


1、Unit Two Colours,Lets Learn,red,I see red.,yellow,I see yellow.,green,I see green.,blue,I see blue.,Lets learn,blue,green,yellow,red,Show me.,Where will it stop ?,red,green,yellow,blue,Part A,Lets Do,Lets do,Look read and say.,选择相应的单词。,crayon B. green C. yellow D. blue E. red,( ) ( ),( ) ( ) ( ),E,C,A,D,B,红色,蓝色,绿色,黄色,蜡笔,Homework,1、背P15. 2、名校课堂相关练习,。

2、第九单元 溶液 课题1 溶液的形成,第一课时,第一课时,第二课时,第一课时,溶 液,在卫生站或医院,护士给病人注射之前会将固体药剂制成注射 液,这是为什么呢? 是不是所有的药品都 能溶于水呢?,1. 认识溶解现象,知道溶液、溶剂、溶质等概念,知道水是最常见的溶剂,酒精、汽油是常见的溶剂。,2.了解溶液在生活、生产和科学研究中的广泛用途。,3. 学习科学探究和科学实验的方法,练习观察、记录、分析实验现象。,4,点击图片播放 视频,溶液的形成,在20mL水中加入一匙蔗糖,用玻璃棒搅拌,会观察到什么现象? 若换成食盐呢?,蔗糖溶解,食盐溶。

3、(PEP)英语 五年级上unit 4,同步课件Lets learn Do a survey,Free talk,Review,Answer questions,When will they have an English party?What can Zhang Peng do for the party?What can John do for the party?,将课文内容补充完整,Role play,三人一组,分角色表演对话内容。,Dance 跳舞,sing songs,play the pipa,do kung fu,draw cartoons,Make a sentence.,I can . I can ,too.,Game,全班分成两组,老师随机选择一两个单词是地雷,如果老师指着其他单词,学生要大声地读单词三遍,如果老师指向是地雷的单词,那么学生就不能说话。说。

4、(PEP)英语 五年级上unit 6,Lets learn & Draw and say,Review,两人一组,请用there be 句型对 下列图片进行对话。,Play a game!,Is there a hill in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a mountain in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a forest in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a lake in the park ?,Yes, there is.,Is there a rier in the park ?,Yes, there is.,house mouse sound count,/au/,双元音/au/的发音和汉语中的“凹”相似,但是更夸张。先发/a/,然后滑向/u/音,嘴巴张大,一定要夸张。,au,ou,_,b,t,f,r,l,g,v。

5、Unit 2 My week.,A. Lets learn Lets play,教学目标,1.能听、说、读、写单词“Monday”,“Tuesday”,“Wednesday”,“Thursday”,“Friday”,“Saturday”,“Sunday”和“weekend”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What do you have on ?”,“I have ”。 3. 能完成“Lets play”部分的对话任务。 4. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“Days of the week”。 5. 激发学生的学习热情,鼓励学生就班级的课程表和同学进行交流。,Lets guess根据图片猜猜是什么课呢?What class is it?,Chinese,maths,English,music,art,PE,computer,science,。

6、Lesson 2,Recycle 1,唱一唱,说一说,模拟采访,学唱歌,扑克牌游戏,夺红旗比赛,练一练,小结,形形色色的Party,What would you like to eat ?,Lets talk,What would you like to eat drink ?,Name:_ Favourite food:_ Favourite drink:_ _,What would you like to eat ?,What would you like to drink ?,Interview your classmates,What do you do on weekends?,Present your description to your classmates,Cool!,I see. His favourite food is .,On Saturdays he often plays football.,Lets play a game,How many st。

7、Lesson 2,Recycle 2,抢答单词,说一说,读读写写,钓鱼游戏,做广告,练一练,城乡区别,小结,“吃饭”种种,Read quickly,sky,cloud,flower,grass,mountain,lake,path,forest,river,bridge,house,road,city,building,tree,village,Look and say,grass,mountain,house,tree,path,house hallway cupboard box wood stairs room mouse,bike ,clock , photo ,plant, pipa ,bottle , basketball,Lets play,Make an ad for a house,FOR RENT,Theres a lake and many trees near the house. There are two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and a。

8、Unit 5 There is a big bed,Part A Lets learn Lets play,What can you see? I can see_.,my room,my new room,What we can put in the room?,This is a clock.,clock,This is a bike.,bike,This is a water bottle.,water bottle,This is a plant .,plant,photo,This is a photo.,pair work,There is/are ,Home work: Design your future room.(设计你未来的房间) Introduce your bedroom.(介绍你的房间),Introduce it to you!,This is my new bedroom. There is an/a _in my bedroom. There are_。

9、Unit 3 What would you like?,A. Lets learn &Lets play,教学目标,1. 能听、说、读、写单词“sandwich”,“salad”,“hamburger”,“ice cream”和“tea”。 2. 能在创设的实际情景中灵活运用句型“What would you like to eat / drink?”,“Id like ”。 3. 能完成“Role-play”部分的任务。 4. 继续保持学生对学习英语的兴趣,激发学生用英语进行交流的热情。,Lets sing,大声说出食物的单词!,fruits,chicken,beef,hot dog,bread,Learn New Words,Mon,Mon,Mon,Mon,Mon,tea,fruit,salad,ice cream,sandwich,Lets read,bread,hamburge。

10、Unit1 Whats he like,A Lets learn,你能迅速地说出单词吗? 每次只有1秒钟哦! 你会是最棒的. Ready? ,old,young,strict,funny,kind,friendly,quiet,tall,short,Who is he ?,Hes short and,old,old.,He is Cun Zhang,Whats he like?,Lets say,Lets say,Whos he?,Hes very funny.,Whats he like?,Hes Xiao Xin.,shy 害羞的,羞怯的,The baby is so cute(可爱).,But he is very,shy.,Whats the baby like?,shy 害羞的,A:What is he like?B:He is _.,shy,=whats,helpful 有用的; 愿意帮忙的,Whats she like?,She is _.,A:Whats。

11、 Unit1 My classroom A. Lets learn教学目标:1.知识目标:能够听、说、认读有关教室物品设施的词汇. classroom, window, light, picture, blackboard, door.2.能力目标:能够正确运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。能听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。3.情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动,互相帮助的习惯。教学重点:1.掌握有关教室物品设施的词汇:classroom, window, light, picture, blackboard, door.2.能够正确运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。教学难点:1. 运用所学词汇描述教室里的物品设施。2. 听指令,做动作。教学准备:自制。

12、Unit 6 Happy birthday!,A. Lets learn Lets chant,教学目标,1.能听说、认读数字1到5。2.会唱Lets chant的歌谣。3.激发学生学习兴趣,培养听说习惯和能力。,Lets talk,表演时间一起来表演对话吧!,Lets learn,one,two,three,four,five,Play a game,请大声的说出你看到的数字!,Golden Eyes,How many? (多少?),Play a game,How many cats?,Five cats.,How many rabbits?,Four rabbits .,How many cakes?,One cake.,Lets chant,1.跟读chant的录音。2.全班分成两个小组朗读chant的内容, 需要带上动作,老师评出最佳表演小组。,Lets chant。

13、第二十六章 反比例函数 26.1 反比例函数 26.1.1 反比例函数的意义,2.能判断一个函数是否为反比例函数,,1.理解反比例函数的概念.,3.能根据实际问题中的条件确定反比例函数的解析式.,下列问题中,变量间的对应关系可以用怎样的函数关系表示?这些函数有什么共同特点?,1.京沪铁路全程为1 463km,某次列车的平均速度 v(km/h)随此次列车的全程运行时间t(h)的变化而变化.,2.某住宅小区要种植一个面积为1 000m2的矩形草坪,草坪的长y(单位:m)随宽x (单位:m)的变化而变化.,3.已知北京市的总面积为1.68104平方千米,人均占有的土地面积s(单位。

14、,Unit 5 Lets eat!,A Lets learn & Lets do,Pep三年级英语上册,Lets do!,Act like an elephant. Act like a bird. Act like a tiger. Act like a monkey. Act like a panda.,Lets learn,juice,Have some juice. 喝点果汁吧。,bread,Eat some bread. 吃点面包吧。,milk,Drink some milk. 喝点牛奶吧。,egg,eggs,Have some eggs. 吃点鸡蛋吧。,连一连,bread,egg,juice,Lets check !,milk,Lets check !,1、Eat some .,2、Have some .,4、Have some .,填一填,3、Drink some .,b。

15、Unit 4 We love animalsPart A Lets learn,Lets sing,A: Whats this? B: Its a,bird,frog,squirrel,Whats this?,Its a cat.,Its fat.胖,Look at the cat. It is fat.,It is,Whats this?,Its a pig.,Its big.大,Look at the pig. It is big.,It is,Look at the dog. Its on the log.,原木,The log is long.,The log is long.,The leg is long.,Look at the duck. Its in the truck.,Play a game玩游戏,Can you make a bird?,Make a cat,Make a duck,Make a pig,Make a bear,Make a dog,。

16、,Unit3 Look at me,A Lets learn,Lets sing ! Hello,How are you?,How are you?,你好吗?,How are you?,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you. Lets go to school!,Im fine. Thank you!,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you!,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you. Lets go to school!,School学校,school 学校,Lets go to school!,How are you?,Im fine. Thank you. Lets go to school!,toy bear 玩具熊,ear 耳朵,ear,Look at me . This is my ear .,touch your ear .,eye 眼睛,eye,Look at me . This is my eye.,close 。

17、Unit 1 第二课时,pen,I have a pen.,pencil,I have a pencil.,ruler,I have a ruler.,pencil pen ruler,GROUP,crayon,I have a crayon.,eraser,I have an eraser.,crayon eraser,Shoulders,I have a/an .,P5 Lets chant,Low to high,Pair work 双人合作,一人一句I have a /an 比赛看谁说得多,Homework 作业,熟读 并辨认4个新单词。 熟读P5Lets chant。,Goodbye,。

18、26.2 实际问题与反比例函数,2.能从实际问题中寻找变量之间的关系,建立数学模型,解决实际问题.,1.灵活运用反比例函数的意义和性质解决实际问题.,前面我们结合实际问题讨论了反比例函数,看到了 反比例函数在分析和解决实际问题中所起的作用,下 面,我们进一步探讨如何利用反比例函数解决实际问 题.,例1 市煤气公司要在地下修建一个容积为104 m3的圆柱形煤气储存室.(1)储存室的底面积S(单位:m2)与其深度d(单位:m)有怎样的函数关系?(2)公司决定把储存室的底面积S定为500m2,施工队施工时应该向下掘进多深?(3)当施工队按(2)中的计划掘进到地。

标签 > 九年级上册英语第二单元3a朗读[编号:20165]