【公开课】牛津译林版九年级上英语Unit1 Study skills 课件

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1、Unit 1 Know yourself Study skills,What do you often do when youre free?,Free talk,_ are the stepping stones to human progress.,My hobby,Reading makes a full man.,Our school will set up a reading club. Would you like to join the club?,If you want to join the club, you should answer three questions ab

2、out reading skills.,Q1: What is skimming?,What is skimming?,skim stones,打水漂,What is skimming?,What is skimming?,B. 浮光掠影,A. 字斟句酌,Of the two idioms, which is closer to “skimming” when reading?,What is skimming?,Skimming means reading the text quickly to get the main idea.,skim,the speed of the reading

3、,the main idea,Q2: How to skim when reading?,Are they skimming?,Mr Black reads newspaper every morning. He reads titles of the newspaper articles to get main ideas because hes very busy.,Ben is going to Beijing by plane. Now, he is reading the timetable very carefully to find the time of Flight NA 3

4、01.,Amy is reading the first paragraph of a travel guide to Nantong quickly so that she can get the main impression of the city in a short time.,Mrs Black is reading the TV guide to see what will be on CCTV at 9 oclock tonight.,Mr Black reads newspaper every morning. He reads titles of the newspaper

5、 articles to get main ideas because hes very busy.,Amy is reading the first paragraph of a travel guide to Nantong quickly so that she can get the main impression of the city in a short time.,In which part of the text can we get the main idea?,Discussion,the title, the headings the first and last pa

6、ragraphs the first sentence of each paragraph,When skimming, read the title, the main headings, the first and last paragraphs, and the first sentence of each paragraph.,Q3: How to find the main idea of the nnnfollowing article by skimming (in 1 nnnminute)?,1. What is the article about? 2. Is it true

7、 that some aspects of your nnpersonality are formed by nature? 3. What can change your personality?,The Best Reader in our class,If you can find the main ideas of the following articles in the shortest time, you will be the best readers in our class. Each of you will have three chances.,How do your

8、computers, cell phones or i-pads remember you? Maybe they get to recognize you by your secret numbers. Soon computers and other machines like cars will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes. It is the eye-recognition program. The program works because everyones eyes are different, so in th

9、e future you wont have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.,1. What is the article about? 2. Why can the program work?,There is a special kind of hotel in Quebec, Canada. It ha

10、s a bar, a church, a shop and a small theater. These things are not unusual. But this hotel is only open from January till March every year. Why?Because it is made of ice and snow! When the weather gets warm, the hotel melts and closes. Everything in the Ice Hotel is made of ice and snow. All the fu

11、rniture, such as the tables and chairs, is made of ice. Even the beds are made of ice! So people use special sleeping bags on the ice beds. Inside the ice hotel, the temperature is about 27F(-3C) When people sleep, the sleeping bags keep them warm. In the morning, they can have a hot breakfast. Afte

12、r breakfast, people can enjoy winter activities. They can go skiing or ice fishing. Or they can go skating in the dining room. At the end of the day, people can relax at the bar. They can have drinks in glasses made of ice.Many people enjoy the Ice Hotel every year. But they can only enjoy it for a

13、short time before it melts again.,1. What does the article tell us? 2. Whats everything in the hotel made of? 3. How do people keep warm when sleeping?,A lot of people wish to be slim, but at the same time they are worried about their health. In fact, it is important for everyone to lose weight“heal

14、thily”, but how can you do it? Heres some good advice. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet. If you feel like snacking drink a glass of water first. If you are still hungry after 15 minutes, then its time for a light snack. Try to stay away from food with high calories (卡路里), such as sweets

15、and fast food. Do not take in more than you can consume . People get fat because they cannot consume all the calories that they take in. So, knowing how many calories you really need is very important. Take enough exercise. The “333” is good for you exercise 3 times a week, for at least 30 minutes a

16、t a time, and your pulse rate (脉搏率) should be more than 130 after exercising. Keep the three pieces of advice in mind and follow the advice. Then youll surely have a slim and healthy body.,1. What is the advice about? 2. How many pieces of advice does the nn writer give us?,1. Skim one or two articles to get main idea.2. Search the Internet to know more about reading skills.,Homework,


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