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1、七年级英语七年级英语阶段阶段反馈练习卷反馈练习卷 2020.10 一、单项选择一、单项选择 1. -Do you often use Wechat(微信)? - Yes, we often talk _English study _classmates. A. for, with B. about, at C. to, at D. about, with 2. I hope to my birthday party next Friday. A.them to come B. they to come C. them can come D. they can come 3. Dont make

2、 him _ this or that. He isnt a small child any more. A. does B. doing C. do D. to do 4. - _ your brother a member of the basketball team? - No, he _ like playing basketball. A. Does, is B. Do, doesnt C. Is, doesnt D. Is, isnt 5. Mrs Wang, what_ do you want to have? - Some apples, please. A. other B.

3、 others C. else D. the other 6. Jim with his family _ kites in the park every week. A. flies B. fly C. to fly D. flying 7. Dont play_computer games. Its bad for your eyes. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 8.-I think _is _favourite sport. - Yes, he likes it best. A.swim; Tom B.swimming

4、; Toms C.swimming; Tom D.swim;Toms 9. Its fun _a ball game after _your homework, A.to play; doing B.play; do C.to play; to do D.play;doing 10.-What can I buy for my mother _Mothers Day? -_buying her a dress? A.in; Why not B. on;How about C.in; Why dont you D.on; Why not 11. My mother _ happy because

5、 she does not feel well. A. is B. isnt C. doesnt be D. doesnt 12. Mary, are these your bags? _. A. Yes, there are B. No, there arent C. No, they arent D. Yes, these are 13. She wants _ the room. Would you like _ her? A. clean; help B. to clean; helping C. clean; to help D. to clean; to help 14. - _

6、your father often _ TV at home? -No, he is too busy. A. Is; watch B. Do; watch C. Does; watch D. Do; watches 15. _ do you visit your grandparents? Once a month. A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How often 答案:答案:DDCCC AABAB BCDCD 二、完形填空二、完形填空 Hello, I am Jack. Im the leader of a sport team. The

7、team 16 are my father, my mother, my brother, my sister 17 me. My father is a famous 18 player in our city. He has lot of fans. He plays in the national(国家) team and he will 19 in the World Cup. My mother has a 20 habit(习惯). She gets up early in the morning. She jogs in a park. She also 21 doing yog

8、a(瑜伽) in the evening. She is a happy mum. We love her very much. My brother likes table tennis. 22 plays it with his friends on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. My sister 23 to school every morning to keep fit(健康). She is a dancer. Running helps her dance well. Like my 24 ,I love football too. I am a

9、member 25 the Football Club of my school. I love my family- such sport family. ( )16. A. jobs B. members C. numbers D. tests ( )17. A. or B. and C. but D. though ( )18. A. basketball B. football C. tennis D. piano ( )19. A. play B. stop C. lend D. use ( )20. A. good B. bad C. beautiful D. young ( )2

10、1. A. watches B. works C. makes D. enjoys ( )22. A. She B. They C. He D. It ( )23. A. walks B. runs C. jumps D. rides ( )24. A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister ( )25. A. on B. in C. of D. behind 答案:答案:16-20 BBBAA 21-25 DCBAC 三、阅读理解三、阅读理解 (A) There are four people in the twins family. They are

11、the twins, their father and their mother. The twins names are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the same class in the NO.1 Middle School. They are very good students. They not only work very hard but also sing very well. They want to join the Music Club. Lucy wants to play the piano. Lil

12、y can play the guitar. Their father, Mr. King, is a teacher. He teaches English in a school near his home. Their mother, Mrs. King, is a teacher, too. She teaches Chinese. Mr. and Mrs. King are in different schools. But they have the same hobbyplay the guitar. ( )1. Mr. King is a good _. A. driver B

13、. worker C. teacher D. farmer ( )2. Lily can _. A. play the piano B. draw horses C. play the guitar D. play chess ( )3. Mrs. King is a _. A. Math teacher B. Chinese teacher C. English teacher D. doctor ( )4. Their parents work _. A. in the same school B. in the hospital C. in the factory D. in diffe

14、rent schools ( )5. The twins are in the _ Middle School. A. No.5 B. No.1 C. No.4 D. No. (B) Hello! My name is Becky Sharp. Im 11 years old. I have one brother. His names Jason and hes 14. I dont have any sisters. We live with our mum, dad and grandma in a small house in Chesterfield, in the north (北

15、方) of England. There are lots of things to do here. My friends and I sometimes go to the cinema on Saturdays. Do you like sport? I like football best. My favourite team is Manchester United (曼联队). I sometimes play football with my brother. I am good at it but my brother isnt. I have lots of pets one

16、 tortoise (乌龟) and six goldfish (金鱼). I want a dog or a cat, but my mother doesnt like them. ( )6. There are _ people in Beckys family. A. three B. four C. five D. six ( )7. Becky and her family live in _. A. a big room B. a cinema C. the west of England D. a small house ( )8. Beckys favourite sport

17、 is _. A. football B. basketball C. volleyball D. tennis ( )9. Manchester United is _. A. a basketball team B. a football team C. a pet club D. a cinema ( )10. Beckys mother doesnt like _. A. tortoise or goldfish B. tortoise or dogs C. dogs or cats D. goldfish cats (C) Lily is sad but her friend Sus

18、an makes her smile. Susan: Hi, Lily, you look unhappy. Lily: Oh, Susan, Im not happy. Susan: What is wrong? Please tell me. Lily: My sister is so clever. Mum and Dad want me to be like her but I am not clever. Susan: Oh, Lily, dont cry(哭泣). Everyone loves you. You are clever and funny. I know your m

19、um and dad are proud(自豪的) of you. Lily: You are a good friend. You always say the right things. Susan: There is a new film at the cinema. I love a good film and popcorn(爆米花). Lily: Susan, you are a genius (天才). You are my best friend. ( )11. How does Lily feel when Susan meets her? A. Happy B. Cold

20、C. Unhappy D. Afraid ( )12. Who do Lilys parents want her to be like? A. Her sister B. Susan C. Her brother D. Her teacher ( )13. Why is Lily so sad? A. Because she doesnt think her parents love her. B. Because her friend Susan doesnt like her. C. Because her sister doesnt like her. D. Because no on

21、e wants to see the film with her. ( )14. What does Susan think of Lily? A. She thinks Lily is proud. B. She thinks Lily likes crying. C. She thinks Lily is a genius. D. She thinks Lily is a clever girl. ( )65. What do you think of Susan? A. She is polite. B. She is kind and helpful. C. She is funny.

22、 D. She is good at making people laugh. 答案答案:CCBDB CDABC CAADB 四四、任务型阅读、任务型阅读: (根据短文内容,完成下面的表格(根据短文内容,完成下面的表格,每格填一词) (每格填一词) (10 分)分) Mr Green teaches us English. He is very nice to all of us. He likes his job very much. His lessons are very interesting. We usually feel happy in his classes . We all

23、 like him. He is a tall and strong man. He says h e is 40 years old. But he looks very young. He comes from the USA. Now he lives in Nanjing with his family. He has a daughter. She is a very pretty girl. And she is a student of our school too. He can sing many English songs. We all like to listen to

24、 him singing. He plays basketball very well . He is in the school basketball team. Mr Green likes reading. He has lots of books. We often borrow books from him. I think we are lucky to have a teacher like Mr Green. Name Mr Green Job A 1 . We usually have 2 in his classes. Nationality(国籍) America 3 F

25、orty What is he like? Mr Green is tall and 4 . He looks very 5 . His lessons are interesting and he is 6 to his students. His 7 Music, 8 and reading Family He has a pretty 9 . She 10 at our school. 答案:答案: teacher fun Age strong young Nice hobbies sports/ basketball daughter studies 五五、词汇运用、词汇运用 1. S

26、am, please dont make your brother _ (cry) 2. Andy always _ (购物) with his mother on Sundays. 3. How many _ (碗) of noodles do they need? 4. What _ (另外)do you want to buy?- Some milk. 5. This is a _ (真实的) story of what happened. 6. We must remember all the _ (英雄). 7. Swimming is my _(最喜爱的)sport. I like

27、 it very much. 8. _ (listen) to music is fun. 9. Do you know the two _(play) names? 10. Sandy has two _ (dance) lessons every week. 答案:答案: cry shops bowls else true heroes favourite Listening players dancing 六六、首字母填空首字母填空 I am in No. 10 M 1_ School. At school I have a good f 2 . He comes from E 3 .

28、His n 4 is Tommy. He is twelve. We are n 5 in the same class. He is in Class 4, I am in Class 2. Tommys father is a football p 6 . He also teaches football in our school. His mother is a d 7 . She w 8 in a hospital. Tommys sister is not a student. H 9 name is Sandy. She is only five years old. She i

29、s a lovely g 10 . 答案答案 1.Middle 2.friend 3.England 4.name 5.not 6.player 7.doctor 8.works 9.Her 10.girl 七七、书面表达、书面表达 假如你是 Simon,你要给你的好朋友 Daniel 写一封关于你的学校生活的信。请你根据 下面的要求,用英语写一篇 60 字左右的短文。 要点如下: 1. 现在在阳光中学(Sunshine Middle School)读书;学校看起来很漂亮; 2. 学校没有图书馆,但是有三个阅览室; 3. 在我们班有四十个男生和二十个女生; 4. 我经常吃一个鸡蛋,一些面包和牛奶作为早餐; 5. 我每天早起步行去上学,通常花费我大约 15 分钟的时间到达学校。 6. 我们每天都有语文,数学和英语;周末不上学; 7. 老师们都很善良,我们都非常喜欢他们; 8. 在学校我们总是玩得很开心。 Dear Daniel, I would like to tell you about my school life. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All the best, Simon 答案:答案:略


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