牛津上海版(三起)五年级下Module3 Unit8 buying clothes 教案(共3课时)

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1、Module 3 Unit 8 Buying clothes 教案教案 (第一课时)(第一课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 1、通过 Ask and answer 的问答练习,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心词汇和句型。 2、通过 look and learn 栏目,帮助学生学习本单元的生词。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 1、能掌握单词 which,trousers, sweater, coat, shoe, tryon 2、2、会运用句型 Which(pair of) do you like, the one or the one? I like the one. 教学方法:教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教

2、学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、让学生欣赏一些服装杂志中的图片,复习已学的服装类词汇。 T: (show a picture of clothes in a fashion magazine) What do you see? S1: A T-shirt. S2: A dress. 然后询问学生在不同的季节穿什么衣服。 T: What clothes do you have for spring/summer/autumn/winter? S1: I have a shirt for spring. S2

3、: I have a dress for summer. 2、请学生欣赏一首有关服装的歌谣。 What are the girls wearing? The girls are wearing long jackets, white T-shirts, black socks and short shorts. What are the boys wearing? The boys are wearing long jackets, black T-shirts, white socks and short shorts. 可根据教学需要教授单词 jacket。 While-task proc

4、edures 1、根据教学活动中的歌谣内容提问并导入单词 clothes: T: Where can we buy these clothes? S1: At the clothes shop. T: Yes. We can buy the clothes at the clothes shop. 告诉学生 clothes 是衣服的总称。然后,出示 look and learn 中的单 词卡片,并逐一教学,让学生模仿并掌握每个单词的发音。 T: (show a picture of a jacket) What is this? S1: It is a jacket. T: What colo

5、ur is it? S1: It is green. T: (show a picture of a coat) Is this a jacket? S1:No. T: It is not a jacket, its a coat. C-o-a-t, coat. Ss: C-o-a-t, coat. 2、将学生分成两大组,各组派一名学生代表。教师读出哪个单词, 学生就触碰这个单词的卡片并读出这个单词,先碰到的可得一分。 然后教师出示四张服装图片, 随后拿掉一张, 让学生猜猜缺了哪张 图片。 T: Which picture is missing? S1: I can see a jacket,

6、 shorts and shoes, but Icant see a coat. . 3、 出示不同颜色的相同服装图片, 教学句型 Which(pair of) .do you like, the.one or the.one? I like the . one. T: Whats this? S1: It is a dress. T: What colour is it? S1: It is pink. T: What is that? S1: It is a dress too. T: What colour is it? S1: It is blue. T: Look at the dr

7、esses. Which dress do you like, the pink one or the blue one? S1: I like the pink one. T: What are these? S1: They are shoes. T: . 然后,教师将句型的问答形式写在黑板上,让学生跟读。 4、形式根据 Ask and answer 的图片和句型提示结对问答。形式可 结合已学句型,丰富对话内容。 Post-task activities 给学生创设情境,让学生根据教师所创设的情景,新编对话。 (第二课时)(第二课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 1、通过 Culture cor

8、ner 的图片,帮助学生了解世界各国的传统服装。 2、通过 Listen and say 的问答练习,帮助学生操练本单元的核心词汇和句型。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 词汇: only, smile, money, keep, laugh, put.on, keep quiet, have a look 日常用语: It is your size. 教学方法:教学方法: 任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次备课第一次备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparations 让学生看 Culture corner 的图片,拓展单词 kimono 和 sari,让学生

9、了 解日本和印度传统服装的英文名称。然后,展示一些国家的服装图 片,让学生说说这些服装分别来自哪个国家,有什么特点。 While-task procedures 1、播放 listen and say 的录音,出示以下问题,让学生听录音后回答 问题。 1) Where are Kitty, Ben and Mrs Li? 2) What does Kitty want to buy? 3) What does Ben want to buy? 4) Which pair of trousers does Ben like, the white one or the brown one? 5)

10、Which pair of trousers is Bens size, the white one or the brown one? 在学生回答问题的过程中, 帮助学生了解 Its your size,即为这是你的 尺寸的意思。 2、将句型 Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one? 写在 黑板上,并提供各种物品的图片,让学生模仿替换划线部分的单词, 结对问答。 S1:Which bike do you like, the blue one or the pink one? S2: I like the blue one.

11、It is very nice. S3: Which book do you like, the thin one or the thick one? S4: I like the thick one. It is interesting. . 3、学生结对问答,完成课本第 53 页的反馈练习,然后全班一起核 对答案。 T:Which dress does Kitty like? Ss: She likes both the pink one and the blue one. . 教师与学生问答,帮助学生了解短语 try.on 的含义和用法。 T: When we buy clothes,

12、we often try them on. Try on. Ss: try on. T: Which dress does Kitty want to try on, the blue one or the pink one? S1: She wants to try both on. T: Try both on means try on the blue one and the pink one. 4、学生跟着录音逐句朗读对话,注意模仿录音的语音语调,接着, 将学生分成四个大组,分角色朗读对话。最后,学生分组表演对话。 Post-task activities 学生看 Ask and an

13、swer 的图片, 结对问答。 鼓励学生根据服装的价格 增加 How much is it? It is .的回答。 (第三(第三课时)课时) 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 通过阅读故事 皇帝的新装 , 帮助学生进一步巩固新学语言知识, 培养阅读技能, 懂得做人不应爱慕虚荣,而应诚实的道理。 2、 帮助学生学习字母组合 ou, ow 在单词中的发音。 3、 通过学习任务(task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识和技能,了解同学 喜欢的衣服,并介绍自己为同学设计的服装 教学重、难点教学重、难点 词汇:only, smile, money, keep, laugh, have a look

14、 语音:ou(mouse), ow(owl) 教学方法:教学方法: 情景教学法。 教学过程:教学过程: 第一次第一次备课备课 第二次备课第二次备课 Pre-task preparation 1、播放歌曲 My clothes 的动画,让学生欣赏并学唱歌曲。 然后,让学生回答问题。 T:What does the girl wear? S1: She wears a cap, a shirt and s skirt. S2: She wears socks, shoes and jeans. While-task procedures 1、 出示 read a story 的故事图片, 预先设问

15、, 让学生带着问题读故事。 1) What does the emperor like? 2) Which shirt does the emperor like? 3) What does the man say about the magic clothes? 4) Are there any clothes in the box? 5) Can people see the emperors magic clothes? 6) Who is telling the truth? 在学生回答问题的过程中,帮助学生了解生词 emperor, nod, smile, keep, money,

16、laugh 和短语 have a look, put on 的含义。 然后播放故事 录音,学生听录音并跟读。最后,出示以下练习,让学生选择正确 的答案。 1 A man visits the emperor with( ) a. some nice clothes b. some magic coats c. some beautiful boxes 2 Only ( ) can see the magic clothes, says the man. a. young people b. old people c. clever people 3 ( ) can see the empero

17、rs new clothes. a. Everyone b. The child c. Nobody 2、出示一些服装的图片,学生两人一组,分别扮演皇帝和推销衣服 的男人,自编对话并表演。要求学生用 Which(pair of) .do you like, the.one or the.one? I like the . one.问答,帮助学生巩固核心句型。 引导学生分析皇帝、大臣和小孩等人物的心理活动和表现,思考故 事的寓意,总结出做人要诚实,不要爱慕虚荣的道理。 3、学生五人一组,读故事,然后填空完成课本剧的剧本,教师可以 给学生提示,然后邀请几组学生上来表演故事。 4、出示 Learn the sounds 的图片,和学生问答,引出语音单词。 教师播放录音,学生跟着录音朗读。 播放录音,学生按照录音节拍诵读儿歌。 教师朗读单词,学生在多个单词中找出教师所读单词。 Post-task activities 让学生根据练习册中 task 的发展图片和句型提示与学生问答,了解 各自想要的派对服装,然后学生根据问答信息为同学设计一套服装。 最后,作为回家作业,让学生完成 think and write,描述自己设计的 服装。


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