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人教新课标高中英语必修2Unit4 Reading课件

Unit 4Making the newsUsing language,高二人教新课标版必修五,Getting The “Scoop”,Reading, speaking and writing,Read the text and answer these questions.,Zhou Yang

人教新课标高中英语必修2Unit4 Reading课件Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 4Making the newsUsing language,高二人教新课标版必修五,Getting The “Scoop”,Reading, speaking and writing,Read the text and answer these questions.,Zhou Yang had got the scoop. The scoop is about a famous film star, who has done something wrong but has been lying.,1. Who got the scoop? What is the“scoop” about?,2. What was the film stars responseto the affair? And how did ZhouYang deal with the affair?,The famous film star had been lying about the affair, but Zhou Yang was determined to f。

2、 人教选修 6 Unit 4 Global Warming Extensive reading and writingTeaching goalsAbility goalsEnable the Ss to talk about environmental pollution and write a composition on environmental problems.Learning ability goals Help the Ss to write a composition on environmental problems.Teaching important & difficult pointsHow to help the Ss to write a composition on environmental problems.Teaching aids A computer and a projectorTeaching procedures Step1 Extensive reading Read Toms essay about li。

3、1Teaching plan for unit 4Earthquakes Teaching aims and demands:1. Topic: Basic knowledge of earthquakes; how to protect oneself and help the others in disasters 2. Useful words and expressions:shake, well (n.), rise, smelly, pond, pipe, burst, canal, steam, dirt, ruin, injure, destroy, brick, dam, useless, steel, shock, quake, rescue, electricity, disaster, army, organize, bury, coal, shelter, fresh, percent, speech, judge, honour, prepare;right away, (be) at an end, dig out, bring in, a (great 。

4、Unit 4 peroid 2 ReadingEarthquakeTeaching goals:Knowledge aims:1. Ss will be able to master the following useful new words and expressions.well,smelly,pond,burst,canal,steam,dirt,injure,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,rescue,quake,electricity,army,shelter,fresh,organize,bury, at an end, dig out, coal mine, in ruins2. Ss will be able to know the basic knowledge about EarthquakeAbility aims:Develop Ss reading ability. Emotional aims:1. Ss will be able to know damages earthquake bring about and th。

5、Unit 2The United KingdomReading,高二人教新课标版必修五,More information about the UK,Area: 244,820 sq.km Population: 59,113,439 Language : English, Kymric, Gaelic Religion : Catholicism Capital : London,Pre-reading,Denominations of bank-notes: 50 pounds, 20 pounds, 10 pounds, 5 pounds Denominations of coins: 1 pound, 50 penny, 20 penny, 10 penny, 5 penny, 1 penny,Five important cities in the UK,1. London: capital city 2. Belfast: capital of Northern Ireland 3. Manchester: home of the football。

6、WHO AM I ?,Reading,Intelligence Analytical machine Universal machine Transistor Artificial intelligence Technological revolution function,智力 分析机 通用机 晶体管 人工智能 科技革命 功能,New Words and Expressions,Look at these inventions. Can you put them in an order according to the time when they appeared? After reading the passage, check to see if you were right.,( ) analytical machine ( ) laptop( ) calculating machine ( ) robot( ) PC ( ) universal machine,1,2,3,4,5。

7、Workbook,Listening,Page 62,Read the statements and then listen to the whole text. Decide whether the statements are true or false. Give your reasons.,Part 1,Part 2,1,It is believed that on the surface of the earth are a number of plates. The plates are always moving. If the plates stop moving, there is an earthquake. If the plates move, there is an earthquake. Wherever you live, you are in an earthquake area. China has two plates pushing on her and they make mountains and earthquakes.,T,T,T,F,F,。

8、Unit 4 Workbook,Listening,Many people think that doing a radio or TV interview is fun and interesting. But there may be problems.,What problems do you think you might have? Discuss it with your partner. Then listen to the story about Gregs telephone interview and see whether he had the same problems as you discussed.,Listen to Part 1 and tick the correct time and place of the interview.,Day MondayThursdayYesterday,Time 2 。

9、Discovering useful words and expressions,Exercise 1:,1. distant,2. decrease,3. powerful,4. affect,5. appreciate,far away in space or time to go down to a lower levelable to control eventsto do something to make a changeto understand how serious a situation is,Exercise 1:,6. hunt,7. protectfrom,8. respond,9. relief,to run after animals in order to kill or catch them to keep someone or something safe from harm to do something as a reaction to something done or said feeling of comfort when somethi。

10、Unit 4 Learning efficiently Part One: Teaching Design第一部分:教学设计Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL READER)AimsTo help students develop their reading ability To help students learn about learning efficientlyProceduresWarming up by learning about “Effective Habits for Effective Study ”Hello, everyone! How are you getting along with your studies of English? Do you have any effective habits for effective study?You can prepare yourself to succeed in your st。

11、Reading,AN INTERVIEW,the person who asks questions (采访者),the person who answers questions (被采访者),What is an interview ?,It is an meeting at which a reporter asks questions in order to find out his view.,Interviewer :,Interviewee :,1. Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? List two of them. 2. When and where will the next Olympic Games be held? 3. Do you know him?,Pre-reading,希腊地理学家和历史学家,著 有希腊志一本关于古希腊地志和历史的十分有价值的书。他。

12、Warming up,Words and expressions,Fossil fuel (化石燃料) : Ancient animal and plant material below the surface of the earth with a high carbon content, such as coal, oil and natural gas, which can be burnt to produce energy; also known as non-renewable energy because once they are used they have gone forever; they cannot be renewed.,What are fossil fuels?,From the following pictures, you will know where all this energy comes from.,windmills(风车),a coal power station,an oil refinery,a nuclear pow。

13、Using Language,Animal extinction,Reading,Reading and listening,Look at these pictures and answer questions:,They _a long time ago.,disappeared,/died out,Why, how and when,Q1:What are they?,Q2:What happened to them?,They are _,dinosaurs,Whats your impression of the dinosaur?,Large /huge,strong,fierce,violent,cruel,How much do you know about dinosaurs?,Pterosaur,翼龙,Triceratops,三角龙,Stegosaurus,剑龙,tyrannosaurus,霸王龙,disaster? climate changing? over hunting? ,What 。

14、Language points for Warming up,Words and expressions for warming up,1. wild adj. living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by humans e.g. wild flowers / a wild rabbit wildlife n. (不可数) animals and plants growing in natural conditions e.g. a wildlife park,2.threaten vt. 1).恐吓,威胁threaten +n.+with+n.以.恐吓.eg.The robber threatened me with a gun.threaten to do 恐吓说要.eg.He threatened to make the photo public. 2)有.征兆/忧虑 These dark clouds threaten rain. 3)vi.迫近 A typhoo。

15、Unit 4 Wildlife protection,Words and expressions,Is this the end of evolution(进化),South China tiger,Look at these pictures and answer the following questions:,Q1: Can you tell the names of these animals?,Q2: Do you know these animals common characters,Panda,Elephant,Milu deer,Antelope,Whale,(特点)?,All these animals are,A B,in danger,disappearing,now.,_,(消失),(在危险中),All these animals are,animals,_,in danger,(),endangered,(濒临危险的),Q3: Wh。

16、 Unit 4 Global warmingReadingTeaching goalsTarget languagewords and phrases:energy, light(v.), heat(v.), renewable, non-renewable, run out, compare, phenomenon, graph, fuel, trap, data, climate, catastrophe, consequence, range, per, glance, compare to, come about, fierce debate, result in, build up, keep onAbility goalsEnable the students to talk about different sources of energy.Enable the students to read the text, understand what it is about and talk about the causes and effec。

17、Aunty Gladys is a writer for the teenager magazine Animals. She usually answers letters from the readers who worry about the wildlife around them.,Listening,Page 62,He doesnt know which fish he can eat.,He cant understand why humans kill him.,She doesn t understand why the best animals and plants are kept in zoos and parks.,Li Kun,Zhao Jing,Listening,Listen to the three letters and fill in the chart.,ASK AUNTYGLADYS,Part A Dear Aunty Gladys. I am very concerned about the environment, but I al。

18、Reading,Fast reading,What does the passage mainly talk about?,An earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976,Sum up the main idea of each part of the passage. (use one word to describe),Part 1: para 1,Part 2: para 2&3,Part 3: para 4,signs,damage,recovery,Para 1 Signs before the earthquake,Strange things,No one noticed them.,The water in the well,rose and fell.,The well walls,had deep cracks in them.,A smelly gas,The pigs and the chickens,mice and fish,In the sky,The water pipe,came ou。

19、Unit 4Making the newsReading,高二人教新课标版必修五,Do you want to work for a newspaper?If yes, what do you want to do? Why?,Pre-reading,If you want to be a journalist, do you think what qualities does a good journalist need to have?,1 Higher level of education 2 Work experience 3 Good communication skills 4 Curious, active personality 5 Hard-working 6 Enthusiasm for the job 7 8,Prepared to work long hours,Ability to work in a team,Reading,MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT “Unforgettable”, says new jou。

20、How Daisy Learned to Help Wildlife,Reading,Fast reading for general ideas,Where did Daisy go? Who took her there?What kind of animal did she meet in each place?,Tibet, Zimbabwe and rainforest.,An antelope, an elephant and a monkey.,A flying carpet.,The main idea,Daisy took a flying carpet to travel and talked with some animals, which made her know the importance of the wildlife protection.,What is the main idea of the passage?,antelope,elephant,monkey,para2,para1,para3-4,D a i s y,Tibet,Zi。

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