Unit23 Grammar—Emphatic Structures:Inversion and “It” Cleft Sentences & Perfectverb forms课时练习(含答案)

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Unit23 Grammar—Emphatic Structures:Inversion and “It” Cleft Sentences & Perfectverb forms课时练习(含答案)_第1页
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Unit23 Grammar—Emphatic Structures:Inversion and “It” Cleft Sentences & Perfectverb forms课时练习(含答案)_第5页
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1、GrammarEmphatic Structures: Inversion and “It” Cleft Sentences & Perfect verb forms 基础巩固 .单句语法填空 1By the time you get back,I will have cleaned(clean) the windows. 2Im tired out.I have been shopping(shop) all afternoon and I dont seem to have finished anything. 3I was just going to cut my rose bushes

2、 but someone had done(do) it.Was it you? 4Your mother seemed to have known(know) the whole truth,for she was so angry. 5Young though/as he is,he knows how to deal with such a complex situation. 6No sooner had he arrived at the office than he set about doing some research. 7So quickly did he speak th

3、at most of us could hardly follow him. 8The actor was told that his fans had been waiting(wait) there for two hours. 9Having found(find) a hotel,we looked for somewhere to have dinner. 10It was on the farm that he met the wise person for the first time. .单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误) 11Hardly had she finished h

4、er report than when she walked to the park. 12It was on my birthday when that my brother bought me an interesting book. 13On the back wall hangs hang two old valuable paintings. 14It is said that the old man has planted more than 1,000 trees up to now. 15We will have prepared the dinner when you get

5、 home tomorrow. .完成句子 16It was on a lonely island that he was saved after the boat went down. 船沉没后,他是在那个孤岛上得救的。 17Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was. 直到河里的鱼都死光了,村民们才意识到污染有多么严重。 18Having answered all the emails,the girl switched off the co

6、mputer. 在回复完所有的邮件后,女孩把电脑关闭了。 19Im sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time,but I was really busy just now. 很抱歉让你等了那么久,但是我刚才确实很忙。 20You must be tired,for you have been studying all day long. 你一定累了,因为你一整天都在学习。 21Having been told many times,the naughty boy made the same mistake. 虽然被告知了好多遍,但这

7、个淘气的男孩还是犯了同样的错误。 22When they arrived at the station,they found that the train had left. 他们到达车站时,发现火车已经离开了。 23I will have finished reading all these books by the end of next month. 到下个月月底,我将会读完所有这些书。 24Sitting in the middle of the room was an old professor with white hair. 坐在房间中间的是一位白发苍苍的老教授。 25Only

8、when he left his home did he realize how he loved his family. 直到他离开家时才意识到他是多么爱他的家人。 能力提升 .阅读理解 When asked how technology might improve the lives of people with vision impairments(视力 障碍), Joann Becker presented a misleadingly simple challenge.“Well, ” the vision impairments tech specialist recalls sa

9、ying.“Id like to be able to find my bus stop through Be My Eyes.” Be My Eyes,which went live in 2015,establishes a direct video connection between visually impaired users and sighted volunteers.The assumption is simple: Many people who are blind dont need any actual assistance in completing their da

10、ily tasks,but merely need a little help. A sighted volunteer might be asked to help identify which of two cans contains tomatoes.In this case,the visually impaired user can cook a meal just fine on his/her ownall he/she needs is a quick confirmation that he/she has the correct can.The model appears

11、to be working;more than 540,000 volunteers and nearly 40,000 people with low vision are registered on the app. “An elderly woman can now help a visually impaired technician set up his computer, ” says founder Hans Wiberg,who has very low vision.“She doesnt need to know a thing about computers.She on

12、ly needs to read what is presented on the screen.Then he can do the rest.” Early assistive technology centered on dedicated devices(专用设备),because of the niche market(缝隙市场),which sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.But the smartphone, multipurpose and near-universal,has completely changed

13、the economy of scale. “There are larger market forces driving high-powered computation,high-quality engineering and high-quality battery management in the smartphone market than those in a specialty product,” says Aaron Steinfeld,a research professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon Univ

14、ersity. “The reality is,most sighted people dont know somebody who is blind.” Becker says.“They think the solutions that a blind person needs are far more expansive and expensive than,it turns out,they need to be.I think these apps are enabling sighted people to see that blind people just need some

15、simple clues to help them do any number of things in their lives.” 语篇解读 本文介绍了一款新型 app:Be My Eyes。它在 2015 年上线,在视觉受损的用户和 视力正常的志愿者之间建立了直接的视频连接,旨在为视力受损的用户提供帮助。 26What is the first paragraph used for in the text? AShowing the main idea. BIntroducing the topic. CGiving one example. DMaking a conclusion. 答

16、案 B 解析 写作目的题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了 Be My Eyes 这款应用的面世、功能以及 市场前景等。因此第一段是为了引出文章话题。故选 B。 27How does the app Be My Eyes work? ABy creating a video link between the disabled and sighted one. BBy recognizing which of two cans has tomatoes and cooking. CBy establishing a high-quality engineering and computation.

17、DBy flashing the everyday tasks of the technician and volunteers. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Be My Eyes,which went live in 2015,establishes a direct video connection between visually impaired users and sighted volunteers.”可知,Be My Eyes 通过在视觉受损的用户和视力正常的志愿者之间建立直接的视频连接来为有视力障碍 的人提供帮助。故选 A。 28What can we kno

18、w from the fifth and sixth paragraphs? ASmartphone market has great economic potential. BThe smartphone becomes a special app. CFine devices have changed the economy. DCost matters when it comes to assistive technology. 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。第五、六段提到因为缝隙市场价格昂贵,早期的视力辅助技术主要集中 于专用设备,但用途广泛又几乎通用的智能手机完全改变了经济规模。同时还

19、介绍了智能手 机其他比专用设备高级的地方。由此可知,智能手机市场具有巨大的经济潜力。故选 A。 29From the text we can know . Aonly people with low vision are registered to use the app Bsimple assistance can help the blind free from some troubles Cvolunteers should be very familiar with high-tech computers DJoann Becker thinks it hard to find a b

20、us stop using Be My Eyes 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“I think these apps are enabling sighted people to see that blind people just need some simple clues to help them do any number of things in their lives.”可知,简单的协助可以帮助盲人摆脱一些麻烦。故选 B。 .完形填空 Yesterday, our teacher asked us when a man could be referred to

21、as an old man.David stood up and said people with wrinkles could be called old people.However,Mary didnt 30 ,for some people may gain wrinkles at an earlier age owing to their 31 life.Then Lily expressed her idea that those reaching their 60s or more could be called old people.However, Emily express

22、ed her 32 and said some old people may still be energetic and trying to pursue their dreams, which makes them appear 33 .The class was over and we still didnt reach any 34 ,so the teacher asked us to think about it after class. The 35 has reminded me of the saying of JBarrymore that a man isnt old a

23、s long as he is 36 something. My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream 37 when shes 70 now.She has 38 her dream of being a painter since she was a little child. 39 , because her family was poor, she had to 40 her dream and stepped into the 41 to make money so as to support her family.Though

24、she has 42 abandoned her dream,she could hardly find any 43 to realize it because of the tough work. 44 ,chance came when she retired from her work.She began taking her painting lessons 45 she had all-white hair and lots of wrinkles.At first, I was 46 her idea of attending school at so old an age,bu

25、t after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably, I 47 feeling it a good choice.She seems 48 and looks fine. So if we have our dreams and seek for them, we arent old.Its when we dont know what we want and let 49 be the center point of our lives that we can finally be regarded as the old. 语篇解读 作者的老师让同学

26、们讨论什么时候一个人才可以被视为老人,同学们对此各抒己 见。 作者以 70 岁的奶奶仍坚持自己的梦想来说明: 一个人如果有梦想并为之奋斗, 就不算老; 只有当我们不知道自己的追求,生活中充斥着遗憾时,我们才算老。 30A.respond Bagree Cidentify Dintend 答案 B 解析 respond 回答;agree 同意;identify 确定;intend 打算。大卫说有皱纹的人即为老人, 但玛丽认为有些人年纪轻轻就长皱纹,由此可知,她并不赞成大卫的说法。故选 B。 31A.negative Bboring Ctough Dstable 答案 C 解析 negative

27、消极的;boring 令人厌烦的;tough 艰苦的;stable 稳固的。根据常识可知, 艰苦的生活容易使人长皱纹,且根据下文的“she could hardly find any to realize it because of the tough work”也可判断选 C。 32A.certainty Bwish Cdoubt Dtheory 答案 C 解析 certainty 确定性;wish 愿望;doubt 怀疑;theory 理论。莉莉说 60 岁或 60 岁以上的人 可谓老人,但艾米丽认为,有些老人可能仍然精力充沛,努力追求他们的梦想,这使他们显 得年轻。即她对莉莉的观点也表示

28、怀疑。故可推断选 C。 33A.attractive Byoung Cintelligent Dambitious 答案 B 解析 参考上题解析。attractive 有吸引力的;young 年轻的;intelligent 聪明的;ambitious 有 抱负的。故选 B。 34A.conclusion Bcontract Cdecision Ddestination 答案 A 解析 conclusion 结论;contract 合同; decision 决定;destination 目的地。 根据“so the teacher asked us to think about it after

29、 class”可推断出,同学们对老师的提问尚未得出结论。故选 A。 35A.embarrassment Bbarrier Cquestion Dconfusion 答案 C 解析 embarrassment 尴尬;barrier 障碍;question 问题;confusion 混乱。根据语境可知,此 空应指老师的提问“when a man could be referred to as an old man”,由此判断选 C。 36A.preserving Bseeking Ctreasuring Dpossessing 答案 B 解析 preserve 保护;seek 寻找;treasur

30、e 珍爱;possess 拥有。根据下文对作者的奶奶的介绍 以及最后一段中的“So if we have our dreams and seek for them,we arent old.”可判断选 B。 37A.even Bnearly Conly Dhardly 答案 A 解析 even 甚至;nearly 几乎;only 只有;hardly 几乎不。甚至当奶奶 70 岁了,她还追求自 己的梦想。故选 A。 38A.realized Bchanged Cbetrayed Dkept 答案 D 解析 realize 意识到;change 改变;betray 背叛;keep 保持。由上下文可

31、知,奶奶想当画家 的梦想从孩提时代到 70 岁的高龄一直没有放弃过,即一直保持着这个梦想,故选 D。 39A.Therefore BInstead CMoreover DHowever 答案 D 解析 therefore 因此;instead 反而;moreover 而且;however 然而。奶奶一直保持着这个梦 想,然而因为家里穷,她不得不将自己的梦想搁置在一旁。前后是转折关系。故选 D。 40A.give in Bsearch for Cput aside Dstick to 答案 C 解析 参考上题解析。give in 让步,屈服;search for 寻找; put aside 把放

32、在一边;stick to 坚持。故选 C。 41A.society Breality Cworld Doffice 答案 A 解析 society 社会;reality 现实;world 世界;office 办公室。奶奶选择退学,走入社会去 赚钱养家。故选 A。 42A.seldom Boccasionally Calready Dnever 答案 D 解析 seldom很少; occasionally偶尔; already已经; never 从不。 根据上文中的“My grandma is such a woman who pursues her dream when shes 70 now

33、.”可知,奶奶从来没有 放弃过她的梦想。故选 D。 43A.time Bexcuse Chelp Dmoney 答案 A 解析 time 时间;excuse 借口;help 帮助;money 钱。根据下文中的“chance came when she retired from her work”可推断,奶奶退休以后才有时间学画画,即奶奶是因为没有时间才一 直未实现她的梦想。故选 A。 44A.Suddenly BEventually CSoon DGradually 答案 B 解析 suddenly 突然;eventually 最后;soon 不久;gradually 逐渐地。奶奶年轻的时候将

34、其梦 想暂时搁置在一旁,最终到退休之后才有时间去实现梦想。故选 B。 45A.because Bonce Cthough Dunless 答案 C 解析 because 因为;once 一旦;though 虽然;unless 除非。虽然她满头白发、满脸皱纹, 但是她开始上绘画课程。故选 C。 46A.with Bfor Cat Dagainst 答案 D 解析 with 与一起; for 为了; at 在; against 反对。 根据“.but after seeing her paint happily and enjoyably,I feeling it a good choice.”可

35、知,起初作者反对奶奶 70 岁想上学的 想法。故选 D。 47A.risked Brejected Ccontinued Dbegan 答案 D 解析 risk 冒险;reject 拒绝;continue 继续;begin 开始。由原来的反对,到后来的同意,即 作者开始觉得奶奶的选择是对的。故选 D。 48A.energetic Bgentle Coptimistic Dwealthy 答案 A 解析 energetic 精力充沛的;gentle 温和的;optimistic 乐观的;wealthy 富有的。根据上一句 中的“seeing her paint happily and enjoy

36、ably”和下一句中的“looks fine”可知, 此处指奶奶看 上去精力充沛。故选 A。 49A.achievements Bregrets Cdreams Ddifficulties 答案 B 解析 achievement 成就;regret 后悔;dream 梦想;difficulty 困难。如果我们有自己的梦想 并为之努力,我们就不算老;当我们不知道自己的追求而让遗憾成为生活的中心的时候,我 们才算老。故选 B。 .语法填空 Hands can easily get cold in winter.Wearing gloves might be a good choice,but so

37、metimes it is not 50. (convenience)However,this was not a problem for ancient Chinese people, 51. had a more delicate tool to keep their hands warm:hand warmers. There is no accurate written record about the origin of this tool,but there are some tales about its 52. (invent)One folk story concerns E

38、mperor Yangdi from the Sui Dynasty (581618) who visited Jiangsu in the winter.Due to the bitter cold,the local official asked the producers to make 53. small warmer for the emperor that could be held in ones hands.Thus the hand warmer 54. (create) Techniques for producing the tool were 55. (steady)

39、developed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (13681911)Many poems and books from this period recorded people using hand warmers.The Dream of the Red Chamber,the classic novel written 56. Cao Xueqin from the Qing Dynasty,also described a maid who 57. (send) a hand warmer to Lin Daiyu in one chapter. Anci

40、ent hand warmers had various designs.Round and square shapes are typical.Some of 58. (they) look like pumpkins and flowers.Inside a hand warmer,there were 59. (burn) coals,some mixed with fragrance and giving off a pleasant smell. 语篇解读 文章介绍了有关中国古代暖手炉的相关信息。 50答案 convenient 解析 考查词性转换。该空作表语,故用形容词 conve

41、nient。 51答案 who 解析 考查定语从句。 had a more delicate tool to keep their hands warm 是非限制性 定语从句,修饰 ancient Chinese people,关系词在从句中作主语,指人,故要用关系代词 who 引导该从句。 52答案 invention 解析 考查词性转换。形容词性物主代词 its 应该用来修饰名词,故应填名词 invention。 53答案 a 解析 考查冠词的用法。warmer 是可数名词,此处指“一个小暖手炉”,故填不定冠词 a。 54答案 was created 解析 考查动词时态和语态。主语 the

42、 hand warmer 和 create 之间是被动关系,且该句介绍的 是发生在过去的事情,故应用一般过去时态。故填 was created。 55答案 steadily 解析 考查词性转换。该空修饰动词 develop,故用副词 steadily。 56答案 by 解析 考查介词的用法。句意为:由曹雪芹写的红楼梦也描写了一个仆人给林黛玉送暖 手炉的情景。by 意为“由,被”。 57答案 sent 解析 考查动词的时态。该句描述的是过去的事情,应用一般过去时态,故填 sent。 58答案 them 解析 考查代词的用法。该空作介词 of 的宾语,故应填宾格形式 them。 59答案 burn

43、ing 解析 考查非谓语动词。该空修饰 coals,且表示“正在燃烧的”,故填现在分词 burning。 .微写作 写作素材(关于劣质商品的投诉) 1上周,李先生家的一台电视机突然自燃。 2事情一发生,李先生就要求商家派专业人员调查此事。 3李先生本打算把这台损坏的机器送交消费者协会并对此事予以曝光。 4但是商家说这种事情很少发生并提出一个折中方案。 5最终,商家委派助手免费配送给李先生一台新电视。 提示 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 连句成篇(将上述句子连成一篇 70 词左右的英语短文) Last week a TV set in the possession of Mr Li suddenl

44、y caught fire itself.No sooner had the incident come about than Mr Li called on the dealer to send for professionals to look into it.Mr Li had intended to hand the damaged machine over to the Association of Consumers to expose it,but the dealer remarked that seldom had such an incident happened and put forward a compromise.At last,the dealer appointed his assistant to distribute a new TV set at their expense to Mr Li.


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