2018年秋牛津译林版八年级英语上册 Unit3 intergrated skills 学案

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1、1八年级上册 Unit 3 Integrated skills 学案主备:华阳中学 袁传月 审核: 日期:2018-08-01学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【板块要点】一、教学目标1学生能根据上下文以及关键词了解录音的主要内容。2学会如何从海报中获取有用的信息。3听取细节、提炼信息。4学会向他人提出建议。二、教学重点、难点1. 学生能基本掌握四种提高听力的策略。2. 学生能掌握 7 种出外游玩的建议方式。3. 学生能基本使用英语口语向其他人提出游玩邀请。三、词汇、短语 1. final adj. /n. (副词) _ 2. support (n./v.)_(中文),支持者_(support

2、)有了你的支持_ _ _3 到达 reach(vt.)= _ _=_ _4 Cheer(vi.vt. n.) 为某人欢呼_cheer_(adj.)四、句型(语法) Come and cheer for our team!来为我们队喝彩!cheer for 为加油喝彩。谁将会来为我们喝彩? Who will_ us? With your support,we will win! 在你的支持下我们将会赢!with ones support 的意思是_。在老师的支持下我们入了团。_,we joined the League. The match will take place .in Moonlig

3、ht Town.比赛将在月光镇的举行。take place 和 happen 都是“发生”之意,一般用物作主语且不能用于被动语态。The football match_ (take) place next Friday. Its free for groups of 30 or more students.每组 30 人或更多的学生免费。a group of 30 的意思是 _。教室里十人一组的学生有四组。There are_ in the classroom.2八年级上册 Unit 3 Integrated skills 学案主备:华阳中学 袁传月 审核: 日期:2018-08-01学校_

4、班级_ 姓名_ 家长签字_【课前导学】一、词组翻译。1. 今年的篮球比赛_ 2. 进入决赛 _3. 举行_ 4. 为某人加油_5. 忘记要做某事_ 6. 在某人的支持下_7. 午饭后回到我们学校_ 8. 听起来好_9. 带某人到颐和园_ 10. 中国科学技术馆_【课堂学习】Step1. Lead-inStep2. Preparations for the listeningIntroduce Sun Yang and teach Ss some words: final, cheer, support.Step3. Reading and Listening1. Listen and fini

5、sh Part A1. 2. Read the poster and answer: Qs: What does the basketball team need?3. Listen and finish Part A2. Then check the answers with the Ss.Step4. PracticeDo Part A3 and teach the new words: half-time, rest.Step5. Presentation for B. Under; to C. With; for D. With; to( ) 4. I like that blue c

6、oat, but it _ much. I cant afford it.A. takes B. pays C. spends D. costs ( ) 5. We all felt excited when we _ the top of the mountain because we could see the whole city clearly.A. reached B. arrived C. climbed D. got4( ) 6. Which is the correct pronunciation of the word “cost”?A. /kt/ B. /kt/ C. /k

7、st/ D. /kf/三、完成句子1.不要忘记为我们的篮球队喝彩。Dont _ _ _ _ our basketball team.2.在老师的支持下,我们最终赢得了比赛。_ the teachers_, we _ the match at last.3.昨天这场比赛在阳光中学举行。The match _ _ at Sunshine Secondary School yesterday.4 回到你的座位上去。Please _ _ _ your seat.5.为什么不呆在家里看书呢?Why dont you _ _ _ and _ some books?四、同义句转换。1. He spent 1

8、00 yuan buying the coat. The coat _ _ 100 yuan._ _ of the coat is 100 yuan.2. Our school had a sports meeting last week. A sports meeting _ _in our school last week.3. Our school has a library. There are many useful books in it.Our school has a library _ many useful books in it.4. Lets go to the Pal

9、ace Museum._ we_ to the Palace Museum?_ _ to the Palace Museum?_ _ we _ to the Palace Museum?_/ _ _to the Palace Museum?_ you like _ to the Palace Museum?五、根据短文内容填空Linda will go b_1_ to USA tomorrow. Today she is talking about her t_2_ in China. She said that she was very happy in China. Because she

10、 watched a very exciting basketball f_3_ .On that day,they met at the school gate at 9:30a,m,.and an hour later, they r_4_ the Sports Centre. The match s_5_ at 10:30a,m,.and finished at 11:30.There was a h_6_ between the first half and the second half. It was for the players to r_7_ .The most exciti

11、ng thing was that they won the match. Everyone c_8_ for the team.She also said that she was very grateful because Daniel and Kitty t_9_ her to the China Science and Technology Museum. She was a_10_ that she saw so many interesting things there and she also did many things by herself that she never d

12、id before.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._56._ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._六、任务型阅读Our teachers work very hard. They get up early in the morning and work very late. How to help our teachers ?First, we must try to learn our subjects well to make our teachers spend(花费) less time on us and let them have more rest.Second, we mus

13、t clean the blackboard and the teachers desk very often. If (如果) we can do so, our teachers will work better and of course they will be happier.Our teachers often have to speak for a long time and they are very thirsty(口渴的). At this time, it is better for us to bring them some water. When our teache

14、rs drink the water, they will speak more clearly (清楚). After our teachers correct (批改 )our exercise books, we can help to hand them out (分发它们).If we do so, our teachers can have a short rest. We all know that our teachers care about our marks (关心我们的分数) most, so we should try to go over(复习) our lesso

15、ns to get high grades(成绩).If all of us can get high grades, our teachers will feel (感觉)very happyHow to(1)_ our teacherWays (方法) Results(结果)Do(2) _ in our subjects. The teacher can have more time tohave a (3)_.Often help the teachers(4)_ the blackboard and the(5) _ desk.They will (6) _ better and fe

16、el happier.Bring them some water when they(7) _to drink water.They will speak clearly.Help them hand out our exercise books. They can rest for a (8)_ time.Try to go over our lessons(9 ) _ taking exams(考试).(10)_ grades will make themhappy.6课后拓展答案一词汇1.cheered 2.final 3.reach/arrive at 4.free 5.support

17、6.took 7.winners 8.final 9.supporters 10.reaches11.per 12.cheering 13.cost 14.half-time三、句型转换1. forget to cheer for2. with, support, won3. took place4. go back to 5. stay at home ,read五、首字母填空1.back 2.trip 3.final 4.reached 5.started 6.half-time 7.rest 8.cheered 9.took 10.amazed六、任务型阅读1. help 2.well 3.rest 4.clean 5.teachers6. work 7.need 8.short 9.before 10.High


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