牛津译林版六年级上英语Unit4第1课时(Story time)教案

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1、六年级上册 第四单元第 1 课时 教案Teaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说 e-book, mobile phone, newspaper, radio, telephone, e-friend, anywhere, could,并能运用于语句中。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语 could/ could not 以及动词过去式的表达。3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论过去和现

2、在会做的事情。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文内容。教学难点:could/could not的正确理解和运用。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 .Free talk 1. I ask and you answer:T: What did you do yesterday?S: I .2. You ask and I answer:S: What did you do yesterday?T: Guess!S: Di

3、d you.? (PPT 提示图片,操练短语:read newspapers, buy things,do shopping on the Internet,listened to the radio)T: I enjoyed my old photos yesterday. Do you want to have a look?【设计意图:通过我问你答和你问我答两个环节和学生进行对话,在复习过去式的表达的同时将本课的几个短语进行了预设,并为接下来句型的引出做了铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation1. T: Look! These are my photos. Long long

4、ago, I could do many things.(PPT 出现 would,引导学生说出 could 的读音)2. (PPT 出现图片和句型 ) T: Thirty years ago, I could ride a bike.Twenty years ago, I could play basketball.Ten years ago, I could swim.(教师脸上做自豪状)How about you? (引导学生用 PPT 上的句型来表达)_ years ago, I could_3. T: You really did a good job. Lets get more

5、challenges. Are you ready?(PPT 上句型稍作变换: _ years ago, I could not. But now I can.学生先操练,然后选择一小组学生进行 non-stop talking。为增加趣味性和吸引所有学生的注意, 教师也可以用“金手指”随意点击学生快速反应回答)【设计意图:先通过教师炫耀式地自我表达,激发学生的竞争欲望,把本课的难点句型提前解决,并通过抢答、non-stop talking、 “金手指”等多样化的方式让学生大面积操练,迅速掌握句型。 】4. T: Good job! Pay attention to these phrases

6、. (PPT 呈现 Thirty years ago/Twenty years ago/ Ten years ago, 教师边指 PPT 边领读)T: When we talk about the time before, we can use this word: Then. What does it mean? (PPT 只剩下 Then 和 now)T: Yes, today we are going to learn a new lesson. The topic is Then and now. (点题)(读题目,学生用自己的理解去翻译题目)【设计意图:通过对时间状语的对比,让学生理

7、解两个时态的差别,并引出本课的主题】Step 3 Story timePart11. T: Many changes have happened to Mikes family. What are they? (播放动画)T: Can you say something about Mikes family? (PPT 呈现句型)例:Six years ago, Mike was short. Now he is tall.2. T: They have changed a lot. And in this lesson, well know more about the changes of

8、 Mikes family.3. T: This boy is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. And he can do many things now. Lets guess, what can he do? T: Could Mike do all these things six years ago? What could he do? Can you guess? What couldnt he do? T: So, six years ago, Mike could read and draw but he couldnt write. (师生一起读文本

9、)T: Can you describe little Mike six years ago and young Mike now? 4. (1) Listen and tick (学生们选出听到的单词,整体感知课文)(2) Check and read (教师核对答案并领读单词)5. T: What did they do then and what do they do now? Read the text quickly, and try to find out the answer. (PPT 呈现)Part 21. T: How about Mr Brown? How did he

10、keep in touch with his friends twenty years ago? How does he keep in touch with his friends now?2. T: Lets fill in the blanks together. Now, try to describe Mr Brown. (学生复述)T: So the means of contact is changing. Part 3T: How about Mikes grandpa? How did he get news thirty years ago? S: He listened

11、to the radio and read newspapers for news. (提醒学生 read 作为过去式时的读音)T: How can he get news now? S: On the Internet and from e-books.T: Lets read this paragraph together. Then describe Mikes grandpa. (学生复述)T: So the way of getting news is changing. How do you get news, boys and girls? Part 41. T: Do you

12、remember Mrs Brown? What is she doing in the pictures? T: So maybe she is doing some shopping or chat with her e-friends (解释 e-friends) on the Internet.T: And the picture on the left is Mrs Brown twenty years ago. Then she was a schoolgirl. Where did she make friends? And where did she buy things?2.

13、 Read the text with your partners. T: It tells us the way to _ and the way to _. And the ways are changing now.【设计意图:围绕 change 这个主题根据四个人物今昔对比,按四个段落来消化整篇文章,通过观看动画、自读课文,听录音,看图说话获取信息等方式,让学生逐步了解课文内容,逐步根据图表进行复述。 】Step 3 Consolidation1. Read the text together. 2. Retell the text. (4 人一组,可选择齐读、齐背、一人背诵一段等方式

14、 )3. Write and say. (完成 38 页的练习)4. Retell the whole text together.【设计意图:通过四人小组合作的方式,简化学生的任务,给学生自主选择表演的形式,课堂有放有收,同时能检测学生的掌握情况,最后看着板书全班复述,帮助学生再次巩固整个语篇。 】Step 3 Beyond Story time1. T: Boys and girls, how does science change our lives? Can you describe with one word?2. T: Do you like the changes? Why?T:

15、 Technology and time change us a lot. It brings convenience and downsides as well. What should we do? Do you have any changes these years?Think it over. Lets talk about it next class.【设计意图:教师的职责不仅仅是教会学生书本上的死知识,同时也要教会学生思考以及做一个更聪明的人,课文巩固之后用两个问题引导学生思考,用两个不同的观点引发学生的辨证的思维能力,同时给学生留下作业,为下节课的复习做好准备。 】Homewo

16、rk 家庭作业1. 听录音,跟读故事 5 遍。 (必做)2. 尝试背诵故事(可选做) 。3. 找两张自己的照片,一张过去的一张现在的,模仿书 40 页的句型进行语言操练。 (必做)4.根据书 40 页的语言提示,写一个小短文。 (可选做)【设计意图:学生的能力各不相同,布置作业时需考虑到不同层次学生的需求,必做题可以保证吸收能力较慢的学生进行力所能及的巩固练习,而选做题则为学有余力的学生提供了更多的提升空间,建议教师在选做作业上多多激励。 】Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT板书设计: Unit 4 Then and nowthen nowMikeMr Brow

17、nMikes grandpaMrs Brown6 yrs ago could read and runcould not write20 yrs ago wrote lettersused the telephone30 yrs ago listened to the radioread newspapers20 yrs ago made friends at schoolbought things from shopscan do many thingswrites emailshas a mobile ohonecan read news and watch news on the Int

18、ernet/reads e-booksmakes e-friends and does shopping on the Internet说课在本节课导入部分,用“我问你答”和“你问我答”这两个形式的 free talk 开始课堂教学,既调节了课堂气氛又帮助学生复习了过去式的表达,为接下来的课题做了铺垫,并顺势引出了 could 和 could not,激起学生和教师竞争的兴趣,从而在进入课文前就解决了新句型。接着引出课题 Then and now,用今昔对比的方式,以“change”为主线,根据四个人物特点,分四个段落来消化整篇文章,通过观看动画、自读课文,听录音,看图说话获取信息等方式,让学生逐步了解课文内容,逐步根据图表进行复述。接着通过小组合作的方式,让学生进行当堂反馈,最后教师根据板书引导学生集体复述。在复述的过程中,让学生感受几十年来这个家庭所发生的变化,最后用两个问题激发学生的辨证思维能力,给学生思考的空间,并为下一节的复习做了铺垫。特别分享:关注学生对课文的整体感知和细节信息的获取关注学生的过程性体验关注学生思维能力的培养多样化的评价方式以及分层作业的布置。


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