 分)Mr Ma, I cant do Chinese kung fu well_I can help you ( ) ANo problem BHurry up CIts wonderful 【解答】考查情景交际题干句意:马先生,

34、我不能练好中国功夫_我可以帮助你选项 A没问题;选项 B快点;选项 C太棒了根据句意可知选项 A 代入符合情景 故选:A 16 (3 分)Miss White, Im so sorry My chair is broken _The school worker can help you fix it ( ) ADont worry BGood idea CTake a deep breath 【解答】考查情景交际题干句意:怀特老师,我很抱歉我的椅子坏了_学校工作人员 会帮助你修理它选项 A不要担心;选项 B好主意;选项 C深呼吸所以跟老师说椅子坏了,老 师可以说:Dont worry(别担心)

35、 故选:A 八、看图片,读句子,根据图片语境填入正确的单词 (每空一词)八、看图片,读句子,根据图片语境填入正确的单词 (每空一词) 17What did you do yesterday,Sarah? I went to the cinema and saw a film 【解答】该题考查看图完成句子图示为看电影,推测对话内容:你昨天做了什么,莎拉?我去电 影院看电影了看电影,译为 see a film;该句为一般过去时,用 see 的过去式 saw 故答案为:saw;film 18Does Amy often play sports on the weekend? No,she doesn

36、t She often watches TV at home 【解答】该题考查看图完成句子图示为看电视,译为 watch TV;often表明该句为一般现在时,主语 she 是第三人称单数,用 watches TV 故答案为:watches TV 19The girl is drawing a picture now Its beautiful That is her hobby 【解答】该题考查看图完成句子图示为画画,译为:draw a picture;根据now推知该句为现在进行时 态,用 be+动词现在分词主语是 The girl,对应系动词 is 故答案为:is drawing 20T

37、he short man is fat,so he is fatter than the tall man Yes The tall man is 4 years younger than the short man 【解答】该题考查看图完成句子从图片可以看出,个子矮的人比高个子的人更胖,用 fatter,而年龄高 个子的人是 52,个子矮的人是 56,高个子的人比个子矮的人小 4 岁,这里用 younger 故答案为:fatter,younger 21Do you like doing word puzzles? No ,I like listening to music 【解答】考查看图完

38、成句子句子Do you like doing word puzzles?询问你喜欢猜字谜吗?图片显示 的是一个女孩正在听音乐,因此不完全句子缺少听音乐的英文表达听音乐的英文是:listen to music又因为like doing something表示喜欢做某事,所以 listen 要变为 listening 故答案为:listening;music 九、阅读短文,用方框中所给词填在横线上,使短文正确、通顺连贯,每个单词限用一次九、阅读短文,用方框中所给词填在横线上,使短文正确、通顺连贯,每个单词限用一次 22阅读短文,用方框中所给词填在横线上,使短文正确、通顺连贯,每个单词限用一次 ri

39、ver; run; woke;was;were;afraid; faster; happy; forest;eat I had a dream last night I was in a big(1) forest There (2) were so many tall trees and beautiful flowers I could (3) run like a horse I had many horse friends there We played together and ran everywhere It (4) was fun! Then we had a race I c

40、ould run (5) faster than all the other horses I was so(6) happy I was thirsty after the race I came to a (7) river and drank some water But suddenly a big tiger found me and it wanted to (8) eat me I was very (9) afraid Help! Help! I shouted Then I (10) woke up It was all a dream! 【解答】本题考查选词填空 (1)fo

41、rest考查名词,根据句意可知我在一个大森林里,故选:forest (2)were考查 be 动词,there be 句型表示某处有,so many tall trees 做主语,be 动词用复数,故选: were (3)run考查动词,could 后面接动词原形,根据句意可知我会奔跑,故选:run (4)was考查 be 动词,原句是主系表结构的句子,it 做主语,be 动词用 was,故选:was (5)faster考查比较级,原句中的 than 提示要用比较级,faster 更快的符合句意,故选:faster (6)happy考查形容词,根据句意可知我很开心,happy 符合句意,故选:

42、happy (7)river考查名词,根据句意我口渴喝了点水, 可知我来到了一条河边,故选:river (8)eat考查动词,根据句意可知大老虎想吃了我,故选:eat (9)afraid考查形容词,根据句意大老虎想吃了我,我很害怕,故选:afraid (10)woke考查动词,wake up 醒来,是固定搭配,故选:woke 十、读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填在横线上十、读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填在横线上 23读对话,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将其序号填在横线上 A What did you do in Beijing? B A special bi

43、ke? C Yes It was twenty years ago D Did you visit any parks? E Is he the thin man next to you? Tim: Look at this photo, Dad You were on the Great Wall Dad: (1) C I went to Beijing with your uncle, Peter Tim: (2) E Dad: Sure His hair was so long at that timeBut now he is fat and has no hair Tim: Haha

44、! (3) A Dad: We climbed mountains, ate good food Tim: (4) D Dad: Yes, we rode a special bike in one park Tim: (5) Dad: Yes It looked like a boat Tim: Thats funny! 【解答】考查补全对话 (1)C由文中 You were on the Great Wall可知 Tim 看出照片中爸爸是在长城上,C 选项是的那是 二十年前为爸爸进行确认并且给出时间,符合故选:C (2)E由文中 I went to Beijing with your un

45、cle, Peter可知爸爸表明是和 Tim 的 Peter 叔叔一起去的 北京, E 选项他是你旁边的那位男士吗?为 Tim 在询问 Peter 叔叔是否是爸爸旁边的那位, 符合 故选: E (3)A由文中 We climbed mountains, ate good food可知此处在询问所做过的事情,A 选项你们在 北京做了什么?符合故选:A (4)D由文中 Yes,we rode a special bike in one park可知在进行肯定回答且补充说明在公园里骑了一 辆特别的自行车,D 选项你们游览了一些公园吗?为一般疑问句,符合故选:D (5)B由文中 Yes, we rod

46、e a special bike in one park可知爸爸描述在一个公园里骑了一辆特殊的自 行车,B 选项一辆特殊的自行车?为 Tim 向爸爸询问进行确认,符合故选:B 十一、看连环画,根据故事发展顺序,给各段文字排序将其序号填入空格中序号十一、看连环画,根据故事发展顺序,给各段文字排序将其序号填入空格中序号 1 已给已给 24看连环画,根据故事发展顺序,给各段文字排序将其序号填入横线上序号已给 A little girl came into the shop with her mother She liked Chubby very much Not today, dear, her

47、mother said He doesn t look new and he lost his one button(纽扣) Im so happy, said Chubby I always wanted a friend Me too! said Lisa, and she gave him a big hug(拥抱) Every day, many people came to the shop and bought toys But no one wanted the small bear Chubby was sad He jumped down and looked for his lost button everywhere on the floor But he couldnt find it Chubby is a small bear He lived in a shop with other toys The next day, the girl came to the shop again I have a button for you, she said to Chubby, A


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