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1、第三课时一、图文连线。A. B. C. D.1. postcard 2. comic book 3. dictionary 4. word book二、选词填空。1. _ are you going this afternoon? To the cinema.2. _ are you going to Beijing? Next Saturday.3. _ are you going to buy there? I am going to buy some fruit.4. _ you have comic books? No, I dont.5. I have word books._ th

2、ey are.三、阅读短文,回答问题。My name is Sarah.Tomorrow is Saturday.We have no classes.My parents arent going to work,but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. My mother is ging to the supermarket. My father is going to go fishing. Im going to the bookstore with my friends.Then Im going to buy a magazine abou

3、t animals.After that we are going to the cinema.I think we are going to have a nice weekend.1. What is Sarah going to buy? _2.What is Sarahs mother going to do tomorrow?_3.What is Sarahs father going to do tomorrow?_Do, Where, What, When, here答案一、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A二、1. Where 2. When 3. What 4. Do 5. here三、1. She is going to buy a magazine about animals 2. She is going to the supermarket.3. He is going to go fishing.


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