牛津上海版(三起)五年级下Module4 Unit10 great inventions 教案(共3课时)

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牛津上海版(三起)五年级下Module4 Unit10 great inventions 教案(共3课时)_第1页
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1、Module 4 Unit 10 Great inventions 教案教案 第一课时第一课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1、通过 look and learn 栏目,帮助学生学习本单元的生词。 2、通过 Listen and say 关于发明的对话引入生词,学习如何介绍发明及其功能。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、能掌握单词 invention, watch, anywhere, travel, invent, myself 2、会运用句型 People can tell the time anywhere. What are you going to invent? I am going to

2、 invent a flying bike. 教学方法:教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、播放有关人类历史上伟大的发明创造的视频,引导学生看图 说出单词,最后教师总结,出示课题 Great inventions, 教学单词 invention。 T: Look! What are they? S1:A telephone. S2:A watch. S3: A train. T: Yes. These are all the great inventions that bring

3、 people a better life. 2、学生尝试用以下句型说一说自己知道的发明。 S1:Paper is a great invention. S2: The train is a great invention. While-task procedures 1、播放 listen and say 的录音,让学生找出对话中提到的几个发 明。 T: The children in Ms Guos class are talking about inventions. Listen to the dialogue and name the inventions they talk abo

4、ut. Ss: Paper, the watch 2、出示对话中提到的四个发明及 Look and learn 中的相机图局 部,让学生猜并说出是什么物品。 T: (show part of the picture of a watch) What is this invention? Ss: A watch. T: Yes. (show the whole picture) It is a watch. 3、将四个发明的图片贴在黑板上,再次播放课文录音,引发学 生关注每个发明给人类带来的好处。 T: Now let s listen to the dialogue again. Try to

5、 find out what people can do with these inventions. (show the picture of paper) Paper. Ss: People can write on it. T: (show the picture of a watch) A watch. Ss: People can tell the time anywhere. 根据图片,学生以小组形式介绍每个发明的功能。 S1:Paper is a great invention. People can write on it. S2: The watch is a great i

6、nvention. People can tell the time anywhere. 4、播放课文录音,学生模仿录音朗读对话,然后分组分角色朗 读对话。 Post-task activities 学生独立完成课本第 69 页反馈练习中的猜谜游戏,并通过小组 交流核对答案。 第二课时第二课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1、通过 Ask and answer 的问答练习,帮助学生介绍发明的功能。 2、通过阅读故事飞行器,帮助学生培养阅读技能和热爱科学探索的精神。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 句型:One day, they are watching some birds flying in the

7、sky. We should invent a flying machine! 教学方法:教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、出示不同物品的图片,让学生自由讨论,选出属于发明的图片, 并用一句话作介绍。 The watch is a great invention. The watch is an invention. 2、学生两人一组,介绍各自认为对人类有很大帮助的发明。 S1:I think the plane is a great invention. People can

8、 go anywhere in it. S2: I think the camera is a great invention. People can take photos with it. While-task procedures 1、 让学生看 ask and answer 栏目的内容, 然后根据提示和学生讨论 各种发明的功能。 T: lets look at these inventions. How can these inventions change peoples lives? 然后,让学生两人一组对话。学生可以根据自己的学力,用已学句 型描述某个发明的功能。待学生充分操练后

9、,全班一起交流。 S1: Is the camera a great invention? S2: Yes, it is. People can take photos with it. 2、出示现代飞机的图片,引入 Read a story 的故事。播放课文故事 的对媒体动画,让学生通过观看动画理解故事,然后,教师提问, 检验学生对故事的理解程度。 T:What do the Wright brothers like to do? S1: They like to invent things. T: What do they want to do when they see birds fl

10、ying? S2: They want to fly too. T: What do they invent? S3: They invent a flying machine. T: How do they invent it? S4: First, they watch how the birds fly. Next, they draw a picture of their flying machine. Then they build it. Finally, they fly like birds. 教师可以根据学生的情况,多次播放动画,或者让学生在看动画之 前先关注问题,带着问题去

11、看动画。 3、学生阅读故事并完成课本第 71 页的排序练习,然后全班一起核 对答案。 4、播放故事录音,学生跟读对话,提醒学生注意语音语调。先全 班一起朗读,然后,学生分角色朗读对话。 Post-task activities 1、根据排序练习,让学生说说故事的梗概。如果学生在介绍中有 困难,教师可以提问,启发学生根据问题答案连句成篇。 S1: The Wright brothers like to invent things. They see birds flying. They want to fly like those birds. They want to invent a fly

12、ing machine. First, they watch how the birds fly. Next, they draw a picture of their flying machine. Then they build it. Finally, they can fly like birds. 让学生思考莱特兄弟发明飞机的经过,总结他们成功的原因,鼓励 学生向他们学习,善于观察,敢于想象并动手实践。 2、学生三人一组,分角色表演对话。 第三课时第三课时 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 通过 Do a survey 的调查活动,让学生运用所学句型调查同学的发明设想。 2、 通过 Cul

13、ture corner 栏目,让学生了解中国古代的四大发明,增强民族自豪感。 3、 通过学习任务(task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能,调查同学 心目中最伟大的发明,并介绍自己心目中最伟大的发明。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 句型:What are you going to invent? 教学方法:教学方法: 情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: . 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparation 1、借助多媒体,播放 listen and enjoy 的动画,让学生跟着录音朗 读儿歌。 2、通过儿歌引出本课时的话题:What do yo

14、u want to invent? T: There are some inventions in the song. What are they? S1: A flying car. S2: A special toy. S3: A special hat. T: If you have a chance to invent something. What will you invent? While-task procedures 1、导入 Culture corner, 帮助学生了解四大发明的英语名称。 T:We have talked a lot about inventions. N

15、ow lets take a look at these photos. do you know the names of these inventions? Who invented them? A long time ago, the ancient Chinese people invented these things. They are the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing. 鼓励学生说说他们对中国古代四大发明的认识, 以及他们所知道的 有相似功能的现代发明。 2、教师提问,启发学生思考自己的小发明,并提供以下我是小小 发明

16、家的设计图, 学生根据设计图画一画并写一写自己的发明设想 以及发明的作用。 T: Do you want to be an inventor? Do you want to invent anything? What do you want to invent? Why do you want to invent it? Please draw your invention and try to describe it in your own words. http:/ . 学生完成个人的小发明创造后, 先根据自己画的图片和所写文字简 单介绍自己的发明。随后,两人一组开展调查,巩固复习句型。

17、S1: Hello, (S2s name) Can I ask you some questions? S2: Yes, please. S1: Do you want to invent anything? S2: Yes. S1: What are you going to invent? S2: I am going to invent. S1: Why? S2: Because. 3、调查结束后,调查员可以整理调查信息,重新分组后向其他学 生汇报,也可以向全班汇报。由于牵涉到第三人称转述,教师需提 醒学生注意动词的用法。 Post-task activities 让学生根据练习册中 task 第一部分的句型提示语同学问答, 了解彼 此心目中最伟大的发明, 然后根据问答所得信息完成调查表。 最后, 作为回家作业, 让学生完成 Think and write,写一写自己心目中最伟 大的发明。


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