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人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit5全套教案

Unit 5First aidReading,高二人教新课标版必修五,Pre-reading,1. What has happened?,The little girl has pulled boiling water on to herself.,2. What sort of injury wi

人教新课标高中英语必修1 Unit5全套教案Tag内容描述:

1、Unit 5First aidReading,高二人教新课标版必修五,Pre-reading,1. What has happened?,The little girl has pulled boiling water on to herself.,2. What sort of injury will the girl have?,3. What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation?,She will have bad burns.,Cool the area of skin; wash it under the cold running water. Cover the wound with bandage/clean cloth. See a doctor if necessary.,FIRST AID FOR BURNS,Reading,What is the topic of text and how is the information organized?,It is about。

2、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Using language,Listening,The main idea is the three reasons why Elias joined the ANC Youth League.,Listen to the tape and write down the main idea.,No need for a passbook to work,Needed a passbook to work,With their families,With their workmates,Most of South Africa,Poorest parts of South Africa,The best,The worst,Discuss these questions in pairs.,Do you think Elias was right to join the ANC Youth League? Imagine you are Elias. What would you do? Why?,Unit 。

3、Language points for Reading I Language points for Reading II,Language Data Bank,die for 为某种事业或目的而死die for ones country/ the people/ the cause. die of 死于内因die from 死于外因die from a car accident. 由于车祸而死die by 死于暴力, 刀或剑等凶器die by the sword/hanging.,be dying for 极想得到. She is dying for a cup of water. die through carelessness 因过失而死 diedown 凋落, 消失 die away 消失(渐渐远去) The sound died away. 声音渐渐远去。 die out 绝种 This kind of animal is dying out.,He 。

4、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Words and expressions,Warming up,让所有人得享正义。让所有人得享和平。让所有人得享工作、面包、水、盐分。,Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.,a modern hero,抢盐的。药来了,坚持住!,In my opinion,Who can be called a great person?,I think ,To my understanding,A great person is someone who is devoted to helping others.,I feel that,a modern hero,Who is your hero/heroine? Why do you admire him/her。

5、Period 3 A sample lesson plan for Using Language(THE REST OF ELIAS STORY) IntroductionLanguage is learned to be used in and for communication. So in this period we shall have the students not only listen but also read and write in English. The most attention goes to reading and writing. Objectives To help the students listen about the same topic as is read in the first period To help students read another passage about the same person covered in the first period To help students write an ima。

6、Period 2 A sample plan for Learning about Language(The attributive clause ) IntroductionIn this period students will be helped by the teacher first to discover useful words and expressions, and then to discover and use useful structures: The attributive clause Objectives To help students learn to use attributive clauses introduced by where, when, why, and prep.+ which/ whom To help students discover and learn to use some useful words and expressions To help students discover and learn to us。

7、Part 1 Teaching Design第一部分 教学设计Period 1 A sample plan for reading (ELIAS STORY)IntroductionIn this period, after the warming up, students will first be guided to talk about great people. Then they will be helped to read a narration entitled Eliass story. Its a story about a Elias helping Mandela working for the freedom of the black people. Three examples of “Warming Up” designs are presented in this book for teachers reference. Computer and overhead projector may be used to aid the tea。

8、Unit Five First aids The sixth Period Extensive Reading and WritingTeaching goals 教学目标Teaching material 教学材料Reading in workbook at Page72Target language 目标语言 a. Key words and expressions: 重点词汇和短语Kit, slippery, ladder, stove, appliances, unplug, hair dryer, extinguishers, curtains, wires, outletsb. Key sentences: 重点句型1. Make sure the floor is no t slippery.2. Follow instructions for all electrical appliances carefully.3. Unplug all appliances, especially irons, after use.4.。

9、Nelson Mandela,Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.- Nelson Mandela,让所有人得享正义。 让所有人得享和平。 让所有人得享工作、面包、水、盐分。-曼德拉,Look at the life of Nelson Mandela and find out the following information.,Hard work and success:,General information,His successes,what he did in his life,Helpful Warm-hearted Determined Active Brave Selfless Kind ,Your opinions,Good qualities,Tips,Nelson Mandela was born near Tr。

10、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Workbook,Listening,Answer key for exercise 1:,F. William Tyndate wrote the first English Bible. F. He was born in the fifteenth century. T T F. Everybody in England loved the Bible written by William Tyndale.,Page 69,Answer key for exercise 2:,London, fifteenth, 1494, 1536, 42, English, Britain, English Bible, words, expressions,The king was not happy because he did not want the people to read the Bible in English. He was put in prison and later killed. Th。

11、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Reading,Nelson Mandela,Elias,?,Whats the connection between them?,ELIAS STORY,A.Strangers B.Helper and supporter C.Father and son D.Teacher and student,reading,How many parts can the text be divided into? Give the general idea of each part.,Part I,Paragraph 1-2 The life of Elias life before he met Nelson Mandela.,Paragraph 3-5 The change of Elias life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.,Part II,The hard life of Elias before he met Mand。

12、Unit 5 First Aid 第一部分About the topic and the structures单元话题和结构本单元的话题是 First aid/急救,学习各种情形下的急救常识;单元句法项目是“省略” 。教学设计在单元课时划分上与课本保持一致,即“阅读课、知识课、运用课三课时/三课型划分” 。但在实际教学过程中,我们建议教师依据学生基础、教学条件、学校安排的因素,对课本、对教学设计重新划分课时、裁剪、拼接使用我们提供的材料,以便“物尽所用” ,达到最佳教学效果。教师也可以参照我们提出的“实际教学过程课时划分建议”进行教学。Period 1Reading 阅读课Wa。

13、Unit Five First aids The Second Period Listening and speakingTeaching goals 教学目标Teaching materials 教学材料Listening on page 69,39,73, speaking task on p74 1. Target language 目标语言a. Key words and phrases:重点词汇和短语: unconscious; emergency number; reach cupboard; involve; stress and intonationb. Communicating expressions:交际用语We/you should/ ought to Please doMake sureYou must/have to/ought toYou must neverYou ought never to2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to listen f。

14、Unit Five First aids The Fifth Period Integrating skillsTeaching goals 教学目标Teaching material 教学材料Reading and discussingHeroic teenager receives award 1. Target language 教学语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语Present, Put their hands on, ceremony, bravery, towels, pressureA number ofAmbulanceb. Useful sentences 重点句型1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognised the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.They discovered that Anne Slade, 。

15、Unit Five First aids The First Period Warming upTeaching goalsTeaching materials: 教学材料Warming up on p 33 1. Target language 目标语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语aid, first, aid; fall ill; illness; injury; bleed; sprain; ankle; choke; blood; bloody; burn; essential; organ; layer; poison; ray; treatment;b. Communicating expressions:交际用语We/you should/ ought to Please doMake sureYou must/have to/ought toYou must neverYou ought never to2. Ability goals 能力目标a. Encourage the s。

16、Unit Five First aidThe Fourth Period GrammarTeaching goalsTeaching materials: 教学材料Learning about language and using words and expressions. Target languagea. Key words and expressions:aid, first aid, illness, injury, poisonous, burn, swollen, damage, treatment, wounded, infect, organ, cause, characteristics, electric. Fall ill. b. Useful sentences1)Burns are called first degree burns, second degree burns or third degree burns.2)These burns affect both the top layer of the skin and they affect。

17、Unit Five The Third Period Reading Teaching goals 教学目标Teaching materials: 教学材料 Reading on p 33-361. Target language 教学语言a. Key words and expressions:重点词汇和短语aid temporary injury bleed ankle choke cupboard skin organ barrier poison ray complex variety liquid radiation mild pan stove tissue swell scissors unbearable basin squeeze bandage in place.b. Useful sentences 重点句型Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns,These burns are not serious and should f。

18、Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero教材分析I教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是当代英雄纳尔逊曼德拉。有别于一般故事的直叙手法,本单元采用穷苦的黑人工人伊莱亚斯叙述他眼中的曼德拉的手法,从不同的侧面反映故事的主题内容。第一篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯向我们介绍1952-1963 年期间的曼德拉。第二篇听力短文伊莱亚斯讲述了他为了争取与白人有平等的权利而参加了曼德拉的非洲国民大会青年联盟。第三篇阅读短文伊莱亚斯说到他在罗本岛监狱得到了曼德拉的帮助,非国大(ANC) 掌权后,伊莱亚斯又回到罗本岛监狱担任导游。这样的写法尽可能剔除作。

19、Unit 5 First aidTeaching aims and demands: 1. Topics:1) Talking about medicine and medication.2) Talking about first aid and the safety in the home.3) Learning how to give instructions.2. Words and expressions:3. Functional items: Giving instructionsWhat should he do?Why should he?What about this?What if?And then what?Youve got to?First you have to Then NextIf you/ he/ , you might beTell him toIf there is a pulse, check her breathing.Continue until Now, if there is no , you mustD。

20、 第 1 页 共 6 页Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero (全套教案)Teaching plan of Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern heroTeaching aims: 1. Topic The qualities of a great person; The lives of some great people. 2. Useful words and expressions: hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison prisoner period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated terror fear cruelty reward righ。

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