2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修4:Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后巩固提升(含答案)

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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修4:Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后巩固提升(含答案)_第1页
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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修4:Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后巩固提升(含答案)_第2页
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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修4:Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后巩固提升(含答案)_第3页
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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修4:Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后巩固提升(含答案)_第4页
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2019-2020学年北师大版英语必修4:Unit 12 Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后巩固提升(含答案)_第5页
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1、Lesson 2 Mind Your Manners课后篇巩固提升一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.Generally speaking,Chinese are m they would say “Just so-so” even if they have done something really great. 答案 modest2.Would you mind giving me and my (校友) a lift to the library? 答案 schoolmate(s)3.I felt warm and ( 舒适的) sitting by the fire. 答案 co

2、sy4.How much is the postage for a (包裹) to the USA? 答案 parcel5.When I returned after a long holiday,I found my m was filled with letters,newspapers and magazines. 答案 mailbox6.Tom used an (非正式的),chatty tone in his essays. 答案 informal7.Can you tell the t sisters apart? 答案 twin8.They finally reached a d

3、oor which opened into the (庭院) at the rear of the building. 答案 courtyard二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.One (indicate) of its rising costs is the number of people around the world affected by natural disasters. 答案 indication2.The weather report says rainfall has increased over the (east) coast of Asia. 答案 eastern3.

4、The little boy opened the box (curious). 答案 curiously4.The environmental (move) has been trying to preserve our natural resources. 答案 movement5.An (formal) dance or party was arranged to give members of a group an opportunity to acquaint each other. 答案 informal6.Had you all (direct) returned home la

5、ter? 答案 directly7.Anderson repeated his request that we (put) off the meeting. 答案 (should)put8.Sometimes I just get excited about something and then I forget my (manner). 答案 manners三、用下面所给短语的适当形式填空go back drop off hurry up pick up hang oncatch up with1. ,or we cannot get to the railway station on ti

6、me. 答案 Hurry up2.I have to work hard to the other students. 答案 catch up with3.Is there any chance that you could this package for me at the post office? 答案 drop off4. !Ill be back in a minute. 答案 Hang on5.I felt so sick that I just wanted to bed. 答案 to go back6.The survivors by fishing boats from ne

7、arby villages. 答案 were picked up四、完形填空导学号 76234022Waiting with her mother at the check-out stand,a little girl saw a circle of white pearls in a box.“Oh,please,Mommy.Can I have them?” The mother 1 the back of the box.“A dollar and ninety-five.If you really want them,Ill 2 some extra chores(杂活)for yo

8、u and soon you can save enough money to buy them for 3 .” After she got home,Jenny did 4 her share of chores,and at last she had enough money to buy the necklace.She wore it everywhereschool,park, 5 to bed.The only time she took it 6 was when she had a bath. Jenny had a very 7 daddy and every night

9、when she was ready for bed,he 8 stop whatever he was doing and come upstairs to read her a fairy tale.One night when he finished the 9 ,he asked Jenny,“Could you give me your 10 ,darling?” “Oh,no,please,Daddy.But you can have my toy horse 11 .” Dad kissed her and said good night.About a week later,

10、12 the story time,Daddy asked for pearls again.“Oh Daddy,you can have my baby doll,” was Jennys reply.And 13 ,Daddy kissed her good night. A few nights later when Daddy came in,he 14 Jenny was trembling on the bed,crying.She said 15 but lifted her little hand up to Daddy.And,when she 16 it,there was

11、 her pearl necklace.“Its for you,Daddy,” she said.Tears in eyes,Daddy reached out with one hand to 17 the necklace,and with the other hand he pulled out from his pocket a blue case with a 18 of beautiful genuine( 真正的) pearls.He had had them all the time.He was just waiting for her to give up the fal

12、se stuff(东西) 19 he could give her the genuine treasure. In our life,how many false things are we holding on to that 20 us from receiving God s genuine treasures? 1.A.found B.turnedC.checked D.felt答案 C解析 从下文可知,母亲查看了盒子背面贴的价格签,所以用 check 表示“查看”。2.A.smooth away B.think ofC.take over D.cut down答案 B解析 句意:如

13、果你真想要的话 ,我就给你“ 想出”些额外的杂活做,这样不久你就有足够的钱来给“你自己”买那条项链了。3.A.ourselves B.yourselfC.themselves D.myself答案 B解析 见上题。4.A.so much as B.no more thanC.more than D.less than答案 C解析 从上下文可知,Jenny 回家后 ,做了比她分内的“更多”的杂活 ,所以用 more than。5.A.hardly B.stillC.almost D.even答案 D解析 她用自己攒的钱买了那条项链,无论去哪里都戴着 学校、公园,“甚至”睡觉的时候也是如此。6.A

14、.in B.up C.away D.off答案 D解析 唯一取下来的时候是在她洗澡时。take off “脱下(衣帽、鞋子等)”。7.A.humorous B.lovingC.strict D.strange答案 B解析 从下文可知,Jenny 有一个爱她的父亲 ,所以用 loving。8.A.would B.mightC.could D.should答案 A解析 每次在 Jenny 睡觉前,她父亲总会停下手头的事情 ,来给她讲一个童话故事。would do 表示过去常常。9.A.housework B.workC.bath D.story答案 D解析 上文讲父亲总是在 Jenny 睡前给她讲

15、童话故事,此处表示一天晚上当他讲完“故事” 后。10.A.kiss B.greetingsC.pearls D.toy答案 C解析 下文“.Daddy asked for pearls again.”是答案提示。11.A.instead B.alsoC.probably D.actually答案 A解析 根据语境可知,Jenny 不同意把她的珍珠项链给父亲 ,她说“你可以拿我的玩具马”, 所以用 instead 表示“作为替代” 。12.A.after B.duringC.before D.until答案 A解析 从上下文可知,讲过故事“之后”,父亲又向 Jenny 要那串珍珠项链。13.A.

16、surprisingly enough B.once againC.in return D.as usual答案 D解析 “跟往常一样”, 父亲亲吻 Jenny 道晚安。as usual 表示“跟以往一样”。14.A.remembered B.noticedC.realized D.expected答案 B解析 许多天过去了,有一天父亲进来时“注意到”珍妮在床上哭泣。15.A.something B.allC.nothing D.much答案 C解析 此处表示“她什么也没说”,所以用 nothing。16.A.opened B.closedC.removed D.showed答案 A解析 从上

17、下文可知,Jenny 把手伸向父亲 ,“伸开”手,里面是那串珍珠项链。17.A.reject B.touchC.take D.put答案 C解析 父亲把那串项链“拿过来”。18.A.pile B.piece C.circle D.set答案 C解析 第一段第一句中的“a circle of white pearls”是答案提示。19.A.until B.so thatC.in case D.though答案 B解析 从上下文可知,父亲一直都在等待 Jenny 把假的东西给他,这样他就能给她真的宝物了。so that 表示目的。20.A.stop B.protect C.save D.get答案

18、 A解析 从上下文可知,这里 stop sb.from doing sth.是固定结构 ,表示“ 阻止某人做某事”,故选 A项。五、语篇填空Once there was an 1. (argue) between the colours.Each colour thought it was the best and most important.So each colour looked 2. upon others.Here are their debates. Green said,“3. (clear) I am the most important.I am the symbol of

19、 life and hope.Im the colour of grass,trees and leaves.4. me,all animals would die.” Yellow laughed,“I bring happiness and 5. (warm) into the world.Every time people look at a yellow sunflower,they start to smile.Without me there 6. (will) be no fun.” Orange shouted,“I am the colour of health and 7.

20、 (strong).I have the most important vitamins.Think of carrots,vegetables and oranges.When I appear in the sky,everyone is 8. (shock) at my beauty and nobody gives another thought to any of you.” Red could no longer stand it,“I am the colour of danger and bravery.I am willing 9. (fight) for a cause.I

21、 bring fire into the blood.” Their voices became louder and louder.The thunder got angry and the rain started to pour.When they became calm,the rain said,“How foolish you colours are!Dont you know that each of you is unique?If you dont agree,just follow me.” They did as the rain told 10. and together made the most beautiful rainbow. 答案 1.argument 2.down 3.Clearly 4.Without5.warmth 6.would 7.strength 8.shocked 9.to fight10.them


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