


1、Guess My hero!,Lesson 12,教学目标,词汇 crossword, puzzle, based, whom, anybody, chemistry 2. 学习能主动在听说交际中 运用课文中语言知识。,Warming up,Talk about the heroes who you like.2. What do you learn from them?,Useful words and expression,talk about,谈论;谈到 eg. What are they talking about? 他们在谈什么?,the same as,跟.一样 The two brothers look the same as each other. 这兄弟俩长得一样。,相关短语,not in the same street as 远不能与.相比 . not in the same street with/as 远不能与.相比 .,Langua。

2、Lesson 12 Be Safe on the Way一、英汉互译。1. wear seat belt_ 2. be safe_ 3. watch for cars and bikes_ 4. be careful_ 5. 开学第一天_ 6. 离街道太近_ 二、连词成句。l. from I this am city (.)_2. is first of Today the &am。

3、Lesson 12 Maddys Family Photos一、把各个国家与其对应的国旗和首都连线。1. China A. a. Ottawa2. Canada B. b. London3. the U.S. C. c. Beijing4. the U. K D. d. Washington, D.C.5. Australia E. e. Canberra二、单项选择。( ) 1. My family_ in many countries.A. living B. live C. lives( ) 2. This is me _。

4、Lesson 12 John and Jack一、看图,读短语,连一连。1. 2. 3.A.brush her teeth B. play catch with a ball C. play with the teddy bear 二、选词填空。1. My sister plays with her_.2. What do you do_ Sunday? 3. Saturday is_.4. He plays _his friends. 5. We play_with a ball. 三、看图片,仿照例子完成对话。例: 一 What do you do in the morning?一 I put on my clothes.l. 一 What do you do in the evening? 一_.2. 一_。

5、,Santa Claus,Father Christmas,Its Christmas Day.,December 25th,Christmas tree,stocking,present,Christmas card,computer,bike,robot,open,打开,Part A. Lets listen and say.,1、Christmas Day falls on 25December.People put up a Christmas tree in their home. They put presents for family and friends under the Christmas tree.,圣诞节在每年的12月25.,人们在家里装饰圣诞树。,他们在圣诞树下为亲人和朋友准备圣诞礼物。,Its Christmas again! I cant wait to open my presents.,圣诞节又来了!我迫不及待地想打开我的礼物。

6、,Unit 12,Its Christmas/krsms / again!,又是圣诞节!,Christmas is coming!,When is Christmas?,Christmas day falls on 25 December. It is a festival in the West.,圣诞节的由来 The word“Christmas”is a combination of the words“ Christ”and“Mass”。“Christmas”这个词是“基督”和“弥撒” 的缩写,弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。 耶诞节是一个宗教节日, 世人把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝, 因而又名耶诞节。这一天,世界所有的基督教会都举行特別 的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点 关联。又有人说耶稣诞。

7、,Chirstmas,Unit 12,Christmas is coming!,圣诞节的由来,What can you see in the film?,Christmas tree,stocking,Christmas card,present,Santa Claus,Christmas,stocking,card,Santa Claus,tree,present,Christmas stocking card present Santa claus tree,Magic Eyes火眼金睛,What present can you see?,What present do you want?,I want a/some _.,computer,robot,toy plane,sweets,scarf,hat,football,hamburger,Prepare for Christmas,What are you going to prepare ?,Read A quickly, then。

8、课题 Unit 12 The four seasons 共 2 课时 学校 皋落中心校 单元 Unit12 课 时第 1 课时主备人姓名 侯玉荣 学校课型 新授 授课时间 使用人姓名学习目标1、能够听说、认读四季单词“spring、summer 、autumn、winter”及“warm、hot 、 cool、cold”2、能够用句子“In, It is .”来表达季节的变化。3、激发学生热爱大自然之情。学 习重难点1、能够听说、认读四季单词“spring、summer 、autumn、winter”及“warm、hot 、 cool、cold”2、能够用句子“In, It is .”来表达季节的变化课前准备 PPT 课件 word cards导 学 过 程 思考与调整Ste。

9、East or west, home is the best. 东奔西跑,还是家里好。,i:st n.东,west 西,best 最好的,练习二,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、A. knee B. green C. red,( ) 2、A. name B. have C. cake,( ) 3、A. nice B. ice C. fish,( ) 4、A. but B. blue C. toothbrush,( ) 5、A. hold B. hot C. open,C,B,C,B,B,练习二,读一读,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 6、A. what B. water C. map,( ) 7、A. close B. fox C.hello,C,B,( ) 8、A. is B. hi C. his,( ) 9、A。

10、 专题 12 交际用语2018年高考题1.【2018天津】5. Im moving in a few days and I wonder if you could help._. Just let me know when, and Ill be there.A. You bet B. It dependsC. Forget it D. No kidding【答案】A【解析】考查交际用语。句意:我在几天内会搬家,我想知道你是否能帮忙。没问题,只需要让我知道什么时候,我就会到那儿。A. You bet 没问题;B. It depends 看情况而定;C. Forget it 算了吧;D. No kidding别开玩笑。根据答句中的 Just let me know when, and Ill be there.可以判断:他/她一定会帮忙。故选 A。点睛:。

11、Lesson12 教学设计一、教学内容与分析1. Fun story本部分以风趣幽默的小故事,复习本单元所学的数字。让学生在故事中整体感知、模仿、学习、体验和巩固本单元所学语言,最终使学生能够综合运用语目进行交际。2. Lets check通过听力活动,主要检测学生对数字和班级表达的掌握。3. Language Focus本部分将本单元所学的词汇和句型做了汇总,明确教学目标,以不同颜色的圆点代表听、说、读、写四项技能,分类别划分成三部分做了提示和梳理。教师可通过不同的活动形式和多种互动形式辅助学生巩固本单元教学内容二、课前准备1. 准备一些与数字有。

12、,人教版英语(精通)五年级 上册,Unit 2 She looks cute. Lesson 12,头脑风暴,fat,tall short fat thin old young pretty cute active clever lovely quiet smart beautiful cool,big,small,quiet,beautiful,beautiful,handsome,Guessing game,-Whos that man? -Hes my Hes handsome.-Whos that woman? -Shes my Shes beautiful.,Just practise,Pair work:,Use your family photos, ask and answer with your partners.,Mask game,L Lily loves the la。

13、12,The Earth,Module 4 The natural world,Oxford English,Can you find the Earth?,Mercury (水星) Venus (金星) the Earth (地球) Mars (火星) Jupiter (木星) Saturn (土星) Uranus (天王星) Neptune (海王星),What do you know about ?,Write the correct words in the blanks.,_,_,_,_,stars,the Earth,the Sun,the Moon,Do you want to know about the Earth?,The Earth is a beautiful place. There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. Some parts of the Earth are very hot, a。

14、Lesson 12,Unit 2 Great People,2,Unit,Lesson 12 Guess My Hero!,学习目标,objectives,To talk about your hero with your classmates To learn the Adverbial clauses and Attributive Clause To learn some new words: whom, anybody, chemistry,crossword puzzle based whom anybody chemistry,n. 纵横字谜 n. 谜;智力游戏 adj. 以(为)基础 pron. 谁 pron. 任何人 n. 化学,Words and,Expressions,Who is your hero ?,心中的英雄,Lead in,Free talk,1. In your opinion, what makes a hero?,2. Who is your hero? What do you know 。

15、Lesson 12 Karens Hair Stood Up!,THINK ABOUT IT,Have you done anything interesting this week?What have you done in your favourite class?,Dear Diary, I have been in Canada for two weeks. I miss everyone at home! But I am also happy to be here. I am living at my aunts house. I have made many new friends. My cousin Jenny and I are in the same class. Today at school, We talked to the class about our favourite subjects.,My group talked about art. We each brought a painting to class. Mine w。

16、Module 12 HelpUnit 1 What should we do before help arrives?【教学目标】 Knowledge objective1. To understand the conversation in relation to accidents.2. To get specific information from the listening material.3. To talk about and understand the imperative sentences. Ability objectiveEnable students to listen to and talk about things that could/can/must happen. Moral objectiveGet the students to know about how to deal with the accidents.【教学重点】New words and expressionsLearn the usage of impe。

17、第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,基础精梳理 ,pronunciation,expression,meaning,beginning,reader/reading,learner/learning,punishment,stranger,tradition,warmth,wisely,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,create,die,stole,stolen,spread,spread,laid,laid,lay,lain,lied,lied,hid,hidden,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,at,by,fall in,as,up,make,on,in,in,to,with,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,even,notes,about,on,by,of,at,over,out,on,to,lay,第14课时 九年级全一册 Units 12,as,on,up,end,wa。

18、123 用样本分布估计总体分布用样本分布估计总体分布 12.3.1 频率分布表频率分布表 12.3.2 频率分布直方图频率分布直方图 12.3.3 频率折线图频率折线图 学习目标 1.学会列频率分布表,会画频率分布直方图.2.会用频率分布表或分布直方图估计 总体分布,并作出合理解释 知识链接 已知一组数分别为:2,3,5,7,8,10,11,则其中位数为 7;数据 2,3,5,7,8,10,则其。

19、12 论语十二章01 积累运用1给下列加点字注音。论语(ln) 不亦说乎(yu)人不知而不愠(yn) 三省吾身(xng)学而不思则罔(wng) 思而不学则殆(di)一箪食(dn) 曲肱而枕之(n)博学而笃志(d)2解释下列加点词的意思。(1)学而时习之,不亦说乎 说:同“悦” ,愉快(2)吾日三省吾身 三省:多次进行自我检查(3)与朋友交而不信乎 信:诚信(4)温故而知新 新:新的理解和体会(5)学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆罔:感到迷茫而无所适从 殆:疑惑(6)逝者如斯夫 逝:往、离去 斯:这,指河水(7)曲肱而枕之 肱:胳膊(8)博学而笃志 笃:坚定3选出加点的“之”字的用法。

20、 备战中考化学巩固复习-第十二单元 化学与生活(含解析)一、单选题1.下列连线前后关系不正确的是( ) A.限制使用塑料袋减少白色污染B.杜绝非法开采矿山保护资源C.开采海底石油开发新能源D.研制自清洁玻璃研究新材料2.某种降解塑料(C4H4O2)n能在乳酸菌作用下迅速分解成无毒物质,该。

标签 > 九年级12月英语[编号:35502]