牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册同步复习辅导讲义 Unit7 Adventures of Sawyer(带答案)

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牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册同步复习辅导讲义 Unit7 Adventures of Sawyer(带答案)_第1页
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牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册同步复习辅导讲义 Unit7 Adventures of Sawyer(带答案)_第2页
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牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册同步复习辅导讲义 Unit7 Adventures of Sawyer(带答案)_第3页
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牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册同步复习辅导讲义 Unit7 Adventures of Sawyer(带答案)_第4页
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牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)九年级英语上册同步复习辅导讲义 Unit7 Adventures of Sawyer(带答案)_第5页
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1、学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:初三 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型 T(Unit7 单词、词组)C(关系代词的定语从句) T(语法选择题与书面表达)授课日期及时段教学内容Warming UpCan you share your favorite story with others?:1.Which books do you like reading?2.Can you tell me your favorite stories to me?Important Sentences with Words and PhrasesReading:( 根据括号解释填

2、上合适的单词 )2.Miss Liu wanted to encourage her students to read famous books, so she showed them this_(funny and enjoyable ) story from a novel called The _( exciting experiences in which dangerous or unusual things happen) of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.【单词解析 1】_ n. 冒险,冒险经历,用作可数名词。 【搭配/例句】She loves advent

3、ure stories. 他喜欢历险故事。【单词延伸】1) 喜欢冒险的 adj._ E.g. They are adventurous children. 他们是喜欢冒险的孩子。 冒险家 n _ Key: adventurous ,adventurer【单词解析 2】humorous adj. 滑稽幽默的He is a humorous writer. 【单词延伸】_ n. 幽默 ; 幽默作家 n_没有幽默感的 adj. _e.g. 他如此幽默,以致于每个人都喜欢他。Key: humour ; humorist; humourless 【语言点解析】1) encourage sb to do

4、sth 鼓励某人做某事 2)story from a novel called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. 过去分词作定语,与被修饰词之间为被动关系。The man reading a newspaper is a professor belonging to Beijing University. 现在分词作定语,与被修饰词之间是主动关系。【练习】Can you help me to locate the building_(build) in 1959? *Can you recognize your brother from t

5、he workers _(build) houses there? 2. Congratulations on your success! 祝贺你成功!【单词解析】congratulations n. 常用复数 congratulations on sth/doing sth congratulations on your success. 祝贺你成功congratulations on winning the prize! 祝贺你获奖 【单词延伸】V. _ e.g. He congratulated us on getting married. 3.The ship was driven b

6、y_( the hot mist that water produces when it is boiled ). 【单词解析】steam n. 蒸汽动力;蒸汽steam engine 蒸汽机; steam iron 蒸汽熨斗 【单词延伸】steam v. 冒出蒸汽, steamy adj. 蒸汽的E.g. I always steam potatoes to eat. 4.On Saturday morning every boy in town was happy, except Tom Sawyer.【单词解析】except 除.之外 不包括在内,同一类别; Everybody was

7、able to answer except John.besides 除之外 (还有); There are three more visitors besides me. except for 除.之外 ,没有所指对象类别的限制。 The movie was good except for the ending. 【练习】1.除了你之外,我还有两个朋友。2.这台电脑除了高的价格外都挺好的。3.除了约翰外,大家都能回答问题。5. He painted one board and surveyed his _(the process of getting better at doing some

8、thing ), and then he sat down to have a rest. 他刷了一块木板,查看了他的进展情况,然后坐下来休息。【单词解析】progress n. 不可数名词 make progress (in) doing sth 做某事取得进步 be in progress 进行中 eg You ve made great progress in English. 你的英语已经大有进步。The game is still in progress. 比赛仍在进行中。【单词延伸 2】progress v. 进步;提高E.g. You have progressed quickl

9、y in maths.【单词解析 2】rest n. 休息;修养; have a rest= take a rest e.g. Lets stop and have a rest.【单词延伸】rest v. We rested for an hour after lunch. 我们在午餐后休息了一个小时。6. Tom began to think of the games that he wanted to play. 【单词解析 1】think of 想到(注重结果). 想起;考虑; 想象一下他正想像着去巴黎旅行的情景。_【单词延伸】think about 考虑,思考(注重过程)think

10、over 仔细考虑;重新考虑【语言点解析】that he wanted to play 是一个 _从句,修饰_; that 在这里作_ 成份。Key: He is thinking of going on a trip to Paris. 【练习】用这三给词来填空 1 What do you _ my new dress? 你认为我的新衣服怎么样?2 Let me _让我好好想一想.3. He _ a good plan他想到一项好计划.Key: 1 think of/think about 2. think it over 3. thought of 来源 :Zxxk.Com7. Ben w

11、atched Tom in silence. Ben 静静地注视汤姆。【单词解析】silence n. 沉默 in silence 沉默地,静静地E.g. 沉默是金_【单词延伸】adj. 沉默的,不出声的 _ E.g. 他为什么那么沉默?_adv. 寂静地; 沉默地 _E.g. 他默默地走出房间。_Key: Silence is golden. Why is he so silent?He silently sent out of the room.8I won first prize in a writing competition.我在一次写作比赛中获得了一等奖。【单词解析】(1)win

12、在作为及物动词时,它的宾语往往是奖品、奖学金、名誉、财产、战争或运动等等。如:She had a nature that quickly won her the friendship of her classmates. 她具有一种天性,这使她很快地获得同学们的友谊。 (2)beat 后面跟的是比赛、竞争中的对手或战争中的敌人。如:I beat John at chess yesterday. 昨天我和约翰下棋并赢了他。 We beat their team by 54. 我们以五比四战胜他们队。(3) defeat 可与 beat 换用,以表示击败对手。 如:He was badly def

13、eated / beaten in the election. 他在选举中惨败。 【练习】( ) David _ the first place in this singing competition.Abeat Bwon Cdefeat Dwins 来源:学.科.网( ) Im confident that Ill_ you in the long jump.Awin Bwon Cbeat Dbeating( ) His poem _ the first prize of ten dollars. I am proud of him.Abeat Bwins Cwon Ddefeated (

14、) Last term our school _ their school at football.Awin Bwon Cbeated DDefeated9. .but one of the bats followed and put out Beckys candle with its wings.但是有一只蝙蝠紧跟着并用它的翅膀把 Becky的蜡烛扑灭了。【单词延伸】与 put 有关的短语:put out: _ 如:She has just put out the fire. 她刚把火扑灭了。put on: _ 如:Putting on that beautiful dress , she

15、 went out. 她穿上那件漂亮裙子出去了。put up _如:Who knows the answer ,put up your hand. 知道答案的请举手。put down: 写下,记下 如:I was putting down what I wanted to speak when my teacher went into the classroom. 当老师走进课室时,我正在把我想说的记下来。put off:_如:The meeting has been put off because of the bad weather. 因为糟糕的天气,那会议被延期了。put into: 把

16、放进 如:Lisa put these little balls into the bottle and smiled.丽萨把那些小球放进瓶子里,笑了。put away: _如:Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作结束后请把工具收拾好。【练习】单项选择( ) We shouldnt _ todays work till tomorrow.Aput out Bput on Cput off Dput away( ) The fire_ before the fire engine arrived.Aput out Bput off Cwas pu

17、t off Dwas put out( ) What should I _ to attend Marys wedding? Aput out Bput on Cput off Dput away( ) You d better_ your school things after finishing your homework.Aput out Bput on Cput off Dput away10.After his success with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain wrote Adventures of Huckleberry F

18、inn, about Tom Sawyers best friend Huck Finn.在汤姆.索亚历险记获得成功后,马克吐温又写了哈克贝利费恩历险记 ,是关于汤姆.索亚最好的朋友哈克贝利费恩德故事。【单词解析】success n. 成功 make a success 取得成功【单词延伸】成功 v. _ adj._ adv._【练习】选择正确的选项Asuccess Bsucceed Csuccessful DsuccessfullyWe wished Mary_ in this final exam.Was your brother _ in finding a new job?At las

19、t, little Jim finished the painting _.Did you _ in making the birthday cake for your mother?Key: succeed: successful successfullysuccess; successful ; successfully; succeed 11He would prefer to play games. 他宁愿玩游戏。【单词延伸】(1)prefer 用作动词,表示 “更喜欢”“宁愿”等,后接动词时,可用不定式或动名词,其区别大致为:表示一般情况用动名词,表示特定动作用不定式。比较:I pr

20、efer walking alone. 我喜欢一个人溜达。A:Can I give you a lift? 你顺便坐我的车走吗 ?B:No, thanks. I prefer to walk. 不用了,谢谢,我喜欢步行。但是,与 would 或 should 连用时,总是表示特定的想法,所以其后+to do。如:正:We would prefer to do it later. 我们宁愿以后做它。误:We would prefer doing it later.另外注意,当 would prefer 后接不定式被省略时,要注意保留其中的 to,如:A:Would you prefer to w

21、ait? 你愿意等吗?B:Yes, I d prefer to. 是的,愿意等。来源:学科网(2)可用于多种形式的复合结构(宾语补足语可以是形容词、介词短语、过去分词、不定式等)。如:I prefer my coffee black. 我喜欢喝不加奶的咖啡。I prefer the chair in its old place. 我觉得这把椅子还是放在老地方好。We preferred the house painted white 我们倒喜欢那座漆成白色的房子。Their father prefers them to be home early. 他们的父亲希望他们早点儿回家。(3)表示“宁

22、愿而不愿”“喜欢而不喜欢”“与相比,更喜欢”等,preferto和 preferrather than,其搭配习惯如下:e.g.I prefer the seaside to the mountains. 我喜欢海边,不喜欢山区。Tom prefers reading to talking. 汤姆喜欢读书而不喜欢谈天。(4)用于 prefer to do rather than do 宁愿.而不愿; 相当于 would rather do than do 和 would do rather than do .e.g I would rather stay at home than go the

23、re.=I would stay at home rather than go there.=I prefer to stay at home rather than go there.(5)【练习】完成句子我觉得与其去野餐,倒不如去购物。 I would _ _ go shopping rather than _ _ a picnic.和做运动相比,她比较喜欢在家里看书。 She prefers to _ _ _at home rather than _ _. 我们宁愿在外面玩也不愿看电视。We prefer _outdoors to _ television. 比起数学来我更喜欢英语。I

24、_ English_ _ maths. 比起打篮球来我还是喜欢游泳。I prefer _ _ rather than _ _. Key: 1.prefer togo for; 2.do some reading do sports 3. playing.watching 4.prefer.rather than.5.to swim play basketballListening 相当于 famousbe celebrated for 因而著名; = be famous for be celebrated as 作为.著名 =be famous as 来源:Z n. 庆祝 _你是怎样庆祝圣诞节

25、?_我们聚在一起庆祝他的生日。_Key: How do you celebrate Christmas? We gathered for the celebration of her birthday.13. 表示祝贺Congratulations!Im happy for you.Well done!You deserved to win! 你应该会赢!Thats wonderful news! 14. 表示同情Thats terrible! Oh, I am sorry!Im sorry to hear that!What a shame! What a pity!How awful !1

26、5. 请根据中文写出单词1) _ n. 洞穴2) _ n. 小溪3) _ adj. 结冰的;冻结的4) _ n. 瀑布5) _ adj/adv. 深的6) _ n. 记号; 标记7) _ n. 蝙蝠8) _ n. 火焰9) _ n. 通道; 出入口10)_ (短语)为了Key: cave, stream; frozen; waterfall; deep; mark; bat; flame; passage; in order to Exercise一、听音写单词。二改错:有一处错误,请把它改正1The story was taken place just before Christmas. 2

27、Jim and Della had two possessions which they were both proud.3He got two presents. One was from his parents, another was from his teacher.4Della put out her old brown jacket and old brown hat, then she went out.5Can you tell me the name of the tree in the front of the classroom?6Della searched acros

28、s the stores looking for a present for Jim.7At seven oclock, the coffee made and dinner was ready.8Della listened Jims steps on the stairs.9His eyes were fixed at Della and there was an expression in them.10There lied the set of combs that she had always wanted.三单项选择( ) 1Mary prefers reading _writin

29、g.Arather than Bwith Cto Dthan ( ) 2The novel is _ and full of fun.Aenjoy BenjoyingCenjoyed Denjoyable( ) 3One of the bats _ Beckys candle with its wings.Aput out Bput onCput off Dput down( ) 4After his _ with The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain wrote another one.Asucceed Bsuccessful Csuccess D

30、successfully( ) 5People in the world think it is one of the best novels _ in English.Awrite Bwriting Cwritten Dto write( ) 6-David, I passed the driving test.-Im happy _you.Awith Bfor Cof Don( ) 7-I _ first prize in the singing competition.-Congratulations!Awin Bbeat Cwon Ddefeat( ) 8I like the weat

31、her in Guangzhou. _ do you think of it?AHow BWhy CWhich DWhat( ) 9There are also many men from the village _ like playing football.Awho Bwhich Cwhat D/( ) 10He pretends that painting the fe nce is not _.Aworking hard Bwork hard Chard work Dhard working四单词拼写1. He likes reading detective n_, especiall

32、y those written by Jin Yong.2. All of us went to his home and c_ him on passing the driving test.3. You can see s_ when the kettle gets boiling.4. The w_ of this book comes from France.5. I offer you my c_ on your winning the prize.6. Have you read the a_ of Robinson Crusoe鲁滨孙漂流记 .7. He was filled w

33、ith j_ because he got “A” in the maths exam.8. She found housekeeping(家政) a boring t_.9. He is p_ with his new watch and he shows it to his friends.10. Mr Green is a h_ person and everyone likes him.11. He is a man of s_ because he seldom talks to anyone in the daily life.12. He was so c_ that he di

34、dnt make any mistakes in the exam.13. The glass on the table was t_ over and fell onto the ground.14. Tokyo is c_ for its cherry blossoms(樱花). 15. He p_ that he was working hard when he saw the boss coming towards him.五、完成句子1.他们停下来休息一下。They stopped _ _ _ _.1. 他的英语进步很大。He has _ _ _ in English.2. 孩子们课

35、间十分钟之后,继续读书了。The children _ _ _after a ten-minute break.3. 这场比赛如此令人兴奋,以至于我们大家都没错过。The match was _ _ that _ _ _ missed it.4. 他欺骗他的同班同学替他写作业,最终,给老师发现了。He _his classmates _ _ his homework for him, and at last this was found by his teachers.5. 当他出现在会议室时,我们都很惊讶。We _ all _ when he _ _ at the meeting.6. 当麦

36、克遇到麻烦时,他总喜欢保持沉默。When he is in trouble, he always likes _ _ 7. 他所说的他想起了他的童年时代。What he said made him _ _ his childhood.Key:二 1 was takentook 2 proudproud of 3 anotherthe other 4 put output on 5 in the front ofin front of 6 acrossthrough 7 madewas made 8 listenedheard 9 were fixed atwere fixed on 10 li

37、edlay 三 1-5 CDACC 6-10 BCDAC四 1-5 novels, congratulated,steam; writer;congratulations; 6-10 adventure; joy; task; pleased; humorous.11-15 silence; careful; turned; celebrated; pretended五 1-5 to have a rest; made great progress; went on reading; so exciting.none of us; 6-7 were surprisedcame along; b

38、eing in silence remind of 定语从句-关系代词引导的定语从句【关系代词引导的定语从句】(一)、定义:在复合句中,修饰某一 名词 或 代词 的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句是指在一个句子中作定语的句子,定语从句要放在所修饰的词后。如:1) The man who lives next to us is a policeman. 2) You mu st do everything that I do. 上面两句中的 man 和 everything 是定语从句所修饰的词,叫先行词,定语从句放在先行词的后面。引导定语从句的词有关系代词 that, which, who(宾格 w

39、hom, 所有格 whose)和关系副词 where, when、why关系词常有三个作用 :1、引导定语从句 2、代替先行词 3、在定语从句中担当一个成分(二)、定语从句的分类根据定语从句与先行词的关系,定语从句可分为限制性定语从句及非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句紧跟先行词,主句与从句不用逗号分开,从句不可省去,非限制性定语从句主句与从句之间有逗号分开,起补充说明作用,如省去,意思仍完整。(注意 )在非限定性定语从句中,不能用 that1 The girl who is standing over there is my aunt。2 GuangZhou, which is in the

40、south of China,is famous as Flower City。(三)、关系代词引导的定语从句1.who 指人,在从句中做主语(1)The boys who are playing football are from Class One.(2)Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way.2. whom 指人,在定语从句中充当宾语,常可省略。(1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked about. 注意:关系代词 whom 在口语和非正式语体中常用 who 代替,可省略。(2) The

41、man who/whom you met just now is my friend.3. which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略(1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys. ( which 在句子中做主语) (2) This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. ( which 在句子中做宾语)4. that 指人时,相当于 who 或者 whom;指物时,相当于 which。在宾语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。(1) The people that/who co

42、me to visit the city are all here. (在句子中做主语)(2) Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning? (在句子中做宾语 )5. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语(1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor.(2) I lived in a house whose roof has fallen in.whose 指物时,常用以下结构来代替(3)The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repa

43、ired.=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.(4)Do you like the book whose color is yellow?=Do you like the book is yellow?【 总 结 】 :一、 关系代词引导定语从句时,可作主语、宾语、定语等句子成分。如:先行词主语 宾语 定语人 who/that Who/that/whom whose事物 Which/that Which/that whose1.This is the doctor who came from Lond

44、on.2.The book whichthat I am reading is written by Thomas Hardy.3. The desk whose leg is broken is very old.This is the room thatwhich Shakespeare was born in. 注意:1.只能使用 that,不用 which 的情况:1) 先行词是形容词的最高级或先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时 and 先行词时序数词或此前有序数词修饰时。This is the most beautiful place that I have been to.2) 主句已有疑问词 who 或 which 时。Which is the bike that you lost?Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting3) 先行词


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