


1、 1 Period FivePeriod Five WritingWritingA news report A news report 新闻是对新近发生的事实的报道。新闻反映新发生的、重要的、有意义的、能引起广泛兴趣的事实, 具有迅速、明了、简短的特点。 一、新闻报道写作的语言特点 1具体。新闻用事实说话,五个 W 和一个 H (when,where,who,what,why 和 how)是构。

2、Unit 2 Travelling around Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures Talk about your future plans (Activity 1Activity 4) Warming-up 1. Now it is the summer vacation and I am helping my dad on the farm. 2. 。

3、 1 Period FivePeriod Five WritingWritingA description of a placeA description of a place 描写一个城市或地点是一种描述性的说明文。它主要说明或解释某一城市或地点的地理位置、外貌、 环境、经济、文化、交通、历史演变、发展展望等,使读者获取信息。 一般来说,描述性的说明文写作顺序主要有三种形式:时间顺序、空间顺。

4、 1 Period TwoPeriod Two Listening and Speaking & Reading andListening and Speaking & Reading and ThinkingThinkingLanguage pointsLanguage points .重点单词 1cemetery n墓地;公墓 2individual adj.单独的;个别的 。

5、 1 Period FourPeriod Four Listening and TalkingListening and Talking,Reading for WritingReading for Writing,Assessing Assessing Your Progress & Video TimeYour Progress & Video Time .Judge w。

6、 1 Unit 4 History and TraditionsUnit 4 History and Traditions Sailors used to speak of a “Jack” when they meant a flag which was set near the bow of a sailing ship.The flag showed the country to whic。

7、 1 Period ThreePeriod Three Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresPast participles(1) as Past participles(1) as the attribute and the object complementthe attribute and the object 。

8、 1 Period FourPeriod Four Listening and TalkingListening and Talking,Reading for WritingReading for Writing,Assessing Assessing Your Progress & Video TimeYour Progress & Video Time .Read th。

9、 1 Period TwoPeriod Two Listening and Speaking & Reading and Listening and Speaking & Reading and ThinkingThinkingLanguage pointsLanguage points .重点单词 1engine n引擎;发动机;火车头 2chat vi.聊天;闲聊 3iden。

10、 1 Period ThreePeriod Three Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresThe present perfect The present perfect passive voicepassive voice 感知以下句子,完成方框下的小题 1Much has been writtenhas bee。

11、 1 Period FivePeriod Five WritingWritingA blog postA blog post 本单元的写作任务是博客写作(blog post),博文就是网络日志中的短小美文。必须具备以下 要求: 1标题引人注目; 2内容新颖; 3短小精悍; 4融思想性、知识性、趣味性、艺术性于一体。 1Im not an expert,but many years as a 。

12、Unit1FestivalsandCelebrations ReadingandThinking .根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1._(行进)50kmeveryday 2.lettersof_(祝贺) 3.thedaily_(范围)oftemperature 4.the_(起源)oflifeonearth march congratulat。

13、Unit2MoralsandVirtues ListeningandSpeaking 【导语】“以牙还牙”“一报还一报”,在英语中对应的表达 是“Tomeetviolencewithviolence”“Toanswerblowswith blows”或者“Togivetitfortat”。世界总会有它的阴暗面, 当我们看到或者不幸经历时,不应该被仇恨和怨气蒙蔽了 心智。Twowrongsdontm。

14、Unit1FestivalsandCelebrations ListeningandSpeaking 【导语】圣诞在我心中是欧美歌星集体创作的一 首脍炙人口的歌曲,较好地诠释和演绎了人们对美好生 活的向往和期盼。 注:听音填空 ChristmasInMyHeart Everytimewesaygoodbye Theressomething_ Itriedtohi。

15、Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations Discovering Useful Structures 动词-ing形式作定语和表语 【情境探究】 语法精讲 观察以上情境,根据语境用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Aperson_(run)regularlyinthemorningis healthierthananon-runner. (2)The_。

16、Unit2MoralsandVirtues ReadingandThinking .根据语境及汉语提示写出正确的单词 1.amoral_(困境) 2.toobtainthis_(珍贵的)opportunity 3._(委托)mewiththatlife 4.the_(大多数)oflife dilemma precious entrust maj。

17、Unit2MoralsandVirtues DiscoveringUsefulStructures 动词-ing形式作宾语补足语和状语 【情境探究】 语法精讲 观察上面的情景,根据语境用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Theyseeaman_(come),_(hold)abird cage. (2)Themanmayfindthebirdreally_(annoy。

18、Unit1FestivalsandCelebrations ReadingforWriting 描述节日经历 【文本研读】 .文本整体理解:快速浏览文章 1.Whatdoestheauthorwanttosharebywritingthis passage? A. The authors first experience at the Naadam Festival in Chinas Inner。

19、Unit2MoralsandVirtues ReadingforWriting 如何写评论 【文本研读】 .文本整体理解:快速浏览文章 1.Whatdoesthefabletellus? _ _ Ittellsusnottocomplainabouttheproble。

20、Unit3DiverseCultures ReadingforWriting 如何介绍地点 【文本研读】 .文本整体理解:快速浏览文章 1.Whatsthemainideaofthepassage? A.SomethingaboutSanFrancisco. 读写结合 B.AnintroductiontotheChinatown. C.ThehistoryoftheChinatown. D.Ani。

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