
Lesson 21,New words,Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market. Li Ming: This is the morning market, Jack. Many people buy fruits and vegetables here. D


1、Lesson 21,New words,Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market. Li Ming: This is the morning market, Jack. Many people buy fruits and vegetables here. Do you like fruit and vegetables. Jack:Yes, I like vegetables very much. Potatoes are my favourite. Li Ming: I like fruit. Grapes are my favourite.,Jack:Wow! Look at the carrots. They are big. They are not so big in Canada. Li Ming:Do you like cabbage,Jack? I like to eat cabbage in the soup. Its delisious. Jack:Yes,I like cabbage. In Canada, we 。

2、Lesson 7: Jennys New Skirt,New words,Jenny: Mum, my skirt is very old. Can I get a new one? Mrs. Smith: Sure,dear. What color do you want? Jenny: I want a blue skirt, Mum. Mrs. Smith:OK. What can you wear with it?,1.Can I get a new skirt?,Jenny: I can wear my favorite blouse with it. I like its color. Its a light blue! Mrs. Smith:Blue again! Jenny, you really like blue.,Kim: Good afternoon, Jenny. I like your blue skirt. Jenny: Thanks! Kim: Is it new? Jenny: 。

3、Lesson 5:May I Have a Book?,New words,Danny: Excuse me. May I have a book, Jenny? Jenny: OK! Here you are. Danny: Thank you! Jenny: Youre welcome.,Danny: May I borrow two pencils, Jenny? Jenny: Yes, you may. Here you are. Danny: Thanks.May I have three crayons, Jenny? Jenny: Sorry,Danny. I dont have any crayons.,Danny:Thats OK. I can go and buy some at the store. I can get some for you, too. Goodbye! Jenny:Thank you,Danny. See you later.,1.What does Danny want? Listen and circle the pic。

4、Lesson 45: China,New words,Mr. Jones: This is a map of China. What do you know about China, Jenny? Jenny:I know a little about China. My friends Li Ming and Wang Wei live in China. Mr. Jones: What language do people speak in China? Jenny:They speak Chinese.,1.A map of China,Mr. Jones: Good! What is the capital city of China, Jenny? Jenny:Beijing. Mr. Jones:Yes! Beijing is the capital of China? What countries are east of China? Do you know, Jenny? Jenny:Yes, I know. Canada and the U.S. are east 。

5、Lesson 12 Lets Go Shopping!,New words,To: Jennycompail.ca;dannycompail.ca; Kate12supermail.com; stevencompail.com From:kimcompail.ca Date:12/10 10:15 a.m. Subject:A shopping Date!,Hi friends, Lets go shopping! Lets meet at the shopping centre at 1:00 p.m. this Saturdaty. You can come with your mom! You can wear your favourite clothes. I will wear my favourite dress. I want to buy a pair of shoes and a pink blouse for school! What do you want to buy? Can you come? We have FUN,FUN, FUN!。

6、Lesson 40 When Is Your birthday?,New words,Jack: Hi, Li Ming. What are you doing? Li Ming: Im making a birthday presentfor my grandfather. Jack: When is his birthday? Li Ming: His birthday is on Wednesday,December 28. Jack: What are you making?,A birthday present,Li Ming: Its a calendar! My grandfather forgets his birthday every year. Jack: Ha ha! A calendar is a good present for him. Li Ming: When is your birthday, Jack? Jack: My birthday? Its on August 11. Oh, no, thats my 。

7、Lesson 11 Clothes around the world.,New words,Li Ming writes a report about clothes around the world.,These people are wearing traditional clothes. Wow! Their clothes are so colorful.,In some places, men skirts. How do they look?,This woman looks beautiful in her Sari. A Sari is a traditional dress from India.,Some people wear uniforms for work. These women look so pretty in black and white.,Many students wear school uniforms. Their uniforms look nice.,Our school uniforms are blue and white. Do。

8、Lesson 23: The Corner Store,New words,Mrs. Dinousar:Danny, please go to the corner for me. I need some milk. Here is some money. Danny:OK, mum. (At the store.) Clerk:Can I help you? What would you like? Danny:Hmm What would I like? Let me see Id like some juice some coke and some tea, please!,1.What would you like?,Clerk:OK. Juice and coke are in the fridges. And the tea is over there. Danny: Great! I see them. Thank you.(At home) Danny: Here you are, Mum. I have many bottles of coke, some 。

9、Lesson 43: Directions,New words,North,South, east and west,North points up on a map. 在地图上北指上方。 这是一个一般现在时态的句子。句中的point up意为“向上指”,on a map意为“在地图上”,介词短语作状语。,This is north. north n. & adv. 北方 Heilongjiang is in the north of China. 黑龙江在中国的北部。,This is east. East points right. east n. & adv. 东方 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 This is west. West points left. south n. & adv. 南方 The wind blew (吹) from the south. 风从南方吹来。。

10、Lesson 27 Danny at Home,New words,This is my bedroom. The desk is beside the bed. The dictionary is on the desk. The chair is in front of the desk. The ball is under the chair. The picture is abovethe bed. It is on the wall. Where is my cat? It is sleeping behind the door.,Dannys bedroom,Jim: This is a nice picture. Who is that man behind you? Danny: Thats my uncle. Jim: How old is he? Danny: He is thirty. Jim: How old are you? Danny: Im thirteen years old. How about y。

11、,有理数的大小,学习目标,能够借助数轴比较两个有理数的大小能够利用绝对值比较两个负数的大小同学们要发扬善于独立思考,乐于合作交流的良好品质。,学习目标,请同学们仔细阅读课本 P14黑体字上面 的内容,然后认真填写好书本上的空白。,把这几个旅游区的最低温度由低到高进行排列,以上这些数的大小顺序与数轴上的点的位置有什么关系?,数轴上不同的两个点表示的数,右边点表示的数总比左边点表示的数大。当然一定有:负数小于0,0小于正数,负数小于正数。,请来练一练,一.填空(填“”或“”号) (1)3_14 (2)7_-6 (3)0.02_0(4)-12。

12、1.8有理数的乘法,4 7 3 0 5 2 7 6 9 0 4,28,0,70,0,(-3)2=? (-3)(-2)=?,-2,0,2,4,6,23,= 6,-2,0,2,-4,-6,( 2)3,= 6,-2,0,2,-4,-6,2(3),= 6,-2,0,2,4,6,( 2) ( 3),= 6,0(3) =0 (4) 0 =0,两数相乘,同号得 ,异号得 ,绝对值相乘;,0 乘 任何数得 。,正,负,0,23=6 (2)3= 6 2(3)= 6 (2)(3)=6,想一想,例 题 解 析,例1 计算:(1) (4)5 (2) (4)(7) (3) (4),解:(1) (4)5 (2) (4)(7) = (。

13、1.5有理数的加法,教学过程,引 言 一.复习提问1、下列各组数中,哪一个数的绝对值大?(1)7和4; (2)-7和4; (3)7和-4; (4)-7和-4。2、说明下列用负数表示的量的实际意义(1)小兰第一次前进了5米,接着按同一方向又前进了-2米;(2)北京的气温第一天上升了3,第二天又上升了-1;(3)东方汽车向东走了4千米之后,再向东走了-2千米。3、根据上述问题,回答 (1)小兰两次一共前进了几米?(2)北京的气温两天一共上升了几度?(3)东方汽车一共向东走了几千米?,二、动态演示 分类归纳 总结法则,问题1:在东西走向的马路上,小明从O点出发,第一次走5。

14、有理数的乘方,若对折100次,算式中有几个2相乘?,对折2次可裁成4张,即22张;,对折3次可裁成8张,即222张;,问题:若对折10次可裁成几张?请用一个算式表示(不用算出结果),合作探究一:,对折10次裁成的张数用以下算式计算2222222222 是一个有10个2相乘的乘积式;,对折100次裁成的张数,可用算式 计算,在这个积中有100个2相乘。这么长的算式有简单的记法吗?,知识目标:了解乘方的意义并能正确的读、写;掌握幂的性质并能进行乘方的运算。 能力目标:培养观察、类比、归纳、知识迁移的能力。通过乘方运算,培养运算能力; 教学重难点:重。

15、北斗七星 可近似的看作点,观察这个长方体的面,面与面相交得到什么呢?,2.2 点和线,用一个大写的字母.例如:点A、点B.,A,B,点的表示:,B,A,将点A和点B连接起来得到什么图形?,用表示端点的两个大写字母(没有次序).例如:线段AB、线段BA.,用一个小写字母.例如线段a.,线段的表示:,A,B,a,方法一 :,方法二:,用表示端点的大写字母和其余任一点的字母(表示端点的大写字母必须写在前).,用一个小写字母.例如射线a.,射线的表示:,A,B,a,方法一 :,方法二:,由线段向一方无限延伸所形成的图形叫做,射线,思考:射线AB、射线BA一样吗?,用表示任两点的两个大。

16、2.3线段长短的比较,(1),A,B,(2),a,(3),O,A,(4),b,(5),C,D,答:图(1)(2)是直线,,图(3)是射线,图(4)(5)是线段,线段、射线、直线的本质区别 是_没有端点,_只有 一个端点,_有两个端点。,复习旧知,直线,线段,射线,直线的基本性质是: _。,经过两点有且只有一条直线,线段、射线、直线中_可以 度量长度,所以只有_才可 以比较长短。,线段,线段,我比你高!,你哪有我高啊!,比一比,服了吧!,喔,原来你比我高!,1.68,1.70,讨论,如何比较两个人的身高?,从中你得到什么启发来比较 两条线段的长短?,观察法,第一种方法是:度量法,即用一把尺。

17、1.2 1.2 有理数有理数 1.2.2 1.2.2 数轴数轴 1.2 1.2 有理数有理数 人教版人教版 数学数学 七年级七年级 上册上册 1.2 1.2 有理数有理数 5 0 10 请读出下面温度计所表示的温度:请读出下面温度计所表示的。

18、,华师大版 七年级,2.2 数轴,郸城县张完三中 赵先春,教学重点、难点,教学目标,重点:数轴的概念。 难点:从直观认识到理性认识,从而建立数轴概念。,1.知道数轴的三要素,会正确地画出数轴。 2.能将已知数在数轴上表示出来,并能说出数轴上已知点所表示的有理数。 3.通过探索数轴上的点与有理数的关系,初步形成数形结合的思想。,1.有理数:可以写成分数形式的数称为有理数。 2.有理数分类,问题:在一条东西向的马路上,有一个汽车站,汽车站东3m和7.5m处分别有一棵柳树和一棵杨树,汽车站西3m和4.8m处分别有一棵槐树和一根电线杆,试画图。

19、1.2 数轴一、选择题1.在数轴上与3 的距离等于 4的点表示的数是( ) A. 1 B. 7 C. 1 或 7 D. 1或72.数轴上原点和原点左边的点表示的数是( ) A. 负数 B. 正数 C. 非负数 D. 非正数3.如图所示,数轴上 A.B两点分别对应有理数 a,b,则下列结论中正确的是( )(第 3题图)A. a+b0 B. ab0 C. |a|b|0 D. ab04.在数轴上,原点及原点右边的点表示的数是( ) A. 正数 B. 整数 C. 非负数 D. 非正数5.如图,圆的周长为 4个单位长度在该圆的 4等分点处分别标上 0、1.2.3,先让圆周上表示数字 0的点与数轴上表示1 的点重合,再将数轴按逆时针方向。

20、,1.2 数 轴,Z.x.x. K,温度计上的刻度,使我们能方便地读出温度的度数,直观地判断温度的高低.,善于自学:,2、如图,数轴上点A,B,C,D分别表示什么数?,勤于巩固1,1、如何画一条数轴,应满足几个要素?,1、画一条水平直线。,2、在直线上取一点表示0(这个点叫原点)。,3、选取某一长度作为单位长度。,4、一般规定直线上向右的方向为正方向。,0,画数轴的步骤,一画(直线); 二定(定原定); 三选(选正方向); 四统一(单位长度要统一)。,Zx.xk,判断下面所画数轴是否正确,并说明理由。,1.,0,1,-1,错,2.,4.,6.,3.,7.,5.,8.,-1,0,1,错,2。

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