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1、Test for Unit 10(时间:120 分钟,满分:120 分)题号 总分得分听力部分(25 分)听力部分(25 分).听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5 分)( )1.( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5.听句子,选择最佳答语。(5 分)( )6.A.Its old. BThe toy bear. C Im tired.( )7.A.Good idea. BBecause theyre old.CIm too tall to wear them.( )8.A.Youre so lucky. BYoure poor. CThanks so much.( )9.A.Once a mo

2、nth. B Im so busy. CFor ten years.( )10.A.No,its old. BYes,its new. CIts new.听长对话,选择正确答案。(5 分)听第一段对话,回答第 1112 小题。( )11.What was wrong with Ketty?AShe had a cold. BShe had a headache. CShe had a toothache.( )12.Where does Tom work now?AIn a hospital. BIn a supermarket. CNot mentioned.听第二段对话,回答第 1315

3、小题。( )13.Why is Lisa unhappy?AShe fells lonely.BShe doesnt do well in her schoolwork.CHer classmates dont talk with her.( )14.How long has Lisa been in the new school?AFor 3 months. BFor 2 months. CFor 5 months.( )15.What does the boy ask Lisa to do?ATo talk with people. B To start a club.CTo study

4、hard.听短文,选择正确答案。(10 分)( )16.Whats on the speakers bag?AA superman. BA monkey. CA flower.( )17.When did the speaker start primary school?AIn 2006. BIn 2007. CIn 2008.( )18.Who gave the speaker the pencilbox?AHer mother. BHer aunt. CHer teacher.( )19.What is the book about?AA famous person. BA romanti

5、c story.CAn interesting story.( )20.How did the speaker get the book?AIt was a birthday present to her.BHer teacher gave it to her as a prize.CShe borrowed it from her friend.笔试部分(95 分).单项选择。(15 分)( )21.Tom is _ honest boy.You can believe what he said.Aa Ban Cthe D/( )22.My son likes wearing that Ts

6、hirt ,because its very _ and comfortable.Asmart Boutgoing Csoft Dugly( )23.Our teacher Ms.Yang is so friendly to us that we all _ her as our elder sister.Aregard Bowned Cleft Dcollected( )24.I have to _ my room.It is really in a mess.Alook after Btake inCclear out Dwalk into( )25.His grade in the ex

7、am puts him _ the top 10 students in his class.Abetween BoverCabove Damong( )26._ the timetable,the train for London leaves at seven oclock in the evening.AThanks to BAs forCThanks for DAccording to( )27.I will meet Jane at the station,Please _what time she will arrive.Acount BchooseCcheck Dcatch( )

8、28.Its quite a _ that you cant go to the great concert.Aworry Billness Csurprise Dshame( )29.Do you know Wang Qin well?Sure.We _ friends since ten years ago.Abecame Bhave becomeCwere Dhave been( )30.How long have they worked in the zoo?_.AIn five years BFor five yearsCSince five years DFive years ag

9、o( )31.Where is your uncle?He _ to South Africa on business.He has _ there twice.Ahas been;gone Bwill go;beenCwent ;gone Dhas gone;been( )32._,volunteering is both a chance to help others and a good way to develop ourselves.ATo my surprise BTo be honestCIn order to DBe similar to( )33.Have you decid

10、ed to move to Beijing?_,but I have a plan for it.AEver since BLater on CNot yet DFrom now on( )34.I love the countryside ,_ in spring.Aespecially Bhardly Cinstead Dheavily( )35.Ill go on a visit to Disneyland._AThank you. BNever mind.CHave a good trip! DThats OK.完形填空。(15 分)My mother told me we would

11、 have a yard sale this weekend.Yesterday I_36_ lots of old things from my bedroom.I had to _37_ five things I no longer use.At first,I was quite _38_.Because I found _39_ toys that I dont play anymore but still want to keep.I _40_ the toy car since my sixth birthday,and I played with it almost every

12、 day _41_ I was ten.I didnt want to lose my toy bear,_42_.It was one of my favorite toys.It came from my grandmother.I have had it _43_ five years.I wanted to keep them _44_ they brought back many sweet memories.“Maybe some kids need the toys more than you.They dont fit you anymore.But they can brin

13、g _45_ to the kids, ” my mother said.In the end, I gave away the toys to kids in need happily.( )36.A.found out Bchecked out Cworked out Dcleaned out( ) Bsell Cthrow Dtake( )38.A.sad Bhappy Cnervous Dbored( )39.A.much Ba little Ca bit of Dmany( )40.A.own Bowned Chave owned Dwas owning( )41.A

14、.until Bafter Cas soon as Dunless( )42.A.too Beither Calso Dneither( )43.A.since Bat Cfor Don( ) Band C but Dbecause( )45.A.time Billness Cjoy Dsadness.阅读理解。(20 分)AWang Xiaojun is 12 years old.He lives in the countryside in Hubei Province(省)Today is his birthday.His parents prepare a nice din

15、ner for him,but the boy says, “I wont have dinner,because after the dinner,today is over and my parents are leaving for Shenzhen tomorrow.I dont want to let them go.”Its the first time for Wang Xiaojun to spend his birthday with his parents in recent three years.In the past three years,his parents h

16、ave stayed in Shenzhen and worked hard to make money.They havent seen their son for three years.Tomorrow they have to leave for Shenzhen.Wang is not the only stayathome child(留守儿童) In the countryside of China,there are over 20 million children staying at home without their parents.Stayat home childr

17、en face a lot of problems.Many of them stay with their grandparents.They get less care from their parents.They often feel lonely.Some of them dont study well because their parents cant help them with their study.The Chinese government now cares about stayathome children very much and is trying to so

18、lve(解决) the problems.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) 。( )46.Its Wang Xiaojuns first birthday.( )47.Wang Xiaojun wont have the birthday dinner because he is not hungry at all.( )48.There are many stayathome children in the countryside of China.( )49.Some stayathome children often feel lonely and they cant get much

19、 care from their parents.( )50.The Chinese government is doing something to solve the problems of the stayathome children.BAs a volunteer teacher,I travelled a long way to a small village school in Longzhou,Guangxi.On my way there,I thought about the village,the school,and the children there.However

20、,my _heart_sank when I arrived there.It was out of what I had expected(预料)It didnt look like a school at all!The school had only three rooms,one was for Grades 1,2 and 3,one was for Grades 4,5 and 6,and the third one was for me.The children welcomed me warmly(热情地) on my first day.They asked me a lot

21、 of questions,and I told them stories about myself and my life in Shanghai.The next day,I gave them a test to find out their level(水平)To my surprise,though the test was very easy,over half of the students failed,yet they all wanted to learn new things.I knew they needed me.I was busy preparing lesso

22、ns and reading test papers every night.I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hardworking children,and I could see that they were making progress with my help.I have also learned a lot from them.I understand their lives better,and we are now good friends.I have worked in Longzhou for a year now.Im very

23、 happy and the experience has been very useful to me.I love the small village and the children.In fact,I would like to go on working here.( )51.The writer is a volunteer teacher who comes from _.AGuangxi BXiamen CShanghai DShanxi( )52.The writer found there were only _ rooms in that school.Atwo Bthr

24、ee Csix Dfive( )53.In the passage,the underlined words“my heart sank” means that the writer _.Afelt upset Bwas happy Cgot angry Dfelt satisfied( )54.The writer found the students level was _ she expected after the first test.Ajust as Bhigher than Clower than Dbetter than( )55.Which of the following

25、is NOT TRUE?ABoth the volunteer teacher and the students are working so hard.BThe volunteer teacher doesnt like to work there any longer.CThe students became better and better with the help of the volunteer teacher.DThere are three rooms in the school of Longzhou.情景交际。(10 分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,

26、其中有两项多余。A:Hello,Tom!B:Hi,Mike!_56_ Where have you been?A:Ive been to the countryside.B:_57_A:For a week.B:For what?A:For the “handin hand” activity.We gave some money and school things to the children there to help them go to school.B:_58_ What else did you do?A:We lived together with the children i

27、n their homes and made friends with them.B:Great!_59_A:Though they live a hard life,they study very hard.By the way,_60_B:We just had our midterm exams in our school,and I have passed it.A:Congratulations!B:Thank you.AWhat do you think of their life and study?Bwhats going on in your school?CI havent

28、 seen you for a long time.DHow long have you been there?EGood job!FHave you ever been there before?GOnly a few weeks.56_ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._.词语运用。(10 分)A)根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。61Too much s_ food is bad for your teeth.62The old things that my grandfather made in the room bring me many m_ of him.63The teache

29、r will c_ our homework tomorrow.64We r_ him as our brother.65Bob is the oldest a_ the four boys.B)用 since 或 for 填空。66Tony has owned the toy bear _ a long while.67Sally has been working in the factory _ six years ago.68They have been writing to each other _ many years.69The old lady has been living i

30、n the village _ she was born.70My brother has been studying at this school _ 2012.根据短文内容及首字母提示填空。(10 分)My hometown is a beautiful village.Great changes have t_71_ place here in the past ten years.Ten years ago,it was a p_72_ village.There was only one mountain path to go there.O_73_ one or two famil

31、ies had bikes or radios.People l_74_ in low strawthatched cottages(破草房)Now my hometown has taken on a n_75_ look.We have built a new highway(公路) Every family can w_76_ TV at home,and some have had cars.All the villagers(村民) are l_77_ in new houses,some even in large buildings.Every family has s_78_

32、some money.Thanks to(幸亏,由于) the governments effort,now children can r_79_ a good education.We are living a h_80_ life now.71_ 72._ 73._ 74._ 75._76_ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._.书面表达。(15 分)澳大利亚学生 Sam 最近又来到了北京。他去了王府井,发现这里发生了巨大的变化。请你以 Sam 的身份给父母寄一张明信片,用以下单词、短语介绍王府井发生的变化。1happy,visit,again2change ,take place3go

33、,Wangfujing Street,morning,building,shop,market4flower,put,succeed ,the Olympics_Mr.Larry KingBb Bridge RoadRichmondVIC 3132AustraliaTest for Unit 10.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。1I was in New York last summer holiday.2I was busy with my homework during the class party yesterday.3My father will be back in two da

34、ys on June 8th.4Ive had the school bag since I was a student.5I have tried my new car.Its really comfortable.听句子,选择最佳答语。6What other things do you want to sell?7Why not give old clothes away to poor children?8I have some things for these kids.9How often do you visit your hometown?10Is the science mus

35、eum new or old?.听长对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第 1112 小题。W:Hey,Tom.M:Hey ,Ketty.Why are you here? Is there anything wrong?W:I had a toothache last night ,so I come here to see the dentist.Dont you work in the supermarket?M:I work here now.Let me show you the dentist first.听第二段对话,回答第 1315 小题。M:You look unhappy

36、,Lisa.Whats wrong?W:Nothing.I just feel a little lonely.I dont have any friends here.M:How long have you been here?W:2 months.I think it is very hard for me to get used to the life in the new school.M:Well,Ive been here for 5 months.W:Really? You are like an old friend of everyones in the class.M:We

37、ll,we must learn to say hi to others first.Im going to the English club and chat with others.Would you like to go with me?W:Sure.听短文,选择正确答案。Heres a collection of my old things.Ive had them for 8 years.This bag has a superman on it.Its my favorite.My grandmother gave it to me as a present when I star

38、ted primary school on September 6th,2007.This pencilbox was a present from my aunt.It is a blue one with a little monkey on it.This book is a little bit broken.Its about an interesting story.I got the book from my primary school teacher.She gave it to me as a prize when I won the first prize in a sp

39、eech competition.It always reminds me of the exciting moment.Test for Unit 10.15 BACCA.610 BACAC.1115 CAABA.1620 ABBCB.2125 BCACD 2630 DCDDB 3135 DBCAC.3640 DBADC 4145 ABCDC.4650 FFTTT 5155 CBACB.5660 CDEAB.A)61.sweet 62.memories 63.check 64.regard 65.amongB)66.for 67.since 68.for 69.since 70.since.

40、71.taken 72.poor 73.Only 74.lived 78.saved 79.receive 80.happy.One possible version :Dear Mom and Dad,Im very happy to visit Beijing again.Great changes have taken place in Beijing.Today I went to Wangfujing Street early in the morning and I had a good time.Now,there are a lot of new buildings,modern shops and large markets on it.Many beautiful flowers are put on the street.People in Beijing work hard and they have succeeded in hosting the 29th Olympic Games.I hope Beijing will be more beautiful in the future.Yours,Sam