(新教材)人教版选择性必修第一册Unit1 Writing—How to describe a person学案(含答案)

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(新教材)人教版选择性必修第一册Unit1 Writing—How to describe a person学案(含答案)_第1页
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(新教材)人教版选择性必修第一册Unit1 Writing—How to describe a person学案(含答案)_第3页
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1、WritingHow to describe a person 本单元的写作任务是对一个人物进行描述,人物描写主要是介绍某人的基本信息及其事 迹。一般是介绍人物的童年、少年、青年、中年及老年的成长经历(包括生活、工作和学习), 末尾一般总述人物的功绩成败,也可以在记叙成长经历的同时加入一些议论。即通过文字对 人物的外貌、个性以及主要事迹和贡献进行描述。 人物描写的写作步骤: 首先,对此人进行简要的介绍,比如其职业、生平、事件等。 其次,挑选出此人一生中比较重要的事迹进行描写,要尽可能详细,因为这影响到人们 对他的整体评价。 最后,对此人进行客观的评价,包括其人格、贡献以及闪光点。 1He/Sh

2、e was born on/in/at. 2She is already in her fifties,but she looks younger for her age. 3He is short and thin with a pair of thick glasses. 4She is tall and slim with big dark eyes and black hair. 5My English teacher,Miss Zhang,is a middle- aged woman. 6Many times he has been praised for his excellen

3、t work. 7He loves listening to music and playing basketball. 8He is honest and always ready to help others. 9We all considered her pronunciation to be the best of all. 10He is a worthy person for us to learn from. 你校准备在新建的“名人长廊”中为每一位名人画像配上英语介绍,以便让同学们有更 多的机会学习英语。请你根据以下信息写一篇 100 词左右的短文介绍郎平。 1郎平,1960 年

4、 12 月 10 日出生于天津市。1973 年,13 岁的郎平开始练习打排球; 21978 年,因在全国排球比赛中表现突出,进入国家队; 3从 1980 年起,郎平获得了很多荣誉及奖励; 4退役后,郎平成为排球教练。2016 年,郎平带领中国女排,时隔 12 年,在里约奥运 会(the Rio Olympic Games)上获得金牌; 5郎平是中国第一位作为球员和教练员均夺取奥运会冠军的排球运动员。 审题 写作要求是写一篇人物介绍。写作时应注意下面三点: 1确定文体:这是一篇人物介绍。写作时注意人物介绍类文章的写作特点。 2主体时态:文章应以一般过去时为主。 3主体人称:由于是介绍人物,所以人

5、称应该以第三人称为主。 谋篇 本文可以分为三个部分: 第一部分:对郎平进行简要的介绍。 第二部分:描写郎平一生中比较重要的事迹。 第三部分:对郎平进行客观的评价。 核心词汇 1在岁时 at the age of. 2加入队伍 join the team 3获奖 win the award 4中国女排 the Chinese Women Volleyball Team 5参加 take part in 连词成句 1郎平,出生于 1960 年 12 月 10 日,是著名的排球教练。(并列句) Lang Ping was born on Dec.10th,1960 and she is a famo

6、us volleyball coach. 2她在十三岁时开始练习打排球并在几年后加入国家队。(at the age of.) She began to practise playing volleyball at the age of 13 and joined the national team several years later. 3因为郎平努力练习,她获得了很多荣誉。(win award) Lang Ping won a lot of awards because she was hard- working. 4既是选手又是教练的郎平获得了奥林匹克运动会冠军。(as) Lang Pi

7、ng win the Olympic championship as a player and coach. 5她是中国排球史上第一个获得奥林匹克运动会冠军的人。(in the history of) She is the first Chinese volleyball player to win the Olympic championship in the history of volleyball in China. 句式升级 1将句 1 改成非限制性定语从句 Lang Ping,who was born on Dec.10th,1960,is a famous volleyball

8、coach. 2将句 2 改成时间状语从句 She began to practise playing volleyball when she was at the age of 13 and joined the national team several years later. 3用 so.that.改写句 3 Lang Ping was so hard- working that she won a lot of awards. 连句成篇 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 Lang Ping,who was born o

9、n Dec.10th,1960,is a famous volleyball coach and we all admire her very much.She began to practise playing volleyball when she was at the age of 13 and joined the national team several years later because of her excellent performance in the national volleyball game.She was so hard- working that she

10、won a lot of awards.After she retired from the volleyball team, she became a volleyball coach.In 2016, she took the Chinese Women Volleyball Team to take part in the Rio Olympic Games and won the gold medal.She is the first Chinese volleyball player to win the Olympic championship as a player and coach in the history of volleyball in China.


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