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三起冀教版三年级上册课件Unit3 Lesson15

,Lesson 5 How Many ?,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greetings: T : hello! hi how are you ?(师生相互问候,增进师生情感),课前热身,One book, two books,

三起冀教版三年级上册课件Unit3 Lesson15Tag内容描述:

1、,Lesson 5 How Many ?,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greetings: T : hello! / hi / how are you ?(师生相互问候,增进师生情感),课前热身,One book, two books, Three books, four. One, two, three, four, Five books more.,Lets chant!,(1)以唱字母歌的形式复习26个英文字母。,(2)以师生问答的形式复习与本课内容相关的旧知识.如:Whats this ?Its a_.,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,1.教师说:“梦里喜羊羊带我去羊村,村长送我一个书包,书包里有他给我的礼物”。,2. 请学生从书包里摸一摸,猜。

2、,Lesson 22 How Old Are You ?,Unit 4 Family,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,课前热身,Greeting:,T: How are you ? S: I am fine . How are you ? T:I am fine ,too .Thank you .,(1) Review :This is ,He /She is tall /short,(2)Ask and answer :How manydo you have ? I have ,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,Lets chant One book, two books, Three books, four. One, two, three, four, Five books more.,old / ld/(形容词)年老的;岁的,young / j / (形容词)年轻的,1,2,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词。

3、,Lesson 19 Family,Unit 4 Family,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,课前热身,Greeting:,T:Nice to meet you . S: Nice to meet you ,too .,T: How are you ? S: I am fine . How are you ? T:I am fine ,too .Thank you .,(1)Introduce my friend and my body, review :This is ,(2)介绍对方身体,Review:This is your ,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,father /f (r)/ (名词)父亲,mother /m(r)/ (名词)母亲,1,2,新词展示,brother /b r (r)/(名词)兄;弟,3,4,5,新词展示,sister /ss t(r)/ (名词)姐;妹,family /f m l I / (名词)家庭;一家人,。

4、,Lesson 4 Numbers 15,Unit 1 School and Numbers,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Do it.教师发指令,Stand up! /Sit down! ( 教师可适当辅以手势。),课前热身,运用多媒体播放歌曲 Whats your name ?,(1)师生问答方式复习所学句型 Whats your name her /his name ?,(2)运用多媒体依次展示school, desk , chair , book 的图片,提问Whats this?,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,让学生仔细观察所给教室的图片,让其对desk, chair, book 的数量进行统计,同时说出How many desks ? How many chairs ?How many books ?,How many ?,one。

5、,Lesson 10 Red , Yellow ,Blue, Green,Unit 2 Friends and Colors,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,课前热身,Play a game : Clap their hands .,(1)Sing the ABC Song .,(2) Review some sentences: Open the window . Close the door .,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,Listen and do :,Open the window.,Close the door .,Show me your pen . (pen , the letter E,F),red /red/(名词)红色;(形容词)红色的,yellow /j el/(名词)黄色;(形容词)黄色的,1,2,新词展示,3,4,新词展示,blue /b l u/ (名词)蓝色;(形容词)蓝色的,green / r in/(名词)绿。

6、,Lesson 11Orange,Brown ,White, Black,Unit 2 Friends and Colors,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greeting,T: How are you ! Boys and girls. S: Im fine ! M s. Ma. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you, too.,T : Would you like to introduce your friend or your letter friend? S: This is . He /She is my friend. His /Her name is . He /She is my friend. Ss: Hello ., Nice to meet you!,课前热身,复习回顾,Review the phrase:,What color is it ? Its .,话题导入,Introduce the color friends I have some 。

7、,Lesson 7 My Friend,Unit2 Friends and Colours,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greetings:,Hello, boys and girls . How are you ? Whats your name ? Whats his name ? Whats her name ? Nice to meet you .,(先师生问答,再生生问答,这样可以扩大学生的参与面。),课前热身,复习回顾,1.复习This is句型。学生根据实际情况指着班内任意一名同说 This is a boy或This is a girl.,2.练习用Nice to meet you句型对话,并指明学生上台表演。,话题导入,第一单元我们认识了新朋友Danny, Jenny,和李明,我们每个人都有很多的朋友。

8、Lesson 15 Whats Your Favourite Food?一、选出不同类的单词。( ) 1. A. fruit B. juice C. tea ( ) 2. A. noodles B. dumplings C. vegetables( ) 3. A. fish B. meat C. vegetables ( ) 4. A. like B. okay C. good 二、单项选择。( ) 1. Meat _ okay.A. am B. is C. are( ) 2. Whats _ favourite food?A. you B. your C. /( ) 3. I _ like fish.A. dont B. am C。

9、Unit 2 Food and MealsLesson 14 Would You Like Some Soup?,Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Dumplings and noodles, Yum! Yum! Yum! Are you thirsty? Yes, I am. Tea and juice, Please! Please! Please!,Lets chant!,教你确认感受,“你饿了吗?你冷吗?” 我们的父母总是这样关心我们。我们一起来看看用英语该怎么表达吧。,Are you +表达感受的形容词,肯定回答:Yes, Im. 否定回答:No, Im not.,Practice, Are you cold? No, Im not. Im hot.,hot 热的,Are you tired? Yes, I am.,Yes, please !,Would you like some dumplings, Jenny?,No,。

10、Unit 2 Food and MealsLesson 13 Im Hungry!,boy,girl,mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,table,餐桌,table,table,desk与table,在汉语中,这两个词都被称为“桌子”,而在英语中,它们仍是有所区别的。 (1)desk通常指有抽屉的桌子,用于办公、读书、写字等,即“书桌”、“写字台”、“办公桌”。 (2)table通常指由若干条腿支撑着的平板,没有抽屉,即“餐桌”、“会议桌”、“工作台”、“手术台” 等。,食物,f,o,o,d,table,food,eat,eat,eat,吃,drink,d,drink,drink,r,i,n,k,喝,drink,eat,eat,drink,Lets drink.,Lets eat.,教你描。

11、Lesson 14 My Body,head,body,hand,arm,leg,foot,Draw a picture of your friend and writethe body words.2. Sing the song “If you are happy andyou know it” to your parents.,Homework,。

12、,Lesson 16 Warm and Cool,cool,This is .,warm,This is cold.,Thats .,cool,Ouch! Thats hot!,This is _.,Thats _.,Lets do it.,1.Listen and repeat. 2.Draw something warm and cool. Write the words and talk about them with your partner. 画出生活中温暖的和凉爽的东西(至少三种),标上单词,和同伴说一说。 3.Sing “Head, shoulders,knees, toes” to your parents.,Homework,。

13、How are you ?,Lesson 3,1 How are you?,How are you?,Im fine. How are you?,Im fine, thanks.,Trains coming,2 Lets sing!,3 Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a school.,Pairwork,Lets talk and play .,-Whats this ? -Its a _.,HOMEWORK,利用本课所学问候语how are you自己创作对话,找伙伴练习,下节课展示给同学们。,Thank you !,。

14、Lesson 18 Look at Me!,Read the story quickly and answer the questions.,Whats the girls name?2. Is she happy or sad?,Read the story carefully. Fill in the blanks.,My hair is _. My eyes are _ . I have _ hands. I have _ fingers. I have _ legs. I walk to school. I feel _.My hair is _. I have _ hairs. My eyes are _. I have _ hands, too. My hands are _. I have _ fingers. I have a _. I feel _.,red,blue,two,ten,two,happy,black,three,black,two,green,eight。

15、Lesson 15 Left and Right一、根据图片,将字母组成单词并写下来。1. airh_ 2. thoum_ 3. soen_4. yee_ 5. fcea_ 6. are_二、单项选择。( )1. I have two _.A. mouth B. nose C. legs( )2. Show _ your ruler. A. my B. me C. I( )3. Is it left _ right?A. or B. and C. with( )4. This is _ ear.A. a B. an C. I( )5. I have three_. A. hair B. hairs C. a hair三、用英文写出方向。1.。

16、,Lesson13 How Do You Feel ?,Unit 3 Feelings and Body,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Greeting,出示颜色图片复习:What color is it ?.Its.,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,T:Do you feel happy? I feel happy! (唱完歌曲,自然引出happy,让学生先感知),Okay ,today well learn our new lesson.,cold /kld/ (形容词)冷的,hot /ht/ (形容词)热的,1,2,新词展示,tired /t ad/ (形容词)疲劳的;累的,happy /h pi/ (形容词)高兴的;幸福的/ht/(形容词)热的,3,4,新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,。

17、,Lesson 17 Are You Okay ?,Unit 3 Feelings and Body,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,课前热身,Hello , boys and girls .Nice to meet you .,How do you feel today ?,Free talk,Review the phrase :How do you feel ? I feel warm /cool /cold /hot .,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,Game : Simon Says How are you ? I feel sick .My_ hurts . I have a _ ache .,Whats the matter ? I hurt my_.,doctor /d k t (r) /(名词)医生(缩写形式为Dr.),新词展示,点击“新词展示”,跟我一起学词汇吧!,新词展示,新词展示,新词展示,词汇巩固,docto。

18、,Lesson14 My Body,Unit 3 Feelings and Body,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,2,课前热身,Sing a song “ How are you?” (老师和同学之间边握手边唱),课前热身,复习回顾,Review the phrase_How do you feel ?_I feel sad/happy.,话题导入,拍手歌 如果高兴你就拍拍手, 如果高兴你就拍拍手, 我们一起唱歌我们一起跳舞 我们大家一起拍拍手 如果高兴你就跺跺脚, 如果高兴你就跺跺脚, 我们一起唱歌我们一起跳舞 我们大家一起跺跺脚 如果高兴你就你就学猫叫, 如果高兴你就你就学猫叫,Sing a song,body/bd I / (名词)身体,hand/h n d /(名词)手,。

19、,Lesson 18 Look at M e!,Unit 3 Feelings and Body,冀教版(三年级起点) 三年级上册,课前热身,Sing a song,出示图片:Review the words about the body and color .,课前热身,复习回顾,话题导入,Game : Simon Says T: Touch your head . T: Whats on your head ?do you know ? hair . This is hair .,小喇叭朗读开始了,点一点音箱,一起跟着读吧。,课文朗读,课文原文,Story time,课文原文,Story time,课文原文,Story time,课文原文,Story time,Read and answer,What color is Marys hair ?,What color is Dannys hair ?,How many hairs d。

20、,Lesson 15 Winter Fun,Unit 3 Winter in Canada,冀教版(三年级起点) 六年级上册,课前热身,Can I go outside? Can I go outside? No,you cant. No,you cant. Its cold outside. Its cold outside. You cant go outside. You cant go outside.,课前热身,words: put on, take off, again,Sentences: Jenny and Li Ming are going out to play with Danny.,话题导入,body /bdi/ (名词)身体,nose /nz/ (名词)鼻子,mouth /ma/ (名词)嘴,1,2,3,新词展示,4,head /hed/ (名词)头,ear /(r)/ (名词)耳朵,arm /m/ (名词)胳膊,leg /leg/ (名词。

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