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1、9 年级年级 Units 1314 导学案导学案 一、重点单词一、重点单词 1.乱扔 v垃圾 n. _ 2.底部;最下部 n. _ 3.煤;煤块 n. _ 4.丑陋的;难看的 adj. _ 5.塑料的 adj.塑料 n. _ 6.残酷的;残忍的 adj. _ 7.工业;行业 n. _ 8.法律;法规 n. _ 9.买得起 v. _ 10.回收利用 v_ 11.大门 n. _ 12.瓶子 n. _ 13.负责人;总统 n_ 14.金属 n. _ 15.调查 n. _ 16.标准;水平 n._ 17.键盘 n_ 18.方法;措施 n. _ 19.加倍 v.两倍的 adj. _ 20.级别(或地位)

2、高的 adj. _ 21.水平 n. _ 22.(大学)学位;程度 n_ 23.渴望的;口渴的 adj._ 24.任务;工作 n. _ 25.向前面;在前面 adv. _ 26.分离的 adj.分开 v. _ 27.翅膀;翼 n. _ 28.渔民;钓鱼的人 n._ 29.木制的;木头的 adj._ 30.(音乐、艺术)作品 n._ 31.体贴人的 adj._ 32.感谢;感激 adj._ 二、词汇拓展二、词汇拓展 1.fisherman (n.)_ (复数) 2.advantage (n.)_ (n.)缺点 3.cost (v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)花费 4.harmful (adj.)

3、_(n.)伤害 5.scientific (adj.)_ (n.)科学 _(n.)科学家 6.reusable (adj.)_ (adj.)可用的 _(v.)再次使用 7.instruction (n.) _ (v.)指示 8.shall (aux v)_ (过去式)将要;将会 9.overcome (v.) _(过去式)_ (过去分词)克服;战胜 10.graduate (v.) _ (n.)毕业 11.caring (adj.)_ (v.)在意;担忧;关心 _ (adj.)小心的;细致的;精心的;慎重的 12.gentleman (n.) _(复数) 13.congratulate (v.

4、)_ (n.)祝贺 14.thankful (adj.)_(v.)感谢;谢谢 15.wooden (adj.)_ (n.)木;木头 16.law (n.) _ (n.)律师 三、重点短语三、重点短语 1.对有害 _ 2.在顶部或顶端_ 3.食物链_ 4.参加 _ 5.关掉_ 6.付费;付出代价 _ 7.采取行动 _ 8.扔掉;抛弃 _ 9.好好利用某物 _ 10.拆下;摧毁 _ 11.恢复;使想起;归还 _ 12.连续几次地_ 13.回首(往事);回忆;回顾 _ 14.弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂) _ 15.沉住气;保持冷静 _ 16.(时间)逝去;过去 _ 17.信任;信赖 _ 18.首先 _ 1

5、9.渴望;渴求 _ 20.对某人心存感激 _ 21.在前面 _ 22.连同;除以外还 _ 23.对有责任;负责任_ 24.出发;启程 _ 25.分离;隔开 _ 26.用建造/制作 _ 27.翻转过来 _ 28.到目前为止;迄今为止 _ 29.对产生影响 _ 30.展望未来 _ 四、重点句型四、重点句型 1. Were _ to save the earth!我们尽力拯救地球! 2The river _ _ be so clean.这条河过去很清澈。 3The air is badly _空气污染很严重。 4No scientific studies _ _ that shark fins ar

6、e good for health. 没有科学研究表明鲨鱼翅有益健康。 5We _ _ save the sharks.我们应该帮助拯救鲨鱼。 6I remember _ all of you in Grade 7.我记得在七年级见过你们所有人。 7_ _ your plans for next year?你明年有什么计划? 8_ do you _ about Grade 8?关于八年级你记得什么? 五、熟词生义五、熟词生义 1. litter (v.)A. 乱扔 B. 使乱七八糟 (n.)C. 垃圾;废弃物 (1)Books and newspapers littered the floor

7、. _ (2)The floor was littered with paper. _ 2. cost (n.) A. 价钱,花费 B. 成本 C. 代价,损失 (v.)D. 花费 E. 使丧失;使损失 (1)She saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life. _ (2)They will help the factory to cut the cost. _ (3)That one mistake almost cost him his life. _ 3. standard (n.)A. 标准;水平 B. 道德水准 (a

8、dj.)C. 标准的 (1)Televisions are a standard feature in most hotel rooms. _ (2)My father has always had high moral(道德) standards._ 4. instruction (n.)A. 指示;命令 B. 用法说明;操作指南 (1)We often add “Please” in a sentence to make an instruction more polite. _ (2)Please read the instructions before you start the ma

9、chine._ 5. level (n.) A. 水平 B. 数量;程度 C. 楼层 (v.)D. 使平坦;使平整 (adj.)E. 平坦的 (1)Our rooms are on the same level of this building._ (2)The floor will need to be leveled first. _ (3)It is a test that examines the level of alcohol in the blood._ (4)The buildings are all built on the level ground. _ 六、考点清单六、考

10、点清单 1. afford 的用法 1.afford意为“买得起,(经济上)担负得起”时,后面直接接名词或动词不定式作宾语,常和情态动词can 或 be able to 连用。 e.g. He can afford the apartment. We cant afford to buy such an expensive car. 2.afford 意为“抽出;放弃;丢下”时,后面直接接表示时间的名词作宾语。 e.g. I cant afford an hour for lunch. I cant afford three weeks away from work. 3.afford 意为“

11、提供;给予”时,可以接双宾语。 常用短语 afford sb. sth.=afford sth. to sb.“给某人提供某物”。 e.g. Can you afford me a job when I get there? 注意:(1)他买不起汽车。 误:He doesnt afford (to have) a car. 正:He cant afford (to have) a car. 析:afford 通常与 can,be able to 连用。 (2)那样的东西许多人可以买得起。 误:Such things can be afforded by many people. 正:Many

12、people can afford such things. 析:afford 不能用于被动语态。 (3)我想请人把我的汽车修一下,因为我买不起新车。 误:I want to get my car repaired because I cant afford the money for a new one. 正:I want to get my car repaired because I cant afford ( to buy ) a new one. 析:afford 可用于金钱方面,但通常不直接以金钱作宾语。 练一练 1). I am afraid we can not to take

13、 a taxi. Lets go by underground instead. A.refuse B.afford C.forget D.fall 2). (2020 自贡)Most of us cant a_ to buy the car, for it costs a lot of money. 2. forget 的用法 forget/remember to do sth.忘记/记得去做某事(没做) forget/remember doing sth.忘记/记得做了某事(已做) 辨析 forget 和 leave forget 表示忘记曾经见过某人,或曾经做过某事; leave 表示将

14、某物落在某处。 e.g. Who could forget his speech at last years party? Ive left my book at home. 练一练 1). (2020 内江) Dont forget_ off the lights when you leave the classroom. OK. Ill do that. A. turn B. turns C. turning D. to turn 2). (2020 黄石)你房间的灯还亮着。你离开之前不要忘记把它们关掉。 The lights in your room are still on. Dont

15、 forget _ _ _ _ before you leave. 3. 辨析 separate 和 divide 1.separate常与from连用,separate.from.表示“将与分开”,指把原来连在一起或接近的部分分 隔开来,被分隔的对象没有任何统一性。 e.g. This patient should be separated from the others. The two countries are separated by a river. 2.divide 常与 into 连用,divide.into.表示“把分成”,往往是指把某个整体分割为若干部分,被分 开的对象在一

16、定的条件下具有一定的统一性。 e.g. The cake is too large.We shall have to divide it. A year is divided into four seasons. 练一练 1). (2020 绥化)To keep players safe,policemen them from crazy fans. A.connect B.separate C.divide D.leave 2). Please _ (分开) the children into three groups. 4. look like 的用法 1). look like 意为“看

17、起来与(某人或某物)相像,相似”。 e.g. He looks like a doctor. These houses look like each other,which makes the street look very dull. 2). look like 意为“很可能出现或引起(某事)”。 e.g. It looks like rain. Lets start for home. 辨析 look like,be like 和 take after (1)look like 表示“看上去像”,既可指人也可指物,通常指外表长相。 e.g. The man looks like our

18、headmaster. The photo doesnt look like her at all. (2)be like 表示“品德、相貌等像什么样”,主要用于询问性格。 e.g. What is he like? He is kind. (3)take after 表示“长得像;行为、性格等像”,尤其指像自己的长辈,多用在有血缘关系的亲人之间。用于 外貌,也能用在性格、脾气这些内在特质上。 e.g. Mary really takes after her mother. 练一练 Though he his father,tall and thin, he his mother,quiet

19、and smart. A.looks after;takes after B.looks like;takes like C.looks like;takes after D.looks after;takes like 5. 辨析 at the end of,by the end of 和 in the end 短语 含义 用法 例句 at the end of 在尽头; 在结束时 可以指时间,也可以 指地点 At the end of this road,there is a school. by the end of 到底为止 通常指时间,一般用 于完成时或将来时 We will bui

20、ld this bridge by the end of this year. in the end 最后;终于 相当于 finally In the end,we found the little boy in the park. 练一练 How is your work going? It will be finished the end of this week. We must be on time. A.at B.in C.on D.for 6. set out 的用法 set out 意为“动身,出发,启程”。常用搭配:set out on sth.“开始进行新的或重要的事情”;s

21、et out/off to do sth.“开始做某事”;set out/off for sp.“动身去某地”。 e.g. Mary will set out for Nanjing tomorrow. =Mary will set off for Nanjing tomorrow. out 短语小结 break out 爆发 bring out 显现;生产( 新产品 ) carry out 执行 come out 出版;显露 cut out 剪出 find out 查明 give out 散发 hand out 分发;散发 hang out 在外闲逛 help out 帮助摆脱困境 get

22、out 摆脱;取出 lay out 摆出来 look out 当心;向外看 make out 辨认出;听出 put out 熄灭;扑灭 run out 跑出去;用完 sell out 卖完 take out 拿出;取出 turn out 结果是 work out 解决;计算出 练一练 1). (2020 长春) Look _ of the window. Its raining heavily. 2). (2020 荆州)Before asking someone for help, youd better _the right person for the problem. 让其他人帮忙之前

23、,你最好找到谁是解决问题的合适人员。(find) 7. ahead 的用法 意思及用法 例句 是副词,不要把它误认为是名词,意为 “在前面” Theres danger ahead. 主要用作状语, 有时也用作后置定语或表语, 意为“前面,领先” The road ahead was full of sheep. Our team is ahead by three points. 常用搭配:ahead of 指时间或空间的“在 之前”; go ahead 表示同意或允许, 意为“说吧; 做吧” He is always ahead of the age. He left one day ah

24、ead of me. May I start? Yes, go ahead. 练一练 1). “Work hard and there is a bright future _ you,” our teacher said. A. in front B. before of C. ahead of 2). Hi, Bruce. My eraser is missing. May I use yours? _. Here you are. I am not using it now. A. Of course not B. No way C. Go ahead 8. cut down 的用法 (

25、1)cut down 意为“减少”,是“动词副词”结构的短语,所接的宾语若为名词,宾语可位于 down 的前 面或后面;若为代词,只能位于 down 的前面。 e.g. Youd better cut the article down to about 2,000 words. (2)cut down 还可表示“砍倒”。 e.g. They cut down the big tree. (3)含有 cut 的短语: cut off 切断;切除 cut into 把切成 cut up 切碎 cut in 插队;插嘴 练一练 1). (2020 黄石)Angela, I want to make

26、Russian soup .Would you please tell me how? Im glad to. First, you need to_the vegetables and beef. A. cut up B. cut down C. cut off D. cut out 2).(2020 长春) Sharing a problem is like _(cut)it in half. 9. be harmful to 的用法 be harmful to 意为“对有害”,相当于 do harm to 或 be bad for。 e.g. Smoking is harmful to

27、our health. Smoking does harm to our health. Smoking is bad for our health. 练一练 Drinking too much _ your health. A. does harm to B. is harm to C. does harm for Dont eat too much sugar. Its _ to your teeth. Ahelpful Bharmful Cfriendly 10. “Its time to do sth.”句型 (1)Its time(for sb.) to do sth.表示“该(是某

28、人)做某事的时候了”。 e.g. Tom, its time to get up. (2)Its time forn.(v.- ing)意为“该做某事了,到了做某事的时间了”,相当于“Its time to do sth.”。 e.g. Be quiet, everyone. Its time for class. (3)与 time 相关的句型还有 Itsthe序数词timeto do sth.表示“某人第几次做某事”,可以与 Its the序数词timethat 从句互相转换。 e.g. Its the first time for me to visit Disney land. I f

29、eel so excited. Its the first time that I visit Disney land. I feel so excited. 练一练 Its time for me _ goodbye to my mother school. I will never forget all teachers love. Ato say Bsaying Csaid 11. congratulate 的用法 (1)congratulate 意为“祝贺”,通常用于“congratulate sb. on sth.”,表示“为某事而祝贺某人”。 e.g. She congratula

30、ted me warmly on my good exam results. (2)congratulation 是 congratulate 的名词形式,其复数形式常单独使用。 e.g. Ive got the first prize. Congratulations! 12. set out 的用法 (1)set out 意为“出发;启程”,其后常跟“for地点”,表示出发去某地。 e.g. The army are about to set out. Lingling and I will set out for Hangzhou. (2)set out on sth.意为“开始进行新的

31、或重要的事情”。 e.g. When we set out on this project, we knew it would be difficult. (3)set out to do sth.意为“着手做某事”,相当于“set about doing sth.”。 e.g. At five in the morning, he set out to do his work. As soon as she got home, she set about preparing lunch. 练一练 Jenny plans to _ to study English in America. As

32、et out Bset up Ctake on 七、语法复习:七、语法复习:常考时态语态复习 一般过去 时 主语动词 过去式 1.表示在过去某一 时刻或某一段时间 里发生的动作或存 在的状态 1.ago 词组 2.yesterday 3.last 词组 4.just now, in the past, in 1920 等 5.at the age of 6.one day, long long ago, once upon a time My father was very busy last month. Tom was ill last week. 2.表示过去经常性 或习惯性的动作 Du

33、ring the vacation,I often swam in the sea. 一般将来 时 1.主语will 动词原形 表示将要发生的动 作或状态; 1.tomorrow,soon 2.next week/month (next 系列) 3.in a week, in 2020, in一段时间 4.one day, in the(near)future The twins will go to the cinema with their parents tonight. 2.主语 am/is/are going to动 词原形 表示计划、 打算做某 事, 还可表示很可能 发生的或有迹象

34、表 明要发生的事 We are going to have a meeting today. 现在进行 时 主语 am/is/are 动词的现在 分词 1.表示现在(说话瞬 间)正在进行或发生 的动作 1.now,right now 2.at present, at this time, at the/this moment 3.these days 4.when,while 5.Look!Listen We are waiting for you. 2.表示现阶段正在进 行, 而此刻不一定在 进行的动作 We are making model planes these days. 3.表示位

35、置转移的动My friend is coming 词,如 go,come, leave,arrive 等常用 现在进行时表示将 来 tomorrow. 过去进行时 主语 was/were 动词的现在 分词 1.表示过去某一时刻或 某一段时间正在进行的 动作; 1.then 2.at that time, at ten yesterday, at this time yesterday In 1980,she was studying in a university. 2.和频度副词连用,表示 过去频繁发生的习惯性 动作(带有感情色彩) Alice was always changing her

36、 mind. 3.在when或while引导的 表示过去时间的状语从 句中, 延续性动词用过去 进行时, 短暂性动词用一 般过去时 He was reading a novel when I came in the room. 现在完成时 主语have/has 动词的过去分 词 1.表示结束、结果:动作发生在过去,终止在过去,但其结 果对现在仍有影响 2.表示继续:动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始,一直持续到 现在,并有可能延续下去,常与表示延续的时间状语连用 3.have gone to 已去某地(未回); have been to 曾去过某地(已 回);have been in 仍在某地 4.

37、短暂性动词不能与表示一段时间的短语连用, 需要用延续 性动词或表示状态的词来替换 5.It has been时间段since从句(一般过去时) 1.already, ever, never, just, yet,still 2.recently,lately,so far, up to now Ive already finished my homework. He has been here for five days. I have never been to New York before. He has joined the army for three years.( ) 3.in

38、the past/last three years 4.for一段时间 5.since过去某一时刻 He has been a soldier for three years.() 常考被动 语态的构 成 1.一般现在时 am/is/aredone Football is played in most countries in the world. 2.一般过去时 was/weredone My bike was stolen last night. 3.一般将来时 will/shall bedone The new film will be shown next Thursday. 4.含情

39、态动词 情态动词 bedone The environment should be improved. 5.现在完成时 have/has beendone The problem has been discussed for two days. 练一练 1). (2020 绥化) My family _ for dinner now. Were busy. A. is preparing B. are preparing C. prepares 2). (2020 北部湾)In 1958, pinyin _by Chinese linguist(语言学家)Zhou Youguang and h

40、is team. A. designs B. designed C. is designed D. was designed 3). (2020 绥化) The old lady _ the hospital in time at last. A. is taken to B. took to C. was taken to 4). (2020 金昌)I _ the guitar ever since I was 8 years old. A. played B. have played C. am playing D. will play 5). (2020 桂林) He _this cit

41、y when he was eighteen. A. leaves B. doesnt leave C. left 6). (2020 桂林)I think e- books will _more than paper books in the future. A. use B. be used C. used 7). (2020 柳州)Mr. Smith _a novel last year but I dont know whether he has finished it. A. wrote B. was writing C. has written 八、写作复习:八、写作复习:环境保护 “环境保护”写作内容主要涉及空气污染、水污染、人口问题、森林保护、自然资源保护、野生动物和 濒危动物保护等。此类书面表达的命题方式有提示性作文和看图作文等形式,体裁通常为记叙文、议 论文等形式。 重点词汇重点词汇 duty 义务;职责 protect 保护 air 空气 clean 干净的 hope 希望 believe 相信 environment 环境 helpful 有帮助的 plant the trees 种树 turn off the lights 关灯 by bike 骑自行车 p


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