2020高考英语人教版一轮复习:选修七 Unit 3 课时作业(含答案解析)

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1、课时作业.阅读理解A(2019石家庄模拟 )The scar ran down her leg from the knee to the ankle.She brushed her fingertips over its surface,remembering.Jerry was only seven when he started surfing; by the age of eleven,he was positively_incredible,moving over the face of big waves like there wasnt even a slightest bit o

2、f efforts involved in.On that day in Bah,though,the ocean had seemed strange.The waves broke like water in a washing machine,and the breaks had been heavy too,making it tough to tell whether it was better to try to catch one or to get out of its way.That was how hed misjudged.Ella had seen her broth

3、er lose control,his board was thrown out of the water riderless high into the air, but she hadnt seen him surface.Shed waited for the space of a breath.Nothing.Something,clearly,was wrong.She dashed into the water,swimming faster even than the competitions at school.Lung burning.Heart PipingFocused.

4、Shed found him floating just beyond the reef(暗礁 ),face up but knocked out cold.Just as she was paddling the water hard,her leg was hurt by the reef,a short,sharp instant of pain.No matter.She had kept Jerrys head above water,swimming all the way back to shore.That day had been the worst,scariest mom

5、ent in Jerrys surfing career,which has seen him rise from a noname kid who loved the ocean to a young star,winning competitions around the world.For Ella,her life had changed as well.She had learned something about who she was,about what she could achieve.She ran her fingers again over the scar,the

6、physical map of the person she had become.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了 Ella 在一次拯救 Jerry 的冲浪中受伤的事,从此事中 Ella 找到了自我价值。1Why did Ella think something was wrong?AShe didnt see Jerry come out of water. BShe had not seen Jerry lose control before.CShe saw Jerrys board high into the air. DShe noticed Jerry held hi

7、s breath longer.【答案】 A 细节理解题。根据句子 but she hadnt seen him surface 可知Ella 没有看到 Jerry 露出水面,她觉得有不好的事情发生了。故选 A。2What does the underlined part “positively incredible” probably mean?ATerribly excited. BExtremely good.CRelatively young. DHardly talented.【答案】 B 词义猜测题。根据其后面的句子 moving over the face of big wave

8、s like there wasnt even a slightest bit of efforts involved in.可以猜测出positively incredible 为“非常好 ”之意。故选 B。3For Ella ,the scar represents _.Aher skill at saving lives Bher discovery of selfvalueCher envy of her brother Dher love for swimming career【答案】 B 推理判断题。根据句子 She had learned something about who

9、she was,about what she could achieve 可知这个疤痕让 Ella 发现了自我价值。故选 B。4What can be inferred from the text?AElla was as outstanding an athlete as Jerry. BJerry learned how to surf all by himself.CElla was grateful for this terrible experience.DJerry had his leg injured in the surfing accident.【答案】 C 主旨大意题。短

10、文虽然讲了 Ella 受伤了,但是她从中也学到了一些东西,因此她对这次可怕的经历是感恩的,故选 C。B(2018北京)PlasticEating Worms greater wax mothHumans produce more than 300 million tons of plastic every year.Almost half of that winds up in landfills(垃圾填埋场),and up to 12 million tons pollute the oceans.So far there is no effective way to get rid of

11、it,but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms.Researchers in Spain and England recently found that the worms of the greater wax moth can break down polyethylene,which accounts for 40% of plastics.The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping b

12、ag for 12 hours,and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams,or almost 3% of it.To confirm that the worms chewing alone was not responsible for the polyethylene breakdown,the researchers made some worms into paste(糊状物)and applied it to plastic films.14 hours later the films had lost 13%

13、 of their massapparently broken down by enzymes(酶)from the worms stomachs.Their findings were published in Current Biology in 2017.Federica Bertocchini,co author of the study,says the worms ability to break down their everyday foodbeeswaxalso allows them to break down plastic.“Wax is a complex mixtu

14、re,but the basic bond in polyethylene,the carboncarbon bond,is there as well,”she explains.“The wax worm evolved a method or system to break this bond.”Jennifer DeBruyn,a microbiologist at the University of Tennessee,who was not involved in the study,says it is not surprising that such worms can bre

15、ak down polyethylene.But compared with previous studies, she finds the speed of breaking down in this one exciting.The next step,DeBruyn says,will be to identify the cause of the breakdown.Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes(肠道微生物 )?Bertocchini agrees and hopes her tea

16、ms findings might one day help employ the enzyme to break down plastics in landfills.But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial processnot simply “millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic.”【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。作者介绍了一项科学发现:一种吃塑料的虫子 大蜡螟,它胃中的酶能够降解塑料,从而为人们解决塑料污染问题提供新的途径。5What can we

17、learn about the worms in the study?AThey take plastics as their everyday food. BThey are newly evolved creatures.CThey can consume plastics. DThey wind up in landfills.【答案】 C 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“.found that the worms of the greater wax moth can break down polyethylene.”和第二句中的 the worms consumed and broke

18、 down about 92 milligrams 可知,研究人员在研究中发现大蜡螟蠕虫可以分解塑料中的聚乙烯,显然也可以分解垃圾中的塑料,与选项 C 中提到的“吃塑料”吻合。选项 A 与第三段第一句不吻合;选项 B“新进化的生物 ”,文中没有这样的信息;选项 D 张冠李戴,由第一段第一、二句可排除。 6According to Jennifer DeBruyn,the next step of the study is to _.Aidentify other means of the breakdown Bfind out the source of the enzymeCconfirm

19、the research findings Dincrease the breakdown speed【答案】 B 细节理解题。根据第四段最后两句“The next step.Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes?”可知,接下来人们需要证实的就是酶是从哪里产生的。选项 B“查明酶的来源”与此吻合。其他选项显然与 the next step of the study 不匹配。 7It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the chemical m

20、ight _.Ahelp to raise worms Bhelp make plastic bagsCbe used to clean the oceans Dbe produced in factories in future【答案】 D 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial processnot simply millions of worms.”可知,研究人员期望不仅仅能用大蜡螟蠕虫去清理塑料垃圾,也期望在某种工业流程中用这种化学制品,这与选项 D 中提到的“今后工厂可

21、能生产这种化学制品 ”吻合。8What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo explain a study method on worms. BTo introduce the diet of a special worm.CTo present a way to break down plastics. DTo propose new means to keep ecobalance.【答案】 C 推理判断题。作者通过本文介绍了一项消除塑料垃圾的研究,显然是为人们提供了一条清除塑料垃圾的新途径。选项 C 与此意吻合。选项 A 为“解释一种对蠕虫的研究

22、方法”;选项 B 为“介绍一种特殊的蠕虫的饮食”;选项 D 为“提供保持生态平衡的新方式”,显然这些选项都不是作者的写作目的。 .阅读七选五(2018呼和浩特市第二次调研)How Can I Fight Laziness?Lazy people will never amount to anything in life.However,laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind._1_ Many people lack sleep constantly,since they stay up to

23、o late and get up too early to prepare for work.These people have little motivation once they arrive home.Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things.By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest,you can fight laziness thro

24、ughout the day.Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active.Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from task to task.Others take a more proactive approach,viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone._2_Some people fight laziness by removing

25、the temptations(诱惑)that surround them.A television in the living room may provide entertainment,but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness._3_ Complete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy,such as a good dinner or a film.Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home.Coupl

26、es and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if not dealt with immediately._4_ Be the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal.Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task.It is difficult to practice laziness when you are s

27、urrounded by motivated people._5_ Enough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle,thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.AOne way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.BKnowing how to fight laziness is important.CFinally ,taking exercise r

28、egularly can help you fight laziness.DTo fight family laziness,set an example.EWith strong determination,you will be able to achieve your goal.FCreate a reward system for yourself,just as parents do for a child.GLaziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.【答案】 15 AGFDC.语法填空(2

29、018青岛市二模 )Its never foolish _1_(acknowledge)you are in the wrong.Being human,we all need the art of apology.Look back and think how often youve judged _2_(rough),said unkind things,pushed yourself ahead _3_ the cost of a friend.Some deep thought lets us know that when even a small mistake has been m

30、ade,your feeling will stay out of balance _4_ the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is expressed.I remember a doctor friend _5_(tell)me about a man who came to him with _6_(vary)illnesses:headache,insomnia,stomachaches and so on.No physical cause could _7_(find) Finally the doctor said to the

31、man,“Unless you tell me whats on your conscience,I cant help you.”After _8_ short silence,the man told the doctor that he seized all the money that his father gave to his brother,who was abroad.His father was _9_(die),so only he himself knew the matter.The doctor made the man write to his brother ma

32、king an apology and enclosing a check.In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box.As the letter _10_(disappear),the man burst into tears.“Thank you,doctor,”he said,“I think Im all right now.”And he was.【语篇解读】 本文是生活哲理小短文,文章主要告诉我们该如何承认自己错了,并诚恳地道歉,让自己的心理平衡。1【答案】 命题立意:考查非谓语动词。to ack

33、nowledge 根据句型 It is形容词不定式判断。故填 to acknowledge。2【答案】 命题立意:考查副词。roughly 根据前文的 judged 是动词,需要副词修饰。故填 roughly。3【答案】 命题立意:考查介词的用法。at 根据词组 at the cost of“以为代价”,故填 at。4【答案】 命题立意:考查状语从句。until/till 根据该复合句主从句之间的关系判断,故判断填 until/till。5【答案】 命题立意:考查非谓语动词用法。telling friend 是 tell 的动词执行者。改填 telling。6【答案】 命题立意:考查形容词。v

34、arious 根据空后的名词 illnesses 判断应用形容词。故填 yarious。7【答案】 命题立意:考查被动态用法。be found cause 是 find 的动作承受者,应用被动语态,故判断填 be found。8【答案】 命题立意:考查冠词用法。a 根据 a shout silence“一段时间的沉默”,可知填 a。9【答案】 命题立意:考查形容词。dead 根据空前的 was 可知应填形容词,故判断填 dead。10【答案】 命题立意:考查时态。disappeared 根据前后语境判断应用一般过去时。故判断填 disappeared。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换

35、修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用() 划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。(2018宁夏银川市三模 )This afternoon I went to see my grandfather by a bus.It was very crowded and I had to stand.Besides me,there w

36、as a woman hold a little boy in her arms.In front of her,a young man occupies two seats,pretending to be sleeping.I heard the little boy curious asking his mother,“Whats wrong with the uncle?”I had thought if perhaps the woman would blame the man.Beyond her expectations, the woman answered with a sm

37、ile, “Be quiet.This uncle must very tired because of hard work.”The young man must have heard the word.His face turned red but offered one seat to the woman at once.【答案】 This afternoon I went to see my grandfather by bus.It was very crowded and I had to stand. me,there was a woman a little boy in he

38、r arms.In front of her,a young man two seats,pretending to be sleeping.I heard the little boy asking his mother,“Whats wrong with the uncle?”I had thought perhaps the woman would blame the man.Beyond expectations,the woman answered with a smile,“Be quiet.This uncle must very tired because of hard work.”The young man bemust have heard the .His face turned red offered one seat to the woman at once.


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