新PEP人教版七年级下册英语Unit 4 Section A 2a-2d课件

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1、Unit 4 Dont eat in class.,Section A 2a-2d,To learn to use “can” for permission. To learn to use “must” and “have to” to talk about rules.,Objectives,Dont fight with your classmates.,Tell your classmate what the rules should be.,Warming Up,Dont listen to music in the classroom.,Dont arrive late for s

2、chool.,Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.,Dont run in the hallways.,Listen. Check the activities Alan and Cindy talk about.,2a,Listen again. Can Alan and Cindy do these activities? Circle “can” or “cant” above.,2b,A: Can we listen to music, Cindy? B: We cant listen to music

3、in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.,Student A is Alan and Student B is Cindy. Talk about the rules in 2a.,2c,Well, we cant listen to music in the classroom or hallways. But we can listen to music in music room.,What are the school rules, Alan?,We cant eat in the classroom, but we can e

4、at in the dining hall.,Uh-huh.,No, you cant. What else? Oh, you cant fight with your classmates. That makes the teachers really unhappy.,Oh, can we wear a hat in class?,I see.,Role-play the conversation.,John: Hi, my names John. Its my first day at school. Alice: Hi, John. Im Alice. This is a great

5、school, but there are a lot of rules. John: Really? What are some of the rules? Alice: Well, dont be late for the class. This is very important.,2d,John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring music players to school? Alice: No, we cant. And we always have to wear the school uniform. John: I see. A

6、lice: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.,1. Is John new at school? _ 2. Are there many rules at school? _,Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.,Yes, he is.,Yes, there are.,3. Can he bring music players to school? _ 4. Do they have to always wear the school uniform? _,No

7、, he cant.,Yes, they do.,1. wear 意为“穿、戴” My aunt wears a blue skirt and a white T-shirt. 我姑姑穿着蓝色的裙子,白色的T恤。 Does he wear glasses? 他戴眼镜吗?,Language points,2. have to与must 1) have to意为“不得不”,强调“客观需要”。 They have to wear school uniforms every day. 他们每天不得不穿校服。 2) must 意为“必须”,强调主观上的愿望。 Its late. I must go ho

8、me now. 天晚了。现在我必须要回家。,练一练:用have to, must 填空 1. Its cold outside. We _ stay at home. 2. We _ be good with our parents.,have to,must,3. out, outside out一般只用作副词,意为“出去, 在外面”, 其反义词是in, 单独使用时, 不能接宾语,若与一些动词 连用,才可接宾语。如: Please take out your books. outside可用作介词和副词,意为“在外面/部”, 指在某物体的外侧, 外部,其反义词是inside。如: Lets

9、meet outside the school gate.,1. Sit down. 2. Come in. 3. Eat at home.,Dont sit down.,Dont come in.,Dont eat at home.,.把下列祈使句改成否定句。,Exercises,4. Listen to music outside. 5. Do your homework at school.,Dont listen to music outside.,Dont do your homework at school.,1. We _ clean our classroom after sc

10、hool. 2. She _ make her bed after getting up. 3. Its late. Mr. Beckman _ go to work by car. 4. Emily and Peter join a music club. They _ practice guitar every day.,have to,have to,has to,has to,.用have to或has to填空。,不要在上课时听音乐。 _ 2. 我们必须准时。 _ 3. 我们能把音乐播放器带到学校里来吗? _ 在图书馆里我们必须保持安静。 _ 不要在楼道里跑 。 _,Dont lis

11、ten to music in class.,We must be on time.,.将下列句子译成英语。,Can we bring the music player to school?,We must keep quiet in the library.,Dont run in the hallways., Can you drive on the right-hand side of the road in China? _. Thats a rule. A. Yes, we can B. Yes, we must C. Yes, we should,中考链接,【2019桂林】,B,26,1. Read the conversation in 2d. 2. Write down more rules you know in your school. (at least 5),


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