牛津译林版五年级上英语Unit7 Cartoon time&Culture time教案

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1、Unit 7 At weekendsCartoon time & Culture timeTeaching contents 教学内容Cartoon time Culture time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 掌握各季节可以做的运动的短语,spring: fly a kite go to the park go boating. summer: swim chat on the Internet autumn: go climbing have a picnic winter: ski skate make snowmen 并在

2、表演中运用。2. 在理解的基础上,试着表演卡通并且完成故事的续编,运用 I think Billy usually. He often. He sometimes.进行表述。3. 了解各国的球类文化,掌握部分球类运动单词 Table tennis,basketball 以及football 等。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1.了解各国的球类文化。2. 能听懂、能理解、会读、会演卡通。3. 能运用所学知识,完成故事的续编。Teaching procedures 教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up 1.

3、 T: What do you often do at weekends?T: I see you often have colorful weekends. Do you often do sports at weekends?T: What sports do you like? Can you do it well?【设计意图:从周末活动引入运动,为文化板块铺垫。】Step2 Culture time1. T: I know what sports you like. Now can you guess what my favorite sport is?S: I think you l

4、ike Do you like?T: Yes, I like many sports, but I like ball games best. Do you know something about ball games?S: (说说知道的球类运动)T: (教师出示球类实物) Look, what is it?S: Table tennis.T: Yes. Table tennis is very popular in China. (学生跟读 )(接下来 PPT 呈现美国的篮球和英国的足球 )2. 拓展其他球类1 American football 美式橄榄球 2 tennis 网球3 ic

5、e hockey 冰球【设计意图:让学生了解其他国家常见的球类运动和体育文化,拓宽学生视野。】Step3 Cartoon time1. Talk about the activities in each seasonT: Boys and girls, we can also do a lot of activities in different seasons.(列举各个季节可以做的活动,如:spring: fly a kite go to the park go boating.summer: swim chat on the Internet autumn: go climbing ha

6、ve a picnic.winter: ski skate make snowmen.)【设计意图:谈论不同季节可以开展的活动,为后面的合理安排时间做铺垫。】2. Picture 2 and Picture 3 in Cartoon time1) T: Oh, we can do so many activities in each season. What about our friends Sam and Bobby? What do they do in different seasons? (播放动画至图 3)T: What do they do in spring and summe

7、r?S: It is spring. Sam and Bobby often play basketball. Summer comes. Sam and Bobby often go swimming.2) T: Sam and Bobby have a lot of activities in spring and summer. Does their friend Billy go with them?S: No3) Read and act (出示图 2 和图 3 的对话内容让学生尝试表演 )【设计意图:从文中了解 Sam 和 Bobby 在春夏做的活动并且和 Billy 作对比。】3

8、. Read and answer (Picture 1) T: Bobby didnt go with Sam and Bobby. Why? What does he do at weekends?(呈现图 1)S: Billy always watches TV at weekends. He always eats a lot too.4. Watch and answer (Picture 4 and Picture 5)T: Oh, my god. Billy eats in the whole spring and summer. What will happen then? L

9、ets go on watching the cartoon. (继续播放动画至结束)T: What do Sam and Bobby do in autumn?S: They go and have a picnic.T: Does Billy want to go with him?S: Yes!T: At last, can they go?S: No, Billy is too fat. He cant get out!T: Yes, he eats too much! What a funny story!5. Read the story1) Read after the comp

10、uter2) Read after the teacher3) Read by yourself4) Read together6. Act the story7. Lets imagineT: Boys and girls, do you like this lazy Billy?S: No.T: But do you like this Billy? (图片出现一个月后减肥过后 Billy) Can you imagine what Billy does in this month?【设计意图:在学生理解故事的前提下,拓展学生的思维,运用已学知识,对故事进行创编。】Step 4 Summa

11、ryT: Boys and girls, I think now Billy must have a very happy and colourful life. Because can arrange his weekends.Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动。 Reasonable arrangement time and you will have a colourful life. Step 5 Homework1. 跟录音读 Cartoon time 五遍。2. 制作一张合理的周末作息表。Teaching aids 教学准备: 光盘,PPT,单词卡, 板书设

12、计:Unit 7 At weekendsspring: fly a kite go to the park go boating.summer: swim chat on the Internet autumn: go climbing have a picnic.winter: ski skate make snowmen.说课:本课时主要内容是 Culture time 和 Cartoon time。文化板块旨在拓展学生的国际视野,作为一个辅助板块,不宜过度挖掘,点到为止即可,所以教师只是教材三种球类运动的基础上又补充了三种流行的球类运动让学生了解。卡通故事板块一般要求学生理解并会读。教师在卡通故事部分先采用了任务型观看和任务型阅读的方式,引导学生理解故事内容,感受故事的幽默之处。最后,教师给了学生一定的想象空间,让学生为故事续编一个结尾,并在此过程中渗透保持健康生活方式的理念。


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