
东汉科学家张衡像 南宋科学家祖冲之像 明朝医学家李时珍像 中国古代科学家 5古代科技 耀我中华 灿若繁星的古代科技巨人 张衡生活的时代,频繁的地震给人民的生命财产造成严重损失。 张衡决心制造一架能测定地震的仪器,以便及时掌握全国各地的地 震,Unit 2 My WeekPart A Lets try


1、东汉科学家张衡像 南宋科学家祖冲之像 明朝医学家李时珍像 中国古代科学家 5古代科技 耀我中华 灿若繁星的古代科技巨人 张衡生活的时代,频繁的地震给人民的生命财产造成严重损失。 张衡决心制造一架能测定地震的仪器,以便及时掌握全国各地的地 震。

2、Unit 2 My WeekPart A Lets tryLets talk,What do you have on Thursdays ?I have maths、English and music.,询问对方某一天的课程的句型:What do you have on + 星期名称 ?I/We have + 课程名称.,询问对方星期几做什么的句型:What do you do + 星期名称?I/We + often, usually + 动词(短语)原型 + 其他.,Cooking Class,自学提示:(1)自由读对话,找出下列问题的答案并画出来。 What does John have on Thursdays?He has maths、English and music. Which class does John like?Music. What does Johns grandpa do on T。

3、Lesson 1,Recycle 1,listen and circle,操练句型,1、He is our Chinese/English/maths/P.E./art/music teacher. 2、Whats she like? 3、He/She is strict./kind/friendly./funny./warm heart 4、Is he strict?/kind/friendly./funny? 5、Yes, he is./No, he isnt.,Listen again and answer,old young funny kind strict tall short strong,我会形容词,一周七天,Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday,我会说,Look and say,What day is today? What do you have today? What do you have on ? What。

4、Unit 4 What can you do?,A Lets tryLets talk,A:What can Zhang Peng do for the party ?B:He can ( ).A. sing English songsB. clean the classroom,A. sing English songs,sing English songs,sing English songs,What can you do for the party? I can sing English songs.,Miss White : What can you do , John ? John : I can ( ).A. sing English songsB. do some Kung fu,B. do some Kung fu,do some Kung fu,do Kung fu,What 。

5、人教PEP五年级英语上册课件,Recycle 2,Lesson 1,唱一唱,What can you do?,I will go to a nature park this weekend?Who want to go with me . But ,You must tell me what can you do ?,There is a small village.,Its near the nature park .,There is a small village. Its near the nature park . There are houses in the village. There is a river in the village. There are many trees in the village.,Play a game,Listen to tape carefully two times,看一看,画一画!,Listen & match,Task time,Now you have a ho。

6、Alphabet song 字母歌,Unit 1 Whats he like ? A Lets try Lets talk,new classmates新同学,Meet some friends,Do you know who Olivers English teacher is ?,知道,Yes, I do . No, I dont .,Miss White,称呼未婚女性或教师,Mr Jones,称呼男性,art teacher,A Lets try P 4Whos Mr Li ?,Hes the maths teacher .,Whos your _?,Who is,who is he?,Is he .?,funny,friendly,strong,old,young,kind,strict,Oliver will have a new music teacher ?Whos he ? Listen and answer .,Mr Young,Q 1: Is Mr Young young ?,No, h。

7、Unit 5 There is a big bed,第一课时 A Lets try & Lets talk,My small bedroom,There is a .,clock,plant,There is a .,water bottle,There is a .,photo,There is a .,bike,There is a .,There is,The room is really nice.,There is a big bed.,There is a nice photo, too., Is Zhang Pengs room nice?Yes, it is. Is the bed big or small?The bed is big. Where is the computer?It is on the desk.,听录音回答下面问题:,答疑解惑,在小组内试读对话,找出不懂或不会的 地方,做上记号,先在小组内互相帮忙解 决一部本分,都不会的。

8、,Unit 3 What would you like?,A Lett try&talk,Chinese food restaurant,western food restaurant,Chinese food restaurant,What would you like to eat?,Id like,= I would like,western food restaurant,What would you like to eat?,Id like ( to eat ),= I would like ( to eat ) ,What would you like to eat?,What would you like to eat?,What would you like to eat?,= I would like ( to drink ),Id like ( to drink ),What would you like to drink?,Listen and say,hungry,hungry,Lets try,Sarah is 。

9、(PEP)英语 五年级上unit 6,A Lets talk Lets try,T: Is there a river / mountain / in the park? Ss: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,There are some small boatsin the lake.,Lets go boating.,1.boat 小船 2.go boating 划船 3.go + doing go swimming, go shopping, go jumping,Listen and answer questions:, Is there a river in the forest? Is there a lake in the forest? Are there any small boats?,Lets talk,Role play,分角色表演对话内容,家庭作业,1.将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。 2.听录音,跟读“Lets。

10、古代科技 耀我中华,第一课时,学习目标1.了解我国古代科学家的故事。2.从中医药、农学、天文学角度,了解我国古代 灿烂辉煌的科技成就。,中国古代科学家的故事张衡生活的时代,频繁的地震给人民的生命财产造成严重损失。张衡決心制造一架能测定地震的仪器,以便及时掌握全国各地的地震情况。经过孜孜不倦的研究,张衡最终研制出了世界上最早的地震仪器地动仪。,中国古代科学家的故事,祖冲之从小聪明好学,长大后从事科学研究。他从不迷信权威,对前人的说法也常常亲自检验。他也从不畏惧因难,努力攻克一个个难关。经过无数个日日夜夜和无。

11、,短诗五首,1.能够把握诗歌节奏,感受诗歌韵律美。 2.结合诗歌背景,能够理解诗歌内容,品味诗歌语言。 3.能够体会诗歌情思、哲理。,学习目标,月 夜,沈尹默,新课导入,1918年1月,新青年首次发表白话诗九首,开创了中国新诗的先河。沈尹默作为北大名教授,他发表的这首月夜便是其中之一。一定程度上,正是因为这首诗的存在,中国首次面世的这一小批现代诗歌作品才可以说真正地显示出现代性。这首诗在文学史上地位如此之高,它到底具有怎么样的魅力呢?,【沈尹默】(18831971),原名君默,杰出的学者、诗人、书法家。“五四”运动时期,作为。

12、4 古代诗歌四首课时训练第一课时1观沧海的作者是 ,字 , 末年 家、 家、 诗人 。他的诗以 见称。2. 根据提示写出诗句。(1)点出诗人登临碣石山的目的的诗句是 。(2)实写诗人所见之景的句子是 , 。 ,。 , 。3.观沧海中,诗人观赏沧海的立足点在哪里?诗中哪一个字能够统领下文?4.闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄的作者是 , 代诗人。5.请从修辞、情感等角度说说“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西”这两句诗的妙处。6.诗人在“杨花落尽子规啼”句里写了哪些景物?渲染了怎样的气氛?7.从“我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西”两句诗中,你解读。

13、课件PPT,12 诗经二首,第一课时,课件PPT,1.了解有关诗经的文学常识,把握诗歌的内容,学习诗经赋比兴的创作手法。 2.感受古诗优美的节奏和艺术魅力。,课时目标,课件PPT,俗话说:爱美之心,人皆有之。面对美好的人或物,都会产生爱慕之心。现实生活中,我们常常把心中爱慕之人称为“梦中情人”。关雎这首诗便惟妙惟肖淋漓尽致地展现了一场对“梦中情人”的浪漫追求,而蒹葭就是和”梦中情人”的一场马拉松。今天,就让我们一起走进诗经中的这两首诗,欣赏欣赏古人的爱情戏,听听古人的爱情独白吧。,情境导入,课件PPT,诗经约成书于春秋中期(。

14、课件PPT,20 古代诗歌五首,第一课时,课件PPT,情境导入,诗歌是我国古代文学中的瑰宝,特别是唐诗、宋词、元曲,更标志着我国古代文学的辉煌成就。今天我们学的这五首诗歌,都是千百年来脍炙人口的名篇。我们要通过学习和吟诵,领会诗歌的优美意境,接受文学熏陶,提高文化品味。,课件PPT,课时目标,1.了解与诗歌有关的文学常识;有感情地反复朗读诗歌,准确背诵诗歌。 2.品味重要诗句的深刻含义,学习诗人通过写景来抒情的方法。 3.品析诗中所蕴含的诗人的感情,把握诗的主旨。,登幽州台歌 陈子昂,前不见古人,后不见来者。 念天地之悠悠,独。

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