牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit2 travelling(第二课时)预习学案和课后练习(含答案)

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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit2 travelling(第二课时)预习学案和课后练习(含答案)_第1页
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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit2 travelling(第二课时)预习学案和课后练习(含答案)_第2页
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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit2 travelling(第二课时)预习学案和课后练习(含答案)_第3页
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牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit2 travelling(第二课时)预习学案和课后练习(含答案)_第4页
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1、8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第1课时 Welcome to the unit 课后练习一、单项选择( ) 1. The Smiths are planning to go _ a trip _ China.A. on; to B. for; in C. of; to D. on; at( ) 2. He _ the money and paid for the jacket.A. took away B. took out C. took back D. took( ) 3. “_!” shouted everyone, “Run, run!”A. Come on B. G

2、o C. Come D. Run on( ) 4. I dont think Mr Wus gone to school yet,_?A. do I B. is she C. hasnt she D. has she( ) 5. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure to come.A. may B. can C. must D. will二、根据汉语提示填写适当的单词或词组 1. The football match was very_,so all of us were_at it.(excite).2. Im going

3、to visit the places of _(interesting).3. Were going to play football. What about _ (join) us?4. What are you doing. Im _( get) my bags.5.He will write to you as soon as he_(arrive).6. The Whites often go _ (hide ) with their daughter Ann.7. When they stayed in Beijing, they take_ (photo ).三、翻译句子。1.

4、这本书有什么特别的吗?-它是关于世界各地不同的景点的。_the book?Its about_around the world.2.汤姆从很小的时候就对旅行感兴趣了。Tom _since he _.3.你正在如何为旅行做准备?-我正在收拾所有的东西。How are you_the trip?Im _.4.我认为对我来说,这将不是一个假期。I _it_me.8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第2课时 Reading 1 预习学案【先学目标】1.了解Kitty的香港之行。2. 扩展词汇谈论旅行中的见闻和活动【先学重点】 1.自己的语言你描述旅行中的见闻和活动 2.短语、句型【基础引航

5、】A. 同学们请试着拼读生词表22-25页生词。 B. 预习P22-P23,在课本上找出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1. 玩得很开心 2. 一个黑暗的室内环滑梯 3. 以高速运转 4. 急忙去一个餐厅吃快餐 5. 在焰火中看起来发亮 6. 忍不住不停地拍照 7. 鼓掌并兴奋地尖 8. 看了一部四维影片 9. 买了几个钥匙环 10.这是一天中最佳的部分 11.整个过程中我们都不停地高声尖叫和大笑。 12. 这一天结束的时候我们在睡美人城堡前观看了烟火。 【要点探究】复习上节课学习过的旅游名胜的英文名称。一、快速浏览课文,回答简单问题。(1)Who visited Disneyland? (2)How

6、 long did they stay in Disneyland? 二、阅读文章第一二段完成Part B1部分的练习。三、阅读完成课本第24页B2部分的练习。四、仔细阅读课文 ,完成课本第25页B3部分的练习。五、根据课文内容填空。Kitty and her parents _ Hong Kong for two days. They _ the _ day at Disneyland today.First, they _ on Space Mountainan _ roller coaster in the dark. Next, they _ a restaurant to have

7、a quick meal. On the way, they met some cute Disney _, _ Snow White and Mickey Mouse.8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第1课时 Welcome to the unit 课后练习一、单项选择( A ) 1. The Smiths are planning to go _ a trip _ China.A. on; to B. for; in C. of; to D. on; at( B ) 2. He _ the money and paid for the jacket.A. took away

8、 B. took out C. took back D. took( A ) 3. “_!” shouted everyone, “Run, run!”A. Come on B. Go C. Come D. Run on( D ) 4. I dont think Mr Wus gone to school yet,_?A. do I B. is he C. hasnt he D. has he( A ) 5. Peter _ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure to come.A. may B. can C. must D. will二、根据

9、汉语提示填写适当的单词或词组 1. The football match was very exciting ,so all of us were_excited at it.(excite).2. Im going to visit the places of interest (interesting).3. Were going to play football. What about joining (join) us?4. What are you doing? Im getting ( get) my bags.5.He will write to you as soon as h

10、e arrives (arrive).6. The Whites often go hiding (hide ) with their daughter Ann.7. When they stayed in Beijing, they took photos (photo ).三、翻译句子。1. 这本书有什么特别的吗?-它是关于世界各地不同的景点的。_What is special about the book?Its about different places of interest around the world.2.汤姆从很小的时候就对旅行感兴趣了。Tom has been inte

11、rested in travelling since he was very young.3.你正在如何为旅行做准备?-我正在收拾所有的东西。How are you_getting ready for_the trip?Im getting all my things_.4.我认为对我来说,这将不是一个假期。I dont think it will be a holiday for_me.8B Unit 2 Travelling 导学案第2课时 Reading 1 预习学案【先学目标】1.了解Kitty的香港之行。2. 扩展词汇谈论旅行中的见闻和活动【先学重点】 1.自己的语言你描述旅行中的见

12、闻和活动 2.短语、句型【基础引航】A. 同学们请试着拼读生词表22-25页生词。 B. 预习P22-P23,在课本上找出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1. 玩得很开心 have a fantastic time 2. 一个黑暗的室内环滑梯 play an indoor roller coaster in the dark 3. 以高速运转 move at high speed 4. 急忙去一个餐厅吃快餐 hurry to a restaurant to have a quick meal 5. 在焰火中看起来发亮 look bright under the fireworks 6. 忍不住不停地拍

13、照 cant stop taking photos 7. 大笑并兴奋地尖叫 scream and laugh excitedly 8. 看了一部四维影片 watch a 4-D film 9. 买了几个钥匙环 buy a couple of key rings 10.这是一天中最佳的部分 the best part of the day 11.整个过程中我们都不停地高声尖叫和大笑。 We were screaming and laughing through the ride. 13. 这一天结束的时候我们在睡美人城堡前观看了烟火。 At the end of the day ,we watc

14、hed the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle. 【要点探究】复习上节课学习过的旅游名胜的英文名称。一、快速浏览课文,回答简单问题。(1)Who visited Disneyland? Kitty and her parents. (2)How long did they stay in Disneyland? A whole day. 二、阅读文章第一二段完成Part B1部分的练习。三、阅读完成课本第24页B2部分的练习。四、仔细阅读课文 ,完成课本第25页B3部分的练习。五、根据课文内容填空。Kitty and her paren

15、ts have been in Hong Kong for two days. They spent the whole day at Disneyland today.First, they had fun on Space Mountainan indoor roller coaster in the dark. Next, they hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal. On the way, they met some cute Disney cartoon characters_, such as_ Snow White and Mickey Mouse.


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