牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit4 Integrated skills 教案

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1、Unit 4 Finding your wayIntegrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. get useful information from the listening materials;2. understand the instructions and practice listening skills;3. talk about how to get to a place.II. Teaching co

2、ntents1. New words and phrases: past, treasure, turning, traffic, traffic lights, should, crossing, corner2. New structures: Walk past the house, turn left and walk along the path next to the river.Cross the bridge, turn right and walk straight on.The treasure is under the ground in front of the thi

3、rd tree on the left.Take the second turning on the right.Which way should I go at the traffic lights?Walk past the supermarket and turn left at the first crossing.Then youll see Sunny Garden at the corner of the street.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Talk about how to get

4、 to someplace.2. Understand the instructions and give directions.IV. Teaching proceduresA Finding TreasureStep 1 Presentation1. New words(1) Show some signs with arrows on them.T: Do you know what these signs mean? (2) Show more pictures of signs.T: What do these signs tell us to do?(3) Show a pictu

5、re with lots of traffic on the road.T: When you are near the zebra crossing, you should be very careful. Why? Because there is lots of traffic on the road.We should also be careful when we reach this place. What is it called?【设计意图:通过图片,引出生词和词组,使学生在自然状态下带着兴趣进入学习。让学生通过看示例图片,过渡至简单指路的句型,熟悉指路时常用的介词,为之后能够

6、用复杂句子正确指路奠定基础。 】Step 2 Practice1. Describe the pictures in Part A1T: Here are some pictures. Can you tell your classmates what the man is doing in each picture?2. Tick the correct boxesT: Mr Wu is teaching his students some simple instructions. Listen to his instructions and tick the correct boxes.3

7、. Check answers with the students【设计意图:通过之前的铺垫,让学生看图操练指路的基本句型,再通过听录音材料,培养学生获取信息的能力。 】Step 3 Presentation1. New WordsT: Mr Wu and his students are looking for treasure. What does treasure mean? 2. Read the map and guessT: They are going on a treasure hunt. They have a map. Lets look at the map. What

8、can you see in the map?【设计意图:让学生回忆自己玩游戏时的快乐时光,激发他们的兴趣】Step 4 Practice1. Listen to the instructions and complete Part A2T: Can you guess where the treasure is? Mr Wu has some instructions to help you. Listen to Part A2 and put the sentences in the correct order.2. Answer a questionT: Where is the tre

9、asure?3. Read the instructions together in correct order【设计意图:培养学生捕捉信息的能力,帮助学生完全理解每个句子】4. Draw the routeT: Its your turn to find the treasure. Lets go to find the treasure in groups of four. Listen to the instructions and draw the route on the map. If you find the treasure, please mark it on the map

10、.T: Can you find another route to find the treasure?【设计意图:培养学生捕捉信息的能力,理解指令的意思,训练听力能力。 】B Speak up: How do I get there?Step 1 Lead-inUseful expressions T: If you want to know how to get to a place, what will you say to ask people for help?You want to help people find their way. What instructions will

11、 you give them?【设计意图:向学生介绍指路的常用表达方式。 】Step 2 Practice1. Listen to the conversation between Millie and Daniel T: Millie is giving Daniel directions to Sunny Garden.2. Answer three questions(1) What is Millie going to do this Saturday afternoon?(2) Who would like to come?(3) How can Daniel get to the

12、place? 【设计意图:让学生带着问题寻找答案,培养学生捕捉信息的能力,为编写对话做准备。 】Step 3 ProductionT: Your friend is new to the city. He is at the post office now but he doesnt know the way to the department store and the museum. You are telling him how to get there. You can use Millie and Daniels conversation as a model.【设计意图:通过编对话,使学生熟练掌握如何向他人问路,以及如何指路的基本句型。对整堂课的内容进行了回顾。 】V. Homework1. Remember the new words, phrases and structures. 2. Find another route to the department store and the museum. Write down the conversation.


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