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1、1Test for Unit 3 (A)姓名班级得分听力部分 30%一、听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。6%1 2 3 ( ) ( ) ( )4 5 6 ( ) ( ) ( )二、听录音,判断译文是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。6%( ) 1 迈克的饮食健康吗?( ) 2 贝蒂经常午餐吃很多面条。( ) 3 他每天只喝一点水。( ) 4 冰箱里有三个土豆。( ) 5 你早饭吃的什么?( ) 6 餐厅里没有太多食物。三、听录音,根据所听问句选择相应的答句。6%( ) 1 A Its five thirty. B Its at five thirty. C

2、At about five thirty.( ) 2 A I have some rice and meat. B Yes, I did. C I had some rice and fish.( ) 3 A No, she doesnt. B Yes, she does. C Yes, she is.( ) 4 A No, thanks. B OK, but a little. C Yes, please.( ) 5 A Yes, they do. B No, they dont. C They like it.( ) 6 A Yes, there is. B No, there isnt.

3、 C Yes, there are.2四、听录音,补全句子。12%1 He eats a lot of and .2 Do you want juice? Yes, please. But I cant drink too juice.3 there any in the fridge just now? 4 Yang Ling has some and a little for breakfast.5 My sister never her homework .6 Sam fish.笔试部分 70%一、单项选择。10%( ) 1 The child eating ice cream.A ar

4、e B like C likes ( ) 2 Mum, may I have ice cream? No, you should to bed now.A few; go B any; go C some; go ( ) 3 There is milk and cakes on the table.A few; a few B a little; a few C a little; little ( ) 4 I some rice and vegetables this morning.A have only B has only C had only ( ) 5 Western people

5、 often have in the morning.A sausages and eggs B cereal and bread C A and B ( ) 6 I have a good habit. I often have fruit and vegetables every day. A eating; lots of B eat; lots of C eat; a lot( ) 7 There a lot of meat for the party.A are B is C that ( ) 8 people often have some steamed buns for bre

6、akfast.A China B Western C Chinese ( ) 9 She an egg for breakfast this morning.A eat B had C eating ( ) 10 I need vegetables. Please give me some .A mangoes B oranges C tomatoes 3二、翻译下列词组。10%1 几个土豆 2 for breakfast3 喜欢甜食 4 many mangoes 5 一点米饭 6 eat a lot of sweets7 健康的饮食 8 drink too much cola9 太重 10

7、Can I have some bread? 三、根据句意,选择正确的单词或短语完成句子。10%A a few a little1 Mike has apple pies every week. 2 Liu Tao only drinks juice.3 I have rice every day. B many much1 We have teachers in our school.2 I dont eat too in the evening.四、根据图片内容完成对话。10%A: (1)on the table? B: Its my lunch. There (2) (3)egg,a s

8、ausage and some (4). A: Its nice. What do you have (5)breakfast?B: I often have (6)of porridge.A: What about your dinner?B: I usually have (7) (8) (9)bread, some meat and (10)vegetables.五、从II栏中找出I栏的应答句。5%I II( ) 1 What did you have yesterday evening? A Yes, I do. ( ) 2 Do you have a healthy diet? B

9、Fish and vegetables.( ) 3 Can we eat too much sweet food? C Yes, they do.( ) 4 Do Chinese people eat porridge for breakfast? D No, we cant.( ) 5 Would you like some tea? E Yes, please.4六、根据上下文或汉语提示填空,每空一词。10%1 A: Good afternoon. B: Good afternoon. Did you lunch?A: Yes, I did. B: What did you have lu

10、nch?A: I some fish and rice. What about you? B: I had some meat, (几个) tomatoes and a little rice. 2 A: Have some (水), Mike. B: Oh no. I want it.A: What would you ? B: Some (果汁) and ice cream.A: You eat too much sweet food. 七、按要求改写句子,每空一词。10%1 David has a healthy diet. (改为一般疑问句 )David a healthy diet?

11、2 I often have some bread and milk for breakfast. (对画线部分提问 )you often for breakfast?3 Helen ate some sweets last night. (改为否定句 )Helen sweets last night.4 Sam is buying some vegetables now. (用 yesterday改写 )Sam some yesterday.八、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。5%Mrs White is getting fat. She does not feel well t

12、hese days. She goes to see the doctor with Mr White. The doctor says, “Mrs White, you should eat healthy food and do some exercise (锻炼) every day. Dont eat meat or sweet food.” “Ill help her, Doctor,” says Mr White. From then on, Mrs White only eats vegetables and fruit every day.One day, Mr White h

13、as a hamburger for breakfast. He does not finish it because he is late for work. Mrs White tastes the hamburger. It is so nice and she eats it up (吃光) quickly. Then, she makes a new hamburger and eats some of it. At dinner time, Mr White comes back home. He is very happy to see the hamburger on the

14、table.( ) 1 Mrs White goes to see the doctor because she doesnt feel very well.( ) 2 Mrs White should not eat meat or sweet food.( ) 3 Mr White does not finish his breakfast because he does not like it.( ) 4 Mrs White eats two hamburgers that day.( ) 5 Mr White is happy because Mrs White makes a new

15、 hamburger for him.5Test for Unit 3 (A)听力原文一、1 In the UK, people eat a lot of potatoes.2 Mike does not like drinking water.3 Liu Tao often has some noodles for breakfast.4 Mike usually has a lot of rice and fish for dinner.5 There is a little mouse in Mrs Lis house.6 Chinese people often have some p

16、orridge and steamed buns for breakfast.二、1 Does Mike have a healthy diet?2 Betty often has some noodles for lunch.3 He only drinks a little water every day. 4 There are three tomatoes in the fridge.5 What do you have for breakfast?6 There is not too much food in the kitchen.三、1 What time do you have

17、 dinner every day?2 What did you have for dinner yesterday?3 Nancy likes vegetables, fish and fruit. She only has a little sweet food at a time. Does she have a healthy diet?4 May I have some cola, Mum?5 Do Chinese people often have some porridge for breakfast?6 Are there a lot of vegetables?四、1 He

18、eats a lot of fruit and mangoes.2 A: Do you want some juice? B: Yes, please. But I cant drink too much juice.3 Was there any milk in the fridge just now? 4 Yang Ling has some noodles and a little water for breakfast.5 My sister never finishes her homework late.6 Sam wants some fish.参考答案听力部分一、1 F 2 T

19、 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 T二、1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F三、1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C四、1 fruit, mangoes 2 some, much 3 Was, milk 4 noodles, water 5 finishes, late 6 wants, some6笔试部分一、1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 C 二、1 some potatoes 2 作为早餐 3 like sweet food 4 许多芒果5 a little rice 6 吃很多糖 7 a healthy diet 8 喝太多可

20、乐9 too heavy 10 我能吃些面包吗?三、A 1 a few 2 a little 3 a little B 1 many 2 much四、1 Whats 2 is 3 an 4 rice 5 for 6 lots 7 a 8 lot 9 of 10 some五、1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 E 六、1 have, for, had, a, few2 water, dont, like, juice, shouldnt七、1 Does, have 2 What, do, have 3 didnt, eat, any 4 bought, vegetables八、1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F


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