2021年春pep人教版三年级下册Unit2 Part A(第二课时)课件(内嵌音视频)

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2021年春pep人教版三年级下册Unit2 Part A(第二课时)课件(内嵌音视频)_第1页
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1、Unit 2 My family Part A Lets learn dad属于口 语,日常生活中多使用dad。 Whos that man? Hes the girls father. Whos that woman? Shes the girls mother. /wmn/ 女人 /m/ 母亲,妈妈 妈妈,妈咪 /mm/ Lets tell. mother VS mum 相同点:两者在意思上没有差别,都是母亲、 妈妈。 不同点:mother比较正式,属于书面用语, 写作文、做作业大多使用mother; mum属于 口语,日常生活中多使用mum。 Lets have a race: 大声读出

2、单词,并说出汉语意思。 Who can you see? Where are they? Lets learn Zhang Peng, Sarah, Sarahs father, Sarahs mother and brother. In the park. What are they doing? They are looking for eggs. 复活节彩蛋复活节彩蛋 每年春分月圆后的第一个星期日就是“复活节”。 在西方许多国家,复活节与“圣诞节”是同等重要 的。蛋的原始意义代表“春天-新生命的开始”; “捡彩蛋”是复活节最经典的传统活动,许多西方 人小时候会在当天玩一种捡彩蛋的游戏,而

3、彩蛋里 面也会藏一些小礼物,找到彩蛋的人会很兴奋。彩 蛋代表着人们的美好心愿,并与家人、朋友共同分 享季节更替的喜悦。 Whos that woman? Shes my mother. Listen and read. father ( dad ) man mother ( mum ) woman Practice Zhang Peng and Sarah are in the park. They are talking about Sarahs family. Sarah will introduce him to her family. Lets role-play and make u

4、p a new talk in groups. Whos that man? Hes my father. Hes looking for eggs, too. Whos that woman? Shes my mother. Look at the boy. Hes my brother. Lets go and meet my family. Hello. Zhang: Sarah: Zhang: Sarah: Zhang: Dad: Mum: : Lets play a game. 大小声 游戏规则:两人一组,A同学随 机选择问句,B同学选择相应的答 语。A同学大声,则B同学小声, 反之

5、亦然。一轮结束,角色交换。 问句: Whos that man? Whos that girl? Whos that woman? Whos that boy? 答语: Hes Mike. Hes my father. Shes Amy. Shes my mother. Look at the picture. Who can you see? A man, a woman and a boy. This is a family. Family means Father and mother, I love you! Listen to the chant. Lets chant Lets c

6、hant Watch the video and say the chant. Chant together! The man is the father-tall, tall, tall! The woman is the mother- not so tall. Thats the son- small, small, small. They are a family, one and all! 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Exercises ( ) 1. w_an A. om B. mo C. em ( ) 2. fa_er A. te B. ts C. th ( ) 3. m_n A. u B

7、. a C. i ( ) 4. _ther A. ma B. mo C. me B B C A 一、选择正确的字母补全单词。 1. Shes my mother. 2. Hes my father. 3. Shes my friend. ( ) ( ) ( ) 3 1 2 二、为图片选择正确的句子。 I want to know 复活节(主复活日)是一个西方的重要节日,在每年 春分月圆之后第一个星期日。 复活节中美国人的食品也很有特点,多以羊肉和火腿 为主。复活节彩蛋是为了给人们带来快乐确实如此! 这些彩蛋精美漂亮且富有装饰性,它们代表着人们的美好 心愿,并与你分享季节更替的喜悦。 复活节 Summary 七彩课堂 伴你成长 1. 学习了下列词汇:man, woman, father, mother, dad, mum。 2.学习了下列句型: -Whos that woman/man? -Shes/Hes. 七彩课堂 伴你成长 Homework 把新学的chant教 给爸爸妈妈。 和同桌用所学句 型一起讨论大家 的全家福。 ONE TWO


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