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1、 1 译林版二上英语期末复习归纳译林版二上英语期末复习归纳 一、翻译词组:一、翻译词组: 二、二、对话:对话: 1. Have some tarts , please . Thank you . I like tarts . 2. What are these / those ? They are pumpkins . 3.Is he your cousin ? Yes ,he is ./ No,he isnt . 4.Lets clean up ! OK! 5.Look at the monkey . It has a long tail . 6.Is this your uncle ? N

2、o.Hes my dad . 1.我的爸爸 my dad 2.我的阿姨 my aunt 3.一些老师 some teachers 4.两位厨师 two cooks 5.三个农民 three farmers 6.一个高的医生 a tall doctor 7. a short worker 一位矮的工人 8. day and night 白天和晚上 9. a beautiful nurse 一位好看的护士 10. help people 帮助人们 11. feel well 感觉很好 12.擦桌子 clean the table 13.一些课桌 some desks 14.玩游戏 play gam

3、es 15.干得好 well done 16.去上学 go to school 17.打扫 clean up 18.clean the window 擦窗户 19.玩得开心 have fun 20.一些酸奶 some yogurt 21.two tarts for me 给我两个蛋挞 22.这些三明治 these sandwiches 23.一些橙汁 some orange juice 24.喜欢蛋挞 like tarts 25.两个纸杯蛋糕 two cupcakes 26.How about you ? 你呢? 27.看看 look at 28. have some snacks 吃一些点心

4、 29.一只小老虎 a small tiger 30.一条短尾巴 a short tail 31.一只棕色的熊 a brown bear 32.你的表妹 your cousin 33.一个长脖子 a long neck 34.这些白色的仓鼠 these white hamsters 35.在动物园里 in the zoo 36.那些长颈鹿 those giraffes 37.又大又胖 big and fat 38.那只猴子 that monkey 39.这只兔子 this rabbit 40.我们的学校 our school 41.every day 每天 42.sing and dance

5、唱歌跳舞 43.读书写字 read and write 44.喜欢我的学校 like my school 45.一只可爱的猫 a cute cat 46.在地毯上 on the mat 47.在学校 at school 48.Thank you . 谢谢你 49.some snacks 一些点心 50.an animal book 一本动物书 51.my dear friend 我亲爱的朋友 2 7.This is my mum . Hello,Mrs Wang . 8.Hes my dad . Hes tall . 9.Look! This is my hamster . Its so bi

6、g . 10.Whats this / that ? Its an apple . 11.How about you ? Yogurt , please . 12.A pear ,please . OK. 13.Clean the tables ,please . OK. 14.Are these tigers? Yes, they are . 15. A big hamster ? Yes , it is . 16. I like apple juice . Me too. / I like juice too. 17. I can cook . I can cook too ./ Me t

7、oo . 18. Im a teacher . Im a teacher too . /We are teachers too . 19. Well done ! Phew ! 20. My aunt is a doctor . My aunt is a doctor too . 三、三、连词成句:连词成句: 1. I have a rabbit . 2.This is my mum . 3.It has a short tail . 4.I work day and night . 5.Clean the chairs,please . 6.Im a doctor dressed in wh

8、ite . 7.We love our school ./ We like our school . 8.I help people feel well . 9.I love to eat apples . 10.Let us clean up .=Lets clean up . 11.My uncle is a teacher . 12.Lets go to school .=Let us go to school . 13.Look at that doctor . 14.Lets have some juice . 15. Those workers are tall . / Those

9、 are tall workers . 16.Look at these desks . 17. This giraffe has a long neck ./ The giraffe has a long tail . 18.The sandwich is yummy./ This sandwich is yummy. 19.Wang Bing and Su Hai play games too . 20.I like tarts and tea . 21.We have fun at school . 22.How about you ? = What about you ? 23. I

10、read and write . / We read and write . 24.I have a rabbit . It has a long tail . 25.This is my cousin . 26. Is this your cousin ? 27.What are these /those ? They are potatoes . 28.Clean the window , my dear friend . 29.She is my aunt .=Shes my aunt . 30.This cupcake is yummy . 31.What is in the box

11、? A book . 32.This is a yummy tart . 33.Your dad is very tall . 34.Look at my cute dog . 3 一、一、be 动词动词 am, is, are 的用法的用法 I 用 am, you 用 are , he/she/it 用 is 单数名词用 is 复数名词全用 are 例题: I am a teacher . You are a nurse . We are tall . They are oranges . This apple is red . These tigers are big . 二、二、have

12、,has 用法用法 I / we/you/they 用 have he/ she/ it 用 has 单数名词用 has 复数名词用 have 例题: I have two rabbits . You have a brown balloon . We have three desks . They have six tigers . The monkey has a long tail . These giraffes have long necks . 三、三、根据情境回答:根据情境回答: 1. 当你想跟你的同学介绍你的爸爸时,你可以说: This is my dad . 2. 当你想问你

13、的同学这是不是他的阿姨时,你可以说:Is this your aunt ? 3. 当你想告诉你的朋友她是你的堂妹时,你可以说:Shes my cousin . 4. 当你想告诉你的同学你有一只兔子时,你可以说:I have a rabbit . 5. 当你想告诉你的朋友它是棕色的时,你可以说:Its brown . 6. 当你想告诉你的同学熊有短尾巴时,可以说:The bear has a short tail . 7. 当你想告诉你的朋友你有一只狗时,你可以说:I have a dog . 8. 看到猴子抢别人的帽子很有趣,你可以说:Ha! Ha! 9. 当你想问远处的那些是什么时,你可以说

14、:What are those ? 10. 当你想说苹果是红色的时,你可以说:The apples are red . 11. 当你想说那些是南瓜时,你可以说:Those are pumpkins . 12. 当你的朋友想问你这些是什么时,你可以说:当你的朋友想问你这些是什么时,你可以说:Theyre potatoes . 13. 当你的同学想说这个土豆太大了时,他可以说:This potato is so big . 14. 当你问朋友那个男人是否是他的叔叔时,他可以回答:No,he isnt . 15. 当你想请你的朋友喝一些果汁时,你可以说:Have some juice ,please

15、 . 16. 当你想请你的朋友吃一些三明治时,你可以说:Have some sandwiches,please . 17. 当你的朋友想说这个蛋挞很美味时,他可以说:This tart is yummy ! 18. 当你想说你喜欢三明治时,你可以说:I like sandwiches . 19. 当妈妈让你们吃一些蛋糕时,你可以回答:Thank you ,Mum . 20. 当你想询问你同学需要什么时,你可以说:How about you ? 21. 想表达我们喜欢我们的学校,可以说:We like our school . 4 22. 当你夸你的朋友干得好时,你可以说:Well done .

16、 23. 如果你想说他是一位老师,你可以说:Hes a teacher . 24. 如果你想告诉你的朋友你的阿姨是一位护士,你可以说:My aunt is a nurse . 25. 如果你是一位农民,你可以说:Im a farmer . 26. 你想吃一个蛋挞,你可以和妈妈说:A tart ,please . 27. 你想吃一个蛋挞,妈妈可以说:OK. 28. 当妈妈想让你擦桌子时,她可以说:Clean the table ,please . 29. 当你问爸爸那些是什么时,爸爸可以回答:They are cupcakes . 30. 当你想问王兵他会不会唱歌时,你可以说:Can you s

17、ing ?(Yes, I can .) 31. 当你想问苏海,刘涛会不会跳舞时,你可以说:Can Liu Tao dance ?(No, he cant.) 四、四、选择:选择: 1. This is your aunt . 2. This is my mum . Hello , Mrs Wang . 3. Is this your dad ? 4. I have a white rabbit . 5. Look at my cat . 6. Its samll too . 7. Its big and fat . 8. The zoos have monkeys . 9. It has a

18、short tail . 10. Look at the monkey .It is lovely . 11. The giraffe has a long neck . 12. They are apples . 13. These are pumpkins . 14. What are those ? 15. This potato is big . 16. Have some snacks ,please . Thank you ! 17. I like tarts . 18. We read and write at school . 19. Let us play games . 20. We have fun at school . 21. I like my school . 22. This is my mum . She is a cook . 23. These are yellow pears . 24. What are these ? They are oranges . 25. Look! The monkey has a long tail . 26. Have some orange juice . 人称代词:人称代词: I you we they he she it 物主代词:物主代词: my your our


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