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七年级上册英语 默写

1,Unit 1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section A,.Teaching aims and demands 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg.(2)Learn some new words:2.Lear

七年级上册英语 默写Tag内容描述:

1、1,Unit 1 Making New Friends Topic 1 Welcome to China! Section A,.Teaching aims and demands 1.(1)Learn the letters Aa-Gg.(2)Learn some new words:2.Learn about greetings and introductions: (1)Good morning.Good morning.,New words,(2)Welcome to China!Thank you./Thanks. (3)Hello/Hi!Hello/Hi! (4)Im Are you ?Yes, I am./No, Im not. Im (5)Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.,Introduce the main person:,Maria,Jane,Kangkang,Michael,SectionA,Good morning!,Thank you.,Welcome to China!,。

2、Topic 3 What class are you in?,Teaching aims and demands 1.(1)Learn some numeral words:(2)Learn other new words and phrases:year, old, year (s) old, How old ?, class, in, grade, age, that 2. Master the following special questions: (1)How old are you?Im twelve.,New words,(2)What class are you in?Im in Class Four, Grade Seven. (3)What grade are you in?Im in Grade Seven. 3.Talk about someones age, class and grade.,96119,110,120,119,122,Review,1a,Listen,look and say,I am twelve years o。

3、Topic 2 What does she look like?Section A,Teaching aims and demands 1.(1)Learn some new words about the colors:(2)Learn some other new words:both, color, here 2.Learn some useful sentences: (1)You look the same. (2)Thats right. (3)We are good friends. (4)Its here.,New words,3.(1)Continue to talk about peoples appearances:We both have black hair and black eyes.I have blond hair and blue eyes.We dont have the same looks. (2)Identify colors: What color is it?It is pink. Whats red and 。

4、Topic 3 What would you like to drink? Section A,Teaching aims and demands 1. (1)Learn some words about food and drink:(2)Learn some other useful words and expressions:yourself/yourselves, help oneself (to), would, about, what about ? all right, for, idea, good idea 2.Talk about offering, accepting and refusing: (1)Would you like some ?Yes, please.No, thanks.,New words,(2)What would you like to drink/have?Apple juice, please.Id like some (3)Help yourselves!Thank you. (4)What about。

5、 默写默写专题专题 江苏省无锡市惠山区 2020-2021 学年七年级上学期期末考试语文试题 1.默写(10 分) (1) 我寄愁心与明月, 。 (李白 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄 ) (2) ,江春入旧年。(王湾次北固山下) (3)夜阑卧听风吹雨, 。(陆游十一月四日风雨大作) (4) ,非宁静无以致远。(诸葛亮诫子书) (5)晴空一鹤排云上, 。(。

6、1Unit 3 Getting TogetherTopic 1 Does he speak Chinese?Section AThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions:could, tell, sure, speak, some, poor, with, help sb. with sth., problem, pet,often,want2. Learn present simple to do and personal pronouns:(1)Do you come from the U.S.A.?No, I dont.(2)Do you like Chinese?Yes, I do.3. Ask for permission and make requests:(1)Could you help me with it?No problem.(2)Could you please t。

7、1Topic 3 What would you like to drink?Section AThe main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 3。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Learn some words about food and drink:fish, chicken, rice, drink, juice, milk, water, vegetable, bread, hamburger(2)Learn some other useful words and expressions:yourself/yourselves, help oneself (to), would, about, what about ? all right, for, idea, good idea2. Talk about offering, accepting and refusing:(1)Would you like some ?Yes, please.No, thanks。

8、1Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section AThe main activities are 1, 2a and 3a. 本课重点活动是 1,2a 和 3a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.(1) Learn some words about jobs:doctor, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse(2) Learn some other useful words and expressions:kid, glad, seat, have a seat, mother, father, parent, office2. (1)Talk about jobs:What does your mother do?She is a teacher.What do your parents do?They are both office workers.(2)Talk about greetings and introductions:Glad to m。

9、 1 2022 年部编版七年级语文下册期末专项复习:年部编版七年级语文下册期末专项复习:古诗文默写古诗文默写 1.1.按要求填写相应语句。按要求填写相应语句。 1独坐幽篁里,。王维竹里馆 2,柳暗花明又一村。陆游游山西村 3不畏浮云遮望眼,。

10、123期 末 测 试(满分:120 分;时间:100 分钟)第 一 部 分 第 二 部 分 总分题号 得分第一部分:听力 (20 分).听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读一遍。(5 分)( ) 6. A. vegetables and fish. B. Chicken and Jiaozi. C. Chicken and rice.( ) 7. A. A doctor. B. A driver. C. A teacher.( ) 8. A. 17 yuan. B. 70 yuan. C. 30 yuan.( ) 9. A. Yes, it is. B. Its short. C. No, it isnt.( ) 10. A. Yes, she will.A B CA B 。

11、第一篇 基础巧过关,第1课时 七年级上册 Starter Unit 1Unit 4,第1课时 七年级上册 Starter Unit 1Unit 4,基础精梳理 ,last,that,found,those,there,your,yours,under,go,photos,watches,radios,libraries,dictionaries,keys,families,第1课时 七年级上册 Starter Unit 1Unit 4,player,lost,found,we,you,they,us,you,them,第1课时 七年级上册 Starter Unit 1Unit 4,our,your,their,ours,yours,theirs,these,those,第1课时 七年级上册 Starter Unit 1Unit 4,in,first,last/family,middle,number,of,in,in,第1课时 七年级上册 Starter Unit 。

12、专题复习(八)古诗文默写专题复习(八)古诗文默写 一、一、直接型默写直接型默写 1树木丛生,_秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。 2日月之行,_;星汉灿烂,_。 3潮平两岸阔。_。海日生残夜,_ 4枯藤老树昏鸦,_,古道西风瘦马。 5河流大野犹嫌束,_。

13、七七年级上全册字年级上全册字词词及默写及默写 第一单元第一单元 一、请根据加横线的字注音一、请根据加横线的字注音( (未加横线的全部注音未加横线的全部注音) )、根据拼音写汉字及根据意思写词语。、根据拼音写汉字及根据意思写词语。 1.春 嗡(wng) 朗润(lng rn) 酝酿(yn ning) 卖弄(mi nng) 喉咙(hu lng) 应和(yng h) 嘹亮(lio ling) 烘托(hng。

14、知识精讲默写 初一 语文 统编版语文朌读资源 目彔 DIRECTORY 二 默写的出题类型 一 默写的答题技巧 三 常考名句默写汇总 1.准确审题。 2.抓关键词。 一 默写的答题技巧 3.注意筛选联想 运用性默写旪,这类题目取材亍现实生活。

15、第 1 页 牛津英语牛津英语7 7 上单词默写上单词默写 Unit 1 哦,啊 excl. _ 电子狗 n. _ 主人,大师 n. _ 年级 n. _ 学生 n. _ 阅读 n. _ 同班同学 n. _。

16、牛津教材 7A-9B 课本单词(去重版) 序号 英文 词性 中文 单元 册次 1 n. 主人 Unit 1 7A 2 n. 等级;年级 Unit 1 7A 3 n. 学生 Unit 1 7A 4 n. 阅读 Unit 1 7A 5 n. 同班同学 Unit 1 7A 6 adj. 苗条的 Unit 1 7A 7 n. 跳舞 Unit 1 7A 8 n. 游泳 Unit 1 7A 9 n. 年龄 U。

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