


1、Unit One My names Gina. Section A Period 1,Hi!/ Hello! Good morning /afternoon /evening. Nice to meet you. How are you? Fine, thanks. Whats your /his /her name? My /His /Her name is ,重点句型:,Whats this in English?,clock,backpack,Whats this in English?,book,Whats this in English?,basketball,Whats this in English?,baseball,Whats this in English?,Hello!/Hi ! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you. How do you do? How are you?,Good morning. Hello!/Hi ! How do you 。

2、( 1st period ),Clever people can see them.,Foolish people cant see them,聪明的,愚蠢的,king 国王,queen 王后,What does the king like?,The king likes new clothes.,The king likes new clothes.,Long long ago, the king liked new clothes.,很久很久以前,like-liked,Long long ago, there was a king. He liked new clothes. One day, two men visited the king. “My king, we can make new clothes for you.” The king was happy.,1,The two men showed the king his new clothes. “My king, please try on these magic cloth。

3、&,Unit 1 The Kings new clothes,Free talk,What day is it today?,How is the weather (天气)today?,Its.,Its .,sunny,cloudy,rainy,Free talk,What day was it yesterday?,How was the weather (天气) yesterday?,It was.,sunny,cloudy,rainy,It was.,Read and use,Lets review,/t/,/d/,/id/,一般过去时,过去的时间状语: long long ago, five years ago,.ago,yesterday 昨天 one day 一天,this morning 今天早上,last night 昨晚 last Monday 上周一 last.,一般直接在词尾加“ed”。 如:pointpointed visit visited 以不发音字母“e”。

4、Unit 1 The Kings new clothes,Where you yesterday , Mike?,were,I was at home.,What did you do?,I ,你昨天在哪里?,你干了什么?,plant,cook,watch,play,clean,collect,I ,I cooked an egg.,I watched a funny cartoon.,I played the violin.,I cleaned my room.,I collected Chinese stamps.,I planted some flowers., t , d , id ,laugh laughed,look looked,like liked,walk walked,live lived,show showed,point pointed,shout shoute。

5、,Unit 1,Learning aims (学习目标),I can understand “Goldilocks and the three bears.”,我能复述story time故事,doctor,coat,uncle,cousin,My uncle has a _, And my cousin too! The doctor comes and says, _!“,cold,Listen and answer,Put on your coats, you two,My uncle has a cold And my cousin too! The doctor comes and says, Put on your coats, you two !“,Lets read,Only one word,你还能写出类似的单词吗?,card camel cage candies,Try to read more words,I can understand “Goldilocks and the three。

6、Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears(story time),There is ,有,There are ,a house,There is .,There are .,Goldilocks,金发女孩,Goldilocks is in the forest.,Goldilocks,金发女孩,根据故事内容,选择一个最佳的标题,Watch and choose,The best title is _In the forestGoldilocks and the three bearsA beautiful house,根据故事内容,选择一个最佳的标题,Watch and choose,The best title is _In the forestGoldilocks and the three bearsA beautiful house,B. Goldilocks and the three bears,Goldilocks is in the house. She 。

7、,Rules(规则):1、看到 就拍手。 2、看到单词说出它的反义词。,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, no, no!,Goldilocks is in the class.,Goldilocks is in the forest.,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, no, no!,There is a house in the forest.,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, no, no!,The house is beautiful.,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, no, no!,Goldilocks is thirsty.,Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty.,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, no, no!,There is some rice on the table.,There is some soup on the table.,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, no, no!,There are three desks in。

8、Lesson 6 Baby Becky at Home,Baby Beckys home,Baby Becky likes to “help” her mother.,In the Kitchen (After lunch, mother washes the dishes. Baby Becky dries the dishes. She makes a house with the dishes. ) Mother: Baby Becky, dont play with the dishes! Baby Becky: Mine! Mother: No, play with your toys. (Baby Becky doesnt want the toys. She wants the dishes.) Baby Becky: Mine! (Baby Becky opens the fridge.) Mother: Look out, Baby Becky! (Baby Becky makes dinner. She cooks eggs for dinner.) M。

9、Lesson 5 In the Living Room,Talk about the picture in your group.,Danny is watching TV.,Listen and write T or F.,( )1. Jenny is sitting in a chair. ( )2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are reading newspapers. ( )3. Lynn is sitting at a small table. ( )4. They are in the bedroom. ( )5. Lynn and Bob are in front of Mr. and Mrs. Smith.,T,F,F,T,T,Jenny is sitting in a chair.,They are playing cards.,Lynn and Bob are in front of them.,Im sitting at a small table.,Rea。

10、steamed stuffed bun porridge,soybean milk fried bread stick,more_,much _,_ vegetables,uncooked vegetables,_ water,_ water,_,_ and _,vegetables,meat,cooked,hot,ice,chopsticks,knives,forks,1. Listen to the text on P14. 2. Make a breakfast for your family.,。

11、Lesson 4 Making Dinner,Read and answer,读课文回答问题,1. What time is it?2. Whos cooking? 3. Whats for dinner?,2. What does Li Ming do?,Listen, read and answer,1. Who washes ?,听录音,读文本,回答问题,the dirty dishes,Make a survey,做调查,1. Whats the time for dinner? 2. Whats for dinner?,Jenny,6:30,meat, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots,Zhao Qiaoli,7:30,rice, tomatoes and potatoes,Match and write,make,dirty,wash,cook,dirty,wash,clean,2,4,8,1,7,9,3,6,1. Listen and read Lesson 4. (听读第。

12、Lesson 2 Jennys House,This is Jennys house.,Listen and Answer,Questions: 1. How many bedrooms are there in Jennys house?2. How many floors(楼层) are there in Jennys house?,Listen and Imitate,Questions: 1. How many rooms are there on the first floor? What are they? 2. How many rooms are there on the second floor? What are they?,Jennys house,This is a bedroom.,This is the living room.,(sitting room),study,This is a small study.,This is a toilet.,toilet,This is a shower.,He is taking。

13、Lesson 1At the Airport,Questions:,What will Li Ming do on September 1?,He will go to school in Canada.,Why does Li Ming go to school in Canada?,He wants to learn English.,Li Ming arrives today!This is our friend Li Ming. Li Ming lives in China. He is coming to Canada! He wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English! Li Ming arrives today! Today is September 1. He will go home on June 25. Thats ten months!,Read Silently,airport,sport shorthorn,Its five oclock.,What time is it?,c。

14、第九单元 溶液 课题1 溶液的形成,第一课时,第一课时,第二课时,第一课时,溶 液,在卫生站或医院,护士给病人注射之前会将固体药剂制成注射 液,这是为什么呢? 是不是所有的药品都 能溶于水呢?,1. 认识溶解现象,知道溶液、溶剂、溶质等概念,知道水是最常见的溶剂,酒精、汽油是常见的溶剂。,2.了解溶液在生活、生产和科学研究中的广泛用途。,3. 学习科学探究和科学实验的方法,练习观察、记录、分析实验现象。,4,点击图片播放 视频,溶液的形成,在20mL水中加入一匙蔗糖,用玻璃棒搅拌,会观察到什么现象? 若换成食盐呢?,蔗糖溶解,食盐溶。

15、第二十六章 反比例函数 26.1 反比例函数 26.1.1 反比例函数的意义,2.能判断一个函数是否为反比例函数,,1.理解反比例函数的概念.,3.能根据实际问题中的条件确定反比例函数的解析式.,下列问题中,变量间的对应关系可以用怎样的函数关系表示?这些函数有什么共同特点?,1.京沪铁路全程为1 463km,某次列车的平均速度 v(km/h)随此次列车的全程运行时间t(h)的变化而变化.,2.某住宅小区要种植一个面积为1 000m2的矩形草坪,草坪的长y(单位:m)随宽x (单位:m)的变化而变化.,3.已知北京市的总面积为1.68104平方千米,人均占有的土地面积s(单位。

16、26.2 实际问题与反比例函数,2.能从实际问题中寻找变量之间的关系,建立数学模型,解决实际问题.,1.灵活运用反比例函数的意义和性质解决实际问题.,前面我们结合实际问题讨论了反比例函数,看到了 反比例函数在分析和解决实际问题中所起的作用,下 面,我们进一步探讨如何利用反比例函数解决实际问 题.,例1 市煤气公司要在地下修建一个容积为104 m3的圆柱形煤气储存室.(1)储存室的底面积S(单位:m2)与其深度d(单位:m)有怎样的函数关系?(2)公司决定把储存室的底面积S定为500m2,施工队施工时应该向下掘进多深?(3)当施工队按(2)中的计划掘进到地。

17、unit 1unit 4一、单项选择(共 12 分,每小题 1 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. This is _ useless subject learned in _ University because will not be used in real work.A. an; an C. an; a C. a; an D. a; a( ) 2. Thank you a lot for inviting me to your 20th birthday party. I was moved by your fathers speech. _. Were closest friends at college. A. Thats right B. All right C. Dont mention it D. With pleasure( ) 3. Why not do _? I agree. Lets go to the new museum, b。

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