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1、2019-2020学年度第一学期期中学业质量调研七年级英语试卷时间100分钟 满分150分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分第卷(选择题 共85分)一、听力理解(共20小题;1-10题每题1分,11-20题每题2分,满分30分)A. 听对话回答问题。你将听到10个对话,对话听两遍,选出你认为最为合适的备选答案。( )1. Whats Andys favourite sport?A. B.C. ( )2. What does the girls mother do after supper?A.B.C.( )3. Whats the boys favourite food?A.B.C.( )4

2、. When will the boys class have a class meeting this week?四月二十日星期一A.四月二十一日星期二B.四月二十二日星期三C. ( )5. Whats the womans telephone number?A. 6544 3589B. 6513 4589C. 6531 4589( )6. Where is Mary?A. In the hospital.B. At home.C. In a shop.( )7. Whose books are these?A. Kittys.B. Mikes.C. Bruces.( )8. When is

3、 Amys birthday?A. December 20.B. December 21.C. December 22.( )9. How much is the cap?A. 15 yuan.B. 50 yuan.C. 150 yuan.( )10. What does Lily think of her school life?A. Sad.B. Happy.C. Not interesting.B.听对话回答11-12小题,对话听两遍。根据对话内容以及提出的问题,选出你认为最为合适的备选答案。( )11. What tea does the man want?A. Green tea.

4、B. Black tea.C. Flower tea.( )12. What would the man like to eat now?A. Fruit.B. Cakes.C. Nothing.C. 听一篇短文,回答13-15小题,短文听两遍。请选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 Buying a handbag(手提包)FirstA _13_oneThenA _14_ red oneWhat to do_15_ Aunt Mary when the small red ones are in the shop.( )13. A. redB. blackC. brown( )14. A. bi

5、gB. smallC. heavy( )15. A. CallB. VisitC. E-mailD. 请听下列短文,完成16-20小题,短文听两遍。( )16. Where does Xiao Fang work?A. At school.B. In a shop.C. In a hospital.( )17. When does she get up?A. At 5:30.B. At 6:30C. At 7:30 .( )18. How does she go to work?A. By bus.B. By car.C. By bike.( )19. How many hours a day

6、 does she work on weekdays?A. 10 hours.B. 9 hours.C. 8 hours.( )20. What else does she love doing except (除了) singing and shopping?A. Chatting on the Internet. B. Going swimming. C. Talking on the telephone.二、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。( ) 21. Daniel plays _ football every Sund

7、ay and I play _ piano every Saturday. A. the, theB. /, /C. /, theD. the, /( ) 22. Mike is in _.A. Class Five Grade SevenB. Five Class Seven GradeC. Grade Seven Class FiveD. Class five Grade seven( ) 23. Helen, _ his mother, _ music.A. likes, like B. like, likesC. like, likeD. likes, likes( ) 24. The

8、 man _ blue trousers is my English teacher, Mr. Wu.A. in B. wearC. wearsD. with( ) 25. Which underlined letters of the following words has different sound?A. book B. goodC. lookD. food( ) 26. There is _ water in the bottle, you can drink it.A. little B. a littleC. fewD. a few( ) 27. Mr. White often

9、talks _ us _ our studies.A. about, to B. about, aboutC. to, aboutD. to, with( ) 28. Andys father is a _ basketball player. He plays football very _.A. good, good B. well, wellC. well, goodD. good, well( ) 29. Thank you _ me so much help.A. for giveing B. to givingC. to giveD. for giving( ) 30. Miss

10、Green is our teacher. _ teaches _ English.来源:学科网ZXXKA. He, our B. Him, usC. She, usD. She, our( ) 31. It takes me only ten minutes _ breakfast every morning.A to have B to have theC havingD having the( ) 32. -_ do you have a picnic? -Once a month.A How many times B How oftenC How longD How( ) 33. -N

11、ice to meet you, Lily. -_A Thank you. B How do you do.C Nice to meet you, too.D Im Millie.( ) 34. He often _ his homework at 7:00, but he _ it yesterday.A. does, didnt do B. does, didnt C. does, doesntD.does, doesnt do( ) 35. They often help us _ our homework.A doing B to doingC withD on三、完形填空(共10小题

12、;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。American school begins _36_ September after a long summer holiday. There are _37_ terms in a school year. The first term is _38_ September to January, and the second is from February to June. Many American children _39_ to go to school when they ar

13、e five years old. Most students are seventeen to eighteen years old when they finish high school.High school students in America take only five or six subjects each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have _40_ for every class. After _41_ they do many interesting things.After

14、 high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a small or a large one. They usually have to give _42_ money. _43_, many _44_ students work after school to get money _45_ their studies.( )3636. A. onB. atC. inD. of( )37.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five( )38.A. withB. ofC. fromD. for( )39.A

15、. likeB. beginC. loveD. finish( )40.A. lessonsB. homeworksC. houseworkD. homework( )41.A. classB. classesC. the classD. one class( )42.A. a fewB. a littleC. manyD. much( )43.A. soB. butC. SoD. But( )44.A. schoolB. high schoolC. collegeD. middle school( )45.A. ofB. forC. onD. at四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分3

16、0分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AJane has a pen friend in America . Her name is Millie. They write to each other every week. They tell each other about their lives. Here is a letter from Jane.Dear Millie,Thank you for your letter and telling me about your best friend. In this letter, Im going to

17、 tell you about my friend. Her name is Kitty. She has short black hair and brown eyes. She is the same age as me, but a little taller .She always looks happy. We sit together in class and help each other with our homework. After school, we always do some reading for half an hour. She reads quickly(迅

18、速地) and does better than me. Recently(最近), Kitty is learning to swim. I am learning to swim, too. We go to the Swimming Club together every day. We always enjoy ourselves.Please write to me soon.Best wishesJane( )46.Janes friend in her class is called_.A. MillieB. KittyC. KateD. Jenny( )47. How does

19、 Kitty look like?A.She has short brown hair and brown eyes.B. She has long black hair and black eyes.C. She has short black hair and brown eyes.D.She has long brown hair and black eyes.( )48. After school, Millie and Jane always do some reading for_.A. 30 minutesB. 60 minutesC. 90 minutesD. 100 minu

20、tes( )49. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Millie is Janes pen friend.B. Kitty is older than Jane.C. After school, Jane and Millie always stay at home to do their homework.D. Recently, Kitty is learning to dance.B Art Museum200 famous pictures Opening hours :8:00 am -6:00pm

21、 on weekdaysPrice :Adults $10 Children $5.50Address:120 Xinjin street Tel:307-864-2997 National ParkRiding horses Boating Opening time:11:00 am -7:00 pm every day Price $15Children (age 3-7) $8 Address:95 Keyuan RoadTel:208-683-3400Music ClubMusic lessons (guitar, violin, and piano)Time:9:30am-10:30

22、amPrice:Only$10 each Address :25 Nanji RoadTel:420 -258-1200 来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K( )50. Where is the National Park?A. 25 Nanji RoadB.95 Keyuan RoadC.120 Xinjin streetD. We dont know( )51. What cannot we learn in the Music Club?A. guitarB. pianoC. violinD.Cello( )52. If Amy, a 21-year-old girl, wants to g

23、o to the Art Museum, how much should she pay(支付)?A. $5.5B. $8C. $10D. $15CLi Lei comes from Nanjing. Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu province(省). Many people live and work there. Therere many shopping malls in the big city. Its a very beautiful and clean city. Spring is the best season in Nanjing.

24、 Its warm and sunny. People like to go out to spend their holidays in the open air(在户外). Its one of the most beautiful cities in China. Therere many interesting places to visit. People can visit Sun Yet-sen Mausoleum (中山陵),the Confucious Temple(夫子庙)and so on. People also can buy many souvenirs there

25、. People often go to the Confucious Temple in the evening because it is more beautiful than in the daytime. Therere different kinds of colorful lights everywhere. People like eating special snacks there, too.( )53. Li Lei comes from_.A. BeijingB. NanjingC. ShanghaiD. Hangzhou( )54. Which of the word

26、s is not used to describe(描述) Nanjing?A. bigB. cleanC. brightD. beautiful( )55. Why do people often go to the Confucious Temple at nights?A. Its bigger.B. Its warmer.C. Its interestingD. Its more beautiful( )56. What do people often do during their holidays?A. They often go to the shopping malls.B.

27、They often stay at home.C. They often read books.D. They often go out to enjoy the sunshine.D.Jack is an able(能干的) worker. He can do all the work in the factory and often helps his boss(老板) Mr. King. So his boss likes him and he gets much money. But he likes drinking and buys lots of beer. When he d

28、rinks too much, he cannot control(控制) himself. His wife tells him to stop drinking, but he doesnt listen to her. She has to leave him. Now he lives in a poor and old house alone.One Saturday evening, Jack feels very cold in his house. He cant stay there and goes into a bar. He drinks a lot, but he d

29、oesnt have enough money with him. Of course, he cannot pay for the drinks. The boss of the bar doesnt let him out, so he begins to break the glasses in the bar. A girl calls the police station and soon some policemen get there. They have to take Jack to the station.“What do you bring me here for?” t

30、he angry drunkard(酒鬼) shouts.“We bring you here for drinking.” answers a policeman.“Thats great!” Jack says happily, “Then when shall we start?” ( )57. What does the underlined word “alone” mean?A. 贫穷地B. 独自地C. 可怜地D. 空闲地( )58. What does Jack do when the boss of the bar doesnt let him out?A. He calls

31、the police station.B. He manages to leave the bar.C. He breaks things in the bar.D. He begins to cry and shout.( )59. Jack is happy because he thinks_.A. The policemen will pay for his drinks.B. The policemen will call his wife.C. The policemen will drink with him.D. The policemen will send him home

32、.( )60. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Jack does not have enough money to buy drinks.B. Jack cant control himself when he drinks too much.C. Jack never listens to his wife when she tells him to stop drinking.D. Jack is an able worker and a polite man.第卷(非选择题 共65分)五、词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)A. 根

33、据汉语及句意提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。61. He often does he do after-school _ (活动) when he is free.62. -What subject do you like best? - I like _(地理) best.63. Mr Wang asks the students to keep _(日记)every day.64. We start to practise _(画) each other.65. Lily is one of the _(好的) students in her class.B.根据短文意思和所给首字母,写

34、出一个完整正确的单词。I have a good friend. Her name is Millie. She comes from the USA. But now she lives in China with her parents. We are also c_66_ because we study at the same school. Millie has many h_67_. For example, she likes reading very much. So she is one of the m_68_ of the Reading Club. She is als

35、o good at all the s_69_, such as Chinese, English, Maths and so on. She is also enjoys c_70_ with me after class. It makes us feel happy.六、选词填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确的形式填空(每个词或短语只能用一次)hero, have a meeting, in ones free time, go swimming, go to school on foot get ready for, come true, l

36、ook after, be far always from, not be late for71. I dont know how _ an e-dog.72. -What did you do yesterday afternoon? -We _ in the school hall.73. She likes reading the story books _.74. Miss Liu hopes her dream _ one day.75. - Tom, _ school next time. -Sorry, Mr. Wu. I wont.76. Jack _ every day be

37、cause his home is near the school.77. One of my _ name is Jordan, He is the best basketball player.78. We always have a great time _ together in summer. 79. My home _ the school so I often take the bus to school.80. -What is your sister doing? -She _ the coming exams.七、连词成句(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)把所给的单词和标点

38、符号连成完整的句子,注意时态变化及大小写。81. is, for, us, to, to, go, time, it, school (.) _82. playing, the, what, at, about, football, weekend (?)_83. can, a, you, from, learn, the, lot, books (.) _84. chatting, Mary, with, evening, in, friends, like, the, her, (.) _85. many, trees, there, in, are, front, classroom,

39、of, the, building (.) _八、完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。86. My mother makes me _(带她参观) our school.87. Reading in the sun _(对我们的眼睛没有好处).88. My sister often _(观看各种各样的比赛) on TV.89. The driver is driving _ (在前面) the car.90.My mother usually _(叫醒我) at 6:30 in the morning from Monday to Friday.

40、九、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)根据短文内容,从短文后的所给的选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项是多余选项。Tom has three good friends. They are Jack, David and mark. _91_Tom likes swimming. He often swims at weekends. _92_. He is in the school swimming team.Jack doesnt like sports. He likes listening to music. _93_. He often listens to

41、music on the way home. He thinks music can make him happy.David doesnt like sports or music. He likes travelling. He has travelled to many places. _94_. He thinks travelling can help him know more about the world.Mark likes taking pictures. He has a few cameras. When he is free, he often takes out his cameras and take some pictures. _95_. He thinks the world is beautiful. He wants to show the beauty of the world to others.A. He thinks swimming can make him strong


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