(新教材)江苏译林版高一必修第一册Unit2 Writing—Writing a letter of advice学案(含答案)

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(新教材)江苏译林版高一必修第一册Unit2 Writing—Writing a letter of advice学案(含答案)_第1页
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(新教材)江苏译林版高一必修第一册Unit2 Writing—Writing a letter of advice学案(含答案)_第3页
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1、WritingWriting a letter of advice 写作指导 1建议信是向收信人对某事提出写信人的建议或忠告,建议可以是写给个人的,就某些问题 提出自己的看法或建议;也可以是写给单位或机构的,这类信往往就改进其目前的不合理现 状提出建议或忠告。 2建议信要写出提建议的理由,建议的内容,以及如果被采纳可能会出现的积极结果。提出 的理由一定要合情合理,语气要委婉。建议信的写作要简明扼要,目的明确,具有合理性和 说服力。 3建议信的写作步骤: 首段:表明写作意图。陈述事由,简单介绍自己,注意语气要委婉。 主体段落:应该首先肯定对方的优点,然后再写需要改进的地方或针对具体情况提出具体建

2、 议或忠告。千万注意不要让别人以为你是在投诉或说教,而不是提建议。 结尾段:对提出的建议进行总结,展望建议被采纳后的良好结果,要注意有礼貌,使被建议 者容易接受。 常用表达 1Im sorry to hear that you are going through. 2It is natural that you and your parents. 3Firstly,youd better have a talk with your parents. 4Secondly,try to understand your parents. 5Lastly,its a good idea for you

3、 to do. 6I hope the advice will be of great help to you. 7Im sure that you will cheer up and solve the problem. 假如你是李华,你的好朋友苏珊最近和妈妈发生了争吵,好几天不说话了。为此她非常 烦恼,想让你给出出主意。请你根据下面的提示写一封建议信。 1认真考虑自己的行为; 2尽量理解妈妈,明白她所做的都是为自己好; 3找个机会主动和妈妈聊天,了解妈妈的真实想法; 4适当赞美妈妈并道歉。 注意: 1词数:80 左右;开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题

4、 写作要求是写一封建议信,写作时应注意下面几点: 1确定文体:这是一封建议信。写作时应注意建议信的写作特点。 2主体时态:文章应以一般现在时为主。 3主体人称:由于是写一封建议信,所以人称应该以第二人称和第三人称为主。 谋篇 第一段:开门见山,引入主题。 第二段:具体提出建议。 第三段:进行总结,表示祝愿。 核心词汇 1首先 first of all 2可能做某事 be likely to do sth. 3与争吵 argue with. 4毕竟 after all 5和谈谈 have a talk with. 连词成句 1仔细想想,你会发现很可能你做错了什么。(祈使句and陈述句) Thin

5、k it over,and youll find youre likely to have done something wrong. 2找机会和妈妈谈一谈,这会有助于你们两个更理解对方。(并列句) Find a chance to have a talk with your mother and it will help you understand each other better. 3尽量为妈妈做些什么,这会使她很高兴。(并列句) Try to do something for your mother and it will make her happy. 句式升级 1用 if 改写第

6、一句话。 If you think it over,youll find that youre likely to have done something wrong. 2用定语从句改写第二句话。 Find a chance to have a talk with your mother,which will help you understand each other better. 3用非限制性定语从句改写第三句话。 Try to do something for your mother,which will make her happy. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内

7、容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 Dear Susan, Im sorry to hear that you have argued with your mother and youre feeling sad now.I understand your feelings.Here is some advice which I think will help you. First of all,think it over,and youll find youre likely to have done something wrong.For example,you shoul

8、dnt have argued with your mother.Secondly,you should learn to understand your mother.After all,shes willing to do anything that will make you happy.Thirdly,find a chance to have a talk with your mother,which will help you understand each other better.Last but not least,try to do something for your mother,which will make her happy. I wish you all the best. Yours, Li Hua


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